• Published 15th Apr 2017
  • 271 Views, 0 Comments

Lost norkel eggs in equestria - virgoknight

This story is a funny version of pony easter made for the coming holiday with a bit of extra.

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I was lost but was found by kindness.

The clouds were floating across the horizon softly drifting on the gently breeze created by hard working pegasi. As a nearby grassy field was bending its weeds in the wind revealing a brightly swirly colorful egg. It was sitting snugly between two daisies as the wind blew the petals across the field. The birds were chirping loudly in a cacophony of music creating a serene scene to anyone that could hear them. The ground shifted slightly as mother Equestria danced in its inner crusts creating a very minor earthquake.

In the nearby distance the sleeping Norkel which inhabit the egg heard a soft "oof."

Fluttershy had nonchalantly tripped over a stone in her path causing her to stumble into the earth, which ruffled a few of her feathers. She raised her head from the dirt and blew the mane out of her face with a dry expression upon her face. She used her wings to push up from the ground which gave away which caused her to roll into the grassy field from the path. She closed eyes before impact, clenching her jaw tightly before the harsh slam occurred.

She slowly opened her eyes with dizzy vision but as her head cleared she saw something amazing by her standards. What was revealed to her was an astoundingly brightly beautiful egg which caused her heart to flutter. Her pupils grew several times larger as her heart fluttered on. The wind carried the song of the birds over this patch of grass as the pegasus lay upon the earth staring.

"Ooo dear what a wonderful precious egg," she whispered "Oh no where are your parents little eggy."

Fluttershy Flitted about making random animal calls attempting to reach this eggs parents. She was hoping to contact the local animals when suddenly she saw something she never seen before .. again. She spotted in a nearby tree branch was a muddy colored rabbit roughly the size of a small dog. This creature was preening its feathers as it listed to its side showing its ribs plain as day.

She spoke with awe " He looks like angel bunny, how cute!"

Then concern lit her eyebrows "Oh dear oh dear you look hungry Mr. bunny."

The Norkel responded with a weak mewling sound which caused more concern within the animal loving pegasus. The mare slowly picked up the beautiful egg and approached the creature perched upon the tree branch. She had intentions to return the growing child in egg form to its parent she felt it within her that this was his baby. The feathery creature observed the oncoming mare with heavy caution twitching its nose in her direction.

"Here you go little pretty." she cooed.

The Norkel grew agitated on the branch heaving its chest faster as she approached. He appeared fearful and curious at the same time which confused Fluttershy. The bird song increased in tempo creating a frenzy tension in the air. When the male saw the egg in her hooves and the muddy Norkel snubbed the potential child with a flutter of its wings.

Confused she asked "Whats wrong sweetie come here."

The Muddy feathery rabbit took to the sky leaving them behind distraught seen in its flying pattern.

"Oh dear oh dear this is a problem." she said dejectedly.

When she suddenly heard a voice from the path behind her "Whats wrong Fluttershy."

The pegasus turned around to see her young lavender mare who happened to be the princess of friendship. She noticed that her friend was attempting to read a book as she traversed the path laid ahead. Her appearance appeared a bit disheveled due to a failed preening session taught by Fluttershy. She levitated her book back into her satchel and smiled at her adorable friend Fluttershy who appeared bewildered in the field of grass.

"Oh hi Twilight, sorry I was talking to a new species of rabbit with wings!" she exclaimed with excitment and concern.

"Hmm that sounds like the equestrian Norkel, a unique cloud hopping rabbit with a obsession for carrots." Twilight rattled off quickly as if referencing a favored book.

"Amazing Twilight I never knew about the Equestrian Norkel does that mean there are other types of Norkels out there?" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Why yes Fluttershy there are many species of Norkels but this particular species has taken a radical change in behavior." Twilight stated with a tinge of excitement.

"Is abandoning its own egg part of the change?" She asked innocently as she clutched the egg.

"Well yes you see in the past few years their behavior has become rather odd nearly extinction weird." The princess of studying said as she pulled a note pad from her satchel.

Fluttershy held the egg tightly against her pony bosom letting her warm feathers protect the sleeping child. She listened to her friend talk in detail about the Norkels with a faint gleam in her eyes. It was getting late in the afternoon as the gentle blue sky shined down across both ponies.

"They have started leaving the eggs on their own!" She gasped at Twilights extra details about the Norkels.

"Yes or so I have gathered from a few reports Princess Luna had sent me." The lavender mare said with a tilt of her head.

"This odd behavior warrants some more investigation what do you think?" The princess of friendship asked.

"I believe we should ask our friends for help Twilight, I think this situation might be bigger than both of us." Fluttershy said as concern rippled across her face while clutching the spiral egg.

Twilight flapped her wings while nodding simultaneously to her dear friend. "Then let us be off." Was her final words as they darted off into the horizon leaving the grassy field alone in midday.

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