• Published 22nd Apr 2017
  • 413 Views, 26 Comments

A Rose Full Of Thorns - Prince Galaxy

Name's Rose Thorns, I look pretty, I look weak, you probably think you can do whatever you want with me?I would kill you. I was a human, which is why I'm so good at this, it's an art that we mastered. Anyways, good luck, you'll be fun!

  • ...
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Comments ( 19 )

"Well, I made vegetarian sushi, it's something I learned from my bocus of gol-Ummm...Some book..." I said

I would love to know what a "bocus of gol" is.


Bocus d'or, it's, I'm pretty sure a European cooking award.Bromze, silver, gold.

The fuck just happened?

Sk1Tz #5 · Apr 22nd, 2017 · · 1 ·

Wow. This is garbage. Though I commend this filth for not stinking as much as others.

Still, this left me cringing in every form of the word.

Not the worst here, but I still wanted to put forks into my corneas as I read.

... welp, at least it was a short chapter.


What didn't you like about it?

8114115 It's just that the main protag is trying to be cool and strong, but she instead gives off this really edgy attitude. She's a marysue, as well, being a literal god and killing all the guards with ease.

That's not how you develop a character. Making it OP as shit isn't a good move to do. Like, this isn't an rp, this is a story website, where you post coherent stories, not about how unkillable your character is without reason.

EDIT: Also, why are the guards doing such shady shit? There is no reason nor rhyme to it. It just feels so out of place that it too makes me cringe and think "how the hell did this story get created again?".


Gang, not guards, guards come in later, also, rewriting the story, thx for the advice!


Ok, so, better reason for the school
And less moron science. No, I'm so keeping that. That is prime quality knowledge, everybody should know it. Nah, I'll deal with it, but how should I get a reason for the school (I have no idea and my imagination and creative juices have been depleted.)



You know what, she sensed magic in her, so, that's the best I got, and I will approve!
Now for the questioning...Huh...Maybe less swearing...Wait, the fucking fuck shit am I fucking talking about, GET ME THREE SHOTS OF WHISKEY. No, maybe less swearing, ummm, any idea of were she goes completely quantum physics:
"So, basically, thssis is why we can't build better computers, because our buttons work by blocking electrons, so, If and that is, the quantum physics will make the electron teleport to the other side which will break your computer, the more you know, facts"
"YOU MOTHER****ING ************ ****** *** SUCKING ******"

I'm twelve and know about this stuff, the wonders of the internet.

8115092 I was about to ask why this user was banned but then I looked at the comments and... Yea. Although if it's because of age, there's no real way to prove it. If it's because of his/her outbursts that makes sense.

8116541 People tend to either say that on purpose or just act up but I guess it changes little. How long is he/she banned?

8116746 Then it can be anywhere from a day to a year

8116785 How unfortunate. Since there's no clear cut proof he/she can offer up.

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