• Published 28th Apr 2017
  • 607 Views, 15 Comments

Story of a Monster - King of Madness

The memoirs of one of Equestria's greatest fiends.

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Reign of a Monster

Ahhh, what a beautiful day. Or is it night? There really is no telling. The sun and moon go up and down and back and forth and sideways and around the bend as they please. The sky and ground are both covered with cotton candy clouds, raining down and up in random places. The ground is like a pink checker board, though I haven't actually put down any chess pieces yet... Perhaps I shouldn't. Pieces of, well, everything float in the air and every living thing is totally bonkers. Truly a beautiful day!

I sit on my throne and look around at the world I have created. Chaos... Glorious chaos. My attention is caught by the screams of nearby ponies. I look to see a group of them running from a small herd of animals. It's impossible to tell what they are or were to due there body parts being mismatched at nearly every point, but judging from their red eyes and the foam coming from their mouths, the ponies are right to flee. Perhaps I should help them... I know! I'll making a branch come out of the ground and trip the animals so that the ponies can get away. I raised my paw to do so... Oopsie. I tripped the ponies instead. Ah, well. I'm sure they'll be fine. It's not like they can die; not in my world.

I ride my throne through the air and check on my subjects. I see pegasi with wings on their bellies instead of backs, forcing them upside down, desperately trying to fly away from the random chasms. I don't know if any of them were actually pegasi. I always change the races of everypony, therefore I have no idea which of them are how they were born at whatever time. Though they fact that their wings, horns, and strength are always on any part of they're body but the place they're supposed to be makes it hard for them. Well, sometimes they're in their proper place, but for the most part they're not.

I watch ponies and non-ponies alike run around in utter madness. I see a deer slithering around like a snake with it's legs wrapped around his body like ribbons. A group of buffaloes dressed like ballerinas and dancing as such. Two pegasi controlling two earth ponies like puppets. A pony dressed like a clown and shoving an air pump into random ponies and non-ponies' mouths, blowing them up like balloons before tying strings to they're mouths and letting them float away. The skeleton of a pony chasing after his skin, which is moving like a regular pony. A zebra with stripes that twisted around around his body in a way that hypnotizes anypony that sees it. The zebra himself isn't insane, but judging from his reactions to everypony near him being put in a trance, he'll be going crazy all on his own soon enough. He's already turning grey. Oh, there is just so much chaos! I simply can't list it all.

My attention is taken away from the little ponies by a cyclone that appeared out of nowhere in a mere second. Of course, that's just natural here. Cyclones appear in random places at random times and last for a random number of minutes. This one appears right in front of me and sucks me in. I'm unharmed, of course, and teleport away.

I decide to take a look at Canterlot. I go to the once lively city and admire what I have done to it. Like every other major city caught in my chaotic web, it burns like a giant bonfire. The city itself is a mass of red and yellow while the flames are every other color including colors that don't exist. Dangling above the flames are countless ponies; all of them crying and screaming and begging for release. They are suspended by strings marionettes, hanging at the tips of the flames. Of course, they'll just be swapped out for other ponies in time, though I'm not sure when. Time doesn't really work here.

It seems everything is in proper disorder. The world is destroyed yet not destroyed. Forever dying but never dead. Everyone insane yet sane. Perfection. Though I wonder how Celestia and Luna are doing... I had decided long ago (or was it not that long at all?) to let those two stay sane. To allow them to watch as everything they love is torn apart, put back together, and torn apart again. They can't stop me. They're not strong enough or smart enough to break me down. There is nothing they can do...

Of course, there are the Elements of Harmony, but I'm not concerned. I've already planted some delicious chaos seeds at the Tree of Harmony. If they take the Elements out, the seeds should sprout and do the work for me. I think it's time they accepted that I'm the king from here on out.

Ooh, boy! Look at what the mutilated mutant cat dragged in. I laugh as Celestia and Luna glared at me. It seems the two have been having a rough time by the looks of it. So, I suggest pin the tail on the donkey... with Celestia's tail. Hahahaha! Of course, they don't find it funny. They've never found anything I do funny. I don't care any more. I tried to make others laugh; I've been trying since before those two alicorns were born. Now, all that matters is that I make myself laugh.

Well, it looks like those two are going to try to stop me. Haha! What are they going to do? Blast me with the power of friendship? Destroy me with their love? Kill me with they're selflessness? Hahaha! And they look so serious! They really think they can stop me! It's hilarious! Hahahahahahaha Ahahahahahaha-

Why can't I move?