• Published 9th Jul 2012
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Dragon Ball Z Saiyans Are Magic - dbzponyninja

Dragon Ball Z characters and My Little Pony characters in the same story what could be more awesome?

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Episode 4 Getting Ready For The Gala and a Spectacular Sonic Rainboom

Dragon Ball Z Saiyans Are Magic Episode 4 Getting Ready For The Gala and a Spectacular Sonic Rainboom by Evan Carlton Written on ‎May ‎24, ‎2012
Last time on Dragon Ball Z Saiyans Are Magic The Mane Six, Spike, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna offered to help Piccolo, Goku and all his friends plus his reluctant son Gohan fight against the Saiyans when they arrive on Planet Earth merged with Equestria in one years time and they also offered to train alonside them. One day several weeks later when the Mane Six took a day off from training they were ordered by Princess Celestia to get a sleeping dragon who snores smoke to move out of a cave close to Ponyville and despite Fluttershy's fear of adult dragons who aren't Spike she convinced him to go to another unspecified far away location. Now let's go along with today's episode. Two Months have passed since that faithful day with the big red dragon and when they weren't training with Goku and his friends or Piccolo in Pinkie Pie and Gohan's case or Princess Celestia and her younger sister Princess Luna in Twilight Sparkle's case and much has happened in The Mane Six's spare time. They and Applejack's little sister Applebloom met a zebra named Zecora who they accused of being an evil enchantress/ witch, Applejack and Rainbow Dash alonside Twilight Sparkle celebrated Fall by competing in The Running of The Leaves, they celebrated the final day of winter in Winter Wrap Up while singing a really long catchy musical number and Applebloom met Rarities little sister Sweetie Belle and Rainbow Dash's number one fan Scootaloo and formed The Cutie Mark Crusaders.
Today Rarity was making her dress for The Grand Galloping Gala at Carousel Boutique where she both works and lives at first she was only going to make her dress but when her other five friends Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle told her they also wanted her to make their dresses as well and that was when Rarity started singing Art of The Dress.

Rarity starts singing "stitch by stitch stitching it together Twilight's dress cutting out the pattern snip by snip making sure the fabric folds nicely it's the perfect color and so hip, gotta keep in mind my pacing making sure the clothes correctly facing i'm stitching Twilight's dress!!" "Yard by yard fussing on the details jewel neck line don't you know a stitch in time saves nine making sure it's perfect to imspire even though she hates formal attire gotta mind those intiment details even though she's more concerned with sales it's Applejack's new dress." "Dressmaking 's easy for Pinkie Pie something pink, for Fluttershy something breezy bland but colorful do you think it looks cheesy" (Rarities pet cat Opalescence meow's) "Something brash perhaps quite fetching hook and eye couldn't you just simply die, make sure it fits for lock and press don't forget the magic in the dress, even though it might tie on the flank Rainbow won't look like a tank i'm stitching Rainbow's dress." "Piece by piece snip by snip, make sure it fits on the haunch (I know that's not what the song says but I can't understand or spell French words) "shoulders hip bolt by bolt, primmed and pressed yard by yard never stressed and that's The Art of The Dress." (Song ends) After being told about how the dresses Rarity made weren't what they wanted or expected Rarity remade them while singing the Reprise part of Art of The Dress.

Rarity starts singing again "stitch by stitch stitching it together, deadline looms don't you know the clients always right even if my fabric choice was perfect gotta get them all done by tonight, Pinkie Pie the color's too obtrusent wait until you see it in the light i'm sewing them together!" Pinkie Pie asked Rarity who temporarily stops singing to answer her question of course in the trademark British accent that she always talks in of course. Pinkie Pie asks Rarity "don't you think my gown would be neat with some lollipops?" Rarity tried to tell her that this was a bad idea but Pinkie Pie interrupted her by asking "what about balloons?" Rarity tried to tell her this was also a bad idea but before she could say anything Pinkie Pie shouted in an excited tone "do it!!" Rarity starts singing again "hour by hour one more change, i'm sewing them together take great panes, Fluttershy you're putting me in a bind, Rainbow Dash what is on you're mind, oh my gosh there's simply not much time don't forget Applejack's duds must shine!!!" "Dressmaking's easy every customers call brings a whole new revision, gotta keep to the pace, still hold to my vision." Rarity temporarily stops singing again to hear the ideas that all her friends have for their new dresses including Applejack who of course talks in the trademark southern accent that all members of the apple family talk in. The other five members of The Mane Six temporarily start singing instead of Rarity. "all we ever want is indecision." All we like is what we know." "gotta keep in style with apperance." "Make sure we make a good apperance." "Even if you simply have to fudge it." The other five members of The Mane Six minus Rarity tell her while singing "make sure that it stays within our budget." Rarity sings the rest of the song by herself "gotta overcome intimidation, make sure it's all in the presentation!!" "Piece by piece snip by snip, make sure it fits on the haunch, shoulders hip bolt by bolt primmed and pressed, yard by yard always stressed and that's The Art of The Dress!!!" Rarity passed out on the floor while telling her pet cat "oh Opal these are the ugliest dresses i've ever made (sigh)." Unfortunately for Rarity Spike told his celebrity friend Hoity Toity about Rarities fashion show and he along with several citizens from Ponyville all saw the ugly dresses that Rarity made so she spent several days locked up in her room.

Pinkie Pie knocked on the door with her left hoof and asked her white unicorn friend with a purple mane and tail who was wearing a pink robe and pink houseshoes on her two back hooves while she was still laying on the bed in her locked room "Rarity are you ok in there you haven't come out for days." Rarity told her pink earth pony with a pink curly mane and tail "i'm never coming out I can't ever show my face in Ponyville ever again, I used to be somepony, I used to be respected, I used to make dresses beautiful beautiful dresses but now everypony is laughing at me i'm nothing but a laughing stock, i'm so pathetic."

Twilight Sparkle asked the rest of her friends minus Rarity of course "now what do we do?" Her yellow pegaus friend with a long whitish pink mane and tail Fluttershy told the purple unicorn with a purple mane and tail that had red and pink streaks in the middle "uh panic." Her blue pegasus friend Rainbow Dash with a rainbow colored mane and tail told Fluttershy "that's you're answer for everything." Applejack told Rainbow Dash "well we can't just leave Rarity like this."

Pinkie Pie told Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle "she'll become a crazy cat lady." Twilight Sparkle reminded her "she only has one cat." Pinkie Pie told Twilight Sparkle "give her time." As they looked through the key hole in her room and saw the design for Rarities dress hanging on the wall they got the idea to make it for her and lure her outside to show it to her. After Rarity told her five friends how much she loved her new dress they saw Hoity Toity outside after Spike convinced him to come over again and give Rarity a second chance at a new private fashion show at Carousel Boutique with the original dresses that Rarity made for her five friends instead of the ugly ones they wore at the outside fashion show a few days ago and Hoity Toity loved them alot more than the other ones. He asked Rarity to several copies of all six dresses wore by her and the other five members of The Mane Six and she got a nervous twitch. Then what I assume is a few days later even though it's not specified in the actual Season 1 episode of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Rainbow Dash was teaching Fluttershy to cheer louder so she could cheer for her in The Best Young Fliers Competition in Cloudsdale today. Plus unlike the actual My Little Pony Friendship is Magic episode this happens in Piccolo, Gohan, Chaoutzu, Krillin, Tien and Yamcha just like all six members of The Mane Six and Spike who was training by himself today agreed to take a day off from training to watch Rainbow Dash compete in The Best Young Fliers Competition.

Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy "now what have we learned?"

Fluttershy answered her by talking in the soft almost quiet voice that she always talks in "loss of control, screaming and hollering." Rainbow Dash then asked her "right and most importantly?" Fluttershy told Rainbow Dash "passion."

Rainbow Dash told her "now that you know the elements of a good cheer, let's hear one." Fluttershy responded with a quiet "yay!" Rainbow Dash facehoofed before saying "you're going to cheer for me like that louder." Fluttershy cheered "yay" again this time in a louder but still very soft voice."

Rainbow Dash told her again "louder." Fluttershy cheered "yay" in the same manner. Rainbow Dash then told her while yelling at the top of her lungs "LOUDER!!!!" Fluttershy took in a deep breath before cheering "yay" once again but still in a quiet voice. Rainbow Dash then passed out on the soft grass while sighing. Fluttershy asked her "too loud." As she was practicing several aerial manuevers for the competition before attempting the trick that she was saving for the end of the competition The Sonic Rainboom which she failed at despite performing it when she was a pegasus filly like her number one fan Scootaloo which actually had a key role in helping the other five members of The Mane Six get their cutie marks when they were also fillies and not fully grown mares like they are now. Anyway after she crashed into Twilight's library treehouse while her, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity were helping her organize library books while Spike wasn't there today. After Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash told them about The Best Young Fliers Competition and how Rainbow Dash was going to perform a Sonic Rainboom they all wished her good luck after telling them it was going to be in Cloudsdale. You see only pegasi and griffins can walk on the clouds in Cloudsdale without falling to their deaths and of course Dragon Ball Z characters would also be able to do it since they can also fly but anyway.

Rarity asked her friend Twilight Sparkle "well go on and find a spell that will get us flightless ponies in Cloudsdale, couldn't you tell how nervous she was?"

Applejack asked her friend Rarity "nervous why she was tooting her own horn like the brass section of a marching band." Rarity told her yellow earth pony friend Applejack who always wore a cowboy hat over her long blone mane that she always has tied up in a braid "oh please i've put on enough fashion shows to recognize stage fright when I see it,we've got to be there for her now come on" said Rarity as she hit Twilight Sparkle with her butt into a pile of books that Rainbow Dash knocked off the bookshelf when she crashed into Twilight's library treehouse.

Twilight Sparkle asked her "how am I supposed to find a flight spell in this mess?" Pinkie Pie told her friend Twilight Sparkle "a flight spell hold on a second." Pinkie Pie then picked up a book and threw it close to Twilight's face while telling her "page twenty seven."

Applejack asked Pinkie Pie "how did ya do that?" Pinkie Pie answered her by saying while Twilight Sparkle read the book "it landed on my face when Rainbow Dash knocked me into the bookcase." Twilight Sparkle told her three out of five friends who were in the room with her "here it is a spell that will allow earth ponies to fly for three days, ooh it looks really difficult i'm not sure I can do it." Rarity told her purple unicorn friend "you've got to try." Twilight Sparkle told her "ok" before asking her other three friends "but who's going to be the test subject."

Rarity told Twilight Sparkle "I will for Rainbow Dash I will go first." Twilight performed the spell on her white unicorn friend and after she got wrapped up in a blue magic tornado while a blue ball of magical energy came out of her unicorn horn that exploded she told Rarity after the smoke was cleared I think it worked. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Piccolo, Gohan, Chaoutzu, Krillin, Tien and Yamcha arrived in Cloudsdale where Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy ran into the bullies who picked on and made fun of and mocked them since Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were fillies even though those bullies were now full grown pegasus stallions and no longer small pegasus colts. That was when Rarity with butterfly like wings and Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle in Twilight's hot air balloon showed up and told them they were going to cheer on Rainbow Dash in The Best Young Fliers Competition. After being told her beautiful her new temporary and fragile wings where Rarity was talked into competing in the competition.
After Rainbow Dash swapped and switched numbers with several other contestants and Rarity was busy putting on a ton of make up, and putting on several false eyelashes and a big fancy costume they both finally went out to compete while the other four members of The Mane Six, Princess Celestia, three pegasus royal guards, Piccolo, Gohan, Chaoutzu, Krillin, Tien, Yamcha and three of the eleven Wonderbolts member that Rainbow Dash has always wanted to be a member of since she was a very small pegasus filly were all watching and cheering her on except for The Wonderbolts of course because they don't know her. Anyway Rarity danced around while similtaneously flying with her new wings at the same time while Rainbow Dash flew around obstactles, until she crashed into the wall.

The pegasus stallion bully with a brown mane and tail who always has his eye closed just like Brock from Pokemon which me and Josh are no longer fans of told her in a mocking manner "nice work Rainbow Crash." Rainbow Dash ignored them as she performed her second trick that she practiced for the competition. Rainbow Dash flew around a cloud really fast until it actually span out of control and almost hit Princess Celestia by accident.

Rarity then told herself "now for the grand finale i'll fly up close to the sun and spread my beautiful wings for all the ponies of Cloudsdale, ooh they'll be talking about it for years."

Rainbow Dash told herself as she watched Rarity fly upwards to attempt her plan "looks like this is my last chance to turn things around, phase three The Sonic Rainboom wings don't fail me now. Rarity told herself before her wings burned up from the heat of the sun and she fell to her death just like Icarus from Greek Mythology only unlike Icarus she was caught before she hit the ground really hard and died.

Anyway Rarity said "look upon me Equestria for I am Rarity!!" The intense heat from the sun burnt her wings to a crisp and destroyed them. After noticing this Rarity said "uh oh" and screamed as she was falling. The three Wonderbolts who were watching and judging the event went to catch her but Rarity was so scared and frieghtened that while she was screaming she accidentally kicked them with her two back hooves and knocked them out. That was when Rainbow Dash noticed her unicorn friend and three unconscious Wonderbolts falling to their deaths.

Rainbow Dash said while flying and accelerating at super speed "hold on Rarity i'm coming!" Rainbow Dash flew and accelerated so fast that she saved them while performing a Sonic Rainboom at the same time. Fluttershy who was now cheering like a normal person yelled "a Sonic Rainboom, woohoo yes!"

Rainbow Dash looked at Rarity who was being held by two pegasi given that she could no longer fly or walk on clouds "I did it, I did it." Rarity told her while crying tears of joy "you sure did oh thank you Rainbow Dash you saved my life." Rainbow Dash said "oh yeah I did that too, best day ever."

Rarity who was now standing in Twilight's hot air ballon told all five of her friends "i'm sorry I got carried away with my beautiful wings." All five of her best friends told her at the same time "it's ok." Pinkie Pie then told her "we still love you." Rarity then looked at Rainbow Dash "and Rainbow Dash i'm sorry I almost ruined the competition for you." Rainbow Dash said in a dissapointed tone "it's ok I just wish I could've met The Wonderbolts when they were awake. That was when Soarin, Spitfire and a Wonderbolt that I don't know the real or fan made name of tapped Rainbow Dash on the back with their front hooves. Rainbow Dash turned around and said before Spitfire talked "oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh." Spitfire told her "so you're the little pony that saved our lives we wanted to thank you and say thanks." Rainbow Dash who was still in shock once again said "oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh." Princess Celestia then showed up and everypony except Rarity who was standing in a hot air balloon and The Z Fighters with the fact that they didn't know her that well yet combined with the fact all bowed.

Princess Celestia then told all six members of The Mane Six "looks like you've all learned a pretty important lesson today." Twilight Sparkle told her alicorn teacher and mentor "yes but I think Rarity learned even more than me."

Rarity said "I sure did I learned you should keep your hooves on the ground and be there for your friends." Rarity apoligized to Princess Celestia "I really am sorry princess and Rainbow Dash really is the best flier in Equestria." Princess Celestia told Rarity "I know she is my dear and that's why for her amazing bravery and spectacular Sonic Rainboom I am annoucing this year's winner to Miss Rainbow Dash." Rainbow Dash said "oh my gosh, oh my gosh , oh my gosh" as the rest of her friends minus Rarity of course lifed her off the ground. That was when the three pegasus stallion bullies apoligized for making fun of her for all these years and that they wanted to hang out with her so she could teach them how to do a Sonic Rainboom but she said as she flew up to Soarin, Spitfire and the other Wonderbolt "sorry boys but I got plans." Because not only is the prize for winning a crown that you wear on top of your mane over your ears but you also get to hang out with The Wonderbolts for a day. Anyway The End. Next time on Dragon Ball Z Saiyans Are Magic Pinkie Pie throws the first birthday party of her pet alligator with no teeth named Gummy then the next day plans to throw an after birthday party but the other five members of The Mane Six and Z Fighters make excuses for why they can't attend what exactly are they hiding, plus on the day of The Grand Galloping Gala the Saiyans arrive sooner than expected and decide to bring out The Saibamen Applejack and Yamcha decide to fight first. All this and more will happen on the next exciting episode of Dragon Ball Z Saiyans Are Magic Episode 5 The Party That Noone Came To and The Saiyans Arrive Sooner Than Expected Applejack and Yamcha vs The Saibamen.

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