• Published 3rd May 2017
  • 522 Views, 10 Comments

Division - 5aszs

In the aftermath of an event which shocks the nation to its core, earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns fight for control of Equestria.

  • ...

Ad vitam passion

“That, Sunburst, is how we're going to change Equestria. Forever.”

Sir Cranco and Sunburst stood opposite each other in the room, both stallions staring silently at each other. Sunburst pretended to read over the sheet that he held, waiting for Sir Cranco to explain himself.

“How about you head home now and I will explain everything tomorrow, it is very late after all,” said Sir Cranco finally, his voice tinged with desperation as he attempted to salvage any authority he had left over Sunburst.

“How about we go to your office and discuss this -” Sunburst paused to think of the right word to address the situation “matter right now like the mature stallions that I know we both are,” said Sunburst, finishing his sentence with a smile. He walked out of the room and beckoned for Sir Cranco to follow him. Sighing in defeat, Sir Cranco quietly followed after Sunburst.

“I'll start from the beginning; that way what I am about to tell you will make more sense.”

Sir Cranco and Sunburst were sitting opposite each other in the former stallion’s office and papers detailing tests for Project Mutation lay on the table in front of them. Sunburst picked up one that detailed the design for the telephone. Whilst he was reading through the different papers, Sir Cranco pushed one of the papers of the table and onto the floor, quickly picking it up and using his magic to quietly place it into one of the the drawers of the filing cabinet behind him, opening and closing the drawer as quietly. Luckily for Sir Cranco, Sunburst was so engrossed in the contents of the paper he was reading that he did not see what Sir Cranco did.

“These inventions are quite remarkable, Sir, I'm surprised that you even decided to keep this hidden from the public.”

“Patience, Sunburst, all will be explained,” said Sir Cranco, his tone becoming slightly patronising, which irritated Sunburst. “Approximately three years ago I set up this project in response to the fact that our nation is still stuck in it's old ways. Whilst the zebras and even the griffons have implemented new technology to improve their everyday lives, Equestria is falling behind.”

“Quite right Sir Cranco. Something needs to change if we are to improve as a nation and compete with the other species,” agreed Sunburst.

“I pooled all of the brightest minds working for me together into this group in hopes that we would be able to create something amazing that would change our country forever.”

“Is this where the ‘telephone’ comes in?” asked Sunburst.

“Yes, we plan for it to be the new form of communication across Equestria. Whilst it is the only invention my group had come up with, we have decided to pursue it as a long term project in hopes that in a few years time, every household in Equestria will have a telephone.”

“Interesting. Very interesting indeed,” pondered Sunburst, wanting to hear even more about the telephone.

“Of course, a network of communication lines would have to be established across Equestria and that would require significant funding. It would also effectively weaken the post service due to differences in communication times.”

“And what about the incident earlier today with your granddaughter, Twilight? I'm surprised you didn't want to take her to the hospital.”

Sir Cranco visibly squirmed in his seat and he looked down, shame painted all over his face. He took his time answering Sunburst’s enquiries.

“The...incident earlier today, was due to a malfunction.. in testing the prototype telephone. The sudden surge of power….. was what caused it,” said Sir Cranco nervously, frequently looking to the ground during his answer.

“If you say so..Sir,” replied Sunburst, clearly doubting the other stallion’s explanation. “Anyway, where would the funds needed to bring the telephone into the market come from?”

“We have sufficient funds, Sunburst, so rest assured your house’s generous endorsements will not be wasted, if that is what you were concerned about,” replied Sir Cranco a little too quickly, but Sunburst ignored this.

“This is not a waste of money at all, Sir Cranco, I see this as a project with the potential to improve Equestria forever and House Capricorn would be honoured to help make history.”

Sunburst was personally not as keen on the project as he initially was. He had to admit that the telephone would bring a lot of benefits to Equestria but it could inspire a new wave of inventions that could effectively render magic useless. Magic was the powerful force in Equestria and Sunburst intended for it to stay that way. Equestria did not need to change; rather it needed to revert to it's old ways. As Sir Cranco continued to talk about how the telephone would revolutionise Equestria, Sunburst decided to take advantage and find out what Sir Cranco’ views on Celestia and Luna’s rule were.

“However, some ponies would consider your plans to be quite revolutionary and pose a legitimate threat to Celestia and Luna’s rule, Sir Cranco, what do you say to that?”

“That's completely ridiculous. House Cancer has, and always will, support the royal sisters. This project only serves to find ways that we can improve our country, not start a revolution against the princesses.”

Of course he would proclaim his undying loyalty for the royal sisters, he won't bring any benefits for us.

No, he may still be useful to us in the long run.

Sunburst jumped out of his seat in shock when he heard a male and female voice speaking inside his head.

“Mr Solar, are you alright? Maybe you should just go home now,” said Sir Cranco, rising out of his seat.

“Who was that? Them. I heard voices. They're here.” whispered Sunburst. Sir Cranco made a puzzled expression and tilted his head slightly in confusion.

“Sunburst, there are no voices, it's only me and you in the building right now. Maybe you should go home, get some rest and you can come back tomorrow,” said Sir Cranco.

You idiot! Now he's suspicious! Stop acting like a foal and get the information you need from him.

Sunburst decided to listen to the male voice that had spoken and he lifted his head to face Sir Cranco. “Is the telephone the only idea you have come up with in three years of Project Mutatio's existence?”

“Yes, whilst it may not sound like much, the telephone will change lives for the better.” Sir Cranco was surprised by Sunburst’s sudden change in behaviour but he appeared to be a little nervous before speaking again. “What do you intend to do with the information that I have told you tonight Mr Solar?”

Sunburst pretended to think about what decision he was going to come to, but he already knew what his answer was going to be before Sir Cranco had even told him anything about Project Mutatio.

“I will not inform anypony else about what you have told me tonight. The collaboration between House Cancer and House Capricorn still stands. I will return in three days for the results of the research on my family's valuable jewels. I'll find my own way out.”

Sunburst got up and walked to the door. Before leaving, he fixed Sir Cranco with a penetrating stare that was immediately returned by the other stallion. Once the door was closed, Sir Cranco sat in silence for a few minutes, waiting until he was sure that Sunburst was gone. He quickly opened the cabinet drawer and took out the piece of paper that he had picked up from the floor earlier.

At least he didn't ask about this.

“I still can't believe you got your cutie mark Twilight!”

“I always knew we had a special one, Velvet!”

Twilight, her older brother Shining Armour, their parents and Sir Cranco were all sitting together at the dining table in Sir Cranco’s apartment having their breakfast. For the past ten minutes, Twilight’s parents had been showering Twilight with compliments on how amazing she was. Both Twilight Velvet and Night Light had failed to realise that their daughter was obviously uncomfortable with all of the attention and their blatant disregard for Twilight’s feelings was beginning to get on Sir Cranco's nerves. His lack of sleep (Sir Cranco had stayed up for most of the night contemplating his discussion with Sunburst) also meant that his mood was significantly worsened by the behaviour of his daughter and son-in-law.

“And we can't wait for you to start school because I know that -”

“Velvet, can I talk to you for a moment? In private,” interjected Sir Cranco, sparing Twilight from any further harassment. Twilight smiled gratefully at her grandfather and he returned the gesture before leaving the dining room with his daughter.

“Velvet, do you not remember I told you about how the poor filly got her cutie mark? Do you really think she wants to be hearing about it the day after?!”

“She’ll be fine, Twilight is a tough little filly, I'm just making that she is happy as possible whilst she is living here. Isn't that a mother’s job? Or are you trying to take this away from me too just like everything else you've done before in my life?” replied Velvet, daring her father to disagree with her.

“I'm just looking out for her. That's all.” Sir Cranco was too tired to argue and talk about the past with his daughter and he returned to his seat at the table, avoiding any conversations and eating his food quickly so that he could escape from his family and properly process his thoughts.

“I’m going to return to Cancer Corp, I-there’s..some paperwork that I need to finish,” said Sir Cranco, using his magic to carry his plate and glass of water into the kitchen before leaving the house in a hurry.

“Okay then, bye Gran-,” Twilight was suddenly by the sound of the door slamming. “Is Grandpa okay?”


“One minute and twenty seconds.”

“I was too slow. Time me again.”

“As you wish, Sir.”

Sir Cranco took off his goggles and sat at the edge of the pool, staring absently into his reflection in the pale blue water. He had retreated to the swimming pool that he had built for him nearly three years ago underground Cancer Corp as a way in which he could relieve stress from everyday life; and last night’s events meant that he was desperate to clear his mind and return to his usual calm state. Sir Cranco stood up and put his goggles back and dived into the pool. Sir Cranco felt the cool, encapsulating and refreshing rush of the water. The short surge of water that swirled around his body seemed to wash away his worries, and responsibilities, if only for a short while. He still couldn't get over how easily he had wilted under Sunburst. What was it about that stallion that has inclined him to confess about Project Mutatio?

That stallion beat me. How?

Ever since he put Atlas in his place at the Gemini gathering, his confidence has skyrocketed.

As Sir Cranco reached the other side of the pool, he somersaulted forward in the water and used his hooves to push off the edge of pool.

Forget about him. Thinking about it will only make it worse.

As Sir Cranco passed the halfway point of the pool, he began to pick up speed, his arms extending outwards and coming back in quicker at a speed he had never previously reached whilst his legs slashed up and down through the water at lightning speed as Sir Cranco propelled forward to the finish.

“T-time, please,” panted Sir Cranco as he slowly hauled himself up and out of the pool and lay down precariously close to the edge, catching his breath.

“Fifty nine seconds sir,” replied the male assistant, who checked the stopwatch that hung around his neck. “That's a new personal best, sir.”

“And I .. ,” Sir Cranco paused again to catch his breath “expect nothing less. I've finished my session for today. Thank you.”

Sir Cranco took his towel from the bench that was nearby to the pool and entered the bathroom that was nearby, stopping in front of the mirror to analyse his appearance. His grey mane had been matted down with water onto his head and droplets of water ran across his beige body and over his cutie mark (which was a test tube half full with a pink liquid), creating the illusion of a liquid being poured into his cutie mark, before coming together and meeting at the floor beneath his hooves forming several small puddles. Sir Cranco lifted the towel off his shoulder using his magic and began to dry himself, making sure that he used the towel so that every part of his body became devoid of water. Once he had finished, Sir Cranco left the bathroom and placed the used towel back on the bench and left the facility, re-entering Cancer Corp to return to his normal working day, hopefully, without any distractions.

“We’re ready to run the third test sir.”

“Then you can proceed.”

The large room (with a door that had a brand-new orb protecting it) was filled to the brim with scientists preparing to repeat tests under the watchful eyes of Sir Cranco. The pony that had spoken lit up his horn and used his magic to carefully pour a pale blue liquid into a vacant test tube that was on the table. Another scientist who was wearing gloves over his hooves stepped forward and used his wings to open a jar and poured its contents; a white powder, into the test tube.

“Start the stopwatch,” ordered Sir Cranco. The pegasus sealed the test tube with a cork and shook the test tube gently before pressing one of the buttons on the stopwatch he was wearing, obeying Sir Cranco’s orders. The solution fizzled and shook slightly as the white powder quickly dissolved in the pale blue liquid. The colour of the solution changed to colourless and the pegasus stopped the stopwatch.

“That was twenty seconds, sir,” said the pegasus, turning to address Sir Cranco.

“So the powder can be concealed in any solution, meaning that it has similar properties to kalinaxia. Very good. You can continue your work.”

“Sir!,” said the pegasus with the stopwatch “if you don't mind me asking, why does this powder need to be concealed in a solution? If it has similar properties to kalanaxia, does it not pose a risk to our health if we are working with it?”

Sir Cranco had initially been walking out of the lab and stopped when he heard the question.

“It does not concern you so don't worry about it. Pack up all of the samples into the containers and get back to work, please.”

“Myself and two of my colleagues will be visiting your headquarters at nine o’clock to discuss further negotiations and shipping between our two parties. I hope this letter reaches you in good health. Deal with the letter in the usual way. Regards, Mr A.”

Sir Cranco threw the letter to the floor in frustration and began to pace around his office, lighting a candle so that he could dispose of the letter.

They can't come here. That completely breaks the deal we made. Never meet in a public area. But why would they come here?

Maybe they found out that I told Sunburst about Project Mutatio.

But that's impossible.

This time two years ago you never would have predicted that you would be in this mess. Times change, and circumstances change as well.

Why did you have to find out Sunburst. Why?

Sir Cranco stopped pacing and took a few papers out of the cabinet behind him before leaving his office. He was going to deal with his guilty feelings once and for all.

“You would like to assemble the noble council? On such a short notice, I fear that we may not be able to fulfil your wishes, Sir Cranco.”

“Please, your Highness, it's very important that everypony is here to hear what I have to tell them today.”

Celestia frowned as she sat upon her throne in front of Sir Cranco. Luna was visiting Detrot to open a new art gallery so Celestia was alone in the palace. Sir Cranco’s request was very unlike him and she doubted whether everypony could make it. Why was he so desperate to call a meeting now?

“Would you mind telling me what you want to tell everypony?” asked Celestia, leaning forward from her seat.

“It concerns… a personal project of mine and I believe that it would benefit the noble court and all of Equestria if it's details were to be made public,” said Sir Cranco, hoping his feeble excuse would be believed by the occasionally naive elder royal sister.

“Very well,” said Princess Celestia, relieving Sir Cranco, “I will send letters to the households of the rest of the noble houses informing them of this meeting.”

“Thank you, your Highness, you won't regret it,” replied Sir Cranco, bowing quickly before walking quickly out of the throne room.

“I hope I don't,” muttered Celestia once Sir Cranco had exited the throne room.

“Why are we here, I should be getting my hooves done right now.”

“I was in the middle of my afternoon coffee, this had better be worth the time.”

The nobles grumbled amongst themselves as they sat amongst their houses in their designated seats in the courtroom. Sir Cranco shuffled his papers nervously as he glanced across the room, looking for a certain pony.

Found him.

Sunburst was speaking (rather quietly compared to the rest of the nobles) with his wife, father and a few other relatives in House Capricorn’s seats towards the back of the court, looking at the stage every few moments.

At least he won't be able to boss me around anymore.

“Greetings, nobles, apologies for the sudden summoning,” said Celestia as she walked out and stood in front of the nobles in the middle of the room. “I have called you here today because Sir Cranco has an important announcement he would like to make.”

That's my cue.

Sir Cranco came out from one of the curtains that he was behind and took Celestia's place in the middle of the court, carrying his papers using his magic. He shuffled his hooves nervously and cleared his throat loudly.

Here goes.

“Good evening, nobles. I have requested this meeting today to talk to you about an exciting project that has been under wraps at Cancer Corp for a few years now,” Sir Cranco smiled inwardly as he saw Sunburst frown. The other nobles appeared to be completely bored and some even began their own private conversations, showing a complete lack of respect for Sir Cranco. “I have collected the brightest minds in Equestria to from a select group under the codename ‘Project Mutatio’ in hopes that our inventions would change Equestria forever.”

Many of the nobles had stopped talking now and a hush had fallen over the court, the silence almost deafening as everypony present waited for Sir Cranco to continue speaking.

“The idea that my group has been working will redefine communication across Equestria and allow ponies to talk to each other. I give you, the telephone!”

Sir Cranco clicked his tongue and two of his scientists (that were also members of the Project Mutatio group) entered the court, wheeling in a trolley that had an object covered in red fabric atop it.

“If we observe this remarkable object before us, you will find that this part here-” Sir Cranco paused to hold up the handset “would be held up to the ear like this, enabling speech from another pony to be heard. The handset cord underneath the handset here allows spach to travel from different telephones.”

Sunburst was furious that Sir Cranco had confessed about Project Mutatio and did not try to hide his frustration. The rest of the nobles were bewitched with the telephone and even Celestia was interested in hearing what Sir Cranco had to say.

“In order for the telephone to actually fulfil its function, a network of communication lines that cover all of Equestria need to built and this will require a large amount of funding. The telephone will also probably reduce the influence of the postal industry, but it will also create lots of new jobs in factories that build the telephones. Now, are there any questions?”

Several hooves were raised but Sir Cranco saw Sunburst's hoof was higher than the other ponies, and Sir Cranco decided to take a risk and answer his demands.

Here we go.

“Yes, Sunburst, what was it you wanted to ask?”

Sunburst stared silently at Sir Cranco for a few moments, his eyes communicating his frustration for him. “Why did you decide to keep this project a secret for three years? Surely if the telephone had so many benefits for our country, there would be no need for it to be kept a secret; you could have at least told the council and kept us regularly updated on any developments.”

Sunburst had asked a question that wasn't even being considered by the other nobles, but once he had asked it the other nobles began to agree, and some were shouting that Sir Cranco should explain himself.

“I didn't want to get your hopes up for no reason. If I told you about this when it began three years ago, then the group would be placed under even more pressure to deliver results and we may not have fulfilled these demands. It ...took us a long time to design and build this working model of the telephone; we are only a pharmaceutical company after all, but Sunburst is right, perhaps I should have at least told you all about the group; apologies.”

The next pony to speak was Sir Wolfgang, who was head of House Taurus. “Do you have an accurate estimate as to how much money is needed for these ‘construction lines’ you want to build?”

Sir Cranco was relieved that the topic had changed and was more confident answering this question “Yes and no, we have made estimates on how much lines for one city would be, but not for all of Equestria. Canterlot’s price would probably come under the region of Taney to thirty million bits.”

Sir Wolfgang was expecting the price to be a lot higher and was pleasantly surprised by the low price. “Well Sir Cranco, your project has the full support of House Taurus and we will be sure to include this in our upcoming budget.”

“Thank you, sir. Are there any other questions or should we all decide now on whether this should continue?” asked Celestia, standing up from her seat. Nopony raised their hoof. “All who support Sir Cranco’s project, raise your hooves now.”

There were lots of hooves raised throughout the court, most notably that of Sunburst and his family, which didn't surprise him.

He’ll probably confront me when this meeting is over.

Celestia silently counted the number of hooves before announcing the results, which surprised nopony “Then it is settled. House Taurus, you are to include Sir Cranco’s plans for the telephone in your upcoming budget draft. This meeting has now concluded. You are free to leave, nobles.”

The nobles quickly needed no persuasion as they scrambled for the exit; almost causing a mass stampede. Some ponies stayed back to talk to Sir Cranco and Sunburst was one of them, leaving his family to go and confront him.

“I will definitely you and your husband Sir Wolfgang’s proposal under careful consideration, Lady Tarina,” said Sir Cranco, who was currently crowded by nobles who were offering deals for the telephone. Whilst Sir Cranco was busy talking to other nobles, Sunburst managed to sneak into the crowd and slowly made his way to the front.

“Sir, if you don't mind, could I speak to you in private for a few moments?” asked Sunburst, whose appearance made Sir Cranco jump a little. He quickly composed himself and stepped away from the crowd, walking towards Sunburst.

“Let's discuss this in the local cafe, I wouldn't want anypony to overhear our conversation,” whispered Sunburst, glaring at Sir Cranco, who returned the expression. The two ponies both exited the court, walking a good few metres away from each other as the animosity between them was clear to anypony that was observing them.

“How dare you? HOW DARE YOU go behind my back and tell everypony when I had agreed to keep this a secret for you? Did my kind gesture last night mean absolutely nothing to you,you ignorant, elderly bastard?! And the fact that those idiots actually believe your sorry excuse!”

Sunburst was trying his best to keep his voice down but his pure anger and frustration with Sir Cranco’s actions meant that he was struggling to keep his volume low, and his remarks gained a few looks from other ponies that were present in the cafe. Sir Cranco on the other hand, was surprisingly calm in the face of Sunburst’s insults and waited quietly for him to finish his rant before defending himself.

“Like I told you last night, Mr Solar, I acted in the best interests of Equestria. The group has made several advancements in making the telephone and it felt right that at this stage I should inform Celestia of the progress we have made.”

“How convenient then that you should come to this decision the day after I find out about your little project,” snarled Sunburst, who wasn't letting up in his questions.

“You finding out about Project Mutatio last night had nothing to do with my decision,” lied Sir Cranco, “and if anything, you should be supporting my decision. We both agreed that our houses should collaborate on researching the jewels that you brought to me yesterday. And unless you believe otherwise, I am pretty sure that you also want to do what is best for Equestria. Am I right?” When Sunburst didn't respond, Sir Cranco took it as a cue to continue speaking. “Then I'm sure that we can look past this and keep the alliance between our houses intact.”

“Of course Sir Cranco, forgive my… reaction, I was simply shocked that you had decided to tell everypony. I must leave, it's getting late. Good day.” Sunburst smiled at Sir Cranco but it seemed forced and it didn't quite reach his eyes. He stood up and left a few bits on the table to cover his bill, before walking out of the cafe.

Sir Cranco laid back slightly into his seat and absentmindedly looked at the clock, startled by the fact that there was only two hours left until he was supposed to meet with Mr A at Cancer Corp. Sir Cranco called the waitress over and paid his bill, leaving a generous tip before bolting out of the cafe.

The figure was wearing a thick black cloak that covered most of his body, thus concealing his identity. Only his eyes could be seen (vaguely) and his red irises focused on the building. He was stood behind Cancer Corp with two other ponies that were also covered in thick black cloaks. One of the ponies stood beside him and the other was next to the door of the carriage that the three ponies had travelled in.

“Sor..sorry I'm late, I was collecting the sample from the-,” panted Sir Cranco, galloping out of the back door of Cancer Corp and towards the three ponies, whilst carrying a small pouch of white powder with his magic.

“Silence,” commanded the pony in the middle, his deep voice echoing as he stepped forward menacingly. “Did you bring the sample?”

“Of course, I-I would never forget,” stammered Sir Cranco, holding up the pouch for the ponies to see.

“Good. Let's head inside. Bring the test subject as well,” said Mr A. The pony nearest to the carriage obeyed and opened the door, dragging out a screaming mare that had her mouth covered in duct tape and her arms and legs tied together with rope.

“Wha-what are you doing?! Why is she tied up and-”

“Remember, ask no questions, hear no lies,” snarled Mr A, shoving Sir Cranco through the door and inside the building.

Ten minutes after the group had entered the building, they had finally entered the area in which the meeting would take place. Sir Cranco opened the door to his office and led the other ponies inside. The prisoner was roughly thrown to the floor and the three other ponies stood around Sir Cranco's desk.

“Now, we are hoping you have improved on the quality of your samples. The last batch was unsatisfactory,” said Mr A.

“Of course we have progress, Sir. This new sample can be concealed and it can also be consumed with any liquid,” stated Sir Cranco, rubbing his hoof on his head as he nervously looked at the mare (who was still on the floor). “Why did you come here tonight?”

“If I were you, I would be more worried about the quality of your sample. Let’s put your bold statement to the test, shall we?” Mr A picked up the pouch from the table and opened it with his teeth carefully, so that its contents did not spill to the floor.

“Let’s move this to the lab, there's more space there,”’said Sir Cranco, prompting the ponies to leave whilst staring at the mare.

“No, do you have something to hide, Cranco?,” said Mr A, standing directly in front of Sir Cranco, who did not answer.

“Search the office. Now.”

The other two ponies headed for the cabinets and ripped them open, looking over the papers briefly before throwing them to the floor.

“Boss, look at this,” said one of the ponies, holding up a sheet of paper. The paper had a diagram of the telephone on it and underneath, in almost illegible handwriting, were the words ‘telephone - conspiracy?’

“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!” yelled Mr A, shaking the paper in his hoof. Droplets of saliva flew out of his mouth and landed on Sir Cranco, but he ignored this as he froze in fear.

Oh no. No, no, no, no,no! Why. Sunburst? Why?

“That..is-is my handwriting, sir, I-I don't know what you're talking about,” stammered Sir Cranco.

“Don't lie to me, do you not think I would remember what your handwriting looked like when you've signed over so many packages for us?!” Mr A took a deep breath and spoke on a much quieter tone. “I'm only going to ask you this once more, whose handwriting is that?”

“It-it is mine,” said Sir Cranco eventually, trying his best to sound believable. But it didn't fool anypony.

“Alright then. I didn't really want to do this, but you leave me with no choice, Sir Cranco.” Mr A clicked his tongue and the two henchmen grabbed him from behind and began to beat Sir Cranco, punching him in the stomach and chest repeatedly as he fell to the floor, covering his face and head with his hooves. Sir Cranco’ attempts to protect himself however, eventually proved futile as he lost consciousness. Before losing consciousness. He heard Mr A order his accomplices.

“Take him and the prisoner to the nearest lab.”

Ugh..where am I?

Sir Cranco slowly opened his eyes and tried to move, only to find that he was tightly bound with thick brown rope to the chair that he was sitting in. The mare had been placed in a chair opposite Sir Cranco and her fearful expression mirrored Sir Cranco's.

“Now,” said Mr A, startling both Sir Cranco and the mare as he appeared to materialise out of the darkness “somepony here, mentioning no names, had been a very naughty foal. Which one of you do you think it is?”

Sir Cranco stayed silent out of fear that he would be punished if he spoke, but the mare was much more confident.

“Stop playing with us and tell us why the fuck are we here, you ugly piece of shit,” said the mare, surprising Mr A and Sir Cranco with her outburst.

“And she speaks at last, if only something more pleasant had come out of your mouth, then maybe I'd have let you go,” laughed Mr A. He suddenly stood between Sir Cranco and the mare, holding a knife in his hoof.

“Sir Cranco, have I ever told you how much I hate liars? If it was up to me, then lying alone should lose you a hoof, but it isn't up to me, is it? It's up to rich unicorns like you sitting together in a room deciding how our country should be run. Your kind and hers,” Mr A paused to glare at the mare behind him “are the reason everything is going wrong in Equestria. IT'S YOU!!”

When he saw Sir Cranco’s confused expression, Mr A took a moment to compose himself before smiling and twirling the knife.

“But that doesn't matter. Not right now anyway. A little birdie tells me that a little purple filly is due to start school very soon. It would be a shame if something was to happen to her.”

“Don't you dare hurt Twilight! DON'T YOU DARE!” yelled Sir Cranco, writhing about desperately in the chair.

“It's simple. All you have to do is tell me who you told about our deal,” said Mr A, edging closer and closer to Sir Cranco.

“I didn't tell.. anypony,” reaffirmed Sir Cranco.

Mr A ignored his answer and turned around, brandishing the knife and walking towards the mare.

“Don't come near me! My parents will find you and you don't want to know what they will do to you!” screamed the mare desperately, pushing herself backwards to avoid the knife.

Unfortunately for the mare, Mr A did not listen to her warning. He rested the knife against her cheek and began to drag it down her face, leaving a long, deep gash. The mare screamed and thrashed about wildly but this only managed to make the wound worse. Mr A smiled and repeated the gesture on the other side of her face, and the mare screamed again.

“If you don't tell me the truth, then things will only get worse for her. Ad vitam passion. Live by your house’s motto now and you may just save her life,” said Mr A, admiring the way the blood-stained knife shimmered in the light.

Sir Cranco faced a dilemma; if he didn't confess that he told Sunburst and the noble council about Project Mutatio, then it was very likely that the mare in front of him would be killed. Twilight’s safety also hung in the balance and Sir Cranco knew that Mr A was not the sort of pony that would make empty threats. Sir Cranco did not think that he would be able to live with the guilt. But if he told the truth, then what would happen to him? Mr A was always a psychotic pony and his behaviour right now proved it. Sir Cranco grimaced again as Mr A slashed the mare’s forehead and laughed when the mare screamed again.

I can't take it anymore. I have to tell the truth. For Twilight. For this mare.


Mr A stopped cutting up the mare’s face and faced Sir Cranco. “Is somepony ready to confess their bad deeds?”

“I may have… told somepony about Project Mutatio’s existence, but I didn't mention all of the details!” cried Sir Cranco.

“What exactly did you tell? Did you mention the funding you receive from me?” demanded Mr A.

“Just that the telephone will be released into the market soon, that's all,” said Sir Cranco, his eyes watering. “Just leave her alone. Please.”

“Alright then,” said Mr A, walking slowly towards Sir Cranco. He raised the knife high and slashed it across his midriff, creating a deep gash that would likely form a scar. Ignoring the other stallion’s screams, Mr A walked over to the table. He picked up the pouch containing the white powder and emptied it's contents into a nearby test tube. He placed a spoonful of the powder into a spatula and starting walking back towards the mare.

“Wha-what are doing?! Are you going to-”

“Yes. The reason she was brought here tonight was so that she could test your product. Is that not the deal we made two years ago regarding other ponies?”

“It-it is, but I thought you said that it would only be used on criminals.” cried Sir Cranco.

“Oh Cranco, you complete and utter fool, do I look like a law enforcement officer to you? This mare counts as a criminal in my eyes for what she did in Las Pegasus. So she deserves this fate. Do not forget that I know your little secret and if this sample isn't good enough, then I will be paying a visit to the Equestria Daily office tomorrow,” smirked Mr A as he reached the mare, who had lost consciousness due to the immense pain she had suffered. Mr A opened her mouth and poured the powder into her mouth.

“Now, let's see if your powder’s potency has improved,” said Mr A, taking a few steps back and silently watching the mare. Thirty seconds after she had been given the powder, the mare began to cough, which eventually morphed into a large coughing fit. A thin line of blood began to run from both of her nostrils and orange froth began to form at her mouth, dripping onto her body. The sight was so sickening that Sir Cranco turned his head (very slightly due to the tightness of the ropes) and vomited onto the floor.

“Have some composure, you're a grown stallion,” sneered Mr A quickly sidestepping to avoid being hit by the vomit. A few dots of vomit hit him and he slashed Sir Cranco's face with the knife in retaliation.

“Please.. I'm begging you,” whispered the mare, before vomiting wildly onto the floor. A piece of large pink flesh also landed on the floor and Sir Cranco threw up again, to the annoyance of Mr A. The mare began to shake violently and the ropes struggled to hold her as she thrashed about in the chair she was held in. After a few minutes, she stopped moving and breathing became erratic, slowing down until eventually she stopped breathing.

“You have exceeded all of my expectations, Sir Cranco. The powder is even more potent than the last one,” remarked Mr A, picking up the piece of pink flesh. “It also appears that the powder destroys parts of the body.” Mr A whistled and his two companions entered the room. They placed the two crates that they were holding onto the floor (which contained several kilograms of the deadly powder) and used their teeth to untie the rope and free Sir Cranco. Once he had been freed, Sir Cranco dropped to the floor and looked up at Mr A fearfully.

“My colleagues will return next month to collect the next shipping. Good night Sir Cranco,” said Mr A. As he left the lab, Mr A’s cloak got caught in the hinge of the doorframe and as he pulled it away with his hooves, Sir Cranco caught a glimpse of two black a yellow streak of lightning on his flank.

So he’s a pegasus. And that's what his cutie mark looks like.

“WAIT!” cried Sir Cranco, slowly getting up off the floor. “What... did that mare do?”

Mr A smirked and turned around to see Sir Cranco’s expression when he told him the truth.

“She never did anything. She was innocent.”

Mr A closed the door behind him and Sir Cranco broke down as the extent of his actions hit him like sledgehammer and he sobbed like a foal as he crawled towards the body of the dead mare. He cradled her head in his lap and let his tears fall onto her face and wash the blood and vomit away.

“I’m sorry..I did not know that he was doing this.. for two years I have been supplying him with this, sentencing innocent ponies to their death. It's all my fault,” whispered Sir Cranco, crying quietly. He placed the dead mare’s head back onto the floor and stood up slowly.

I supplied him with the means to end your life.

“I have to get rid of the body. Can't have it stinking up the lab,” said Sir Cranco, looking at the body.

Sir Cranco gently slipped his hooves under the body’s midriff and picked it up, carrying it out of the lab. He left the building through the back door and quietly walked through the alleyways near the building whilst carrying the dead body. Sir Cranco reached his destination ten minutes later and placed the dead body in the skip before lighting up his horn and firing a beam of light at the body. The body immediately burst into flames and the stench of rotting filled the air, and the flames eventually engulfed the skip.

He lied to me. How many innocent ponies could he have killed?

I was a fool to believe him.

But he will pay for what he did.

“I will avenge your death. Mr A will pay for what he did. He will pay,” declared Sir Cranco, walking away from the inferno.

Ad vitam passion

Put others before yourself

A passion for life

Loyalty before wealth