• Published 7th Aug 2017
  • 1,360 Views, 8 Comments

Dark spike - Sydney13

The dragon king is after spike but for what reason.

  • ...

Chapter 1 Prologe

Author's Note:

the diologe well be in color i'll do the best i can so bear with me. this is my first story so i'm sorry if there are any mistakes. Razor well be red, and Spike well be green.

Somewhere in the everfree forest

Three figures ran throw the forest one was holding a baby drake, she wanted to protect her two sons her oldest son Razor and now her new born son Spike, she loved them both but Spike was special everyone in his family had red scales with black spines he had purple scales with green spines she know she had to protect him there was only one pony that could help her now.

"Razor i need you to listen very closely ok," she said, Razor nodded "I'm going to turn spike back into a egg i need you to promises me you take his egg to Princess Celestial." she said with a sad tone in her voice, Razor just nodded his head not questioning his mother, from across where they were another voice come in.

"And stay close to your brother but also stay out of sight." said his father who had lost his wings in the fight and could not fly anymore, his mother chanted a spell and his little brother was transformed back into a egg, he's mother hand him the egg and told him to fly as fast has he could to Equestria, In the distance they could hear voices Razor's father shouted at him "GO NOW AND DO NOT LOOK BACK." With that his mother kissed him on the forehead and said goodbye.

A few minutes after Razor left five figures appeared they asked where the baby drake was but all they had to say was that he was far from them with that the seven drakes returned to the bad lands.

In Equestria
Princess Celestial Pov

It was beautiful day i was in the library reading a book when some of my guards told me that a young male drake with a egg had crashed in canterlot i quickly ran to the infirmary where they had the young drake, When i arrived asked them to take me to the young drake they did as i asked and took me to his room i walked in and saw the young still holding the egg i asked "What is your name? and why didn't you give the egg to the doctors." After minutes of silences he finally looked at me and said.

"My name is Razor, and the reason i didn't give them the egg is because inside this egg is my brother and i was told give him to you," This had shocked me a drake his age should not leave the bad lands something must have happened i looked back up talk to him but when i turned around he was gone but he had left the egg behind, I could not get mind off of what he said so i decided to take the egg to the castle then i would decided what to do with it, When i got to the castle i took the egg to my room and put the egg on my bed then went to my dresser and looked at the picture of me and Luna as filly's i then remembered that a young unicorn was being tested to get in my school for gifted unicorns, So i decided to use the dragon for her exam.

Normal Pov

Celestial didn't know that Razor never really left he is just doing what his father told him was to watch over his brother but to stay out of sight, "The day well come when we well meet again Spike for now i well watch you from a distance, I love you little brother." and with that Razor jumped out off the roof and glided to find some where to call his new home.

| Notes: I am going to skip 15 years into the future spike well turning 15 and i will being giving him wings, and in this time skip the girls are planning a surprise for him so do enjoy. |

At the castle of friendship

It was almost midnight and our favorite not so little dragon Spike as grown up a lot he was now 14 years old and his birthday was tomorrow, he had been doing a lot of cleaning around the castle hoping that twilight would give him the day off tomorrow she and girls were up stairs in her room doing who knows what he looked at the time to see what time it was then he put up the scrolls and quills and head to his room, as climbed up the stairs he could hear his girls laughing he got to the room and peeked in to see what they were doing when he looked in saw the girls reading books so he decided to tell them that he was turning in for the night.

"Hey girls," Spike said getting the girls attention "I'm heading to bed i'll see you guys in the morning. " he said with a yawn the girls said good night to him before he could half way out the door twilight called his name.

"Spike hang on for a minute you have been doing a lot of work around here so tomorrow why don't you take the day off and relax after all tomorrow is your birthday we don't want you working on your birthday." she said with the others nodding but before he could answer he heard something.

"WHAT WAS THAT? did you girls hear that?," he asked with a growl the girls shock there heads no, Fluttershy asked what he heard "I'm not sure but why don't we check it out." he asked the girls spike left the room with the girls following close behind, the sound was coming form spikes room he opened the door and saw a cloaked figure knocking his dresser over, "Hey you what do think you are going in my room." he growled the figure looked at him and all spike and the girls could see was two glowing red eyes.

The figure looked at them for five minutes and then he spoke "You, i have come for you," the figure pointed at spike and started to walk towards him "the dragon king has been searching for you and now the last purple dragon will be killed" the figure said with a grin on his face, he then charged at spike readying his claws to kill him but caught his hand.

"What do you want from me.'' Spike growled at the cloaked figure.

"As I said the last purple Dragon will be killed by my claws" said the figure as him and spike broke apart, the figure charged at spike again this time scratching his face.

"SPIKE" yelled the girls as they ran to help him but he held up his hand to stop them.

"STAY BACK," Spike yelled as he wiped the blood off his face and grinned "you think am scared of you? No am not" he said as the returned the same fate to the cloaked figure.

When spike scratched the figure his hood fell down allowing them to see his face, he was a solid black drake with black spins, spike asked "Who are you?"

"My name is drago! and as I said the last purple dragon will die" drago said with a growl, as he tried to attack spike again but was caught by purple and light blue magic, Spike looked and saw twilight and rarity trying to hold back the black drake.

"Thanks girls" spike said as both twilight and rarity nodded there heads, then drago broke free of their magic and ran toward the window, he looked back at spike and opened the window and flew into the night.

/Notes: sorry to leave here but I promise that razor will meet spike very soon/