• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 1,702 Views, 59 Comments

Sweet Song Part 1 - Baka-Neku

Story about Lyra and Bonbon's Dauther, Sweet Song

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1


Sweet Song was in her bed and sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes with her hooves

"I’M COMING, MOM!" she yelled back while slowly getting out of her bed.

She went to the bathroom, washed her face, and went down to find the biggest breakfast she had ever seen her mother make.

"Wah...?" was the only thing she could say.

"It's all for you and for your big day at school!" Bonbon said and went over to her daughter and hugged her and gave her a little kiss on the forehead

"MOOOOOTHER! I’m not a baby anymore,” she tried breaking loose, only to find yet another one of her mother’s hugging her and kissing her.

"Not you too," Sweet Song said while trying to avoid the incoming hug and kisses, but failed to avoid it.

Lyra pushed Sweet Song over to the dinner table, where all three of them began eating and Lyra, as she always did to lighten up the mood, told stories of humans and how wonderful they were, while Bonbon rolled her eyes and smiled to her daughter who was laughing at her mother.

After Breakfast, Sweet Song went outside with her saddle back ready to go to school with her mothers.

It didn’t take them long to get to the school.

Lyra smiled at her daughter. "Now you be a good filly and learn a lot of stuff and make mommy proud!"

"It's her first day Lyra; she’s probably going to meet her classmates first."

"Awww, I thought I would get an even smarter daughter when she got home," Lyra said with a big smile and gave Sweet Song a big kiss on her snout.

Sweet song blushed and kissed both her mothers goodbye and went into the classroom.

Inside Miss Cheerilee welcomed Sweet Song smilingly. "Ahhh you must be Sweet Song, remember to say hello to your parents when you get home."
She showed her into the classroom, which was already packed with lots of fillies.

Sweet Song never really had any friends, so she had no idea what to say or do in front of so many, so she just went a little to the side and waited to Miss Cheerilee finally began saying their names.

"I would like you all to take the seats one by one when your name is said, just sit wherever you find fitting".

One by one they were seated and Sweet Song got her seat in the back all the way to the right. No pony really paid attention to her, and she just listened to what her teacher was saying.
After a while the teacher said to them all, "OK, children we’ll take a little break, you can play outside if you want, I’ll call when it is time to continue the class.”

"YAY!" all the fillies yelled and most of them went outside to play.

Sweet Song didn't really talk to anypony, just went slowly outside and went to the sandbox.

She was used to having fun by herself so it was not unusual for her and she smiled while she hummed a little song her mother had taught her.

Suddenly behind her she heard hoof steps.

"Well, well, well, look what we got here!" Sweet Song turned her head around and saw three other foals behind her.

One mare and two colts walked up to her, the mare had an evil grin and the two others just laughed in a mocking way.

"Do you know how disgusting it is that you’ve got two mothers? You shouldn't even exist! You are nothing but a freak!"

"I....I'm not....." tears were forming up in Sweet Song’s eye, why were they like this? She hadn't done anything wrong, she only kept for herself but still this happened.

Before she knew it she ran, just ran, tears were flowing down her chin.

The only place she could think of was her home, so she ran for home.

Lyra and BonBon had just finished cleaning the kitchen when suddenly the door slammed open and closed almost as fast.

Sweet Song ran to her room and closed the door and threw herself on the bed.
Lyra and BonBon opened the door slowly.

"Sweet Song?" Lyra asked, "What’s the matter sweetie?" Bonbon said with a worried look.

"Is it unnatural to have two mothers?" Sweet Song asked with tears rolling down her chin. Lyra began walking over too Sweet Song.

"Lyra?" BonBon said worriedly.

Lyra put her snout against Sweet Song’s snout and smiled to her daughter.

"Honey, as long you love that special somepony, then it doesn't matter that you have one or two mothers, BonBon is my special somepony and one of your two mothers!" she said smilingly and then asked, "you do love us don't you?"

“Of course I do!" Sweet Song said with a big smile at her mother.

"Then come ON!" Lyra said and began jumping out the door followed by her daughter. BonBon smiled at the scene; Lyra could be kind of weird at times, but when it came to problems like this, she really could be something special, BonBon thought as she saw the two she loved jump towards the park.

"Wait..." BonBon said outloud, "You promised to help me clean the house today..." BonBon smiled at this and thought to herself that this time she’d get away with it, JUST this time.

The next day Sweet Song begged and pleaded with her mothers not to go back to school.

"I don't want to go back there! It's not a nice place and I don't like it!"

"Sweetie...." BonBon said to Sweet Song, "You have to, I’m sure there is somepony there you can talk to." She said without much confidence.

Lyra just sighed and went over to her daughter.

"Sweetie, I know how you feel. Come here I'll tell you a little story from when your mother BonBon and I were just fillies."

"Back when I just started in school, nopony really talked to me either, not even your mother there." Lyra looked over at BonBon with a sly smile and BonBon looked away a bit ashamed.

"Everypony thought I was crazy, just because I had a love for humans, just in case you haven't discovered that about your old mother," Lyra said while grinning at Sweet Song.

"Well I was probably not the easiest pony to be around, I was loud, did whatever I wanted and just minded my own business while reading what I could about humans. Which reminds me, I have SO many books I...."

"MOM!" Sweet Song said to her mother.

“Oh sorry love, I kind of got side tracked.”

“You don't say," BonBon said smiling and waited for Lyra to continue.

"Ah yes the story! Well most ponies left me alone so I kind of didn’t mind, but one day while I was reading alone in the library I heard that I wasn't really alone and somewhere, some ponies talked.
It was not that I used to listen to what others did or said but this time it kind of sounded serious and I just closed my book and sneaked like a human ninja I had just been reading about.

When I got to the back of the library I saw two older foals, they were about to attack one that was laying on the ground.

When I saw this I couldn’t hold back anymore, I rushed in and sort of beat the two ponies up!"

"Or rather they beat you up and I had to take you to the infirmary," BonBon said.

"Wait! Was it you MOTHER? They beat you up? But why?" Sweet Song asked in shocked.

"Well you see sweetie, like you I was special, I didn't have parents and the older fillies had found out and thought I was an easy target."

"Okay, okay! You took me too the infirmary, big deal. At least they left you alone and they also gave up after that!"

"Yes, they left us alone because they thought you were crazy. But from that day on we were always together, EVEN if Lyra can be hard to live with." BonBon winked to her love and went over to her daughter and gave her a big hug.

"What we‘re trying to say is that there will be somepony for you when you least suspect it, just you wait sweetie," BonBon smiled and hugged her daughter and Lyra joined in.
They stood there for a time and Lyra grabbed Sweet Song by her shoulders and said "Now go make mommy proud!" and pushed Sweet Song out the door and she went to the school, even when she knew she would hate it, but she loved her mothers SO much and wanted to be strong for them so she went to school.

Sweet Song was a bit surprised that nopony asked why she was gone yesterday not even the teacher, but she just sat down and followed the teaching.
Again Cheerilee said they could go out and play.

"Yaaaay!" the ponies all yelled and hurried outside.

"Sweet Song could I have a little word with you?" the teacher asked when she walked by "Yes?" she said.

"I won't ask what happened yesterday but if you ever want to talk about anything remember, I’m here for that too as your teacher."

"Ok, but it's nothing, it's ok now. It won't happen again," she said smiling and the teacher smiled back.

"If you want a place for yourself, I suggest the library. There you can find interesting books." She took sweet Song to the library before she could say anything.

Sweet Song soon find out that this was a place she would enjoy and could be herself if she wanted. She walked around a bit and looked at all the books.

She soon found some interesting books and took them to a place near the window so she could look out at the other ponies playing while she was reading.

She saw them again, the group who was after her yesterday.

"Now that you can't find me you already picking on some other pony?" she said out loud to herself as she saw the three fillies going towards a light greyish violet filly, in the same mocking way they did with Sweet Song the day before.

Sweet Song opened the window a bit and could hear a little of what they were saying, but she knew it was as bad as what she experienced.

It just looked like this was not something she would interfere with, even though her mother did it and somehow it happened to her too. As she watched she could see the grey filly say something back that kind of shocked the others and made them mad.
One of the male foals raised his hoof and was just about to hit the other one in anger.
Sweet Song threw open the window and spread her little wings and flew right at the male filly and they both tumbled around ending with Sweet Song on top of him.

"YOU DON'T DARE LAY ONE HOOF ON HER!" she yelled at the pony with a look that could only shock and scare the male pony.

Before Sweet Song knew it a hoof was planted right on the side of her head and she tumbled off the other pony and looked angry at the one hitting her.
It was the mare who had done it.

"You dare lay your freaky hooves on my friend?" and she sent yet two other hits on Sweet Song's head and she fell over, landing on her back while the other one just stood over her.

"I won't forgive you for that FREAK!" she said and raised both her hooves ready to stomp down on Sweet Song.

"WHAT IN THE HAY IS GOING ON HERE!" a grownup voiced called

"WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK YOU’RE DOING IN MY SCHOOL! BOTH OF YOU IN MY OFFICE AT ONCE! The rest of you go into the classroom, recess is over and wait for me.... NOW!" Cherrilee looked angry, and took the two fillies into her office.

"What were you two thinking!" the teacher asked.

"Fighting in my school, I have never..... BOTH of you two, your guardians are gonna hear about this! I don't care the reason just make sure to get along!"

"But....." Sweet Song tried to say that she only did it to help the other one.

"No BUTS here miss. Lily Feather, you go back to the classroom and Sweet Song, you go to the infirmary at once and get those looked at." They did what the teacher had ordered them to do.
The rest of the day went slowly and the tension in the classroom made it a very silent one, beside the teacher teaching about Equestria.

After school Sweet Song went on home, but not far from under a tree the light greyish violet unicorn stood with a shy smile.

"Thanks for........what you did back there," she said nervously.

"It was nothing," Sweet Song tried to hide her embarrassment with a grin.

"NO! It was not nothing! They have been teasing me a lot before about my mother and today I just wanted to stand up for myself and then you appeared out of nowhere and saved me!"

"It's nothing......" the light greyish unicorn hugged Sweet Song and said "Names Dinky, and you must be Sweet Song!"

"I am.... so you you’ve heard of me and how much of a FREAK I am!" she said and pushed the filly off her.

“NO!” Dinky said. “I don’t care who you are or what your parents are! You did something for me no other pony would do, you saw how everypony just let it happen! You did care and you took all the beating for yourself and I’m really happy that you did!” Dinky said with tears forming up in her eyes, before Sweet Song could react Dinky hugged her tightly.

“I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND, WHY CAN’T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!” Sweet Song was out of words and just looked at the crying filly in her hooves and hugged her tightly with tears also coming out of up in her eyes.

“I want to be your friend too,” she cried. From that day on Sweet Song gained a friend for the first time in her life.