• Published 15th Apr 2017
  • 145 Views, 1 Comments

Wiley Wizards Random Spells and Potions Inc. - Wiley Wizard

Having a bad day? Visit Wiley Wizards Random Spells and Potions Inc.

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Chapter 1: The Big and Tall Surprise

Inside a cave, just outside of Ponyville, a brown coated male unicorn worked tediously. He had to perfect his masterpiece. Oh yes. He felt morally obligated to finish it. His two colored blue and teal mane did little to soak up the sweat dripping from his brow. He wiped his forehead with a hoof and continued on with his work. It was almost done. He put the last drop of chemical substance into the misture and it began to bubble before turning into a pure mist. Before it leaked out, a cork surrounded by a bright green aura floated over and sealed the bottle shut.

"Yes! I finished it!" the pony cheered. This was the happiest day of his life.

He finished his happy cheer and began to remove his white hazmat suit, though it was strange he didn't have a mask on. Many have asked why he didn't where the helmet that came with it and he answered the same cryptic way every time: "Unicorns have longer lives than many other species." Why he says this no one knows, but for now let's return to the story.

The blue maned unicorn began to walk towards his room on the far side of the cave. Then again, cave isn't the right word exactly. True, it had the properties of a cave: it was a big hole in the side of a mountain. The one difference between a cave and this place was the fact that it wasn't made of rock. When first walking it would look like any other cave, but walk further a good ways and you will discover that metal had attached the walls and floor to create an underground lab.

Now, back to our pony friend. His name was Wiley Wizard and was three things: a Unicorn, a scientists, and sometimes very stupid. After removing his suit he made his way to the wall where a part of the wall was grey to represent a type of door. reaching over to a panel on the side he pressed the button and the grey wall split in half revealing another room. It wasn't fancy but it had everything a pony might need. There was a bed, a dresser, a closet, and a bathroom. He went to the bathroom, took what he called a mandatory bath and then got ready for bed. He lied down and drifted off to sleep.

On the dusty pathway of ponyville a certain pinto coated colt trotted happily. His smile seemed to pull at the corners of his face. He waved to random ponies as they walked by. Two such ponies, Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon, got into a conversation about it.

"What is he so happy about?" Bon Bon asked.

Lyra looked at her best friend in surprise, "You don't know? It summer vacation for the foals at school."

Bon Bon nodded in understanding before changing the subject, "Do you have to sit like that?"

As the two mares began to argue Pipsqueak continued his happy trek down the path.

"Todays gonna be great. I just know it." He said in his Trottingham accented voice.

Pipsqueak walked sullenly down the paths of Ponyville. His happy outlook long gone. Being unable to go on any of the rides in the local fare does that to ponies.

"Stupid height limit." He mumbled to himself, "I wish I were just a bit taller."

"Step right up fillies and gentlecolts for the one place that can fill (almost) any desire!" A voice rang out. Turning his head Pipsqueak saw a lemonade stand, except there was no lemonade. It was made from wood and a sign on the top read:

Wiley Wizards Random Spell and Potions Inc.

On the bottom it read:

only 5-20 bits depending on purchase!

"Well..." Pipsqueak thought to himself, "I don't really have anything to lose."

The abnormally short colt trotted over to the stand and asked, "Hey mister."

Wiley lowered his head to address the pinto colt, "Yes?"

"How much for something that will make me taller?"

The slightly crazy Unicorn smiled, "6 bits for an enlarging potion."

Pipsqueak reached into his saddlebag and pulled out several bits. He counted them out onto the table as Wiley reached for something in his stand. Pulling out a green potion he poured a little into a glass and handed it to Pipsqueak before stuffing the potion into his suit.

"Thank you!" Pipsqueak yelled as he picked up the cup and downed it.

"Thank you for coming. Enjoy the ride."

"Thank you for coming. Enjoy the ride."

"Thank you for coming. Enjoy the ride."

A teenager stallion with an annoyed expression stood before the famous Gut Wrencher. His expression showed that one, he had been there for some time, and two, nothing exciting happened to him the whole day.

"Thank you for coming. Enjoy the ride."

"Thank you for coming. Enjoy th..."

His monotone voice abruptly stopped as he craned his neck to look at a pinto stallion who was at least a hoof taller.

"En...joy th...the ride...?"

"Thank you. I will."

Pipsqueak barely suppressed his laughing as he trotted past the stallion and towards the roller coaster he so dearly had his eyes on.

"This. Is. Going. To. Be. Epic!"

One crazy roller coaster ride later


The sound of a now tall earth pony throwing up behind a bush could be heard easily. After a few more retches, Pipsqueak came out from behind the leafy hide away and started trotting back to the one place he wanted to go. Reaching his destination he spoke.


Wiley Wizard turned his head to see a familiar pinto stallion. "Let me guess. You don't want to be tall anymore because you now realize that height isn't everything?"

Pipsqueak nodded slowly.

"Here. Drink this."

Author's Note:

Yes! I finished it. Alright everyone, PM me to tell me who should come next. I will look at the votes and go from there. the three choices for my next chapter are as follows:
1. Applebloom
2. Discord
3. Pinkie Pie
Place your votes everyone!

Comments ( 1 )

I can see why Unicorns would live a lot longer than most other species.

#1: They don't have to use their mouths to open things. This means that they are a lot more hygenic.

#2: Magic. They can get themselves out of more situations, as well as create less strain on their bodies. Furthermore, it also opens up a lot more job opportunities, which then leads to access to better quality food and medical care

#3: Government. The Unicorns are the ones who are in charge of the 2nd highest form of Government. They are the Nobles. There's all kinds of benefits with this.

Honestly when you really think about it, it's no wonder that Unicorns life longer than most other species.

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