• Published 15th Apr 2017
  • 272 Views, 0 Comments

Lost norkel eggs in equestria - virgoknight

This story is a funny version of pony easter made for the coming holiday with a bit of extra.

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The prequel!

This tradition began when the Norkel's lost their colored vision. Now I bet you are wondering what the heck is a Norkel right? This creature is a oftenly a brown or gray colored rabbit with feathers mixed in with its fur giving it a very puffy appearance. Not only are they puffy and cute but they can fly with their short stubby wings, as well as cloud hop from those visions of fluffiness. They love perching on clouds hovering over carrot farms while they drool slightly watching the farmers work.

One curious day a unicorn stallion named Green Roots, was tilling his carrot field, sweat dripping from his eyebrows. He did not like the Norkels one bit, for they often ate his hard days work. But he knew that the Norkels hated the green vegetable known as the cucumber while similar in shape. This detested green food often scared away most of the feathery creatures. Green Roots love to trick the pests from above by painting his beloved stock in a moldy green color.

For a few days this would protect his stock from the gluttonous vegetarians. Of course the Norkels would figure out the gimmick when the their stomachs growled loud enough. This powerful growling would increase the basic instincts of the feathery abominations giving them nearly super scenting ability. When the gag was up they would fall from the clouds, like a descended mouth destroying his field and product. Green Roots would pace his fields attempting to scare off the offending pest. but even his strength would wain as he grew tired.

A vicious thought struck his mind like thunder, he would only grow cucumbers for a week as he would clop his hooves together. During this cucumber week he would prepare a color blindness curse on his hidden batch of carrots. As the week progress the Norkels grew famished circling his field searching for food. The week was ending, when he revealed his secret batch of carrots by removing a camouflaged tarp off his field. The Norkels drooled from the clouds as their bodies heaved with desire, they could only see the brilliant colored oranges in their vision.

The starving creatures famished as they were and plopped greedily upon the ground feasting with much glee. The cursed magic placed within the carrots began warping the vision of the Norkels. They lost color well all but one color everything turned into different shades of green. They only saw green caused by this horrible simple spell casted by a angry unicorn protecting his product Green Roots. The feathery creatures soon left his farm hungry as their bodies told them mating season was upon them.

The Norkels were known by a select few as the most colorful eggs with varying shades of every spectrum. These colors serve a purpose it helps the furry rabbits grow closer to their colorful bizarre babies. Unfortunately this cursed spell gave the egg layers shades of green which confused and disgusted the poor souls. They soon abandon the eggs in random parts of Equestria not believing that those were their own.

These sad brightly colorful eggs in a spiral form would be snatched by the predators of the land searching for an easy meal. Naturally their vibrant colors and unguarded pose made it quite easy for an accident or a predator to destroy these precious creatures. This vicious cycle was quickly wiping out the Norkels that lived in Equestria leading them towards extinction.

Until one fateful day in the future when a kind loving pegasus came across a colorful egg abandon in a nearby field....

Author's Note:

My apologies this is supposed to lead towards a MLP idea of a Easter like holiday. I am simple amateur with grand ideas in my fantasies but sadly lacking in my mind. Please enjoy