• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 936 Views, 22 Comments

Beyond The Stars - Flutter Guy

Michael Thorson is a promising young physicist who is conflicted with a tough decision.

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Personal Problems

Twilight was not in a very good mood. Ever since she had gotten home from the party that morning she had been trying to find out if any effort had been put into extra terrestrial exploration. So far she was having rotten luck, and Spike’s absence was not making life any easier.

“Where in Equestria is that dumb dragon!” She groaned in frustration when all of a sudden, as if on queue, the library door swung open and Spike walked into the room.

“Hi Twilight! Watcha up to with all these books?” He said happily, oblivious to his purple friend’s fury.

“What have you been doing?” She shouted, “I’ve been here trying to do research all by myself and-“ She stopped suddenly when the obvious truth smacked her upside the head. “You’ve been with Rarity.” She whispered, but the only response she got was a chuckle from the now not-so-young dragon as he walked by. Twilight gasped, “You have, haven’t you?”

“Figure that out all on your own did you?” Spike jabbed good naturedly as he climbed the stairs up to his room, which Twilight had magically set up for him once he had become to old to share a room with her. She remained frozen in shock long after Spike’s door had clicked shut. My little Spike, she thought to herself, is really growing up now. And she wasn’t sure how she felt about it at all. She thought about going and discussing the situation with Rarity but immediately decided against that course of action. Spike and Rarity’s relationship is none of by business, she decided sadly and returned, albeit with much less enthusiasm, to her search for information.

“Good morning lover boy.” Said Twilight to the freshly woken and irritable dragon walking down the stairs into the library.

“Have you been out here all night?” Twilight nodded. “That means you’ve been out here like…” He stopped for a second to think, “thirty hours or something! You gotta sleep Twi, really.”

“Ugh, I just can’t stop thinking about what I’ve been thinking about since I started thinking about it at your birthday party.”

Spike blinked. “Which is what exactly?”

“If there are other worlds like ours somewhere out there. I mean, there has to be right? We can’t be the only ones anywhere.”

“If you say so.” Spike mumbled sleepily as he walked off towards the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. “You know,” he called from the other room, “if you can’t find anything here you could always try the library in Princess Celestia’s castle. It’s like ten times bigger than yours.”

“Nineteen times bigger actually, but Spike that’s brilliant! Why didn’t I think of that?”

Spike laughed, “I’m just that much smarter than you I guess.” Twilight gave him a withering glare as she readied her bags for Canterlot. “Wait, you’re gonna go now?”

“Why not?” She responded, “The sooner I get there, the sooner I can begin reading all those books. Finish eating so we can head out.”

Spike sighed, “Lemme at least let Rarity know where I’m going, okay?”

“Yes that’s fine Spike, we can stop by her boutique on the way out of town.” I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask him a little question about what’s going on, she thought. “Hey Spike.”


“Can I ask you a question? It’s about you and Rarity.”

He hesitated for a moment before responding, “Umm… I guess so.”

Twilight took a deep breath and said, “What exactly is going on with you guys? Are you dating or what?”

“Oh that’s it?” Spike smiled a bit and continued, “I don’t think so, but it’s most likely going to happen soon. The party was just a taster,“ Twilight shook her head to get a sudden disturbing image out of her mind as Spike went on, “but I’m going to ask her out before too long. I wanna take her somewhere nice a few times before I say anything though.” A stupid, school-colt smile spread over Spike’s face as he realized what he had just said. “Oh man, this is such a dream come true, don’t you think Twi?” She groaned as she walked out the door, lovesick assistant in tow.

Spike had not stopped talking all the way to Carousel Boutique and Twilight was nearly at the end of her rope. Thankfully for her sanity Spike asked to go in by himself, however she sighed softly once he was gone. I miss the old days, She thought to herself, when he would sit on my back as we walked and make that adorable face he where he put his chin up and his eyes got as big as dinner plates. She chuckled softly as she reminisced when a delicate voice said from behind her,

“Oh, goodness Twilight, are you okay?” Twilight spun around to see Fluttershy approaching from the direction of the square. “I was in town buying some cherries for Angel’s favorite dish when I saw you standing here all alone. Is everything alright?” Twilight sniffled as she felt a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. Fluttershy was always her favorite pony to have around when she was down.

“Well,” She began, “it’s just that I’m-” She halted her explanation suddenly as the door to Rarity’s shop swung open and Spike walked out with an arm around the gorgeous white unicorn beside him. The two were laughing at some unknown joke they had shared but stopped when they noticed Twilight and Fluttershy looking at them. Rarity spoke first saying,

“Twilight, Fluttershy, hello! What are you two doing here? Is there anything I can do for you ladies?”

“Hello Rarity.” Fluttershy responded, “Twilight was just telling me-“

“That I am headed off to the Royal Library in Canterlot!” Twilight interrupted. She caught Fluttershy’s eye with a look that said I’ll tell you later, okay? Thankfully the yellow mare understood the message and said, “Oh, uh, yes. She’s going to… get a book.”

“How marvelous! Spikey and I were just heading to the White Rose for a bite to eat.” Twilight’s jaw dropped open as she turned to face her shame-faced assistant.

“But-but Spike, we were going to-I-you.” She let her head fall, but continued to say, “Sounds fun Rarity. You two have a good time.”

“Twilight?” Rarity inquired, “Is something wrong?”

“No.” She replied. “Everything is just fine. Go on and enjoy your lunch.”

“Thank you dear, I’m sure it will be divine.” She giggled and nuzzled the young dragon at her side as they walked off towards the town square. She looked up just in time to see Spike glance over his shoulder with a pained expression on his face, but once he noticed she was watching him go, he quickly returned his attention forward and to the pony chatting away at his side.

“Oh dear Twilight, I think I know what’s wrong.” Fluttershy’s worried comment brought Twilight back to her senses and she turned to her with a curious expression painted on her face.

“You do?”

“Well, I think you’re worried that Spike will get attached to Rarity and forget about you. I mean, since you’ve known him so long you can’t really imagine life without him and you’re scared he’s going to leave you forever.” Twilight looked away as she felt her eyes burn and moisten with tears. Fluttershy was quickly at her said saying hurriedly, “Oh no, I’m so so so sorry Twilight, I didn’t mean to make you cry! Please don’t be sad, oh I’m sorry I-“

“Fluttershy stop.” Twilight wiped away her tears then said to the terrified mare, “It’s fine, you didn’t make me cry. It’s just you’re right; I am scared of Spike leaving. I’ve raised him since he hatched and we’ve always been friends and I really don’t want that to go away.” Fluttershy smiled and said softly,

“Come on Twilight, I’ll go with you to Canterlot. You can talk to me on the way.”

Twilight sniffed, “Really? Oh thank you Fluttershy, I really appreciate your help with this. It’s gotten so bad that it’s starting to interfere with my studies.”

Fluttershy giggled and said, “Well we can’t have that” and the pair walked off down the road together.

Well, I hope this was what you were all hoping for! Sorry it took longer than expected to get up but I’ve been a bit distracted with my other types of art. Speaking of which, does anypony know the best way to get a drawing onto the computer? Then where should I post it? I heard you can put stuff on EQD, but that seems like an awfully big place to put some simple sketches.

Anyway, on another note, if anypony was wondering I won’t say for sure if this will have a non-essential clop chapter at some point (WAY later) or not, but I will touch on the whole inter species relationship stuff (check out Her Whole Darn Heart by Crowley).

My apologies for the fat endnote, but thanks for reading, and feel free to comment with your opinions and criticism. I always welcome them!