• Published 17th Apr 2017
  • 185 Views, 1 Comments

The Dawn Wars - jakestatefarm432

War is coming. Who will you fight for? Loyalties divided, families crossed against each other. A New Lunar Republic vs Solar Empire fanfic. Inspired by the popular anthem of the New Lunar Republic, For The New Lunar Republic, by I Am Not A Clever Pon

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Rise of the NLR Part 2

Chapter 4:
Rise of The New Lunar Republic Part 2
1900 Hours
September 7, 0 BNM

The Lunar Corps, now part of the army of rebels against the Solar Empire, are to report for a de-briefing before lights-out.
Shadow, Lightfoot, Heavy and High all walked to where the auditorium was located, using their maps to help them. Once they had arrived, they found seats together, and chatted amongst themselves for a few minutes before Luna had stood on the stage in the front of the auditorium. After all of the conversations had died down, Luna started her speech, "Good evening, everyone. I thank you all for coming, and I now would like to give you my promised explanation of this situation.

"As you know, the Draconequi and Equesterians fought for many years in the Discordian Wars, and then we defeated Discord, making our first win in a very long time. Celestia, my sister, as you all know, led a liberation of the world from the Draconequi, and she became corrupted with greed, and took the liberated lands for herself.

"These lands, and Equestria itself became known as The Solar Empire, a land where only the Empress had power, and I was forgotten.

"For years, I have ran this base to keep sanctuary the unlawfully prosecuted of the Solar Empire, but now, it will be the military center of the New Lunar Republic!

"Many ages ago, there was a country that thrived on the election of the ruler by the people, and every so often, they would elect a new leader. This civilization's name has been lost, but it was named the Lunar Republic in modern textbooks after the style of government and their devotion to the moon as their way of keeping track of almost everything, from months, as we do today, and when to plant their crops and start preparing for winter. They made up the system of a year, and their names for the months have been lost to time.

"Their downfall was also a mystery, but there are plenty of theories that you may look up in your own time.

"This civilization had many laws and procedures that made it successful, and you will see many of those laws in the ones of this base, but many laws and rules will seem unfair, they are only so because I need this base's location to remain secretive from everybody.

"With that said, all of the rules and laws of this base and the New Lunar Republic are in your rooms," Luna looks over to a nearby clock, which said it was 8:30, then back to the newly formed Alpha-Serria. "You all have a half hour before lights out. I personally suggest that you use this time to get acquainted with your wing of the base. Dismissed."

At their dismissal, the soldiers' chatter picks up, mostly they were discussing what their Princess had just talked to them about. "So, guys, wanna head back to our rooms?" Shadow suggests, "We're likely going to need to make an early start tomorrow, and, frankly, I'd like to go to bed." The others voice their similar opinions.

Shadow led the way back to their rooms, almost not needing his map. The men went into their respective rooms after saying goodnight to each other. Shadow went to his room's bathroom, a small room with a toilet, a sink, and some wiggle room in-between, and brushed his teeth, and got himself ready for bed. Shadow walked over to his bed, and glanced at the digital clock, the time being 8:45. He pressed the button labeled "Alarm", and the clock changed to show the time, 5:00 AM.

Shadow went to his bed, and swapped his Lunar Corps uniform for his pajamas, and lay down under the covers of his bed, and closed his eyes for the last time that day as he slowly fell asleep.

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