• Published 12th Apr 2017
  • 607 Views, 2 Comments

The Dragon Queen - King of Madness

You are the Dragon Queen. The world is in your claws.

  • ...

All Hail, the Dragon Queen

You open your eyes and blink at the sun's rays. It appears to be the middle of the day from the looks of it. You slowly get up and stretch, the scales of your back popping from the sudden movement. Your tail flicks to and fro behind you, trying to wake itself up to follow you throughout the day. You spread out your wings and give them a few flaps, getting the blood flowing through them. With a yawn, you crawl out of your cave and onto the ledge that rested in front of it, acting as a sort of porch. You rise onto your hind legs and look to the great open sky. A few of your subjects were flying, soaring across the sky like fish swimming in the sea. Your eyes moved down to the rocky valley below. Countless of your fellow dragons crawled across the landscape, some resting while others played their little games.

As you look down at your loyal subjects, you suddenly remember what day it is. Spreading out your wings, you unleash a mighty roar that echos across half of Equestria. Your fellow dragons look up to you and roar back, hailing to the Dragon Queen. With a jump, you take to the air. In your mind, you make note that once you check everything, there is somewhere you have to go.

Flapping your wings with effortless ease, you quickly reach the clouds that had previously been above and continue up. You sail through each cloud until you finally come out above them all. You check around you to be sure that you are the only thing between the cloud line and the ozone. Once that's been cleared, you dive back into the sea of clouds. You swim through them like a kraken in the sea, with every other living creature parting from your path. Through your swim, you search for a sight, a sound, or even a smell that shouldn't be there. Once it's cleared, to tuck your wings and allow yourself to fall.

Aiming your head directly towards the ground, your subjects watch as you fall. Your ears are filled with the sound of rushing air as you continue to fall. You watch as the ground comes closer and closer. Then, right as your about to collide with the Earth, you spread your wings and avoid the ground. With only a small amount of whiplash, you fly around your valley and eye each of your subjects.

Most of the adults are resting, some in a cave while others prefer a rock in the open sun. They raise their heads in reverence to their queen. The teenagers are playing their ridiculous games and trying to injure each other. Many of them do not see you until you're right on them. They bow to you as you search through their parties. The most likely place for something to be amiss is wherever these teenaged numbskulls are. However, nothing appears out of order today, so you move on. The babies rotate between following the adults example to following the teenagers example. They wave and jump around in excitement as you pass over them. Nothing out of order in the valley.

You take to the open air once again and fly over the valley mountains. Once you pass over the land, you descend towards the sea below. Your wing glides over the surface of the water as you begin to circle your valley. Your eyes roll back and forth, scanning every direction every second for anything out of the ordinary. You continue to circle around, not to stop until you have come full circle.

As you continue, you notice something in the water. It's a few yards away... and it's big. You're on top of it before you know it. The surface of the water breaks and you feel something wrap around your hind leg. You look back in surprise to see a tentacle latched to you, Thinking fast, you flap your wings to push yourself away. However, your progress is halted when another tentacle breaks through the surface, wrapping itself around one of your forelegs. Another wraps around your tail. You roar in anger and taunt the creature to come to the surface.

The creature, a giant octopus, pokes it's head out of the water and glares at you. You inhale deeply, forcing your fire organs into action, and unleash a burst of flames towards the beast's face. It ducks under the water only to be boiled and scalded by the heat. With a screech, the beast lets go of you and disappears under the water. You give a cocky laugh and warn the creature that time you won't go so easy on it. However, your bragging is cut short when eight tentacles wrap around your legs, tail, neck and body. Luckily, your wings were out of the creature's reach. You flap your wings in resistance as the creature tries in vain to pull you under.

With a sigh, you tell the beast that you had warned it and grab the tentacles around your forelegs. Putting more effort into the strength of your wings, you rise into the sky, carrying the hapless beast with you. You fly back to the valley and halt above one of the volcanoes. You unleash another steam of fire into the beast's beaky underside, forcing it to let go and fall into the lava below. You dust yourself off and decide that the valley is safe. With that reassurance, you take to the open sky and begin your quick journey.

You soar through the sky and smile as the wind blows through your spines. The sun radiates off your scales as you approach a small island. You let off a roar to signal your arrival. On the island, there stands a mountain. On the side of said mountain, there is a door decorated with images of ponies, dragons, griffons, and at least one draconiquus. You land in front of the door with a thud and knock. The door opens and you step in.

Inside, there is only one thing. It is no pony nor a dragon. He has a humanoid shape and wears black clothes that cover every bit of his body. He also wears a white mask that resembles the face a cthulhu. A symbol of madness. You can feel him smiling behind his mask as he hands you a book.

"I hope it's to your liking." He tells you.

You thank him and leave. Once you are back in your cave, you open the book and read through it. You smile as you finish and grab a scroll and pen. You write a letter and send it to the King of Madness.

Dear Madness,

Another masterpiece! I love it!

Sincerely, Dragon Queen Nightshade.

Author's Note:

Well, Nightshade, I hope you enjoyed your present. I know it's not much but:

1. The only things I know about you are that you love dragons and you love my stories. That doesn't give me
much to work with.

2. This my very first time writing a story in second person. So, I was out of my comfort zone.

Hopefully, I made it work out well enough.

I would also like to take this time to say thank you for all the love and support you've given me in my short time here on this site. You keep telling me that my stories are the best, that I'm your favorite author, that you love the things I write. You have no idea how much that means to me. It truly touches my heart every time. So, thank you. :heart::twilightsmile::heart:

Comments ( 2 )

I LOVE IT!!! Yea, I pretty much only told you that I'm a female, I love Dragons and I love ur stories =P


I WOULD have made YOU a story....buuut I'm a terrible author and I know nothing about ya XD

And I keep telling you that ur stories are the best, because I KNOW they are the best. MY MUM used to be an author, so I should know what a good story is when I see one...That, and the fact that I have atleast 300 books in my room...I've read them ALL! And now I'm looking for something interesting, and you've given me just that. Like I said, I would've made you a story if I were able to make one thats Good enough to even REACH anymore NEAR your standards, because I want you to have the best book/present I've ever made! But until then, I can only say one thing: THANK YOU! :twilightsmile::pinkiehappy::raritystarry:

8114521 I'm at a lose for words, sister. All I can think to say is thank you and welcome back. :pinkiehappy:

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