• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 936 Views, 22 Comments

Beyond The Stars - Flutter Guy

Michael Thorson is a promising young physicist who is conflicted with a tough decision.

  • ...

Solutions, scrolls, and surprises

"Twilight, what I'm saying is that if you really care for Spike, you have to be prepared to let him go." Fluttershy said to Twilight as the pair discussed her dilemma on the train to Canterlot. "It's just like when I take care of a baby animal. When they're all grown up and ready to move on, the best thing to do is to let them, even if I don't want to."

"But he's like a little brother to me." Twilight sighed, "This is even worse than when Shining Armor and Cadence got married. At least I knew he was ready, but with Spike..."

Fluttershy smiled kindly, "I know, I know, it's different because you've cared for and nurtured him since he was born, but he's not a baby anymore Twilight. It's hard, but it's for the best. Besides, do you really think that Spike would ever forget about you? And Rarity is your friend, you can talk to her too."

Twilight sniffed and smiled back, "You're right, both Spike and Rarity are my friends, and I can trust them." Her smile faded slightly as she said, "Everything is going to change, isn't it?"

"Not everything Twilight." Fluttershy responded, "We, your best friends, will always, always be there when you need us. Yes, some things will be different now, that's true. But who can say if they'll be for good or not? We'll just have to wait and see."

Twilight's face began to light back up at Fluttershy's words. "Thanks Fluttershy, you really do always know what to say when I'm feeling down."

"I-you're welcome Twilight." She blushed slightly then said, "Well, we should get ready to go, the train's almost to Canterlot." Twilight agreed and hopped down from her seat to gather up her belongings when she suddenly remembered something she forgot.

"Oh pony feathers, I forgot to let Princess Celestia know that we we're coming! What if we can't get in to the library for some reason? What if the Princess is too busy to help us?"

Fluttershy quickly moved to put a gentle hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "Don't worry Twilight, I'm positive that the Princess will be accommodating, warning or not. You are her star student after all."

Twilight heaved a heavy sigh for what seemed like the millionth time that day, "Of course, you're right Fluttershy. I guess I'm still just a little stressed out."

Fluttershy gave her a friendly nuzzle, "I understand, you have a lot on your mind." The train rumbled to a stop and the doors of their compartment opened automatically. As the two mares stepped out of the car, Fluttershy said to Twilight, "Um, speaking of what's on your mind Twilight, what exactly are we looking for at the library? I'm so sorry, I never even thought to ask you what you needed."

Twilight chuckled lightly, "It's okay Fluttershy, I'm just here to do a bit of research. Back at the party the other day, I started thinking about other worlds, and what's out there. You know, beyond Equestria, Zebrica, and the other lands."

"Wow, that sounds like pretty serious stuff. Are you sure I can help? I don't really know anything about those things."

"That's fine, you can just help me look for books and scrolls that seem promising."

Fluttershy smiled, "That doesn't sound too hard."

"Thanks Fluttershy" Twilight replied.

"That's what friends are for."


As they approached the main castle gates, they smiled at the guards who, recognizing two of the Elements of Harmony, nodded and let them pass without a problem. "That went well." Fluttershy breathed.

"Of course," Twilight said, "They know who we are. Besides, when your brother is the Captain of the Guard, you get some special perks." She winked as they began to ascend the large stairs leading to the palace doors. Just as they reached the landing, the doors swung open, revealing both Princesses in all their shining glory. Fluttershy meeped and froze, but Twilight cried out "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna!" and cantered forward to meet them.

Celestia laughed, "Ah, I thought I felt a familiar presence on the grounds. What brings you girls to Canterlot? Oh, and Fluttershy dear, please, you needn't be afraid, you know that. Please come inside and talk with us." She and Twilight turned and entered the palace, while Luna beckoned to still frozen yellow mare,

"Come, thou art always welcome here Fluttershy."

"Oh, yes um, you just startled me, that's all. You're just a little...startling."

Luna smiled apologetically, "Ah, we are-I'm sorry. Come, join us so we can discuss the purpose of your visit."

Fluttershy trotted forward, "Of course Princess"

Luna laughed, a rather lovely sound Fluttershy thought, and said, "Please, just call me Luna."
Fluttershy blushed, smiled, and nodded.

When they all four were seated around an elegant table with cups of tea cooling in front of them, Celestia turned to Twilight and asked, "So Twilight, what do you need here? Is everything alright in Ponyville?"

"Oh yes, everything's fine." She responded, "We're just here on a personal matter. I was hoping to do some research in the royal library, since mine seems to be a little lacking. Fluttershy offered to come along and help out."

Celestia raised an eyebrow as she sipped her levitating tea, "Oh? And what is it you are researching now?" As Twilight explained her sudden desire to know what lay beyond the boundaries of their world, Fluttershy was for some reason distracted by thoughts of a certain purple alicorn. Where did this come from?, she wondered to herself, finding herself once again glancing over her tea at the Princess of the Night.

Luna, however, was too interested in the current topic, or rather the mental signals Celestia was sending her way, to notice this. After the many lifetimes the sisters had spent together, the two were experts in communicating with each other through telepathy.

This is unexpected. Not to mention potentially...dangerous, to say the least, Luna thought to Celestia.

Yes, but with the proper supervision and guidance I believe we can keep her from straying too far, she responded

Are you sure? She is powerful, far more than any pony since Star Swirl, and the only reason he didn't cause any catastrophic problems was he didn't have the drive that Twilight has. Imagine if he had ever finished the alicorn conversion spell! What a disaster that would have been., Luna retorted.

She could sense Celestia's thoughts begin to wander at that, Hmm, yes, the alicorn spell...

Luna nearly dropped her tea when she realized what Celestia was thinking, You cannot be serious! We cannot show it to her, not with the power it can give!

Not yet, of course sister. However, we shall see how my young protégé handles this new challenge and then we will return to the matter of the conversion spell

Luna grumbled mentally, a much more forceful action over a telepathic link than in a physical situation, and thought, As you wish, but I must insist we keep a close watch on her progress in this exploration endeavor.

Nodding mentally, Celestia thought, I will of course guide her, but I will not restrict her unless it threatens this reality. Remember the last time we played meddling Goddesses? The hunger for power was too much, and malevolent immortals are not what this world needs again. Besides, her power is great, but I do not think she is foolish enough to go where she ought not to go.

You are right. Take care sister, this could become...messy quickly.


"-so I decided to take a look here since I couldn't find anything in my own library." The Princesses wrapped up their conversation as Twilight finished explaining herself.

"This is quite an undertaking Twilight." Celestia said to her student. "I'm curious as to how you will progress, so I would very much appreciate it if you gave me regular updates as to your progress and especially any discoveries you might make. I do, however, have one condition before you start on this research project."

"Of course. What is it?" Twilight inquired.

"I would have you contact me before you perform any experiments you might want to do. There are some delicate magics involved in exploring the universe around us."

This of course just piqued her curiosity, as the Princess knew it would, but it was a necessity. "Certainly Princess, I will let you know of any tests I might want to do."

"Thank you. Now, sister, if you wouldn't mind escorting these two to the library? I have some duties I must attend to."

"Certainly. Twilight, I'm sure you know they way, but I will show a good place to start looking."

So Twilight and Fluttershy, still lost in her confused emotions, stood and followed her down the corridor to the library where a new adventure was waiting to be found.

Author's Note:

It's back! For now at least...

Comments ( 5 )

Whoa, is anyone else getting white text on a gray background? Or is that just me...:twilightoops:

2217757 Oh, so that's what that does. :derpytongue2:

YES!! you hve a newer chapter!! :pinkiehappy: i'm dying to know what would happen next :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

2219027 Don't you worry, I'll try to put out as much as I can for you while I have the urge to write. :raritywink:
The big block is school though, 4 AP classes and Spanish 4 can out a lot of stress on a person (especially if one of them is Calculus :raritydespair: )

2219654 understandable :pinkiesmile: i mean, i have a lot of stuff to do as well :pinkiesmile:

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