• Published 26th May 2017
  • 571 Views, 7 Comments

The Clockwork Alicorns - Frostling 02

Within the Badlands resides the Steam Empire. The inhabitants are mechanical automatons known as the Clockwork. One of them, Seven-Two, is standard until he is sent on a mission to Equestria. He meets with unexpected changes on his arrival.

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Chapter Six: In Search of an Answer

Sundae and I had made our way back to the living room as she informed me now. Due to how crowded this whole house was, aside from the lab, how one lived here was a question in my mind. The halls had clicking devices lined on shelves as well. With this being a house, Sundae must have sleepless nights.

“Doesn’t all this noise bug you?” I stepped up to Sundae’s side.

“Bug me?” She amusingly repeated. “You would not believe what a mare could get used to with time!”

I smiled knowing she was enjoying herself, but I still found her a bit perplexing. I don’t know what it was, but she seemed easily amused. She was almost too amused for me to feel comfortable, but I understand that ponies are easily emotional. At least, I think. Night seems very different from her mother, but she seems to understand something more. Just as I was thinking this, we made it to the living room. I pushed that thought aside as Sundae called for her daughter.

“Night!” She waved a hoof around nearly getting me in the face. “He’s done collecting data.”

“Ok mom,” Night responded from up the stairs.

“Night’s a little busy,” Carry explained as she approached us.

“Preparing for her little adventure?” Sundae tilted her head with a smile.

“Yep,” Carry answered. “Do you need to do anything Whistle?”

“Oh right,” I hit the side of my head. “I forgot I brought these satchels.”

I dug in my bags and pulled out my greaser and quickly did that. While I did that, Night came back in a new outfit carrying some satchels on her sides. She looked pretty neat in the smooth clothing. Night generally looked better in more natural clothes. I couldn’t help but get the feeling that she wore that outdoors style more often.

“Are you ready to go Whistle?” She wondered. “Take your time actually, I want to talk with my mother.”

“This is a process that needs to be perfect,” I assured. “I still have to clean the additional grease.”

“Alright,” Night turned to her mother and pulled out a map of Equestria. “Is this map correct?”

“It is the one for the labs,” Sundae confirmed. “Though it may not be correct.”

“Best I’ll get with Equestria,” Night let out a sigh. “I swear some of these places just disappear and reappear. It’s no wonder Whistle was heading the wrong way when I first met him. The geography is a mess, I’m also pretty sure a map is difficult to come by.”

“Wait,” I intercepted the topic. “I was going the wrong way?”

“You were heading Northwest instead of Southwest,” Night explained to me. “That would’ve been a long journey to Manehattan.”

“Wouldn’t he have still made it somewhere?” Carry tilted her head innocently.

“That brings me to my other point, thanks Carry.” Night looked at her map. “He would’ve indeed made it to Manehattan, but that travel would be a bit longer if he didn’t just head to Ponyville and ride the trains around. That’s why they can disguise, so they can walk among ponies. Anyway, we’re heading to Manehattan, Canterlot, and…ugh…. The Crystal Empire. Chasy’s labs are all located in those cities, right?”

“Not all of them,” I stated.

“Yeah, there’s also this one in Ponyville, very funny.” Night rolled her eyes.

“There’s also one in Everfree Forest,” I clarified.

“What?” Night turned and leered at me. “Oh, this is all just a program in the Clockwork to trick me isn’t it. You can tell Chasy that he needs to work on hiding techniques to get rid of me. He wouldn’t have the spine to get a lab in there himself.”

“I’m going to agree with Night here, Whistle,” Sundae looked at me. “Through all my time with Chasy, I’ve never heard of that lab.”

“Are you sure Night?” Carry got close to Night. “Don’t you think it’d be at least possible there’s something there. You aren’t even sure where th-“

“Fine, fine,” Night cut her off closing her eyes. “If I feel like checking, I’ll check.”

Carry reared up in surprise at the sudden outburst, but understood. Night put her face into her hoof and apologized about it. They amended with abrupt speed. I was impressed by it.

“I’m glad to see you two are getting along so well,” Sundae smiled as she wrapped her fore legs around the two in a hug.

The sight of this cheery and positive group was charming. I felt a desire to join the hug, but as I took a step forward the hug dispatched and I just felt awkward. They didn’t seem to notice and proceeded to go into a conversation. I was distracted by my own thoughts to notice what they were talking about. I felt my desire to get involved was rather odd in more ways than one, but it felt like there was more to it than that. As I tried coming to conclusions, Night was talking to me.

“-to go?” She finished. “Hello?”

“Yeah,” I ever-so gracefully came back into the real world. “What?”

“Are you ready to go?” She repeated her question with a sigh.

“I need to put on my disguise,” I told her the one thing I needed to do. “Didn’t you want to talk with Sundae longer? I mean we haven’t been here too long.”

“We’ll be back here in a few days,” Night tapped her hoof. “Are we going to go or what? I don’t have all day.”

“Um… Night, isn’t it getting a bit late?” Carry questioned.

“So,” The bat pony walked over to the window. “We can still catch a train.”

“I’m not really sure we want to do that,” I had remembered something from this morning. “How much sleep did you get last night?”

“… Enough.” Her eyes turned away.

“Night,” Sundae spoke in a light scolding tone. “You should rest. There’s no need to really rush. If anything, I think taking your time would be a much better idea. There are four, maybe even five labs you need to get to around Equestria. Even taking those trains could be tiring. Look at it like this. Ponyville is a relaxed place with no dangers in sight, and we have the princess and her entourage here to protect us. You can rest easy here for a night. Besides, you should show Whistle around. I think that would be good for him.”

“Why would I bother?” Night tilted her head. “We’re just going to leave tomorrow anyway.”

“Well… Ah, how do I put this?” The tropical pony gave me a concerned glance. “Just in case he needs a place to call home in Equestria…”

I couldn’t tell what they were thinking, all I knew was they almost seemed to be speaking through their minds after that. Carry looked at all of us with downed eyes. Sundae stared at her daughter with a visible concern, but I couldn’t tell what the concern was for. Night held a contemplative expression as she understood what the meaning was.

“You can always do the right thing,” The mother looked at me. “He may not look like it, but he’s alive. Something I myself can foolishly forget. You should know what’ll likely happen once he finishes his mission here. We’ve both seen it, and I hope you don’t want to see it again."

Night looked down at her hooves and let out a sigh. She turned over to me and I could see it in her eyes. There was a hint of pity. I looked around dazed by my naivety. Night stepped closer to speak.

“I’m sorry.” She wrapped me in a hug.

I could tell that this was for more than just me. I believed she was coping with herself, so I returned a hug. She tightened her grasp around me. I felt in tune to her emotions. There were many positive emotions directed at me, but I could feel the guilt she threw upon herself. I wanted to take all of that guilt off of her, but I couldn’t do that, right? Why was it that I could feel those emotions? Was this something else Chasy had programmed into me? I didn’t know what to think, but I put my focus on Night’s current state. I could tell the guilt she felt had dissipated, at least slightly. She released her grasp and turned to the door.

“Come on,” She ordered me. “We’re going for a quick walk. If we find a place that catches your interest, we can stop by in the morning.”

“Sounds good,” I nodded and donned my disguise.

“Can I come too?” Carry rushed over to Night’s side. “I know some nice places to stop by!”

“As long as you don’t take us to the apple family’s farm,” The bat-pony warned. “I’m always on edge when I go there for apples. The mare there keeps me on my hooves, and I don’t need to worry about two other ponies. Also, no salons!”

“Don’t worry,” Carry gave an assuring smile. “Just a few other good spots. Perhaps the bakery too…”

“We don’t need to get cakes,” Night turned and approached the door. “The Cakes’ cubs also bug me more than any form of monster from the Everfree Forest.”

I smiled at the thought of Night being scared by that type of thing. Night turned back to me and rolled her eyes. I let out a little laugh, but stopped myself fearing how she’d react. Carry and I followed her for a few minutes. The fruit Pegasus was pointing to smaller places and giving them brief descriptions. She was predicting that they wouldn’t be interesting enough to stop by in the morning. She was also right in that prediction. We hiked through the twilight town for a few minutes before coming to a plaza like area.

“That’s the mayor’s hall,” Night pointed at the tall building in the center of the square. “The bakery is down one of these paths. I couldn’t care which, because it’s likely closed and cake has never been my thing.”

“That one,” Carry pointed down a path and I saw the sign that confirmed it.

“Ok, let me guess.” Night started to walk. “We’re heading to the castle?”

“That sounds like a good plan,” Carry commented. “There are some important spots between here and there. Are we going to stop for food?”

“I’m not hungry,” Night stopped to note. “I don’t think Whistle has to eat either. We have food at my mother’s house, are you hungry Carry?”

“I could go for a little something,” Carry admitted. “Keep in mind, this is all for Whistle though.”

“I suppose he could take in the atmosphere,” Night ignored the contradictions of Carry’s statement. “Perhaps he could make a friend there. I know it’s not too busy usually, but it’s a little busier late in the day. Let’s go.”

I followed Carry and Night, listening to Carry hastily describe places we passed once again. I didn’t have much to say, the place sounded nice enough with some interesting bits here and there due to traditions. The problem with it was I didn’t quite understand why. The Clockwork were always busy, were ponies just lax? I felt a concern arise within my own head. They talked of something that would happen and if I wanted a place to stay during visits to Equestria. Me being a Clockwork, however, left me at a disadvantage. If I weren’t with Night, I could easily find myself lost. I love to explore, but you always need some place to call home that is easy to get to and from. While Carry has described Ponyville as a great place compared to other parts of Equestria, I found very little intrigue with it. Was I really alive? What was my purpose here? Why would I need to travel and explore? Confusing questions began piling within my head. A sense of discomfort found me. I didn’t know if I should say I felt uncomfortable. I didn’t know if I actually felt anything. I simply found myself finding information of a part of Equestria. I shook my head in the fear of losing myself.

I tried my best to focus on Carry’s voice, but I could hear it changing. One second I heard Carry, the next second, some other mare. Rinse and repeat. Carry, somepony else, repeat. I was panicked, I just kept walking with mumbled voices speaking. I couldn’t tell where I was. I was becoming numb and drifting.

“Whistle!” A call caught me. Night had shouted in my ear. I jumped and stumbled trying to catch myself until I fell down. My breathing was unsteady and my head was light. I gently shook my head. Night gazed at me sharply.

“Are you okay?” Carry was leaning closely to me rubbing a shaky hoof on my head. “Was it a migraine or some other episode?”

“I-I’m fine,” I mumbled. “Don’t worry.”

“Just hang in there,” Night shook her head. “We’re almost done. Don’t worry, I’ll carry you back if I have to.”

“I was hopeful to show him one more place.” Carry offered to help me up.

“Maybe we’ll see it as we head to the train station,” Night suggested. “I’m just worried what this is a sign of. We may push that back if it happens again.”

“N-No I’m fine,” I stood myself up.

“We’ll see how you are in the morning and decide then,” Night waved a hoof in front of my eyes. “Anyway, that structure over there is the castle of the new princess. It used to be a library, but then it got replaced. I don’t know how, but it got destroyed one day while Carry and I were out camping.”

“Isn’t it odd?” Carry was keeping her eyes on me.

We managed to get off talking of my episode, but I could still tell they were concerned. I felt comfort with that idea in my head. We stopped at a small place with some tables outside we used. We waited before another pony came to take orders of some kind. Night explained that she and I weren’t getting anything, but Carry asked for some food. The pony walked off and I looked at Night and Carry.

“I don’t understand.” I tilted my head.

“She’s just ordering a small meal,” Night explained. “Food, fuel for ponies. Whatever makes sense to you.”

I thought on the idea and it seemed to make sense. All I usually had to do was drink oil and then I was good to go, but the idea didn’t seem so foreign to me. Almost familiar even.

We had waited and a few mares and stallions passed by. They were likely returning to their homes to sleep. I could tell that Night and Carry were talking about me, but I spectated the ponies going about their business. Most just talked carrying miscellaneous things with them. Some had instruments, others had stacks of papers, perhaps even small crafts. They seemed so at ease, no concern of making sure every inch of their domain was in order. There was something about it that felt so foreign, but I wanted it. I desired a taste of that kind of life, but I knew it was not a perfect life-style. What was a perfect life-style then? Did such a thing exist? I shook my head.

“What’s wrong Whistle?” Carry spoke innocently as she started eating her food which arrived behind my back. “You’re looking seriously distracted. Is it a mid-life crisis?”

“Wha-what?” I snapped back into reality. “Sorry, I’m just a bit slow at the moment. I… I don’t know if I should talk about it here…”

“If that’s the case,” Night got out of her seat and paced over to me. “We should get you home. I don’t want to have to drag you back. Your fine going back to your house, right Carry?”

“I was actually hoping I could sleep over at your place,” Carry squeaked.

“Wha- Er… S-sure!” Night coughed. “Let’s go Whistle.”

Night lead me through the dusk back to our abode. I was drifting to a point where Night had me lean on her. She decided she’d ask me some questions. I couldn’t make out what she was asking. My head was spinning.

“Night,” I staggered and she kept me up. “Am I alive?”

“You’re delirious,” She grunted helping me into a better position. “Just try to focus on me. What happened?”

“I-I touched the core in Chasy’s lab.” I looked at Night’s face to keep steady. “Not such a good idea, I think. I feel dead, why?”

“We’re almost there,” Night quietly comforted me. “You’re alive. Like my mother said, even if it doesn’t seem that way. If you can’t believe her, then believe me.”

I felt something inside of me jump back. I gazed in awe at Night. We continued to walk and I slowly felt steady. We made it back to the abode. Night lead me in to a sofa and laid me down. My disguise fell and I rested.

“I have never seen this happen to the Clockwork,” Night voiced to some pony, likely Sundae.

“He looks so tired,” Sundae spoke sympathetically. “When Chasy saw them like this, he’d dismantle them without hesitation. I do hope he gets better.”

“Mother,” Night announced. “Do you know how they get this way?”

“You’re a clever girl,” Sundae danced around her question. “Haven’t you already figured it out?”

“It’s that core, isn’t it?” Night mumbled and stepped back over to me. “Just relax, you may recover. I suppose you could look through the supplies you have and decide what to do. We have plenty here as well.”

“I think I’ll take some fuel,” I faintly decided. “I haven’t refueled in a while.”

I dug around in the bag Night brought over and felt for my fuel. Colckwork fuel was a lot like pony foods, but it didn’t matter. Food didn’t have a taste to us, just another requirement for vital functions. I stopped thinking about it and listened to Night and Sundae talk. Despite it being hard to believe, they were family. They looked more like they’d be friends, but no. Carry eventually came back and checked on me as the moon rose. The three mares had gotten into talking and enjoying themselves. Nothing of importance. I shook my head and thought about it. Who cares if it wasn’t important? They were happy. I had no right to say they couldn’t talk. I lowered my head. Why was I missing conversation? Did I have experience with this in the past? Would questions ever stop coming?! I kept drifting, I needed to focus. Enough riddles, I’ll find out.

I lifted my head to see the same dark unicorn from before. He examined me, ready to confuse me once more. I could tell he had frozen time once again. The little artifacts had stilled along with the three mares. The dark pony brought his presence closer and I reflexively flinched fearing he’d attack again.

“Isn’t that adorable?” He asked directing me to the mares. “I owe you for being hospitable.”

“You owe me?” I tilted my head.

“Do not return to Chasy,” He ordered me. “With your coming knowledge, he will desire to be rid of you. Always concluding that with three days’ time. Forbidden knowledge of crime.”

“Could you be direct with your words for once?” I requested.

“Sleep well.” He said then vanished abruptly along with the frozen time.

“Dang it!” I whined.

“What?” Carry looked over at me.

“Oh, sorry.” I glanced around a little embarrassed. “I think I should get some sleep. Had an encounter with that dark stallion again.”

“Again?” Night sighed and put her face in her hoof. “Sleep well.”

“Thanks.” I started to doze off on the couch. Night and co. got into more conversation following.

“So, it is true,” Sundae started. “I’m deeply sorry I doubted you about him.”

“I understand your skeptical reactions,” Night muttered almost humiliated. “For a while I believed that he was just a part of my conscious haunting me for my past…”

I stopped following the conversation there, I didn’t need to let more questions into my head. I already had enough that would require meditation.


I saw the unbearable blur once again, but I could tell this was different. I felt smaller than usual for these episodes in my head. Why was this already happening again? I was still the same Earth Pony I could tell. Purple and pretty basic. I looked to the moon sense it worked so well last time, I could still hear a voice, but it was quiet this time. It was also clearly from a different mare. As I stared at the moon, my dream cleared once again.

“My young apprentice,” I looked over to my right and saw a tall mare. Stoic was a good word, calming was another. She was an alicorn who wore some robes of a very different, but familiar style. Her long beautiful mane drifting in the breeze. Yet despite this, she seemed the type to demand little to no attention. “From my time studying you, I can tell you’re one with many questions.”

“Yes,” I quietly responded, I was probably regretful of that little note.

“… Is that all you have to say?” She tilted her head. I was unable to read her emotions. “Let me clarify that this isn’t a punishment, in fact I see it more as an opportunity to learn.”

The stoic mare led me into a shrine. Inside was something very different to what I was familiar with, but it felt familiar. A recurring theme apparently. The shrine merely had a large metal plate and a table within. We sat on opposite sides of that small table. She used her magic to levitate a small candle between us, along with other ceremonial tools.

“Let’s start with a question,” she started calmly. “What do you think you can learn from these questions?”

“I’m not sure how to answer them.” I replied bluntly.

“I’m not asking what you can learn by answering them,” the mare closed her eyes. “What do you get from the questions themselves?”

I kept silent, I hadn’t thought about that. I thought back to the day and I remembered my spree of questions. What did she mean? What was there to learn from just a question? She answered for me not long after.

“You have all these questions involving life and its meaning. You certainly are a stern soul.” The mare leaned closer to me. “That’s what makes you special. Your mind jumps to these questions and it tells me you have a strong mentality. Your thinking is the type that can revolutionize the world. Not because you’ll ever answer those questions yourself, but because you have the drive to answer them.”

I was surprised by how much I got from that. I wasn’t sure what it all was, because it was so much, but I felt like something was answered. Something had clicked.

“What can I do with those questions.” I leaned forward too, this Earth Pony seemed eager.

“Alright, let’s ask ourselves more questions.” The mare took deep breaths. “We were gifted something beautiful, some abuse it, others use it to portray themselves. Why do you do it? Are you merely hiding from yourself, or do you like to make yourself a work of art? Then you might have your own reason, as perhaps you seek to reach a state of understanding the workings of who you are. The world is big and I can understand if you feel your talents would be wasted pursuing enlightenment here. My sister felt this way many years ago, and sought to bring her talents elsewhere to help this world develop. Will you go her route, or will you find your own?

Will you save this beautiful world through invention? Will you show us a world we have never seen before? Those questions lead to your own. The trouble isn’t solving the question, but finding that right question for us to find an answer to. You have the talent to answer big questions with your mind, but you have to work your way up. That is why I meditate and pursue this route.”

I couldn’t believe this, it all sounded too good to be true. I felt like I reached a new state of clarity with that. I could tell that this was an undoubtedly important scene. One almost made perfectly for me at this time. It was unsettling how timed this was, but that was something to solve later. There were plenty of other questions to ask.

“Thank you, Mistress,” I lowered my head. “Your words of wisdom are inspiring, and I am grateful. If I had to describe how I felt before that, I was conflicted. I began to ponder if my life was worth anything. I felt that I could only see disappointment in my life, but I think this was a refreshing conversation.”

“I… You’re welcome,” the alicorn laughed a bit somberly. “I’m sorry, I just relish the chances to help my underlings organize themselves. I struggled for a while too, but all I care about is being happy with the gifts I am given.”

I couldn’t help but agree. I wasn’t sure what this pony had, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he felt the same due to his sudden energy. I could feel the gears in his head turning. I myself felt like I could be happy with what I have now. Ponyville seemed like a pretty neat place. The golden alicorn simply smiled and we both entered a meditative state not long after our conversation. As we started however, I heard the whistle. That whistle I knew too well.


I jumped recollecting the sound. I looked around and I was pretty sure I was still dreaming. I was in a total darkness, there was a single light in that dark. A small sky-blue glow not too far from me. I was curious how deep this dream went as I approached the light. I halted myself before it. It was some kind of energy, I think. The blue glow emanated from a sphere. I was tempted to reach out and touch it. I was promptly gifted with another jarring shift.

I went from a dark room to a night sky above me and a boat beneath me. The stars were on a nice display, but there was something else of note. A silver Alicorn was on the side of the deck with a paper in front of her. It took her only a few seconds to notice my presence. She took a moment to look around before deciding to approach me. I scanned the area as well, but I wasn’t sure how to react.

“How long have you been here?” The light blue-eyed pony kept a steady head.

“I just got here,” I explained simply. “Who are you? Is this a dream? I’m not sure, this is all very confusing. I feel like I’m not entirely supposed to be here.”

“Whoa, slow down.” The Alicorn placed her hoof on my side, I was indeed still the same pony. “Deep breaths, whatever this is, I think I remember you.”

“You… Wait, do you by any chance have a sister?” I was connecting some dots here. I was, however, caught off guard by her grimace after my comment.

“Right… My sister?” She tilted her head. “I don’t have a sister, but I think I may know who you’re talking about. I saw you when you were very small, my associate believed you held nice potential.”

I wasn’t quite sure at that point, but I felt confident the two Alicorns were related to some extent. I was even more sure that I was related to all of this, but how? As I started to wonder, I felt a jolt. My body was darkening, almost as though it was becoming ashen. I felt a gently enveloping burn. I scampered and moved around while the silver Alicorn watched. I quickly calmed, I knew what it meant now.

“I was so close,” I sighed. “Why do I have to wake up now? I want to know who I am! Please, tell me everything you know about me!”

“No,” the Alicorn shook her head with a little haste. “I can’t tell you…”

“Wh-what?” I wasn’t sure how to take the rejection. I was disappointed.

“Some things are better left unknown,” she told me. “I was too plagued by questions, and they backfired on me. You’ll be better off just ignoring it.”

“No!” I lunged toward her feeling the connection fading, my body entirely black at this point. I felt my eyes begin to water, I couldn’t let go, not like this. “Tell me something, anything!”

“Don’t worry about it,” the Alicorn lifted my head and wiped a tear off of my face. “You are you, whether you remember it or not. You are alive, cherish that gift. Live, let emotions in. Don’t be blinded by questions, you’ll solve them by being who you are eventually. Allow me to say some questions are better left unanswered. I’ve had plenty of experience with that.”

My tears had slowed and were quickly stopping my vision was clearing now. She was smiling. She was level headed, but her emotion was visible. There was plenty of happiness, but there was also an envy of some kind.

“Most of all,” she spoke, but it was fading in and out. “Jus- c-m- -a-k home f-- m-…”

I was once more in darkness, but not for long as I would soon wake up back in the real world.


I powered back on. I looked at my metallic hoof just to make sure I was all there. My surroundings were unsurprisingly the same as when I fell asleep. I was still on the couch in Night’s house. I saw one of the many clocks decorating the room and noticed it was early in the morning. I assumed that Night and the others were still sleeping. I mean, who would be up so early. I did some of my little managements and a peculiar idea popped in my head. I giggled a little bit at the thought, but how would I go about it?

Night had gotten up pretty soon. She had started down the stairs when she saw Carry walking around the bottom of the stairs.

“Oh, hi Carry,” Night yawned, “I’m surprised you’re already up.”

“I know, I woke up to some noises and couldn’t get it out of my head.” Carry tapped the side of her head. “I came down to investigate, but I found nothing.”

“I didn’t hear anything,” Night raised an eye brow, but shook her head. “Then again, you know me, able to sleep like a log! It’s embarrassing, I know, but I trust you.”

“Yeah, I know.” Carry put up a nice smile in agreement. “Hey! Want to help me make some breakfast?”

“Really?” Night’s face had a brighter color to it now. “I didn’t think you’d offer. This must to be a dream. Yes!”

“Awesome!” Carry jumped with joy at the agreement.

The two walked to the kitchen, which was clean and organized compared to the rest of the building. Night and Carry looked around thinking about what to make. There were quite a few options to choose from. They were having trouble deciding until Night decided to ask something with a flare on her face.

“C-Carry?” The Bat-Pony coughed to catch Carry’s attention.

“Yes Night?” Carry noticed her.

“I have a question.” Night glanced around. “Ever since I saw you yesterday, I’ve had a question in my head. With everything going on I feel like it would be best to ask now.”

“Sure,” Carry shrugged casually, “what’s on your mind?”

“Y-you see, I was wondering…” She looked down at the ground. “Would it be okay with you if-“

Just then, another Carry walked into the room yawning. Night turned to her and back to the other Carry. There was a new awkward atmosphere in the room as Night began to blush uncontrollably.

“Good morning Night!” The new Carry finally opened her eyes. “Hello other Carry?”

“W-wait, what?” Night looked between the old and new Carry in confusion. The first Carry smiled and began to giggle, that giggle became a laugh and the Carry ended up rolling on the floor, that was until my disguise fell. I was in hysterics with Night’s reaction. She was blushing uncontrollably and it was hard to tell if she was amused, or very afraid.

“You feeling better Whistle?” The aqua Pegasus joined in my giggly mood. “Did you pull a prank on Night? You goof ball!”

“Carry!” Night was flustered. “Don’t encourage him to do that!”

Carry and I laughed even more. I was practically in hysterics. I didn’t think I’d actually fool her for so long, but I did it. I felt alive. Night looked at us laughing and slowly began to giggle herself.

“What am I going to do with you two?” The Bat-Pony giggled. “It wasn’t even that funny.”