• Published 28th Apr 2017
  • 607 Views, 15 Comments

Story of a Monster - King of Madness

The memoirs of one of Equestria's greatest fiends.

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Creation of a Monster

I watch as the two young alicorns walk up a grassy hill. I knew they would be here. It's one of their favorite spots, though I never understood why. All they do here is talk and talk and talk. That's it! Perhaps it's a girl thing... or a pony thing... or maybe it's something friends do... I wouldn't know. Despite my confusion, I still smile and rub my 'hands' together. Oh, they are in for a surprise! I'm going to give them something much more fun than just boring talking.

Once the two alicorns reach the top of the hill, I snap my fingers. In an instant, the hill's surface turns into soap. Caught off guard, the two are unable to fly nor teleport away before slipping on the soapy surface, causing them to slid down to the bottom of the hill. I reveal myself, laughing at the two. I expect them to laugh along with me... but they don't.

The older alicorn rolls her eyes as she steadily gets on her hooves. "Discord, must you play your little pranks when me and Luna are trying to relax?" She asks me.

The younger alicorn struggles to get up but slips and falls on her belly. Her older sister helps her up.

I don't understand. Didn't they not find it funny? I thought is was funny. I thought they would appreciate a good prank. I've seen Celestia and Luna play pranks on each other all the time. With a sigh, I snap my fingers and return the hill to normal. "I was just trying to spruce up your day." I tell them.

"That service was unneeded." Luna tells me in an aggravated tone.

I hang my head and teleport back to the Chaos Realm. Why didn't they enjoy my prank? How was it different from the pranks they play on each other? Is it... Is it me?

I chuckle as chocolate milk rains down on the ponies of Canterlot. No matter how many times I've tried, Celestia and Luna just don't appreciate any of the things I do. Turn the castle floors into soap? They give me angry looks. Replace their thrones with cake? They eat it and demand their thrones back without so much as a thank you. Turn their fur, manes, and tails into several different colors and patterns? They tell me to stop. All these years and I just can't please those two. Don't they realize that I'm trying to make them laugh? Don't they realize I want to be their friend?

Oh, well. Forget those two. I'm sure at least some of the Canterlot ponies will appreciate my work. After all, who doesn't like chocolate milk?

"Discord!" A voice rings out behind me.

I turn to see Celestia and Luna have arrived. They fly only about two yards away from me. Despite their grumpy looks, I give them a smile. "Hello, Tia and Lulu. Come to join the fun?"

"Discord, I would like for you to stop making it rain chocolate milk." Celestia requests in a polite yet annoyed tone while her white coat is stained brown.

Why would I make it stop? Were the ponies not enjoying it? "Why?" I ask the boss lady. "All I'm doing is giving these ponies free chocolate milk. They'll be thanking me soon."

Luna rolls her eyes and points a hoof towards the ground. "Do they look grateful?"

I look down to the ponies below. They were trying to get out of the rain and were griping about how their manes and outfits were ruined. Why weren't any of them enjoying it? Why wasn't anyone smiling? "But... But don't ponies like chocolate milk?" I ask the princesses.

"We like to drink chocolate milk, Discord." Celestia tells me. "Not be showered with it."

"B-But I-"

"Please, Discord. Just take it away."

I open my mouth to reply, but instead I frown and snap my fingers, causing the cotton candy clouds to disappear. I glare at the two alicorns. "I just want to brighten ponies' days. Is that too much to ask?!"

An expression of what seems to be remorse appears on their faces, but I teleport away before I can be sure.

My home is in shambles. Everything is broken and on fire. My entire Chaos Realm is distorted in red and black colors. But I don't care. I just lay here, surrounded by this destruction. It was my own doing, but I don't care. Why should I care? It's not like it has feelings. It's not like it can feel sadness... or frustration... or rage! It doesn't feel left out. It doesn't get upset. It doesn't try to do anything about it. It doesn't try to make ponies happy! And it doesn't fail at it! And it doesn't spend eons trying to find someone to appreciate it! And it isn't put down every single time! And... And it.... It doesn't waste it's time looking around the world for someone who would be it's friend. It... I-It didn't try to befriend any ponies... Or dragons... Or griffons... Or minotaurs... Or diamond dogs... Or zebras... Or donkeys... Or sea monsters... Or... Or... Or... AAAAAAAAAAH!

W-What is wrong with me?! Why am I the one that no one wants to be friends with?! Why does no one appreciate me?! Why does no one understand that I'm trying to make them smile?! Why... Why am I... Why am I this? I've asked these questions for so long now that I can't even start to remember where it had began. And those questions just bring in more... and more. Is it because I'm different? Is it because of how I behave? That doesn't make sense. Ponies and other beings, aside from most dragons and griffons, get along just fine despite being different. Is it because of my power? Is it because I can do things they can't? That doesn't make sense either. The alicorns are the same way and they are worshiped for it. I don't... I can't understand.

So, I just lay here, lost in my thoughts. Tears run down my face as I sink deeper and deeper in despair. But I don't understand why that has to be me. Why am I the one doomed to everlasting despair? Why must I be tormented for all eternity? I tried, didn't I?! I tried to bring these stupid, ungrateful ponies something great, didn't I?!

You know what? I don't care anymore! They don't deserve to have a friend like me! None of them! They should be the ones in everlasting despair! They should be the ones in eternal torment! And... And I'm one who will give it to them! Of course! Why didn't I realize it sooner?! I'm the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony! I was never meant to have friends. I was never meant to bring joy. My destiny rests only in destruction and madness. Of course!

I wipe the tears off my face and start laughing. For some reason, I find it funny that I never realized this before. In fact, it's hilarious! I don't know why. It doesn't make sense but... You know what? Why should it make sense? Why does anything have to make sense? Where's the fun in it? So, I just laugh and laugh and laugh. My destiny awaits and Equestria is doomed! Heheheheheheheh! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!