• Published 3rd May 2017
  • 519 Views, 10 Comments

Division - 5aszs

In the aftermath of an event which shocks the nation to its core, earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns fight for control of Equestria.

  • ...



The male pegasus supervisor (whose name was Ice Heart) roughly pushed one of the workers to the floor and the other supervisors laughed loudly as the worker took his time standing up. When he got up, he turned to Ice Heart and raised a hoof in his direction when he was interrupted by an announcement.

"Autumn Forest, please report to the main office immediately."

"That's right dog, run away now." taunted Ice Heart. Autumn ignored him and continued walking briskly towards the flight of stairs. The owners of the factory, the Flim and Flam brothers, had arrived in Appleloosa six months before with their apple cider making machines and they immediately gained permission from the mayor to start building their factory; and they had also promised to make all of the ponies in Appleloosa richer: however their deceit became clear within the first few weeks of employment. The employees worked in unsuitable and unsafe working conditions and they received very low pay. The only reason many ponies stayed on was because there were very few jobs available in Appleloosa since it was a small town coupled with few jobs available and a growing population. Autumn quickly snapped out of his thoughts as he arrived at the main office and he knocked on the door twice.

"You may enter."

Autumn Forest walked into the office to find the unicorn twins sitting at their separate desks. Both wore huge smiles on their faces and Flim stood up quickly.

"Autumn, our favourite employee, why don't you have a seat?"

"Where?" asked Autumn with a slight frown on his face.

"Why, on the floor of course, it’s where your kind belongs after all." replied Flim, struggling to keep a straight face. Autumn glared intently at Flim.

"Now, Flim, be nice. We called Autumn for a reason." admonished Flam. Flim sniggered quietly but obeyed his brother and sat back down at his desk. Flam stroked his moustache gently and walked from his desk to stand in front of Autumn.

"Autumn, we're concerned about your recent lack of effort. Your poor output has obviously influenced your fellow colleagues and we are beginning to see a drop in everypony's output percentage and the company's standings on the market. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Autumn thought for a few moments. "You both are very respectable business ponies who have fought their way to the top in the beverage industry and have never looked back since. I am honoured to be a member of the Super Cider Squeezy family and I would never want to do anything that would harm your company's position."

"We know. But we cannot overlook the facts. For the last few weeks, your output has dropped from 70% to 45%, a decrease of 25%, and not far behind is nearly everypony else; and this is a decrease we haven't seen from any of our employees from all of our branches for fourteen months now. I know that there is a reason behind this and as fair owners, we are willing to hear your explanation, Autumn." said Flam with a small frown.

"Fair owners, is that what you really call yourselves?! We work in awful conditions, you barely pay us an actual wage that we can live off and your supervisor constantly abuses us. IS IT ANY SURPRISE THAT THERE IS A LACK OF EFFORT?!" argued Autumn, losing his temper for a brief moment.

"You mud ponies are all the same, trying to climb in society when you know that your place is AT THE BOTTOM!" yelled Flim. His face had gone red by this point and he strode forward aggressively. "You think you're so special because your kind used to rule Equestria but you're not. Not anymore. You are to return to work immediately and you will hand in your badge at the end of the day, never to work here again. DO YOU HEAR ME?!"

"Your horns are an impeccable creation and an essential part of your biology, perhaps the most important part, Flim and Flam, it would be a shame if they were to be... taken away from you." replied Autumn with a small smile.


"Of course not, I would never want to inflict harm upon my fantastic employers. Like I said, I'm honoured to be a member of the Super Cider Squeezy family."

Autumn strolled out of the office confidently and went down the stairs. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he whistled loudly and what followed next was described in the following day's local papers as an 'devastating destruction of Super Cider Squeezy Factory'. The factory workers abandoned what they were doing and released their six month long pent up fury and frustration. They destroyed the various machines that were in the factory, managing to sett some of them alight. The majority of the supervisors that were stationed throughout the factory froze in panic and some made desperate attempts to escape the wrath of the infuriated earth pony workers; but unfortunately they were too slow. Ice Heart, the supervisor that had tormented the workers for so long now found himself on the floor surrounded by the kicks of workers and he soon lost consciousness. Other supervisors found themselves suffering the same fate as Ice Heart. Autumn and twenty or so other workers charged up the stairs and stormed into Flim and Flam's office. The brothers stood up quickly upon seeing the furious faces of the large group of workers and they had only a brief moment to charge up their horns in preparation to defend themselves before they were charged and quickly overwhelmed by the large group. Autumn ordered the ponies to take the unicorns away and they obliged immediately. Autumn calmly walked back down the stairs and quietly observed the carnage before him. Smoke was pouring out of all of the machines and a few were burning ferociously. Supervisors strewn across the floor either unconscious or (in some cases), dead. Autumn moved from the doorway to allow a group of workers that were carrying Ice Heart to pass through. Autumn exited the building with the rest of the workers, where he found that the rest of the employees were already waiting for their leader. They cheered raucously and Autumn Forest found himself being mobbed by his fellow workers and it took him a while to reach the middle of the crowd. He turned and waited for the audience to all down before speaking.

"Comrades, this is only the beginning. We meet tomorrow night to finish what we started; the beginning of the end of our oppression! Spread the word to our members outside of Appleloosa and we'll meet at the barn."

As the workers rushed to their homes, Autumn allowed himself a moment of peace and quiet. He felt the adrenaline fade away and he closed his eyes. No doubt there would be questions about what had happened, but he was ready to face them all. He turned his thoughts to the impending arrival of the agents he had chosen to complete Phase One of his group's revolution. One of them in particular made him feel a peculiar way; a way he hadn’t felt in years but he pushed this thought to the back of his mind and focused on what was to come.




Terram et praeessent

We will rule
It was early the next morning when the media arrived. Representatives from all of the Equestrian newspapers had flocked to Appleloosa to report on the carnage of the cider factory. Autumn had already prepared his coworkers on what to say and when the reporters noticed the group standing outside the smoking factory, they rushed forward towards them with their cameras flashing.

"Sir, what exactly did you do here?"

"Could you tell us why you did this?"

"Where are Flim and Flam? We would like to ask them some questions regarding the incident here yesterday."

"All of your questions will be answered in due time,” answered Cherry Pie, the mayor of Appleloosa, who had just arrived onto the scene. She beckoned to Autumn and the other workers to step forward and answer the media's questions. Autumn looked at the reporters briefly before beginning his carefully-rehearsed speech.

"Yesterday was a normal working day that went wrong. The reason for what has happened behind us is Flim and Flam. A machine in the factory had stopped working and the twins decided to fix it themselves. The result of that is what you see behind you. Several workers were injured due to their irresponsible actions and we are all out of work now. As for where the owners are, they fled from the factory and haven't been seen since. We won't be answering any more questions. Thank you."

There was an explosion of camera flashes as Autumn and the group walked away, and reporters continued to hassle Autumn with more questions. But the group formed a protective ring around Autumn and they made it clear that Autumn wasn't going to answer any more questions.

"How are the prisoners, Apple Strudel?" whispered Autumn.

"Bruised, battered and broken."

"Good. I'd like to pay them a visit."

"Greetings gentlecolts, I would shake your hooves but...."

Autumn had been escorted to the underground bunker and he was currently with Flim, Flam and Ice Heart. Upon their arrival to the bunker, the prisoners had been handcuffed and thrown into a cramped cell.

"How long are we going be here, mud bastard?" snarled Ice Heart, who was attempting to free himself from his shackles.

Autumn responded by whistling sharply; signalling two guards to enter (and one was carrying an unlit candle). The first held Ice Heart down while the other lit the candle and placed it against his wings. Ice Heart screamed and moved around frantically, trying to avoid the flames but the guards easily overpowered him. The flames began at the tip of Ice Heart's wings but they quickly spread and engulfed his wings. Flim and Flam gasped and tried desperately to move away from Ice Heart. Autumn whistled and the guards let go of Ice Heart and saluted Autumn Forest before exiting the cell. Ice Heart moaned and desperately tried to roll around on the floor to extinguish the flames and it took a while but the flames were eventually reduced to mere smoulders.

"YOU MONSTER! HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT?!" screamed Ice Heart with tears in his eyes.

"Very well, knowing that scum like you will not hamper with the plans I have for this country." replied Autumn with a straight face.

"Our parents are searching for us right now and when they find us like this, you'll be sorry." declared Flim.

"Then why haven't they made a public statement regarding you two yet? A family that is worried about possible missing family members would try anything to get their loved ones back. House Aries hasn't made a single comment. Says a lot about what they really think of you."

Flim was about to make a retort but stopped himself when he remembered what had happened to Ice Heart. Unfortunately Flam didn't do the same.


"That's a shame; I was trying to stop myself from doing this but now I have a reason to do it." replied Autumn. He got a lit candle from one of the guards and aimed for the twins' horns, relishing the screams of Flim and Flam for hours.

Once they had gotten off the train, the stallion and mare quickly exited the train station and walked through Appleloosa, which was overrun with residents going to the Super Cider Squeezy factory. The media had already gathered in a large crowd outside the factory and they bombarded the Appleloosa mayor with questions about what had happened in the factory the previous day. The couple watched the proceedings for a few moments before continuing on their journey and they reached the barn (which was to the far north of Appleloosa) fifteen minutes later.


''Enter my brother and sister; and may the earth's spirit protect you.''

The stallion and mare quickly entered the barn and quietly observed the scenes going on before them. The stallion was quite tall and had a red body. His blue irises suited his face and his cutie mark was a pile of apples that were half yellow. The mare was close to the stallion's height and she had green eyes coupled with a beige body and her cutie mark was several peeled oranges. Lots of differently sized haystacks represented seats and conversations were rife amongst the ponies. The barn's atmosphere was filled with rich laughter and the collective mood was peaceful yet excited.


Everypony present immediately stood up but the couple took their time standing up, which garnered them odd looks.

''They'll soon find out why'', whispered the stallion.

''Yes, but I hope he announces it quickly, he does have a tendency to-''

A tall, broad-shouldered orange earth pony sauntered into the barn and stood quietly before his audience, staring stoically. His blue irises flitted around the room, giving each pony present a penetrating stare. The mare felt her cheeks heat up when he nodded slightly at he. He had a long scar that started on his right cheek and ended barely touching his jaw. His sharp jaw line gave his face a menacing yet handsome edge, indicating that he was not an individual to be crossed. His cutie mark was a pile of autumn leaves (which coincided with his name) and a rake next to them, in a sweeping motion.

''Order of Roots, you may be seated.'' he announced.

''As you command, Autumn Forest.'' was the reply.

Autumn Forest waited for a few moments before addressing his audience.

''Comrades, we have gathered here today in Appleloosa to put the final touches to Project Genesis. For far too long, our tribe has been shunned, abused and forgotten; we have been persecuted by those demons at the cider factory and for 3 months the crime lords and the pegasi supremacists in Las Pegasus have dictated over the earth pony community and have systematically organised their deaths. Inflation and unemployment numbers have spiralled out of control and of course, it's hit our tribe the hardest. The two princesses have turned a blind eye to these injustices and pretend to not know what is going on but we all know that they are well aware of what is happening; but look at what happens when we all work together. It started at the Super Cider Squeezy factory yesterday and it ends in Canterlot in a week's time when we take control. NOS RESURGEMOS! WE WILL RISE!"

A roar of approval rose up from the earth ponies present and each individual present had now stood up, eagerly waiting for their leader to continue speaking.

''I have already sent a letter to our colleagues in Manehatten and Detrot regarding our mission and they are primed and ready. My mole in Canterlot has also managed to successfully infiltrate the palace and is awaiting further instructions.'' Autumn Forest paused for a moment to allow the earth ponies to cheer again. He held up a hoof and they quickly fell silent and sat back down again.

''Now you all have been wondering for quite a few months now who I have selected to complete Phase 1 of Project Genesis and I can assure you, the two that I have selected are more than capable. Agents, show yourselves!''

The couple walked to the front and smiled before everypony.

"Why don't you tell everypony your names?'' said Autumn Forest, staring particularly at the mare before her companion spoke for them.

''I am Marzana Crumble of the Apple Family and this is my wife Ambrose Orange of the Orange Family.'' stated Marzana proudly.

''The Oranges?'' glared Autumn Forest. The Oranges were the second largest earth pony family in Equestria and also the richest. Most of its members lived in Manehatten and they had earned their money through the large chain of hotels and restaurants they owned in the city. They were also despised by all earth ponies for shunning their true identity and behaving in the manner of unicorns. The family called for social programs to take earth ponies out of school and place into hotel jobs in order to increase their profit and when they announced this the previous year they received several death threats and (luckily for them) attempts on their lives ultimately ended in failure.

''I can assure you sire, that I am nothing like my family.''said Ambrose, her smile faltering. Most of the members were now giving her dirty looks and some had even stood up and brandished their weapons.

''Is that so, Miss Orange? Well, luckily for you, I can think of a way you can prove yourself. What do you say comrades, should we get the prestigious Ambrose Orange to put her family's 'hard-earned' money where her mouth is?'' asked Autumn Forest.


Autumn Forest whistled and silence rang throughout the barn. He turned to one of the doors on the side and stomped his hoof. Almost immediately, two earth pony guards entered and with them were three prisoners. The ponies present couldn't help but gasp and their eyes lit up with recognition. Flim, Flam and the male Pegasus supervisor that had harassed the earth pony workers for so long were dragged into the room. Flim and Flam's horns were black and stank of burning flesh. The pegasus' blue fur was matted with dirt and blood, most of his feathers had been singed off and his wings were gone. They all hung their heads low, ignoring the jeers and boos from the earth ponies present.

''Greetings, gentlecolts. How nice of you all to join us tonight. Now my friend Ambrose here is just going to do a little favour for me but I promise you that it'll be quick.'' said Autumn Forest. He turned to Ambrose and Marzana.

''Miss Orange, cut the demons' horns and cut feather brain's head off.''

What?!'' exclaimed Ambrose and the prisoners.

''You heard me, Miss Orange. Or is such an act beneath your prestigious reputation? Now, get to cutting." snarled Autumn Forest. He roughly threw an axe onto the floor and waited for Ambrose to pick it up.
Ambrose took a deep breath and picked up the axe from the floor. She walked over to the prisoners and stood over him, giving him a blank stare.

"Please, don't do this. I don't deserve this. Please, please." whispered Ice Heart, tears brimming in his eyes.

Ambrose Orange realised in that moment that she had to obey Autumn Forest or she wouldn't leave the barn alive or see her family again. Why didn't Marzana stand up for her? He was just standing there, being a spectator. He wasn't usually like this so why didn't he step in?

Do this for your family Ambrose.

Think about all of the earth ponies that are suffering all over Equestria. This is your chance to make their lives better.

This country was ours from the beginning.

We are the superior race.

Ambrose lifted the axe high and brought it down with lightning speed, severing the head's connection from Ice Heart's body. Ambrose picked up the severed head with her hoofs and held it aloft before the earth ponies. They showed their jubilation and chanted her name. Ambrose then turned to the unicorn brothers.

"Name anything you want and we'll give it to you. Money, land, stallions." sobbed Film.

"Just let us go and we'll make you rich beyond your wildest dreams." agreed Flam with a quick nod, tears running down his cheeks. But Ambrose had gone beyond the point of negotiation.

"Your kind disgusts me." replied Ambrose with a twisted glare. She quickly sliced through the horns of the twin unicorns and let the blood that sprayed out land onto her hooves and face. A brief flash of light could be seen from the brothers' heads and they both immediately collapsed, remaining still.

"I didn't think you had it in you, Miss Orange." remarked Autumn, partly surprised she'd even managed to complete the task. He felt himself hardening as he spoke to Ambrose; for a reason he didn't know, Autumn realised that Ambrose's currently blood-stained appearance suited her in a strange way.

"If I didn't, then you wouldn't have chosen me for the job sir." replied Ambrose with a small smile. She always felt nervous whenever Autumn spoke to her and she didn't know if it was nerves or something else, something more.

Marzana went over to his wife and kissed her lips gently. She responded by turning her head and placing her hooves on the back of his head. But Ambrose still found herself thinking about Autumn. Ambrose pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind and decided to worry about them later.
For the rest of the meeting Autumn Forest discussed tactics with the ponies present. Friendly sparring also took place between ponies in order to prepare them for the next day and the final winner was one of Marzana's cousins called Apple Strudel. An hour later, he dismissed the ponies and many headed off to the local bar a few blocks away from the barn. Those who had travelled from outside of Appleloosa to attend the meeting headed to their respective hotels.

"Ambrose, just a moment please, I would like to talk to you." called out Autumn Forest.

"Yes, sir, right away sir."

Ambrose told Marzana the directions to the bar and followed Autumn to the back of the barn. Once they arrived, Autumn stood casually against the wall and Ambrose nervously copied him. He offered her a cigar and she blushed profusely but politely declined, which drew laughter from Autumn Forest.

"May I ask why you called me here to talk to you? If it doesn't offend you, sir." asked Ambrose.

"Always addressing the elephant in the room aren't you? That's what I like about you and it's also why I chose you as well as your husband for Phase One. You're both ruthless and heartless".

"Thank-thank you sir, I don't know how-how I can repay you for both your decision and kind compliments" stammered Ambrose, blushing again.

"Hush, dear Ambrose," said Autumn, placing a hoof on her lips, "you can repay me and all earth ponies by succeeding in the plan tomorrow, and I am positive that you and Marzana will come through for us". He gave her a sweet smile and returned to smoking his cigar.

Ambrose smiled again, but she felt warm inside and she wasn't able to shake the feeling. She had to admit to herself that Autumn was handsome, even more than her husband, but why was she feeling this way about Autumn Forest? She didn't even know him that well. She found herself just staring at Autumn, her observations of his appearance running through her thoughts.

Just look at him, standing here. I can see his biceps and triceps from here. He's so strong.

His jawline makes me want to scream

His eyes are as deep and blue as the ocean

Whenever he speaks to me he's always so kind

He chose me out of everybody to take part in Phase One

During this time, Autumn was still unaware that Ambrose was staring at him and he continued to smoke his cigar, eventually throwing it on the ground and stomping it out. In her delirious state, Ambrose found herself leaning in closer and closer to Autumn.

"Listen Ambrose, I want to tell you that I –" Autumn had turned his face when he started to talk to her but now he found that his lips were conjoined with Ambrose's. He instinctively turned his head to go deeper and he began to rub his hooves all over her body. Ambrose pushed her tongue into his mouth and Autumn did the same with Ambrose's mouth. He pushed her roughly against the wall and slowly gyrated against her, and he felt an erection coming on. Suddenly he found that Ambrose had broken off the kiss.

"I'm so sorry sir, I don't know what came over me, I-I don't know, I just-I-just, I-", sobbed a tearful Ambrose. She then broke down and slumped to the floor, crying floods of tears.

How could you do this? Now watch how Autumn will probably take you off the mission

What if he tells Marzana what I've done? You can kiss goodbye to your marriage now Ambrose

Fucking idiot

You slut

Autumn Forest stood silently in shock; this was an unusual emotion for him because he always had control over his feelings. Then he felt an urge to comfort Ambrose and tell her the real reason he told her to stay behind. He knelt down and hugged Ambrose, holding her close to him. Eventually she stopped crying and stayed silent in his arms, holding him tightly.

I don't want her to feel this way. Ever. Marzana obviously did a poor job with taking care of her

This is your chance to tell her how you have felt about her since the day you met her seven months ago

"Ambrose, I have to tell you something. Ever since I first met you, I…I have felt strangely about you. It's strange because I haven't felt this way for many years. But I can't fight my feelings anymore. I, I love you Ambrose Orange. You are the most beautiful mare I have ever seen. You are a strong, independent individual who fights for what she believes in. despite your family background, I can see that you are nothing like them and it's clear that you are deeply concerned about our tribe's position in Equestrian society."

"What about the task that you set me in the meeting?" whispered Ambrose, looking at Autumn.

Autumn's expression hardened and he stared intently at Ambrose.

"I do not regret the fact that I set you that task because you needed to prove yourself. When you announced that you are an Orange, I-I felt disgusted at first and I was tempted to end your life there and then." Autumn's features then softened.

"But when you cut that pegasus' wings and head off, I knew that you were different. That you were special."

Ambrose sniffed and instinctively cuddled up against Autumn.

"I understand sir, you did what you had to do as our leader in order to save the plan and all earth ponies, and I respect you for that." Ambrose then leaned in and kissed Autumn Forest deeply and he responded in a similar manner, stroking her mane gently and thrusting his tongue into her mouth. He picked her up and carried her into the barn, laying her onto the floor. Autumn immediately straddled her, thrusting his member in and out of his companion. Ambrose moaned loudly and stroked Autumn's forelegs and Autumn used his tongue to explore Ambrose's genetalia, and she felt herself reaching her climax. Ten minutes later, the lovers lay side by side on the floor, contemplating what had happened between them. Autumn stroked Ambrose's mane gently, and Ambrose closed her eyes and felt comforted and at peace . Suddenly she remembered that Marzana was waiting for her in the local pub and she opened her eyes and quickly got up.

"What's wrong?" asked Autumn.

"Marzana, I said that I was going to meet him at the pub, he might come here and..." Ambrose tailed off at the end of the sentence.

"It's fine, just tell him you went to visit somepony to discuss tactics or something."

"Okay then...thank you sir".

"It's not sir, it's Autumn between me and you. You're mine now remember?"

"Yes, s-Autumn." said Ambrose, the panic rising within her. She hastily left the barn and galloped as quickly as she could to the bar.

Marzana sat on a table in the bar, waiting impatiently for his wife to return. He looked at the clock every few minutes and was just about to go out and look for her when she arrived.

"Ambrose, where have you been, I was starting to get worried." asked Marzana.

"Oh, I went to visit your cousin Apple Strudel to give me some sparring tips." replied Ambrose, breathless due to galloping to the bar as quickly as she could.

"Oh okay, that's fine then. Do you want me to get you a drink?"

"Yes please, darling."

Whilst Marzana went over to the front table to get her a drink, she pondered over what she had done. She felt guilty inside for cheating on her husband but part of her didn't regret her actions. She felt as if Autumn Forest may just be the stallion for her. She quickly shook her head vigorously and reminded herself that she had bigger things to worry about. The date in seven days was going to be the biggest and most important day of her life; the beginning of Project Genesis.