• Published 26th May 2017
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The Clockwork Alicorns - Frostling 02

Within the Badlands resides the Steam Empire. The inhabitants are mechanical automatons known as the Clockwork. One of them, Seven-Two, is standard until he is sent on a mission to Equestria. He meets with unexpected changes on his arrival.

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Chapter Two: The Invitation

The party went well from what Chasy seemed to think. He shared some more words with Transfer in private before sending him back to Equestria from what I heard. I had no idea where that would lead at the time, but it didn’t matter to me. My “life” was pretty day by day. I served little purpose aside from maintenance of Clock Face.

The next few days after the party were simple, but Chasy seemed to come to me more frequently to talk of Chrysalis. One day he told me that I was to be there when she came to visit. I was likely going to be a guard with a few other Clockwork. I accepted his request, no questions asked. I wasn’t dumb enough to defy Chasy in his face. I then continued my daily checking of gears and polishing things on my own prerogative. I didn’t like the grime in some places. Not that it would affect us in any way, but we should at least look clean. I was also feeling a little stiff so I greased some of my joints. Good call too, Chrysalis had received Chasy’s invitation on the same day.

I was partway through my morning round when Chasy asked for my presence.

“Would you kindly report to Steam Palace?” He politely ordered. “We have a royal guest scheduled to arrive soon.”

I hesitantly stopped polishing the gear I was examining and flew my way over to the Palace in a hurry. Of all times to contact me, it was while I was in a crowded crevice in the ground. No matter, I was able to slip out pretty quickly due to some luck with the gears. The Palace itself took a bit more time to get around than to actually get to. Despite the town coming to the surface, Clock Face hadn’t been built far beyond the hole it crawled out of. The Steam Palace was built in an odd limbo between the surface and underground. The section above ground was far more presentable.

I found myself in front of another large double door that had symbols on it. It showed two gears and a landscape below. The left door had one gear encased in a blue circle over a town similar to Clock Face and the right door showed the other gear encased in a yellow circular shape over a field that had some mid-process construction. It was interesting, but I didn’t heed it much attention. Some dirt on the door handle distracted me. I opened the door to see some Clockwork sitting at a large table, other Clockwork stood at the sides of the room. Second Hand, Smoke, and Level were there as well. About thirteen in total.

“Perfect timing Seven-Two,” Chasy was sitting on the far end of the table. “Take your spot over there.”

He pointed his hoof over to a spot by the wall. I walked over to that position shutting the door behind me. Chasy himself was wearing a navy-blue vest that looked the part of a formal leader. He also wore a tie to look even more formal for this occasion. He had talked with Queen Chrysalis before, but never swayed her. If there was any good time for persuading her, he definitely believed this would be the time.

A few minutes later the doors opened and an ominous figure walked in. She was tall and seemed a bit withered, I could tell it was Chrysalis through her long thin mane at that point. I looked over to Chasy. To my surprise, he looked just slightly on edge. I focused and remained at the ready.

“Seven-Two,” Chasy glanced over to me. “Why don’t you give our guest here a seat befitting our guest.”

“Right away, sir.” I levitated a chair that had been set next to my station in preparation for this event. It was crafted of fine wood and fabric to not seem unpleasant to important guests who weren’t accustomed to metallic seats. I placed it in front of the table for Chrysalis. She rewarded me with a sharp glare, which I adjusted the chair to her liking rather than neatness. She claimed the territory with gusto.

“It is nice to meet with you again, Chrysalis.” Chasy leaned into his cold chair.

“It is unpleasant to see you as well,” She rejected the flattery. “I see you look younger than when we last met…”

“Thank you for noticing,” Chasy smirked at the comment. “But that’s not what matters. Let’s talk about you and your future.”

“I will crush Equestria under my hoof!” She claimed.

“Let’s not jump to future fantasies.” Chasy casually shrugged with his insult. “However, I may be able to make that fantasy a reality.”

“Like your delusional perfect being?” The changeling questioned Chasy. “For some reason, I doubt you’ll be able to succeed in these goals you’ve set.”

“This coming from a broken-down Queen?” The unicorn came back at Chrysalis. “What do you hope to accomplish? Are you going to-“

They were interrupted by the door opening. The meeting only started and this was out of hand. I gathered that it went like that often with how no other Clockwork seemed fazed by it, but the door caught some attention. A Clockwork, who I knew as Wheel walked in and took her spot beside me. She had yellow eyes. I was a little surprised she was late. She was always on point with her tasks and duties, even helping others with their tasks.

“What are you doing here Eight-A!?” Chasy burst out standing and marching over to her. “You should know if you’re going to show up late then you shouldn’t show up at all!”

“Sorry sir,” She saluted a little shaky. “But a gear was malfunctioning as I was on my way over. I had to fix it sir.”

“I don’t want your excuses for interrupting my meeting!” The tan unicorn got even more agitated and Wheel flinched away.

“Chasy!” Chrysalis shouted. “Let it go and let’s just move on with this meeting!”

“No!” Chasy used his magic to throw Wheel at the wall behind her. “I need to dismantle this garbage for parts!”

I looked at what he was doing with surprise. I understood he didn’t take failure well, but Wheel was one of his best creations. What was even more surprising was how nobody stood to help her or even look. She helped a good chunk of the Clockwork in this room before.

“I will not have you waste my time!” Chrysalis stood up and turned to the door. Chasy paused before he started anything else. “You either go back to your seat and we continue this meeting, or I end it now. I came here with your invitation to discuss your deals and if you are going to side track this meeting, then I see no reason to be here!”

Chasy took deep breaths and the tension in his body began to noticeably ease. He let out a sigh and returned to his side of the table. I looked over at Wheel and helped her up she seemed a little off balance, but she held her stance. Her eyes were a little squinted as well. I quickly returned to my post before Chasy noticed. Chasy eased into his cold metal chair once more.

“Now that we’re past that where were we?” The unicorn was about to have his question deceived by the Queen when he answered himself. “Right, your future.”

“I will crush Equestria and your delusions.” Chrysalis sat down throwing that in.

“Right,” Chasy scowled. “We also talked about how you would have no hope unless you help me. Let’s be realistic, that’s the only direction for you. Unless you plan to join that circus of rebellious changelings. Let’s not kid ourselves.”

“You know,” The green-eyed changeling gave him a sharp glare. “I think joining them would be more pleasant than joining a monster like you!”

“Monster?” Chasy’s yellow eyes darkened. “You’re calling me a monster? Have you looked in a mirror lately?”

I could tell this was about to get a lot worse from here. Chasy wore a forced smile full of despise and the Queen had a face of fury. I felt like I was out of place. I checked Wheel, who seemed to be recovering from her daze as they continued.

“You treat your subjects like toys to break when you get angry,” Chrysalis remarked accurately. “You’re right. You aren’t a monster, you’re just a big foal!”

“I treat my subjects poorly?” Chasy laughed at that implication. “You lied to your subjects for how many years? You have no right to tell me I treat my subjects poorly!”

“You think you can get away with that excuse of defense?” Chrysalis pursued. “Are you ignorant to what you just did to that one there? I punish traitors, but at least I can tolerate failures like being a little late!”

“That’s why your hive was doomed to failure.” Chasy struck harsh. “You can’t achieve perfection if you tolerate failures. Besides, these are lifeless machines. Automatons for me to do with as I please! I seek to better my subjects.”

“Even I can tell that’s not bettering your subjects.” Chrysalis stood up. “That logic is removing the problem, not bettering it!”

“You can’t have problems if you eliminate them.” Chasy leaned back into his chair. “I don’t think we’re going anywhere with this.”

“Well,” Chrysalis turned half way to the door. “May I leave?”

I looked over to Chasy, who had the side of his face in his hoof. He seemed to grit his teeth lightly. Chrysalis also seemed to be fatigued of this argument as well. Their shouting practically negated the presence we Clockwork had. I was left speechless by the argument, but some of the Clockwork were pretty calm.

“Go ahead,” Chasy waved a hoof towards the door. “It doesn’t matter. It’s not worth it.”

“Chasy,” Chrysalis decided she’d get the last word on her way out. “I know some secrets you have, and I will reveal the truths you hide.”

I watched her leave then, not sure what she meant. I didn’t quite believe her, and most of us would believe she was bluffing. There was no denying both of them were tyrannical in their own ways, but the testimony she offered was too cryptic to be taken as anything remotely valid.

“Right,” Chasy turned away, “Lead models, come with me.”

Chasy walked out the back door followed by One, Two, and Three. The group left in a diamond formation. The Clockwork left in the room began to talk with each other with their implied dismissal. I walked over to Wheel who had sat down where she was.

“Are you badly hurt?” I specified my question.

“I-I think I’m fine.” She shook her head.

“I’m sorry I didn’t intervene,” I apologized sincerely towards her conundrum. “I was too big of a coward to go against Chasy.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself over me.” She tilted her head closing her eyes. “I wouldn’t want to drag you down with me, but I think I’m good since he got distracted with Chrysalis.”

“Th-That’s why I wanted to intervene,” I stated. “I didn’t want you to... You know…”

I shook my head to the thoughts when they began to get worse. Wheel looked at me grimly. We knew it was quite a bit of luck it didn’t get worse. She lightened up and smiled to my surprise.

“I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” She tapped her mechanical hoof on my head. I was a little comforted by it, but I wasn’t sure how long it would last. That was until she continued. “I’m just glad you thought about it, I understand why nopony stands against him. A thought like that is enough to make me happy. I need to get back to work here shortly. It was nice talking with you.”

“It was nice talking with you too.” I smiled believing she would be fine.

“Right, also know that there will be a full moon tonight!” She warned me hastily as if she had briefly forgotten.

“Tonight?” I flinched at the thought. “Th- thanks for telling me.”

“You’ll be fine.” She leaned her head against mine. I was still a moment, I felt something inside of me, but I couldn’t tell what. It was faint, but I felt it along with other things not quite as deep. I brushed my head against her in return. We quickly backed away from each other. It was a bit embarrassing when we realized the other Clockwork were looking.

Wheel quickly left to do her job and I got a pat on the back from one of the spectating Clockwork. After a little bit of playful teasing from my peers, I decided to go and attend my own preparations. The big thing was that full moon. That was my big concern.

I began to hurry through my routines of the day. I took the time I was scanning gears and the like to ponder on what I could do. First, I could have tried entering sleep mode early, but that wouldn’t do much to help with how on full moons I already deactivate earlier practically by force. Second, I could try to eat different things than normal, but that was more likely a problem with organisms. I did not have that type of frail system. My last option was one I feared above most other things, but it seemed to be my best way out. As I walked along the road that evening, I looked up to a flag over some of the buildings as I walked home. I sighed and straightened my stance.

“Time to reorganize the house!” I declared as I entered my home.

I began to push around some furniture, it was all heavy, but it certainly did pass the time. I had pushed my chair around to the other side of the fire place, my table under another light, my couch followed that table. My desk was moved to another place. I was having a hard time whistling with this hurried small task. I was just finishing with the desk when I blacked out.


It was very blurry, but I could make out that I was on a ship. The sky and the water met and blended together. The moon was the only light I could make out. I heard a voice talking as well and I could feel the gentle sway of the boat. Occasionally bumping into other members of what I assumed was the crew aboard the ship. This was always what happened. This would start disorienting and end disorienting. I let out a sigh and looked to the moon. I could never understand what the person talking was saying, but overtime I was able to figure out it was always the same pony. As I looked at the moon, things felt like they made more sense. It was the only thing I could understand. That was true until…

“-heading for a great place now lads! A land that promises thrills and riches! We won’t get by easily, but it will all be worth the gold we’ll get!”

I was shocked while others were cheering. For some reason, I had an urge to cheer too, but I didn’t understand anything now. This was new to me entirely. I looked around and the ship I was on was mechanical, it reminded me of Clock Face. I looked around seeing some ponies who were a bit rough around the edges. Who was I kidding? They were pirates! All proud and at the ready. I wondered what was going on as ponies shouldn’t have this machinery unless they worked with Chasy.

“The time has come for us to head for Equestria and see what we can plunder! A time for thrills! I don’t care if we do it subtly or not! All I wish to know is how much we can get from this! Our ancestors have it in their blood! We are proud of what we do. We do what we do, not for money, but for the thrill!” There was a cheer after and I even jumped in with a newly aroused excitement. “We do not do it out of a grudge, but because we feel alive doing it!”

I cheered again and again to her speech. I slowly focused on the mare herself. She was a magenta Pegasus with a captain’s hat. She was a bit on the rough side and she wasn’t the type one would see as a leader. She wasn’t as tall as other leader’s I had seen, but it didn’t matter to me. I was intrigued, but it was occurring to me that I wasn’t familiar with any of this and I had no clue what it meant to me. My enthusiasm died down and so did the dream.


I activated with my head on my desk. I lifted my head up and rubbed it. Everything was back to normal, that was for sure. The room the way it was, and the sun over the horizon that said “good morning” to me. I looked at a gear shaped clock in my abode and it was indeed morning.

With what I had seen in that dream, I wanted something new to happen today. Equestria seemed like a more interesting place to go. Of course, something new could’ve meant good or bad. When I did want something new however, I didn’t quite think it would arise as soon as I stepped out of my house.