• Published 9th Apr 2017
  • 5,750 Views, 174 Comments

Lack of Loyalty - BioQuillFiction

I've been stuck as Rainbow Dash for little over two months now, not sure how, but it happened randomly. Being from the "one percent' group of wealthy people, parent's didn't notice or care... they probably don't even know I somehow got to Equestria.

  • ...

You Can Pet Me, Only if You Help Me fly

I somehow dragged the girl on to the couch in my bedroom, yeah, my bedroom has a couch in it, and was just waiting for her to wake up. It’s been about ten minutes, how long does it take- oh, wait, I think she’s waking up! “Uggh.” She groaned. “That was a weird dream.” She muttered, before looking at me and her eyes going wide.

“Sup.” I said… not sure how to talk to another living person. Online was one thing, this face-to-face thing is new. “So, ummm…”

“Y-y-y-you are real?!”

“Sorta, I mean, I’m not the character from the show…”

“H-how are you not? You sound and look exactly like Rainbow Dash.”

“But I’m Donovin. Ya know, the kid of your employers… I have no idea how this happened, and no one other than you knows this… so, what would it take to keep quiet?” I hope it’s not perverted.

“Donovin, oh yeah, head maid talked a bit about you. When did, how did this happen?” She asked, clearly confused, yet excited all at once.

“It’s been a week, and I’m not sure how, I just woke up like this. I didn’t know what I was til I did some internet browsing.”

“Oh, so how much do you know?”

“I’m a living skittles bag, I know about the show and all it’s episodes, I binged watched it, I don’t like the character I turned into, and I fear bronies because of clop… damn internet.”

She seemed to ponder for a bit. “Well… I guess not everyone likes the same pony, and yeah, that clop stuff can get rather nasty, and some of the readers/lookers are rather sick… Well, I know one thing about you, the head maid said you were a recluse… that true?”

“Sorta, I get taught via computer and I don’t leave my room. I’ve been in eyes view of other staff a few times like this just to get a reaction, most I got was ‘ugly dog’.”

“So no one, not even your parents know about this… or care?”

“Nope, haven’t talked with those two since I was two, that was also the last time I saw them in person.”

“Oh, you poor thing.” I was suddenly grabbed and she squeezed me…

GAH! I reacted, somehow jumping and clinging onto my chandelier. “What were you doing?!”

“Hugging you! You know what a hug is right?”

“Umm…” I’ve heard of them, but that I’ve never had one… I don’t like it…

“You’ve never had a hug?!”

“My last contact til now with people face-to-face was when I was four! What did you expect?”

“Well, can you come down from there? Can you fly yet?”

“Uh, no I can’t fly… tell you what, you try and help me to fly, and I’ll give you whatever you want.”

“Anything?” She asked, slightly confused.

“Yeah, just, no clop.”

“Oh god no! I uh… Can I pet you?”

“... what?”

“I’ll help you learn to fly however I can if you let me pet you… it’s kinda a thing I think about in the mlp fandom, please don’t make me explain it, I just can’t…”

Is… is she for real? A fan of the show my new body comes from and all she wants is to pet me? “Uh, alright…” I let go of the chandelier, and drop right onto the couch. “J-just until I learn to fly.” I added as I sat upright, well, as upright as this body lets me, which is on my butt like a dog.

“Great. Oh, name’s Sandra.” She slowly reached out, and rubbed the top of my head… Why does this feel nice? “Wow, your mane is soft.”

“Thanks? So, how are we gonna do this?”

“Well…” She looks around the room. “I don’t think we can learn or try anything until we go outside.”

… what?! “I-I’ve never been outside before! What if someone sees me? What if-” I was cut off by Sandra holding my mouth, er, muzzle, shut with her hand like you would a dog.

“Look, I know a very secluded place, no one other than me has been there, hunters don’t go there because no game roam there, and no airplanes fly over it because it’s some kinda radio deadzone. It’s about ten miles from here by car, and you’ll need the open space to practice flying, alright?” I nod, she’s still holding my muzzle shut. “Good, now then, any ideas on how to get you out of here and for me to not get in trouble doing it?” She asked as she let go of my muzzle.

“Well… I’m small enough to fit in a large backpack, or something along those lines. You could say I’m a dog I asked you to get for me and then say you're taking the dog out for a walk?”

“Both those seem good.”

“I think the dog thing might work best, a butler already thought I was a dog when he looked down.”

“But your wings, and lack of paws… can we work around that?”

“Maybe, might take some time, but I think we can try and sneak me out with the backpack til then?”

“How can I get away with that?”

“Uh… fair point… If only there were windows in my room… then again, if their were I might have been spotted long ago.”

“Huh… Oh! The head maid gave me a small tour, and we passed the laundry room. You can slip in with dirty sheets, I roll you out there, and when no one is looking you take the exit out where the van that picks and drops off the dry cleaned items parks. My car is parked just around there… but damnit, how to I get away with, well, driving off?”

“I think I got it. You can say you were sent to fetch a special order dog, and just walk me back into my room. Staff won’t even know I’m gone.”

“How will they confirm it?”

“You download that ‘servant app’ my folks have the staff download on their phones?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I can send you a message on it, and have it talk about my asking to pick up the dog and as long as it’s my username listed as the sender, they won’t question it again.”

“Your parent’s don’t like talking to people?”

“I may be their son, which I have no idea in the seven hells how I was conceived, but I would love to do things my own way, and with your help, I might just be able to do that.”

“Well then, let’s use their own system against them. I’ll be back with the mobile hamper, you just try and find things to place over you.”

Sandra left and I gathered any clothes that could be considered dirty, sent the message, andI even threw some of my bedsheets in cause, they actually did smell. “I hope this works… and I hope I can trust her.”

I never talked to a real live person in years, then I become this and suddenly I’m this ‘Rainbow Dash’ and I meet and talk to a real person, who wants to help me? I was messed up with thoughts honestly. Can I really trust her? Am I forever stuck like this? Can I really fly? And most importantly, will my parents ever find out? I was so zoned out I didn’t realize when Sandra came back. “Hey.” She called, snapping me out of my excessive thoughts. “Jump in.” She said as she rolled a large hamper through the door. There was already some dirty sheets in it, so I curled up on them and she placed the sheets and clothes over me.

For a while, there was nothing aside from the sound of Sandra’s footsteps and the wheels rolling on the ground. I’d say about ten or so minutes passed before she finally stopped. “Hurry, jump out and into the car.” She said. I poked my head out and saw we were in a large parking lot and that there was small green car next to us with the window down. I climbed out and into the window. I saw Sandra rush the hamper back inside the… MY HOUSE IS THAT BIG?!?! It’s like a football stadium!

She quickly ran back, got in the car, and started is as we drove off. She gave a sigh of relief. “That went better than expected.” SHe said. “So, you might wanna keep your head down for a bit, least for half an hour so we can be sure no one is around us.”

“Alright.” I replied. “So, what is this place anyway?”

“A small mountain, covered in trees and was once mined for iron, but EPA closed them down since rare plants and animals live up there. Actually going there is worth a fine, but there’s a cave I know that I park my car in. Trees will be high enough that no satellites will see us, and far enough apart for space needed so you can try to fly.”

“Cool. So, why are you helping me?”

“I’m not, I’m kidnapping you.”

“Wait, what?!” Her response was a laughing fit. “Not funny!”

“Lighten up, I’m helping you because you kinda remind me of… me, when I was little.”

My ears perked up at that. “You were a rich recluse?”

“Not exactly, my dad won the lottery about ten years ago, back when I was in high school. He used it to ship me off to a fancy school and later college. I did alright, passed everything, but since I wasn't ‘rich’ those six years were rather lonely. I found MLP near the end of my college days and, I was hooked. So many people helping and being supportive… I guess I kinda want to repay it somehow, someway.”

Oh… so she knows what loneliness is like, and that show made her feel better? “Oh. So, you’re not gonna show me to anyone, right?”

“Even if I did they’d likely faint like I did.” SHe said as she made a turn. “You can sit upfront now, this road is always empty.”

I crawled up front into the passenger seat and looked out the windows… “It’s so big…”

“That’s what she said.” I glared at her. “What? You left yourself wide open for that.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ve only seen pictures and videos of what the outside looks like… never seen it in person honestly…” I looked out the window, watching the large trees pass by as she drove.

“This is less than a few miles from your own backyard you know… If you can figure out a way, I think you can come out here by yourself from your home.”


“You’re small enough to fit inside air vents.”

Huh, that's true. “Fair enough.”

“So, what was waking up like… that, like?”

“Freaked out, but kept screams internal as best I could. The genderswap hasn't been all bad though.” Why did I admit that?!

Sandra chuckled. “If you ever get curious, I know a good porn shop, just ask.” I was silent as my face turned a bright red. “Calm down, you’re a girl, well, mare now, so you have new needs you didn’t before. Just, don’t be all that shy when you experiment, just, cautious.”

“Is this what they mean when they say ‘girl talk’?”

“Half the time.”

“Can you ‘guy talk’?”

She chuckled again. “Sure, so I imagine gaming is hard without fingers?”

“Yeah… I can only really play Minecraft on peaceful or creative since my hoof can’t properly click, and I need to hold a pencil in my mouth to push the movement buttons.”

“Well, the show and fanfics basically state that a pegasus, you in this case, have rather… digit like control over their wings and feathers.”

“I think I saw something like that in the show a few times? Will that even work?”

“You turned into a cartoon pony somehow over night, I think ‘impossibility’ is out the window at this point.”

“Good point… So, how was being normal?”

“Uh, elaborate that?”

“You seem to have a nice family from what you said about your dad, and you went to public schools most of your life, how was being ‘normal’?”

SHe was quiet for a bit, pondering the question. “Well, normal is different for everyone. Normal for me is not the same for you, in fact, right now this whole situation for the both of us isn’t normal, but if we keep doing it, it will be.”

“Deep, you major in Philosophy?”

“Criminal Law.”

“Then what are you doing working as a maid? You should be a cop.”

“I don’t wanna leave town to find work, I always wanted to be an officer in the town. There's no openings at all so I’m just doing this til something either comes up, or if I decide to work as a personal detective.”

“So, you’ve fired a real gun?”

“Yeah, decent shot too. That comes from my dad, he’s a gun nut so I grew up with them. He used what he didn’t spend on my with that lottery ticket he spent on guns.”

“He a hunter?”

“No, just a collector. Though my older brother John hunts, usually only small birds and squirrels.”

“You have siblings?”

“Yeah, three brothers. The eldest John, then me, then Gabe, he’s a youtuber, and lastly is Mike.”

“First, how old are they? Second, what’s his youtube account called?”

“In order, twenty-seven, twenty-five, seventeen, and nine. And Gabe's goes by NewAgeClassics.”

“Never heard of him, I’m guessing he does gameplays?”

“Yeah, mostly. He seems to do well enough, earns about two-hundred a week from ad revenue.”

“Do they all watch that MLP show?”

“Yeah, got them all into it, bros and dad are all bronies now.”

“And you mom?”

Sandra looked sad. “She uh, left us… dad caught her cheating, told her to chose him or us… she chose that man…”

“Oh… I, I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright, besides, mom was always a bit distant with is anyway… Oh, we’re here.” We were at the entrance to a rather small cave, just large enough for Sandra to drive into and far back enough to hid the car from lookers. She parked and as I walked out, walking on rock, even with hooves, felt weird. When we got outside and onto dirt and grass it felt… oddly natural. We walked until approached by a tall fence with a sign saying ‘keep out’ which, comically enough, had a large hole in it next to said sign. We walked a bt further in til we could no longer see the fence. “Welp, here’s your training ground for the next few hours or so. Let’s see you give me at least five wing-ups.” Sandra said, sounding like a coach.

“How? I can barely control these things.”

“A… This might take longer than I thought.”