• Published 26th Apr 2017
  • 1,540 Views, 12 Comments

Greed and Power - TheStoryMaker

It's been nine years since the Great War has ended. I thought there wouldn't be any more wars, but that all changed in 1927. I've believed that magic or unicorns weren't real, but I was wrong. Let me tell you what I saw...

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Chapter Seven - Second Battle of Saarbrücken Part 1

I sleep and do whatever I can to pass the time.

It has been a few days but nothing more. Still more and more of us for the World are coming to Occupied-Saarbrücken in which already damaged the future of tomorrow. It has been a few days since we got there around October 20th I believe. Nothing more than cleaning my gun from the mud or catching on some sleep and alerted and awake from an invasion or attack. Nothing can go possibly wrong, so far-

"NATHAN WAKE YOUR ASS UP!!!" I was shaking violently by something.

"Ugh, what?" I looked around. Hearing whistles and the charges of war, bombs and crying from a distant.

"WAKE UP!!!" I think it was Sebastian waking me up just to the sound of his voice.

"I'm up! I'm up! I'm up! I'm up!" I said fast he dropped me and left. I was in the concrete house, some drool came just a bit but that's about it. I looked around picking up my Springfield and my M1911 in which was right next to me. I slept to the bottom right side of the house of it leaned to my left in which I fell asleep. "Oh God," I mumbled. I grabbed all of my stuff, my radio, my ammunition and took the safety off my weapons. I stood and looked around seeing nothing but men, tanks, planes, and artillery firing bombs charging to the far pony-trench.

Yep, that's how far the Germans were scared of these things. The gunfire started and all became a bloodbath. I started to pay attention to the pony-trench as some sort of light or magical glow came out. My heart skipped a beat and I swear to God it did. Some wooden spikes started falling from the sky as some have an explosive tip killing the men only to be hanged with their bodies leaning back dropping their weapons and helmets.

Germans, the French, and us Americans started to charge to the trench carrying BAR M1918s, FM 24/29s, Gewehr 98s, Lebel Model 1886s, MP-18s, and M1903 Springfields.

The mud splattered everywhere, with blood and craters with water in them. "Oh shit," I shook my head then started walking down the stairs meeting the rest of them. Everyone looked tired and scared.

"Oh god not the damn unicorns or ponies," Xavier said, putting the magazine into his M1903, then picking up his M1911 cocking it back locked and loaded.

"We've been to training before," Recalled Terrence. "We heard stories, we know how to survive and everything. Hell, I heard gunshots of men shooting down a bird!"

"Damn, good point," Said Elijah, "When did you hear them?" He was on the bench looking down on his M1903 placing the magazine in, the, cocking back the bolt loading the chamber in.

"Um, the other day I think, I saw the bird go down but that's about it. All we got is bread and beef." Answered Terrence cleaning the mud from his M1911.

"I'm back now." I walked toward the four ready to charge and die on the battlefield. my heart was beating fast like a scared animal. Nothing but artillery would plummet down onto the ponies and they would use wooden spikes with an explosive tip having a similar effect to the projectiles we were using but a smaller explosion.

"You ready?" Asked Terrence he looked like he was ready to get on No Man's Land.

"No, I'm not." I looked at the sky spotting different planes such as Ilya-Muromets', Caproni Ca.5s, and Salmson 2s. Flying in the air as ready to hit their target, if I had to count there would be thousands of them. Great, this offensive became more suicidal.

"Same here," I looked at Terrence as he looked up to the sky.

"I don't even wanna go. The dirt in your eyes, the bullets, the smoke, even 'trench foot'." Sebastian called out slowly cocking back his M1911.

"Let's just stay here," Xavier said. "We don't have to g-" He was cut off by the sound of a commander at least yelling at us, then blowing his whistle then talked in another language, it sounded more French than German just by listening to conversations from the Germans. He grabbed Xavier and Elijah who in both were sitting and pushed Terrence and Sebastian out then toward the way to the front lines. I insisted jogging with them.

We knew the general area of the trenches but it didn't last forever as the spikes would crash down breaking or cutting paths for us from the trenches. I ran with them from behind going to the front lines. "Just one path at a time," I yelled as gunshots, crying, and artillery came crashing down. I kept looking at the sky or just slightly above the heads of my 'friends', "WATCH OUT!!!!" I shouted as a projectile from the ponies came down and stabbed the wet, mushy soft mud above and right next to the trench path where we were. Splattering it all of us. Luckily I covered my eyes when it happened. But when I opened them a crater destroyed the wooden and thin metal walls of the trench. The ground went deeper and a little portion was filled with water. "Jesus,"

"I know right?" Terrence said as he went right into the crater shivering in the uncomfortable feeling of water and mud. After that then, a few more running around left and right we hit the frontlines in which dead corpses of French, Americans, and Germans rot inside the trench.

"Oh God," Elijah started breathing hard then ran across from us shoving us then vomited in a corner.

"Ugh, shit" Disgusted Xavier as a shiver went down his spine.

"Let's go," Elijah mumbled just loud enough for us to hear. He grabbed his bayonet from his pocket and attached it to his M1903 all of us repeated the same action. As soon we were ready there was one thing before it ends.

Ending in a dark death rotting on No Man's Land. As rats, maggots, and bugs eat you. Will you be remembered? As a hero who died in battle and for what? What are we fighting for? The freedom of Europe? Enough battles have already happened in the continent. 'Why should there be another one?'

I thought of this in my head as the thousands of soldiers of which were already dead or wounded bleeding to death as some body parts were blown to pieces or just barely attached by the veins of the circulatory system. Some crying, yelling in agony, crying screaming as they too know that they will not make it. What was this for? And why? Would you blame politics that wanted more power? Or was it much, much worse? Is it a certain cause to die for one's world or home? Will these heroes be in shrined in history forever for their great sacrifice? Or will their legacy be rot away into dust like their bodies before them? Animals such as us and the ponies killing each other, that's what war is. That's whats war has always been, and yet we glorify war. I fell for the same trap, I needed money to go to college but why during this time? Of such an invasion? We are the same people, we think the same and do the same things. Not killing each other, just as leader's Greed and Power. They sent them and they die knowing that he will to not do the same.

I picked up my M1903 Springfield running as fast as I can through the thick heavy mud, through the dead bodies, and the broken Czech hedgehogs and wooden spikes of our men hanged with their rifles on the mud. May God Bless Them. It was smoke everywhere then right as I got outta there. Everything was a blur, it felt like time has stopped as retired tanks like the St Chamond and FT-17 light tanks started coming in and Mark V Landships as they loaded up the heavy machine guns and started shooting. "Shit, shit, shit!" I ran toward a destroyed tank it looked more abandoned but it was fine by the looks it. It was a large hole from the back of the tank as it looks like was trying to go head on but to fail and explode. "Okay," I looked back to see if there were any of my friends but nothing. "I can do this," I whispered.

I looked around to see if there were any obstacles there were but mostly scattered, with a bunch of dead trees, and a few signs of life of plants. I entered the tank and started to look around, it reeked of corpses I wanted to vomit just like Elijah. But I got out before I could, I turned and looked again. Then the craters of the artillery made an almost perfect cover for me to hide behind. I waited for an opportunity but couldn't I was so damned scared. Of dying, and to rot on mud. My heart was basically beating out of my chest, my muscles would reject of what my brains been saying. "Come on, come on come on," I mumbled. As I stood still in shock, as the light rays from the ponies kept going and going. "AAAAHHHHH!!" I yelled running into the craters running faster than ever in my entire life. I saw the crater ready to leap into the hole I grunted as I leaped then, "AHHGGRA!" I excruciated as I tripped over a dead horse with a dead rotting French soldier holding his saber. The velocity launched me into the crater filled with some water, I got up and leaned up against the mud ignoring the pain from my leg. I trembled peeking over the to find where was my next move. I grabbed my M1903 and aimed to where the light rays were coming from. I could only guess where they were coming from.

I took a shot to a light blue ray was coming from, 'BANG[!/i]' the light disappeared. I cocked back the bolt the shell ejected, I cocked it back in ready for another one. 'BANG!' Another and another.

One by one disappearing. 'BANG!' the five round magazine was empty. I cocked back the bolt all the way then took the mag then prepared to grab a new one. I looked up toward the pony-trench seeing something different. "Didn't I shot it?" I looked as the light started to glow brighter and brighter. "Oh shit," I quickly put in the new mag, then cocked the bolt back loading on the chamber. I looked again this time faintly hearing a humming sound. Now it was bright enough to notice it instantly after I heard a 'pew' sound I took the shot. It was probably me who pay most attention to it. 'BANG!' I closed my eyes ready to die like the rest of the others. I dunno what happened but the loudest explosion I ever heard was after that I opened one eye barely making out the details. There was an orange-transparent ball that expanded then closed on itself then expanded once more making a 'BOOM!' sound. "Holy shit was that me?"

Nothing but smoke came up with dirt and mud, I took it as a chance to run and get some cover moving closer to their trench. But to my surprise, as soon as I ran through the smoke a tank showed with broken tracks probably the furthest one out here. Closest to the pony-trench, it was coming closer and closer from a distance not far but far on No Man's Land, my breathing became louder and louder. I was close to it, 'BOOM!' there was an explosion behind my kicking me off my balance. I quickly grabbed my helmet and placed it over the armor helmet I had on. I looked to see what it was. It didn't kill me or wound me it just took me off my balance. I was on my back and watched as....

Confetti went everywhere, and balloons floated up into the sky....

"What the hell?" I looked and shook my head. "I must be hallucinating," I crawled toward the tank and again was facing toward the trenches only this time five dead bodies were facing the same way rotting. "Okay, now what?" I asked myself, the smoke density was starting to drop off, I opened the left side door of the tank and leaped in. It didn't reek or anything there were a few holes here and there but nothing more. I looked around trying to find where the machine guns were at for a second. "Oh, here we go!" I then saw that a Lewis Gun was connected. I cocked the slide then started firing toward the ponies. "Hahaha!" I laughed knowing how powerful the gun was. But it didn't last forever as it overheated with steam coming out. "Oh sh-" I cocked back the slide hopefully restarting the gun again.

It worked as it was a killing machine. But it wasn't enough to keep our men to charge at the trench. I got out and moved to the cannon in the front, I fired it. 'BOOM!' It was 10 times better than the Lewis Gun, "Oh shit, where are the shells?" I looked behind in the cramped space. "There!" I moved closer then grabbed one and placed it into the cannon pulled down the lever then aimed it to most ponies were at. 'BOOM!' I would have guessed most ponies were taken out by that one shell. I then got up and repeated the same progress, to the point where the ponies were shooting at me. "Crap I gotta do something about this!" I went to the Lewis Gun and shot them down helping everyone on that battlefield. 'BANG!' I felt something as the tank got hit, I aimed the Lewis Gun to where it came from but I didn't know where. 'BANG!' This time it was stronger. Then 'BONG' the tank flipped it shook gravity changed, "AHHH GOD!" I landed on a wall then shells started pouring down.

I took a big breath in, but then came darkness.

Comments ( 2 )

Is this story dead?:pinkiesad2:

No not really I'm working on 'What Is That?' story still. BUT during summer or around May this story is coming up with the whole thing revised and maybe added scenes to the plot to explain a lot more better.

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