The Dawn Wars

by jakestatefarm432

First published

War is coming. Who will you fight for? Loyalties divided, families crossed against each other. A New Lunar Republic vs Solar Empire fanfic. Inspired by the popular anthem of the New Lunar Republic, For The New Lunar Republic, by I Am Not A Clever Pon

The New Lunar Republic has risen. Follow Shadow Fire and his comrades through the first Equestrian Civil War. The human has risen through ranks of the Solar Empire's Lunar Guard, reaching Lieutenant Captain. All of sudden, Princess Luna, the only Royal Sister he answered to, calls a meeting and changes his world.
A NLR vs Solar Empire fic, with humans galore. Please bear through the first chapters, they get better as the fic goes on.

Chapter 1

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The Dawn Wars

***Like all other Fanfiction authors, I do not own anything affiliated with My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, Hasbro, or anything else but the OC's used in this story***

Chapter 1

1700 Hours,

September 7, 0 BNM (Before Nightmare Moon)

Canterlot Castle, Central Equestria.

(Background Info)

Equestria had fighting the Discordian Wars for the last 50 years, over which the Draconequi offered peace treaties, then broke them less than a year after each one. Finally, after the rise of Discord as their king, the Draconequi made their final push, nearly defeating Equestria.

Then, the Royal Sisters discovered the Elements of Harmony well after the scientists of Equestria had developed automatic guns (they had the same tech as 1890,at the start of the Discordian Wars, and over time developed what took America until WWII to develop), and as a distraction, the Final Battle of Canterlot allowed the Sisters to confront Discord head on. After the defeat of Discord, the Draconequi still caused chaos all over Equestria and beyond.

Celestia sent her armies to the places that the Draconequi still ravaged, and took them over, forming the Solar Empire. The countries that were taken over by the Draconequi were blinded by thankfulness to Equesteria, they didn't realize that Equestria had took them over.

After a few days under Equesteria's rule, however, the countries would revolt. But each time, the massive armies and their extremely advanced weaponry would put down each revolt. Luna did not approve of the taking over each country, but was talked down by Celestia each time. Eventually, Celestia declared herself Empress of the Known World, and made herself the supreme power, as nopony else would have power of anything more than a town, and even then, the mayors had very little power.

This brings us to the present, into a ball celebrating the 5 year anniversary of the forming of the Solar Empire, and it is also the 4 year anniversary of the end of Celestia's last conquest, in which she had taken over the last country that was free.

Now to the Hero's Ball, the equivalent to the Grand Galloping Gala. Shadow and his squad-mates of the now-small Lunar Corps, Luna's personal soldiers that could not be commanded by Celestia, as the two Sisters agreed to when they first formed the Equestrian Military, and made a magical pact, just as effective as a Pinkie Promise, but before Pinkie was born, that is physically impossible to break.

It also made loopholes impossible as well, as in, Celestia couldn't put the Lunar Corps under command of her officers, which would ultimately put them under her command. Luna couldn't take command the Solar Legions either.

Back to Shadow and the Lunar Corps, they were hanging out in a back section of the ball room that they had designated as theirs. They chatted, and some of the soldiers danced with their special someone. Others talked of news across the Empire.

The feared soldiers of the Solar Empire had prevented the growth of the Lunar Corps, the polite, more nice soldiers that hardly ever saw any action. This gave them more training and bonding time, where as most Solar Legion soldiers would argue easily, and weren't trained very well. If you were to join a Solar Legion, chances are that you would be out through basic training, told the laws that citizens were supposed to obey, and thrown (almost literally) into the field.

If you joined the Lunar Corps, chances are you would likely have over a year of training before any calls for the Lunar Corps would come up, and even then, you would be mentored by a senior soldier, likely a veteran of the Discordian Wars.

Honestly, the Lunar Corps could give the Solar Legions a run for their money, with advantage over them because the Lunar Corps were thoroughly trained, closely bonded, and extremely disciplined, but, the Solar Legions had way more soldiers that were hardly trained or disciplined.

Lately, though, the Solar Legions' soldiers were more corrupt in their place as the police, and were far more resented. Luna was being oppressed a lot more by her sister, her only part in anything anymore was raising the moon.

Chapter 2: Rise of the NLR

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Chapter 2
1800 hours,
September 7, 0 BNM
Canterlot Castle, Central Equestria, The Solar Empire
Lunar Corps Briefing Chamber.

Princess Luna has called a meeting of the whole Lunar Corps.

At the end of the Ball, the soldiers notice that the moon has flashed with blue light, signaling that they need to report to their barracks for a meeting with Luna. As they all walked out, Celestia took notice of their sudden departure, and whispered something into her General's ear.
Shadow and the rest of the Lunar Corps gather into their barracks. As they gathered, the chatter grew louder, and stopped when Luna stepped onto a box, and let off a magical flare that lit the room up.

"Thank you for all coming. I have an announcement. The Lunar Corps are no longer part of the Solar Empire. We are now the soldiers of the rumored rebellion, and I shall take us to the base from which all orders of this rebellion are issued. The teleport will be direct, and the base has no windows, so that the location of the base can stay secretive. Only I know where the base is." With this, Luna's hands, and the ground around all of the soldiers glow with Luna's blue magic aura. Then with a flash of light, Luna and all of her soldiers disappeared at the same time Celestia and a large group of Solar Empire soldiers burst in, guns blazing, but the teleport had just finished.”

As Shadow looked around, he saw people that had the tribal markings of the Zebranoic Tribes, those with Draconic wings, as well as your everyday Equestrian. The corridors of the base were well-lit, and quite spacious, with many doors with labels, like A-115, Cafeteria A-S, and a few others.

Luna called off several names, four or five at a time. "... Shadow Fire, Lightfoot, Heavy Might and High Ordinance, step forward. Your designation is Alpha-Serria Bravo. Shadow Fire, you are the leader as Lieutenant Captain. Your rooms are in the AS 4 wing, and your assigned cafeteria is 12 B. Here is a map for each of you, showing the locations of your rooms." Luna handed them each a map of the base. On the maps were each person's respective room, with Shadow and Heavy's rooms on one side of the hall, and Lightfoot and High's rooms on the opposite side.

The newly formed squad made their way in to their rooms, and shared information on each other. The four hadn't really had too much of a chance to socialize back in Equestria, and hadn't bonded as much as they had with others.

Shadow shared his past as an OG of the Orange Drive Homiez, a gang based in Manehattan, Heavy and High were brothers, and Lightfoot hadn't given too much about himself. It appeared as if he were going to be the quiet one of the group.

The four each entered their rooms, and Shadow finds that all of his stuff that was supposedly left back in Canterlot was suddenly in his room here. Shadow was ecstatic over all of lost belongings appearing in this base. Among these things were a photo of the Orange Drive Homiez that was taken about 3 months before he became a soldier. A lot can happen in 3 months when you're in a gang, but fortunately, nothing big happened.
Another one of these items was his dad's watch, given to Shadow a week before he died. It was one of the last things his dad gave to him, and Shadow made sure that the punks that did it got a taste of their own medicine, and Shadow had tracked them down and killed them in a drive-by, which led to a war between the ODH and the gang that the punks were in, the Front Page Flya's.

After that, they looked at schedules on the rear of their maps, and they all said that lights out was in two hours. The newly formed Alpha-Serria Bravo perked up as an announcement came over the Base's loudspeaker, "All new arrivals are to report to the auditorium at once. Please check your maps for reference."

Rise of the NLR Part 2

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Chapter 4:
Rise of The New Lunar Republic Part 2
1900 Hours
September 7, 0 BNM

The Lunar Corps, now part of the army of rebels against the Solar Empire, are to report for a de-briefing before lights-out.
Shadow, Lightfoot, Heavy and High all walked to where the auditorium was located, using their maps to help them. Once they had arrived, they found seats together, and chatted amongst themselves for a few minutes before Luna had stood on the stage in the front of the auditorium. After all of the conversations had died down, Luna started her speech, "Good evening, everyone. I thank you all for coming, and I now would like to give you my promised explanation of this situation.

"As you know, the Draconequi and Equesterians fought for many years in the Discordian Wars, and then we defeated Discord, making our first win in a very long time. Celestia, my sister, as you all know, led a liberation of the world from the Draconequi, and she became corrupted with greed, and took the liberated lands for herself.

"These lands, and Equestria itself became known as The Solar Empire, a land where only the Empress had power, and I was forgotten.

"For years, I have ran this base to keep sanctuary the unlawfully prosecuted of the Solar Empire, but now, it will be the military center of the New Lunar Republic!

"Many ages ago, there was a country that thrived on the election of the ruler by the people, and every so often, they would elect a new leader. This civilization's name has been lost, but it was named the Lunar Republic in modern textbooks after the style of government and their devotion to the moon as their way of keeping track of almost everything, from months, as we do today, and when to plant their crops and start preparing for winter. They made up the system of a year, and their names for the months have been lost to time.

"Their downfall was also a mystery, but there are plenty of theories that you may look up in your own time.

"This civilization had many laws and procedures that made it successful, and you will see many of those laws in the ones of this base, but many laws and rules will seem unfair, they are only so because I need this base's location to remain secretive from everybody.

"With that said, all of the rules and laws of this base and the New Lunar Republic are in your rooms," Luna looks over to a nearby clock, which said it was 8:30, then back to the newly formed Alpha-Serria. "You all have a half hour before lights out. I personally suggest that you use this time to get acquainted with your wing of the base. Dismissed."

At their dismissal, the soldiers' chatter picks up, mostly they were discussing what their Princess had just talked to them about. "So, guys, wanna head back to our rooms?" Shadow suggests, "We're likely going to need to make an early start tomorrow, and, frankly, I'd like to go to bed." The others voice their similar opinions.

Shadow led the way back to their rooms, almost not needing his map. The men went into their respective rooms after saying goodnight to each other. Shadow went to his room's bathroom, a small room with a toilet, a sink, and some wiggle room in-between, and brushed his teeth, and got himself ready for bed. Shadow walked over to his bed, and glanced at the digital clock, the time being 8:45. He pressed the button labeled "Alarm", and the clock changed to show the time, 5:00 AM.

Shadow went to his bed, and swapped his Lunar Corps uniform for his pajamas, and lay down under the covers of his bed, and closed his eyes for the last time that day as he slowly fell asleep.