Lack of Loyalty

by BioQuillFiction

First published

I've been stuck as Rainbow Dash for little over two months now, not sure how, but it happened randomly. Being from the "one percent' group of wealthy people, parent's didn't notice or care... they probably don't even know I somehow got to Equestria.

I've been looking like Rainbow Dash for little over two months now, not sure how, but it happened randomly, overnight in my sleep, like a bad fanfic. Being from the "one percent' group of wealthy people my parent's didn't notice or care that I wasn't, well, me. I sent all orders for food and such to servants in detailed instructions via text app my parents usually use because the "do no commune with the laborers", yeah, they're that stuck up. Then I took a nap, woke up on a cloud in Equestria, thrown in jail on accusations of being an imposter, then taken in by the Skittle pony herself... *Sigh* Just why can't she leave me alone? I want Sandra back!

Special Thanks to Xinrick for co-writting this with me to keep it alive.

Woke Up With Wings

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I was tossing and turning again. As per usual, my parents were throwing another social event to gain more resources to gain more money. And my bedroom, being down the hall from the ballroom, I was hearing all the crappy “refined” music BS the rich pricks were listening to. They had one at least four times a month, that’s one for every week of the month!

I threw my pillow at the wall. “Fuck off!” I yelled at the wall, where the horrible music was coming from. I tried earplugs… didn’t help. My bedroom may be the size of a two story house, just no walls, and such, but that music is driving me CRAZY! A human can only listen to so much Beethoven in their life.

Oh screw it, I’ll just blast my headphones til the speakers fry or I go deaf. I grabbed my phone off the charging station on my bedside table, and plugged in my Beats headphones into them. I picked the song, I Don't Wanna Die, by Hollywood Undead. I tend to just surf the web until I find a song that I like hearing. I put the volume to the max, and let my brain vibrate with the songs and the speakers killed my eardrums.

Another night of blasting music to keep my own sanity through another night of my parents Rich Prick Parties. After the clock finally turns to about four in the morning my exhaustion takes me and I fall into blissful unconsciousness.

Fuck. You. Mom and dad.

I woke up and stretched. Man, my bed is big, but for some reason it feels a lot bigger. As I sleepily climb out and stand on two legs, I find myself crashing face first onto my hardwood floor. “Fan fuchin-” I cut myself off mid curse. My voice sounds… off? I sound… like a thirteen year old on helium. “Crap… did I hit my voice box?” I ask myself, trying to get up… something else doesn't feel right. As I put my hands down to push myself up, I don’t feel my hands.

I finally look at my hands… only to see blue stubbs. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? I somehow kept my screaming internal as I was having a panic attack. My whole body was… I’M A HORSE!

I managed to make it to the mirror, walking on all fours feels about as weird as you’d expect, and look at myself. My normally brown hair was now a gay pride flag, my body was covered in blue fur, I have a gay pride flag for a tail! And to top that all off, wings were on my back, and a tattoo on both my ass cheeks! I manage to calm down some after a few… hundred, deep breaths. “Alright, keep it cool Donovin. Y-y- I. I somehow got turned into a bad skittles mascot, this has to be a dream.” I quickly bit my arm. “Ouch! Alright, somehow not a dream! The fuck?!” I just now noticed, I’ve ridden horses before… and for my gender… something was missing. “And I am missing my pair… I’m a mare to boot!” I facepalm… or is it hoof? GAH! Who cares about that now?! How in hell did this happen?!

Come on, think Donovin… computer! I, rather slowly, walk over to the computer, and I had to turn it on via a pencil to push the power button. I had to hold it with my teeth, and use said pencil to type on my keyboard. I typed in, “Turned into a horse” and all that came up was something about fanfiction about some kids show. My Little Pony? Hasn’t that been on since the eighties, or something like that? All other search options related to the same thing, so I just clicked on a Dailymotion playlist that had all the episodes… and when the theme song hit… I hated it, too cheery. Then… the same fucking horse I somehow turned into came on screen. I turned into a cartoon character?! That defies all logic!

As the show was just starting… my heart dropped as my door opened. I ran for cover, and peeked out over the side. The butler was delivering my breakfast. As usual, just placing it on the couch, and leaving. Note to self, lock door now. I quickly locked the door and went back to the PC, and watched the episode. If I somehow became a cartoon character, am I anything like her?

After the first five episodes I decided that, I indeed somehow became a cartoon horse, that meat no longer agrees with me, as my breakfast sausage proved, yet eggs were fine somehow. The hell is up with that? I also found out that this, Rainbow Dash I somehow turned into… I hated her, with a passion. She is egotistical, loud, rude, self centered, and somehow represents loyalty… who wrote this? I looked up the show some more… and to my surprise some good and talented people make this show. Huh, maybe it’s just the first few episodes that are crap?

One Week Later

Alright, to recap exactly what the heck I’ve been doing, I binge watched that whole show, I am rather hooked on it, I still hate Rainbow Dash, I managed to get all my meals and other necessities sent to my room, without anyone noticing me, like they even bothered before, and that going to the bathroom in this body is a lot harder than it should be. I’ve resorted to leaving the toilet for poop specifically and using the shower to pee in, washing it down the drain after I’m done.

I also found something else out in the shower, but that’s something between me and the shower.

I ended up checking out fanfics relating to my situation, and found them a tad entertaining, and rather similar to what I first went though. I’ve been reading online and watching T.V. both on T.V. and online. THough, I guess you could call me a ‘brony’ now, but I think I will keep my distance from them… I read a clopfic regarding who I turned into and had some, what should have been nightmares, wet dreams… Damn female hormones.

Other than that I’ve gotten rather used to walking around on all fours… doesn't sound right when I think, or say it outloud. My only goal as of now is figuring out just how I’m supposed to fly. The show gave no help, and the only thing I could try and get info from where videos about how birds fly and some internet videos about how if pegasi were real, what it would take for them to fly. In the end, I had to leave it up to ‘magic’ as she show put it. “Alright, in one, two, three!” I shout, jumping from my bed, flapping my wings, and hit the floor, falling on my stomach. “Crap.” I got up and shook it off. I’ve been at this for three days, I get that learning something new is hard, but in the show they make it look so easy, even that freaking baby Pound Cake can fly!

I climbed back on my bed and just kinda laid there. I’ve gotten pretty used to this body, but I still wanna know how in the hell this happened. How did I got from a fifteen year old guy to a cartoon mare? I felt my stomach rumble and figured I should order something. I picked up my phone, yes In my mouth, and used a stylus to tap it til it opened and I went to an app mom and dad mad all the staff have. Basically they didn’t believe in talking to the help, and made this to work around it. I typed in my request for a salad, and some sweets. Pony tastebuds make both greens and sweets taste amazing!

I know your next question, why aren’t I as school, or being homeschooled? Well, I get taught online. I do an assignment via some learning program, do all I need for it, take an online test, If I pass, then great, if not, I have to retake the whole session til I pass it. Because of that, and my parent’s one rule regarding me not ever leaving my room, likely because they didn’t want to see me, I was a shut it… okay, I was no better than that ugly whatever it was from The Lord of The Rings.

Least online games and Youtube keep me somewhat informed on what’s going on in the world. I no longer use my mic, and the only game I can manage is Minecraft… on peaceful, since mobs wreak me like crazy. It takes much longer than it should, but on survival I got a nice farm, house, and basic world set up, and in creative I’m just building whatever to pass the time.

Life for me has become even more dull then I thought it could be. The butler entered, placed my food on the couch, and left without even noticing me. Not staff nor my parents acknowledge my existence if it weren't for my morning breakfast and requests for food. I ate and went back to bed and just laid there. “Another day, how much longer is this going to last? … it’s probably permanent.” Damn I wish I had someone to talk to… any brony I tell about this will likely fanout or start masterbating right then and there if they ever saw me. None of the staff will even acknowledge my existence, and my parents could care less about me. “Maybe I should at least try and make a fiend just to message and talk with? Not, talk, just text and stuff. At least then I’d have some outside contact.”

To my surprise, the door opened again, and someone came in. “Hello?” It was a girl's voice, she a new maid? “I’m kinda lost, I’m new and…” She froze when she saw me. Her hair was blond, brown eyes… and she had a pin with the image of my ass tattoo, er, ‘cutie mark’. Gag me and the one who came up with that name. “Ra, r-r-r-r… Rainbow Dash.” She said as she fainted.

“Well… I did ask for something new.”

You Can Pet Me, Only if You Help Me fly

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I somehow dragged the girl on to the couch in my bedroom, yeah, my bedroom has a couch in it, and was just waiting for her to wake up. It’s been about ten minutes, how long does it take- oh, wait, I think she’s waking up! “Uggh.” She groaned. “That was a weird dream.” She muttered, before looking at me and her eyes going wide.

“Sup.” I said… not sure how to talk to another living person. Online was one thing, this face-to-face thing is new. “So, ummm…”

“Y-y-y-you are real?!”

“Sorta, I mean, I’m not the character from the show…”

“H-how are you not? You sound and look exactly like Rainbow Dash.”

“But I’m Donovin. Ya know, the kid of your employers… I have no idea how this happened, and no one other than you knows this… so, what would it take to keep quiet?” I hope it’s not perverted.

“Donovin, oh yeah, head maid talked a bit about you. When did, how did this happen?” She asked, clearly confused, yet excited all at once.

“It’s been a week, and I’m not sure how, I just woke up like this. I didn’t know what I was til I did some internet browsing.”

“Oh, so how much do you know?”

“I’m a living skittles bag, I know about the show and all it’s episodes, I binged watched it, I don’t like the character I turned into, and I fear bronies because of clop… damn internet.”

She seemed to ponder for a bit. “Well… I guess not everyone likes the same pony, and yeah, that clop stuff can get rather nasty, and some of the readers/lookers are rather sick… Well, I know one thing about you, the head maid said you were a recluse… that true?”

“Sorta, I get taught via computer and I don’t leave my room. I’ve been in eyes view of other staff a few times like this just to get a reaction, most I got was ‘ugly dog’.”

“So no one, not even your parents know about this… or care?”

“Nope, haven’t talked with those two since I was two, that was also the last time I saw them in person.”

“Oh, you poor thing.” I was suddenly grabbed and she squeezed me…

GAH! I reacted, somehow jumping and clinging onto my chandelier. “What were you doing?!”

“Hugging you! You know what a hug is right?”

“Umm…” I’ve heard of them, but that I’ve never had one… I don’t like it…

“You’ve never had a hug?!”

“My last contact til now with people face-to-face was when I was four! What did you expect?”

“Well, can you come down from there? Can you fly yet?”

“Uh, no I can’t fly… tell you what, you try and help me to fly, and I’ll give you whatever you want.”

“Anything?” She asked, slightly confused.

“Yeah, just, no clop.”

“Oh god no! I uh… Can I pet you?”

“... what?”

“I’ll help you learn to fly however I can if you let me pet you… it’s kinda a thing I think about in the mlp fandom, please don’t make me explain it, I just can’t…”

Is… is she for real? A fan of the show my new body comes from and all she wants is to pet me? “Uh, alright…” I let go of the chandelier, and drop right onto the couch. “J-just until I learn to fly.” I added as I sat upright, well, as upright as this body lets me, which is on my butt like a dog.

“Great. Oh, name’s Sandra.” She slowly reached out, and rubbed the top of my head… Why does this feel nice? “Wow, your mane is soft.”

“Thanks? So, how are we gonna do this?”

“Well…” She looks around the room. “I don’t think we can learn or try anything until we go outside.”

… what?! “I-I’ve never been outside before! What if someone sees me? What if-” I was cut off by Sandra holding my mouth, er, muzzle, shut with her hand like you would a dog.

“Look, I know a very secluded place, no one other than me has been there, hunters don’t go there because no game roam there, and no airplanes fly over it because it’s some kinda radio deadzone. It’s about ten miles from here by car, and you’ll need the open space to practice flying, alright?” I nod, she’s still holding my muzzle shut. “Good, now then, any ideas on how to get you out of here and for me to not get in trouble doing it?” She asked as she let go of my muzzle.

“Well… I’m small enough to fit in a large backpack, or something along those lines. You could say I’m a dog I asked you to get for me and then say you're taking the dog out for a walk?”

“Both those seem good.”

“I think the dog thing might work best, a butler already thought I was a dog when he looked down.”

“But your wings, and lack of paws… can we work around that?”

“Maybe, might take some time, but I think we can try and sneak me out with the backpack til then?”

“How can I get away with that?”

“Uh… fair point… If only there were windows in my room… then again, if their were I might have been spotted long ago.”

“Huh… Oh! The head maid gave me a small tour, and we passed the laundry room. You can slip in with dirty sheets, I roll you out there, and when no one is looking you take the exit out where the van that picks and drops off the dry cleaned items parks. My car is parked just around there… but damnit, how to I get away with, well, driving off?”

“I think I got it. You can say you were sent to fetch a special order dog, and just walk me back into my room. Staff won’t even know I’m gone.”

“How will they confirm it?”

“You download that ‘servant app’ my folks have the staff download on their phones?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I can send you a message on it, and have it talk about my asking to pick up the dog and as long as it’s my username listed as the sender, they won’t question it again.”

“Your parent’s don’t like talking to people?”

“I may be their son, which I have no idea in the seven hells how I was conceived, but I would love to do things my own way, and with your help, I might just be able to do that.”

“Well then, let’s use their own system against them. I’ll be back with the mobile hamper, you just try and find things to place over you.”

Sandra left and I gathered any clothes that could be considered dirty, sent the message, andI even threw some of my bedsheets in cause, they actually did smell. “I hope this works… and I hope I can trust her.”

I never talked to a real live person in years, then I become this and suddenly I’m this ‘Rainbow Dash’ and I meet and talk to a real person, who wants to help me? I was messed up with thoughts honestly. Can I really trust her? Am I forever stuck like this? Can I really fly? And most importantly, will my parents ever find out? I was so zoned out I didn’t realize when Sandra came back. “Hey.” She called, snapping me out of my excessive thoughts. “Jump in.” She said as she rolled a large hamper through the door. There was already some dirty sheets in it, so I curled up on them and she placed the sheets and clothes over me.

For a while, there was nothing aside from the sound of Sandra’s footsteps and the wheels rolling on the ground. I’d say about ten or so minutes passed before she finally stopped. “Hurry, jump out and into the car.” She said. I poked my head out and saw we were in a large parking lot and that there was small green car next to us with the window down. I climbed out and into the window. I saw Sandra rush the hamper back inside the… MY HOUSE IS THAT BIG?!?! It’s like a football stadium!

She quickly ran back, got in the car, and started is as we drove off. She gave a sigh of relief. “That went better than expected.” SHe said. “So, you might wanna keep your head down for a bit, least for half an hour so we can be sure no one is around us.”

“Alright.” I replied. “So, what is this place anyway?”

“A small mountain, covered in trees and was once mined for iron, but EPA closed them down since rare plants and animals live up there. Actually going there is worth a fine, but there’s a cave I know that I park my car in. Trees will be high enough that no satellites will see us, and far enough apart for space needed so you can try to fly.”

“Cool. So, why are you helping me?”

“I’m not, I’m kidnapping you.”

“Wait, what?!” Her response was a laughing fit. “Not funny!”

“Lighten up, I’m helping you because you kinda remind me of… me, when I was little.”

My ears perked up at that. “You were a rich recluse?”

“Not exactly, my dad won the lottery about ten years ago, back when I was in high school. He used it to ship me off to a fancy school and later college. I did alright, passed everything, but since I wasn't ‘rich’ those six years were rather lonely. I found MLP near the end of my college days and, I was hooked. So many people helping and being supportive… I guess I kinda want to repay it somehow, someway.”

Oh… so she knows what loneliness is like, and that show made her feel better? “Oh. So, you’re not gonna show me to anyone, right?”

“Even if I did they’d likely faint like I did.” SHe said as she made a turn. “You can sit upfront now, this road is always empty.”

I crawled up front into the passenger seat and looked out the windows… “It’s so big…”

“That’s what she said.” I glared at her. “What? You left yourself wide open for that.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ve only seen pictures and videos of what the outside looks like… never seen it in person honestly…” I looked out the window, watching the large trees pass by as she drove.

“This is less than a few miles from your own backyard you know… If you can figure out a way, I think you can come out here by yourself from your home.”


“You’re small enough to fit inside air vents.”

Huh, that's true. “Fair enough.”

“So, what was waking up like… that, like?”

“Freaked out, but kept screams internal as best I could. The genderswap hasn't been all bad though.” Why did I admit that?!

Sandra chuckled. “If you ever get curious, I know a good porn shop, just ask.” I was silent as my face turned a bright red. “Calm down, you’re a girl, well, mare now, so you have new needs you didn’t before. Just, don’t be all that shy when you experiment, just, cautious.”

“Is this what they mean when they say ‘girl talk’?”

“Half the time.”

“Can you ‘guy talk’?”

She chuckled again. “Sure, so I imagine gaming is hard without fingers?”

“Yeah… I can only really play Minecraft on peaceful or creative since my hoof can’t properly click, and I need to hold a pencil in my mouth to push the movement buttons.”

“Well, the show and fanfics basically state that a pegasus, you in this case, have rather… digit like control over their wings and feathers.”

“I think I saw something like that in the show a few times? Will that even work?”

“You turned into a cartoon pony somehow over night, I think ‘impossibility’ is out the window at this point.”

“Good point… So, how was being normal?”

“Uh, elaborate that?”

“You seem to have a nice family from what you said about your dad, and you went to public schools most of your life, how was being ‘normal’?”

SHe was quiet for a bit, pondering the question. “Well, normal is different for everyone. Normal for me is not the same for you, in fact, right now this whole situation for the both of us isn’t normal, but if we keep doing it, it will be.”

“Deep, you major in Philosophy?”

“Criminal Law.”

“Then what are you doing working as a maid? You should be a cop.”

“I don’t wanna leave town to find work, I always wanted to be an officer in the town. There's no openings at all so I’m just doing this til something either comes up, or if I decide to work as a personal detective.”

“So, you’ve fired a real gun?”

“Yeah, decent shot too. That comes from my dad, he’s a gun nut so I grew up with them. He used what he didn’t spend on my with that lottery ticket he spent on guns.”

“He a hunter?”

“No, just a collector. Though my older brother John hunts, usually only small birds and squirrels.”

“You have siblings?”

“Yeah, three brothers. The eldest John, then me, then Gabe, he’s a youtuber, and lastly is Mike.”

“First, how old are they? Second, what’s his youtube account called?”

“In order, twenty-seven, twenty-five, seventeen, and nine. And Gabe's goes by NewAgeClassics.”

“Never heard of him, I’m guessing he does gameplays?”

“Yeah, mostly. He seems to do well enough, earns about two-hundred a week from ad revenue.”

“Do they all watch that MLP show?”

“Yeah, got them all into it, bros and dad are all bronies now.”

“And you mom?”

Sandra looked sad. “She uh, left us… dad caught her cheating, told her to chose him or us… she chose that man…”

“Oh… I, I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright, besides, mom was always a bit distant with is anyway… Oh, we’re here.” We were at the entrance to a rather small cave, just large enough for Sandra to drive into and far back enough to hid the car from lookers. She parked and as I walked out, walking on rock, even with hooves, felt weird. When we got outside and onto dirt and grass it felt… oddly natural. We walked until approached by a tall fence with a sign saying ‘keep out’ which, comically enough, had a large hole in it next to said sign. We walked a bt further in til we could no longer see the fence. “Welp, here’s your training ground for the next few hours or so. Let’s see you give me at least five wing-ups.” Sandra said, sounding like a coach.

“How? I can barely control these things.”

“A… This might take longer than I thought.”

Wait, Is This What Friends Do?

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It took over an hour, but I managed to get partial control of my wings. It’s kinda like moving my hands… if my hands were misshapen, made from feathers, and were on my back. I attempted a ‘wing-up’ as Sandra said, and could barely hold myself up. “Maybe I should try lifting small weights with these things.” I groan as my face is planted within the forest floor.

“That might be a good idea, you are Rainbow Dash physically, but I don’t think you have her endurance and strength.” Sandra said, helping me up. “So… should we get some… of the dog stuff?”

“Dog stu- Oh right… sure, just nothing too… frilly.”

She chuckled. “You really sounded like her right then.”

“Whatever. Can we… sightsee before we go? I wanna see what this place looks like more.”

Sandra seemed happy I said that. “Sure, I know a few really good places, and one shall be the ‘grand finale’!” She said with that ‘show-biz’ pazzaz.

I just smirked. “Cool, well then tour guide, lead the way.”

We walked for a while til we came across an odd looking tree. It was growing over a large boulder, split in two near the top, making it look like two trees connected to one trunk, and there was a rundown treehouse build in the split. “This was probably some time after or during the mining when it was built.” Sandra said.

“How long ago was that?”

“Sixteen years or so, near the main mine, there’s a bunch of equipment still there, even a still working mine cart that rolled down the track like a small roller coaster.”

“Never been on one of those before.”

“Then let’s get to the mine. It’s time you rode one.”

“Sounds like a plan… so is there anything in that tree house?”

“Not really, but at night you get an amazing view of the night sky in there, since the roof collapsed a while ago.”

“Cool.” We walked of further, reaching the mine dug deep into mountain side. There was large mining equipment still standing where it was last used, even some slightly rusted pickaxes and shovels were tossed around here and there. Inside the mine was kinda dark, but really cool. “So, what was mined here again?” I ask as I poked an old drill.

“Iron, ground beneath us has lots, but EPA kept them off since endangered plants and animals live around here.” She said, kicking a tipped over minecart.

We walked further into the mine, when it got real dark, Sandra pulled out a small pocket flashlight and we went a little further, finding a single minecart on the rails, ready to move. “So this is it?”

“Yeah.” She said, jumping in and grabbing me by the scruff like a dog and putting me in.

“Please don’t do that.”

“Did it hurt?”

“No, just felt… dehumanizing…”

“Oh… sorry.” She pulled a lever that was on the side of the cart and it started moving.

At first it was going real slow… then was picking up momentum. “Is.. this safe?” I ask, clinging to the floor of this thing as best I could.

“I’ve done this lots of times,” She said as we were coming down the main drop. “We’ll land in the waterfall at the end.”

“Wait, WHAT?!” I screamed as we dropped down the main drop of the rails. If this is anything close to what a real rollercoaster feels like… I really should have gotten out more!

It’s been about three weeks, and the whole, ‘dog’ trick has been working without question. My wing strength has been improving greatly, I can do twenty wing-ups without much issue. I also somehow learned how to use them as hands, though my control isn’t all there yet, won’t be playing Overwatch anytime soon, but Minecraft has now been updated to survival mode. As well as a few other games I started playing that I thought I’d never get to play again.

I can managed some console games, and with Sandra, playing them has never been so fun. We were back out in the abandoned mine, I can flap and keep myself in the air for a few seconds before I drop like a rock. We figured that I just haven’t gotten a lift off down quite right. The show and birds make it easy, I guess, given cartoon logic, pegasi have to access some kinda inner magic to gain lift off since I’m too big for a normal bird style lift off.

“So how was that?” I asked, sweating after hours of failed lift off attempts.

“You made it a whole two feet in the air before dropping this time.” Sandra said. We’ve spent so much time together, I find myself thinking a lot about her… but, is that because she’s the only person in years I’ve spent a lot of time with… or the thing all people are afraid to admit.

“It’s getting late, wanna take a rest and watch the sunset from the tree house?”

“Heck yeah, got some ice cream in the cooler in the trunk of the car, you head off and I’ll meet you there.” She said as she ran off to the place she hides the car.

Ever since day one she kept trying to hug me, I still freak out, but… one time, I was napping and waiting for her to arrive and when I woke up she was hugging me like a pillow. She looked so... peaceful, happy. I fought my instinct of either squirming away or kicking her off and just kinda laid there. I fell asleep again and Sandra woke me up saying I was crying in my sleep. I don't remember any dreams so I'm not sure what it was about. I ran, er, trotted, cause pony lingo, my way to the tree house. We fixed it up a bit, and we brought a nice fluffy blanket to lay down on and look at stars from the hole in the ceiling. I laid on my back and looked at the red the clouds turned as the sun set... I missed out on so many things, secluded in my room. Why did I stay in there? Why did I have to become a cartoon character to finally see what outside is like, or how other people are, even if that last part is only Sandra. Maybe... turning into Rainbow Dash like a cheesy fanfic online was a good thing.

It's now been two months as a pony and a lot has happened. First off I have perfect control over my feather fingers, so gaming on anything has been a blast to do, especially with Sandra there. Second, Sandra and I are friends... the only thing I keep on me that's girly is the rainbow colored ribbon with the acronym, BBF on it. I keep it tied in my mane, I kinda like the ponytail look. I rarely take it off.

Oh yeah, I can fly now! I even can walk on clouds, which are softer than the silk sheets I never use. I don't like using them cause it feels like I'm gonna slip out of bed using them. Lastly, is that Sandra is the only one I let hug me... which I'm almost addicted to her hugs these days. "Hey Donovin," Sandra asked. We were in the tree house again, late night stargazing. "I have to tell you something... don't freak out."

I looked at her confused. "Something wrong?"

"Well, a position finally opened in the police force here in town, they hired me right away and I start work next week."

I felt my heart sink. "Y-you're not gonna leave, right?"

"I might be gone for a while, but I have two ideas."


"Well, even though you are a pony now, your memories can still prove you to be, well, you. I've been reading up on a few things. First off, when I come back around, I'm gonna have a place of my own... I want you to run away and live with me."

"What?" Part of me was shocked, the rest wanted to scream yes.

"You shouldn't be in that hell hole, stuck in your room all day... I've had my eye on this place... this land... It's up for sale, and... remember that 'birthday present money' you gave me?"

"I told you it was nothing."

"eighty thousand dollars cash isn't nothing Donovin, that's either drug, or hooker money." I rolled my eyes. "But, I'm gonna use it to buy this place, and get a house built here, preferably near or into the mine."

I rolled my eyes while grinning. "You and that mine. So, even then... what about my home? If the plates aren't empty then the servants will know something is up, actually, late night stargazing like this leaves a plate or two of food still full." I hope they aren't finally getting worried.

"Even if they did notice, you'll be with me, in our own home, where your parent's would never think of. And if you do anything else, just, message the assholes saying you're moving out to school or live elsewhere to keep suspicion down long enough."

That might work, excuses for me never being at home, finally free, and parent's won't give a damn anyway. "That would work to keep searches away for a while. They won't even bother checking up on me."

"See, we can do this, and if your parent's do find out you flat out left and try and find you, I'll be there file the child abuse report. After all, not seeing their own kid, knowing they turned into a pony magically overnight, and that they ran away from home for however long it takes them, if they bother, to find you. You're still a minor, so law is on your side, and given your... circumstance, the government as well."

Right, we've managed to keep this secret this long... might as well test how far that can go. "Yeah, and if it comes to revealing myself... you'll be there as my personal guard."

She giggled. She's so freaken cute when she does that... and I clearly have a crush on her... "I'll always be here for you Donovin, or would you prefer, Sound Dash?"

I rolled my eyes again. I made up an Oc and named them Sound Dash. Sound, because of my love of music, and Dash, because, well, you can guess. "I'll only go by that if I meet another human-turn-pony like me, which is unlikely."

"I still like Sound Dash, if you were born on Equestria that would be your name."

"Maybe, but if I was, you wouldn't be there."

She pulled my into a tight hug. "Then I'd find you, you're my friend, like a helpless brother/sister all in one, and so freakin' cute to top it all off."

"I'm not cute, I'm sexy."

She just shoved me playfully before hugging me tightly. "You really have changed, you were so nervous when we first met, now, you're so different, so confident."

"I have you to thank for that, if you didn't come around, help and just be there for me... I'd be no different from back then."

"Well yeah, that's what friends do."

I hugged her arms with my front legs. "To friends."

"Friends. Where ever your semi-helpless butt goes I go."


"Pinkie promise." I just laid in her embrace til I fell asleep. Who'd have guessed turning into a pony would have been the greatest thing to ever happen to me.

* * *

Ugh. The blanket feels nice... How long was I asleep? I tried getting up, rubbing my eyes with my hooves like I learned how day two as a pony. When I could fully see I nearly had a heart attack. I was on a cloud, up in the sky, above some kinda road in a green feild... "Where the heck am I?!" I screamed, trying to make scene of another strange and impossible situation. "I was with Sandra last night, how did I get here? And where-"


"Huh?" That voice sounds... familiar... not Sandra's, but where? "Rainbow Dash!"

I looked over the edge of the cloud... and didn't believe what I was seeing. Twilight Sparkle...and the other five, standing with their elements looking at me. "Uhhh."

"Come down here!" Twilight yelled.

I am stupidly confused right now. I made the mistake of looking around me... and saw what I can only describe as madness... not spartan madness, but madness non-the-less. Where have I seen this scene before? "Sure?" I say as I fly down. Maybe... Oh, season two first episodes... I'm that early? When I flew down to them they all looked rather surprised. "So... um..."

"Rainbow... that was easier than expected." Twilight said as she placed the element of Loyalty around my neck. "You broke Discord's spell all on your own?"

I poked the magical gem a bit before taking it off. "Listen... I'm not exactly who you think I am..." This might be hard to explain...

"... Grab her!" Twilight yelled as I was suddenly tackled by the other four. "So Discord made you think you're not you." Twilight muttered.

I tried to get out, but Applejack has me pinned good, hurts too, and Rarity's magic feels like a mattress is on my wings. "I am not Rainbow Dash, my name is Donovin, or Sound Dash, whatever you prefer."

"Just a quick Memory Spell." Twilight said as her horn lit up.

This... isn't gonna end well...

Skittle Meets Skittle

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Ugh… my head. Whatever sparkle butt did was one heck of a head rush. I think this is the closest to a hangover I’ll likely have. I stirred around a bit and managed to stand. I was on stone bricks… behind bars? Am I in a prison cell? I shook off my dizziness and walked over to them. There were two of those pegasus guards from the show on both ends of the cell. “Uh? Where am I?”

“Canterlot dungeon.” One of them answered. “You are awaiting your trial and test results, chaos spawn.”

Harsh. “How did I get here?”

“After the elements of harmony used the memory spell and it failed, the put you away and found the real element of loyalty. Since you didn’t disappear after Discord was returned to stone, the princess wanted to find out what you are.” The other guard finished.

“So I’m on trial and in jail for just existing? That’s bullshit!”

The seems a bit taken back at that word. I rolled my eyes and went onto the wood and hay bed in the corner. Great… this better be either a messed up dream, or reality… Sandra… please keep your promise somehow…

After what felt like a few hours a guard came and opened the cell, escorting me to a large room where they put cuffs attached to chains on a chair on me. I uncomfortably sat in the chair with the chains on me and after a bit… Rainbow Dash walked in. “Wow, you look good.” SHe said with a grin.

“Bit me.”

“Look, whatever you are. I’m here cause you look like me. Twi went through some books and as at first she thought you were something called a changeling, but a revealing spell that was in the book failed, so what are you?”

“Like I told them before that sparkle butt gave me a magic hangover, I’m Donovin, or Sound Dash… As for what I am... All I know is that about two months ago I woke up looking like you in every way.”

“So you just, turned into me without a reason?”

“Yeah. Was scared at first and readjustment was… long, but I somehow made a friend and she helped me out.” By instinct I reached up to my mane to feel the ribbon…. “W- where’s my ribbon?!”

“That thing that was in your mane?” I nodded. “Twi has it. Fell off you when the guards took you.”

“I need that ribbon!”

“Chill out, you look 20% cooler without it.”

“Screw you, that’s all I have left of my home, of my friend!”

SHe winced and backed up. “Wow, alright. Sorry. I didn’t know, I’ll try and see if I can get it back to you before the trial, alright?”

I calmed down a little. “Fine. When is this trial anyway?”

“Later today. While you were out Princess Luna looked through your mind and is telling Celestia about it.”

“She went through my mind? Talk about invasion of personal space.”

“Well, I gotta go. I’ll try and get your ribbon back before the trial. Later… Sound Dash, right?”

“I rolled my eyes. “Sure.”

Rainbow kept her promise as not long after I was sent to my cell, a guard came by and gave me my ribbon. It was the hour of the trial, if you could call it that anyway. It was just the mane six, the princesses, and me in the throne room. “We have reached a verdict.” Princess Luna said. “You, Donovin, were a sad, broke, isolated child who didn’t even know what a mothers love, let alone a hug, was,” Wow, she did look through my memories. “Your recent memories add up exactly with what Rainbow Dash said you told her. As such, we are assuming that you somehow turned into Rainbow Dash due to Discord’s actions, and we believe it is he who might have brought you here as well.”

“Because of this,” Celestia spoke. “We have decided that any charges of impersonation, or the accusations of you being something DIscord made you to throw off the elements have been dropped, and you are going to be taken under the care of the elements of harmony, and Rainbow Dash will be your caretaker until you have fully adjusted.”

… What? “So, you’re just putting me into some kinda make-shift dimensional displacement rehabilitation program?” I asked.

“That’s… the jist of it really.”

“Wow… So you put the living skittle bag as my caretaker?”

“You look just like me!” Rainbow protested.

“Til I dye my hair.” I replied turning to look at Celestia. “You sure about her?”

“Rainbow may be impulsive, but she is legal age, and even though you are the same age as her physically, your memories reveal you to still be a minor. We believe it best since you two are the same physically, you might adopt a sister like bond.”

… She’s a hope filled idiot… “Fine…” I say, knowing this is not gonna go well. I’ve never been parented in my whole life… so this is gonna end badly very quick…

WIth the trial over we went to Ponyville. Soon as the train stopped Pinkie jumped off, probably to throw me a party, and everyone else went their separate ways. Rainbow flew me up to her house, which was… bigger, than the show made it out to be. “So this is the home of the Dash… Dashes…. Eh, we’ll work on that later.”

I rolled my eyes as I walked in.I climbed on the couch and just laid there. “So, what now?”

“We Uh… Um...Uhh…” Rainbow was struggling to think of something. THe obvious answer would be ‘rest a bit’ or ‘go shopping for some things for me’ or something like that. If video games don’t exist here I’m throwing a tantrum solely to piss her off… good God I already sound like a spoiled rotten kid… “I guess you just wait here while I get a quick snack for us eat, then I’ll give you a tour of the town.”

“Sure.” I said as she flew out the door. Parenting rule number one, don’t leave an emotionally unstable child alone… ever. I sighed as I took a nap. I wonder when and if I should say anything when she does this? Nah, might be funny.

How’s the missing child case going?

No leads, no clues, no nothing! It’s like he vanished off the face of the earth!

I know you know him when you worked for his family Sandra, but this is going nowhere. It’s been a month already, his neglectful parents are in jail for their lack of proper parenting and negligence… he might be gone.

I’m not accepting that.

I’m still surprised the kid left you a will.

I didn’t even know he made one…

So, what you gonna do with that much money? Retire tomorrow?

Build the home I promised him… and find him before it’s done.

If you say so, that still leaves the majority of his family fortune for you.

It’s his money, other than what I’m using the build our home, i’m not touching a penny once the house is fixed, not until I find him so we can use it to have fun and make memories.

You act like he’s your kid.

You didn’t see how broken he was. I’m the only person he trusts and he vanishes overnight. I promised to always be with him… I’m not breaking it.

Must. Find. Job. Stop. Skittle. From. Cooking!

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The next day my ‘caretaker’ had the idea, forced on her via Twilight, to cook breakfast…

I stared at my plate, the somehow burnt orange juice and burnt LIQUID toast. “How?” I say, no other words coming to mind.

“Least I didn’t start a fire like Rarity’s sister does when she cooks.” Rainbow retorted. She took a sip of her ‘toast’ and ran right towards the sink. “Alright, I really don’t know how to cook.”

“That’s a bit of an understatement.”

“Well the only place to get breakfast this early is Sugar Cube Corner, and they’re not finished baking the morning stock yet.” She said as she spit out some water she used to rinse her mouth out.

“Then don’t you have any leftovers?”

She walked over to the fridge, which, cause logic, was made from clouds, and opened it. “Uh… I got some day old half eaten cupcake, a few apples, and some cold hay fries.”

“I’ll take an apple.” The tosses it over to me and I took a bit. It was still fresh, but it was starting to go bad. “You eat out most of the time, huh?”

“Yeah. I’m either at work, practicing for the Wonderbolts, or with the girls… I’m actually not home much.” She replied, eating the half cupcake.

I finished off the apple and managed to toss the pit into the trash. I got really good at using my mouth like a pony fast. “Well, I’m guessing payday isn’t here yet?”

“End of the week…”

“Figures, and let me guess, nothing saved?”


I sighed. I may have been rich, but economics and math were my best subjects, I learned how to save early on just in case, I even kept a few grand in cash in my room just in case. “Well, I guess I can get a job.”

“Hey, I’m supposed to take care of you.”

“You really want to start that argument? You don’t even have the cash nor food to support yourself at the moment. If I get a job, that’s extra money for necessities.”

“But I’m in charge of you. Isn’t the guardian supposed to take care of the minor?”

“Yes, but lots of teenagers get part-time jobs. And physically I’m your age, so what’s the harm in me getting some work?”

Rainbow was thinking it over. The main reason I wanted a job was because I always wondered what working was like. The second is that Sandra managed to teach me how to cook, simple things, but it’s better than the godless burnt ‘meal’ she made. “Fine.” She agreed. “But part time only.”

“Yes ma'am.”

I few out the door and into town. Now then, looking for a job back home required a resume, usually online from what Sandra and the internet told me, so how does getting hired in pony world work? I’m guessing look for a sign. As I few around several ponies waved at me, likely mistaking me for Rainbow… should really dye my main color. After a bit I found a large building, no windows and one large neon sign saying “The Bass Drop.”

There was a help wanted sign on the door, I took it and upon opening the door my ears were blasted by music so loud, my speakers back home would never have been able to handle that… I found heaven.

I rushed in and saw a small bar in the corner, a large dance floor with couches and such scattered around, and a D.J table on a small stage blasting away… only there were no ponies here… This is a club, aren’t these normally packed? The music was dubstep, the D.J a mare with wild blue neon mane and tail, white fur and purple glasses. The barkeep was also a mare, brown fur and darker brown mane and tail. I walked over to her. “Um, I’m here about the help wanted ad?” I asked.

As she looked me over I saw her cutie mark, a heart and a bottle? Not what I expected of a barkeep. “Well, and here I thought the rumor was a lie.”


“About the second Rainbow Dash, you supposedly popped up when Discord was out and about.” She clarified.

“Oh, yeah, call me Donovin or Sound Dash.”

“Alright then, Donovin, well as you can tell this place is starting a new open day schedule and not many ponies are interested.”

“Any reason why?”

“It’s the music, nowadays dubstep has taken a backseat to songs with lyrics. We were hoping for somepony to sing and help make songs.”

Sing? … Never tried in this body with this voice, did a lot back when I was human. As for songs… Well, not earth, so the songs I know won’t get me a copyright… right? God I can just feel the record companies calling their lawyers. “Well I can try.”

“Good. Yo Vinyl! New girls trying out!” She called out to the D.J. SHe was a unicorn, so she levitated a microphone up to me and a few discs to look though. “They’re all instrumental, so make up some lyrics.”

There were four in total. The first, Dead Road, second, Electric, third was named Dreams, and fourth was called Lost. “Can I hear them first?”

“Sure.” The barkeep said as Vinyl played one. After they were done, I knew someone up there must like me, cause Dead Road, wa the exact instrumental to Day of The Dead, by Hollywood Undead.

“Play Dead Road.” I said, as Vinyl put Dead Road back in. Huh, wonder… Avoid interdimensional copyright, or make a cover? Original lyrics now, cover later. The second the music started, I recited the lyrics by heart... and didn't sound half bad. When it was over, both the barkeep and Vinyl were staring at me. “Uhh… I got issues?”

“That was good, dark, but really, really good. You got the job.”

“Really? That was easy.”

“Write a cleaner version for the lunch rush, you got three lots of time.”


“Oh, and, well, you know Vinyl’s name already.” She said as Vinyl waved at me. “She can’t talk, and just call me mom, literally everypony does.”

We…. she does look like a mom, especially with that cutie mark. “Alright, so should I look for a pen and paper or?”

“I’ll get them.”

Hours passed and the lunch rush started. I wrote my cover of Day of The Dead, I called Day of The Lost… I wasn’t kidding about the issues thing. The club wasn't full, but a fair amount of ponies were here. I got up onstage and gave a gulp. Welp, like Sandra said, you only live once.

I sang out a clean version of the song, basically just took out and swears, and since I couldn’t come up with the rest of the lines, we had the song edited and made short, the crowed just stared at me… then cheered. I… I did good?

The few hours before my shift ended was mostly encores and ponies talking to me, saying I have a good voice, and a few stallions, and mares, asking for a date. I rejected all of them. Finally my shift ended and ‘Mom’ called me over to the bar. “Donovin, you might have saved this club.” She said.

“If you say so, personally I think I was just really lucky.”

“Well stay lucky.” She said as she placed a small pouch on the counter. “Little early payment. Just to say thanks.”

“Thanks, now I won’t have to worry about food.”

She looked surprised at that. “Aren’t you living with Rainbow Dash?”

“Yeah, but she can’t cook to save her life, and she was low on food.”

“Oh, well the rest of your pay is at the end of the week, see you tomorrow?”

“Sure, this was fun.”

The market was closed to I headed into this place called Barnyard Bargains, I had fifty… bits they called it, if memory serves me right, and grabbed a cart and started shopping. First off was milk, four bits four a gallon, eggs, twelve for two bits, bread, two loaves for eight bits, peanut butter and jelly, a bit each, some kinda smoked packadged flowers that I think are supposed to be like ham or bologna back on earth, ten bits, a bag of ten apples, mixed, seven bits, and some waffle mix ready to make, five bits, and lastly a box of cereal, also five bits. I was left with seven bits extra.

As I was walking home I spotted Sugar Cube Corner and figured I could get something to avoid Dash’s cooking. I walked in and asked for four cupcakes to go. Six bits I payed and my last bit went into the tip jar. With all the stuff it was hard to fly up to the house, but I managed and put the stuff away.

I ate my two cupcakes and put Dash’s in the fridge til she came home. “Wonder when she’ll get home?” I wonder as I picked up one of her Daring Doo books and opened it. Wow… this really is an Indiana Jones rip off, but with more magic and less logic.

The book was rather quick to the point and to be honest, the ‘traitor’ of her original group was pretty clear from the beginning, and the end of the book just said what I already knew. I closed it and put it back. Man, that was all description and no character development, just find the thing, get thing taken from me, escape deadly trap for five chapters, get thing back and have bad guy get punished comically in the end.

Maybe I can see if Twilight has more… above third grade level books… then again, she recommended to Rainbow Dash if memory serves me right… if all books in this world are third grade level I’m writing my own stuff… and it will be violent and gory if GTA V, Call of Duty, every zombie game ever and any T rated game and up have taught me anything… it’s that violence and a good story can co-exist in a story.

As I was thinking of my own story to write if Equestrian literature was nothing but an elementary school library when Rainbow Came home. “I’m back Sound, you miss me?” She asked with inflated feness.

“It was quiet that’s for sure.” I reply.

“So what you do while I was gone?” She asked, flying next to me.

“Got a job, got some money, bought some needed things, read and disliked Daring Doo, then kinda did nothing till you showed up.”

Rainbow just stared at me. “You… got a job?”


“Got paid early…”

“Part of my paycheck, spent it all on the groceries.”

“Got groceries…”

“I just said that.”

“And you don’t like Daring Doo?!”

“Story was… bland and nothing more than descriptions of what she was doing, so much crap could have been taken out! I mean, seriously, who writes the exact way and method of how she used a torn parachute and made a tent and later a boat with it? Those took almost the whole chapters.”

“She is still awesome.” Rainbow grunted.

“Well if that’s all we’re gonna talk today I’m going to bed, two cupcakes in the fridge for ya, night.” I flew upstairs before she could say anything else, dropping on the bed and getting relaxed. So this is what it feels like to be the grown up in the room… so far, my new life here is not what most fanifcs wrote about.

Hurtfull Words of A Hurting Child

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It was a nice dream. I was home, with Sandra. “So, how's being a pony?” She asked me.

“Eh. I miss bacon but other than that it's not too bad.” I replied. We were watching Harry Potter, the second one. “Man, if I could have chosen why couldn't I have been one of the unicorn characters? Magic would be way better than wings.” I said as Harry drank that shapeshifting potion Hermione made.

“Hehehe… I miss you, ya know.” Sandra said. Wait, I remember this day, she didn't. “Where did you go?”

“Sandra?” I asked, looking at her. “Sandra… is that you?”

She turned to me. Wide eyed. “D-Donovan?!” She cried, hugging me tight… I returned it. “Wh-where did you go?! I've been so worried!” She spoke through her tears.

“I don't know how, but I woke up on Equestria on a cloud.” I explain. “Like those cheaply written fanfictions.” I said, almost burying my face in her left shoulder. “I don't know how I got here… I miss you a lot too.”

“ is it?” Sandra asked, neither of us breaking the hug.

“Not too bad. Rainbow Dash can't cook, got a job yesterday. Apparently I can sing.”

“Heh. Doesn't surprise me.”

“How is this possible?”

“Do you really care?”

“I guess not.”

“Your family finally knows you vanished. I came forewarned with lawyers about their mistreatment of you.”

“Really? How'd that go?”

“Better than expected. Apparently you didn't have any social security numbers, or even a birth certificate. Like you didn't exist.”


“Yup. Your folks are in jail, and all their money is frozen.”

“Ha. Serves them right.”

“They did find something on your computer through, a will of sorts you wrote?”

“Oh, found that did they? Hah. You happy?”

“You left me ten billion dollars, how did you-”

“Spent a lot of time alone before. Typed myself a will. In case I ever, somehow made a true friend, I would leave everything that was mine to them. A week before I can send I wrote your name in it. Did it work?”

“Well, legally you didn't exist, but since your parents admitted your existence and birth, revealing the doctors who were there and they confirmed it, given you've been gone for a month-”

“Month? It's barely been a few days here?”

“Really? Huh. Time difference I guess. Anyway since you wrote a will but legally didn't exist to the system the judge transferred all your parents funds and resources to me, as well as resources and property…”

“... Hah! Oh I bet my folks hated that!”

“Oh if you were there to see them get so angry. It was amazing… I’m going to find you, ya know.”


“I’ll spend every penny of your parents money finding a way to you.”

“Why? Can you even do that? Is it... possible?”

“You bet it is, because I am your family.” She said, hugging me tightly. “I’m like your mom at this point.”

I woke up, catching myself smiling. That was...nice. I don't know whether that was fake or real...but I don't care. It felt nice… I got up and ate some cereal quick as Dash got up and flew around quickly. “Oh, hey. You're up?”

“Yeah. Got up not too long ago. In a rush?”

“Looking for some of my older goggles. I promised Applejack I’d help her demolish an old barn so she can make a new one.”

“Wouldn't repairing it be a bit cheaper?”

“Yeah but the frame is starting to rot.” She explained, digging in the couch cushions. She came out with a pair of worn goggles in her mouth. “I’ll see you in a few hours kid.” She said, flying off fast put the door.

“Didn't even eat breakfast… wow…” I said, finishing the milk and washing the bowel. Washing dishes was… odd. It was a mix of hooves and teeth, and a dry mouth helps to avoid spit on the clean plates. These are the facts bronies. These are the facts.

I didn't work till late tonight so I have time to kill. I learned to write by holding a pen in the grip between my larger feathers. Was almost like writing normally, just have to take it slow. I wrote a note for Dash telling her I’d be out for a while and not to freak if I wasn’t here when she came back. If ‘i'm gonna be stuck here I might as well-

“Donovan!” Twilight screamed as she, I assume from magic, ran on the cloud floor and up to me. She had this...crazed look in her eye… “Heeeey, so, got a problem you need solved?”

“No...did you sleep last night?” I asked. she looked like she hadn't slept in a week.

“Oh No, I feel fine! Just fine! It’s just I need to turn in my weekly friendship report and there hasn't been a single friendship problem to report on all week! And I have to turn something in! I can’t be tardy!” She was shaking me at this point.

I pushed her off, she rolled on the floor for a bit before looking back at me. “Then just send her a letter saying there’s nothing to report this week, and I dunno, promise to give a double report the next.”

“That...than can work! Oh, but what if I can’t manage a double report for next week?”

“Then send her a letter saying there’s no friendship problems to report on, and ask if she’ll accept anything else. Like, a replacement report but on another subject, like plants or clouds, magic, whatever.”

“Huh, that can work. Thanks Donovan! I’m glad you helped me out.”

“Eh, it was either that or have you keep freaking out and likely cause some magical issue that almost destroyed the town.”

“Heh. Well, I’m happy to have a friend like you.”


“Well, yeah.”

“Twilight. I LOOK like your friend. I SOUND like your friend. But WE, we are not friends.”

Twilight’s ears fell at hearing that. “W-what?”

“Twilight, I got turned into a Pegasus from what in my world was a child's cartoon show, managed to go unnoticed my the very staff my house has had serve me since birth, and none of them noticed I was even gone. Got sent here, after I finally had a friend of my own, who I cared about greatly and let’s not forget our first meeting you had Applejack hogtie me and used some crazy magic on me that made me pass out. Your princesses make Rainbow Dash my legal guardian, for some reason, without even consulting MY opinions on the matter, and, to top it all off, my so called gardien can barely save enough to keep her house with a decent amount of food for one let alone two, and this place is pretty much a mess.”

“Donovan I-we… I didn’t know you felt that way.”

“Cause you all just assume. You, your friends, your princesses just assumed I’ll adjust to life here. I want to go home, I want to be human again. I WANT to see Sandra again, but something tells me that’s not going to happen. Cause you all are just a bunch of assuming idiots.”

“Hey, now that’s-”

“Right, Twilight, you’re the smart one, Celestia’s prized pupil. Of this generation.”

“W-what’s that supposed to mean?!”

“Are you gonna look me in the eye and tell me that Princess Celestia, your immortal ruler and the pony who moves the sun and dean of her own school, has had not a single student prior to you?”

“...Well… She has, but-”

“But, you’re just the newest in a long line. And let me guess, each new student was better and more talented than the last, right?” Twilight just hung her head, remaining silent. “Thought so. Your successor will be better than you, surpass all your set goals and records. Same for your friends. Somepony more fashionable will beat out Rarity some day, a faster, younger pegasus will beat all the records Dash set sooner or later, somepony stronger and...I dunno, better at farming will take over and best AJ, anypony with the talent and patience Fluttershy has can do her work, better if they weren't so scared of literally everything, and I’m scared to admit it, but somepony better, more hyper and...more random than Pinkie will come around and best her at party making. We’ll all be bested and at some point largely forgotten.”

“H-how can you say that?”

“It’s how my world works. Equestria can’t be too different. Nothing lasts forever, honestly, can you tell me you know EVERY once important figure of your history, or of just the major events?”

Twilight didn’t speak, rather, she left, a flash of purple telling me she teleported away. I sighed, rolling my eyes. “We all expire Twilight, and someone or something better always comes and climbs over us at some point.”

Dear Princess Celestia.

Donovan is… upset, reasonable or not what he told me today just… I can’t keep it out of my head. He was rude, and… and what makes me so mad is that he’s right in a way! I’m sorry I’m sending this rather than my weekly friendship report, but Donovan was right about a lot of things. I’ll write in detail what he told me in the enclosed second scroll…

I think I need a break or something. Maybe visit my parents to try and clear my mind.

As Celestia read over the second scroll, detailing her students conversation with Donovan. She sighed. She knew, like Twilight said, he was right in some ways. She was worried though, they had made little progress in finding out where Donovan came from and how to change him to his true form and send him back. She had hoped there would be something but her only conclusion is Discord. An option she’s rather leave for last. She read over the letter again, and felt an idea emerge in her mind. “Guards.” She spoke.

“Yes, princess?”

“Tell Cadenza I’ll be going on a little vacation and that she and Luna are to take over.”

“Um, is that wise, your highness?”

“They’ll do fine, besides, this will be good for both myself and Donovan.” She said with a smile, teleporting to her room and began to pack. “This will be so much fun.”

Wait, Wait, Wait... Just like that?

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Out of all the movies back on earth, one of the ones I miss the most is Zombieland. A very funny take on the end of days. Sadly no movies seemed to have any take on the end of days for Equis nor do any books… seriously? This amazing genre is just straight up nonexistent in this world… Wonder if I can get the idea into media? Maybe some songs...Can I make one up? Hm… Am I even that creative?

“Donovan!” Rainbow shouted, crashing through her own front door and into the couch. “Owe…”

“Well, might as well go see what she wants.” I said, getting up from my cot and heading down stairs. Oh yeah, last night I got enough share of tips to buy a used cot bed and some disinfectant spray. It’s actually kinda comfy. I flew down the steps...why she even has stairs I have no clue, and saw her getting herself back up. “Yo, what’s up?”

“Dude! Princess Celestia just came into town!”


“And she bought a house!”


“And what else!? She just got property in Ponyville! She only ever owns property in remote, isolated areas!”

“So...why she changing it up now?”

“I dunno, but she said she’s announcing something and I came to grab you.”

“Well, alright I guess?”

The fly to town hall wasn’t long, and with so many ponies, likely all of the town was here. They set up some speakers and a mic for her to speak into. She looked at Dash and I, she tapped the mic and the whole crowd. Yeah...that’s not suspicious…

“Dear citizens of Ponyville. It is no secret that now I have a small piece of property within your town, as we speak guards are furnishing it and within the hour it will be livable. Now, what you all may not no is that it's a simple, three bedroom house. Why three bedrooms you may ask? Well, aside from my room, there will be one other tenant, and one room for a guest or two.”

“Think Luna’s gonna be there too?” Rainbow asked.

“If that were true then who’d be up in Canterlot ruling?” I replied.

“And, who this second tenant of mine will be, is somepony you all know about, but I feel not many of you have spoken to.” Celestia continued. “They are new to our lands, yet look like one of your most well known residents.”

Oh Fucking No…

“Donovan, please come forwards and meet me upon the stage.” All eyes where on Dash and I, Dash pointing a hoof at me then slowly flying out of their view… Wow, first time she doesn’t want all eyes on her.

I gulped, feeling embarrassed as I slowly flew up to her royal all that, yadda yadda. I landed in front of her, and she began speaking again. “Donovan, I know that your recent complaints involving your legal guardian's given the actual age you are as compared to the age your newfound body is, as well as her...lack of proper funding to care for another as well as herself. So, I have come up with an alternative.”

“If it means I don’t have to smell Skittles cooking again, I’m in.” I blurted out, almost freezing up at saying that. Well, it’s a half truth. Dash is a HORRIBLE cook, but why am I agreeing so...openly?

Celestia chuckled at this. “Then from this day forth, I, Princess Celestia, Solar Monarch of Equis, shall have a permanent residency in Ponyville, one I will be going back and forth too every so often. The nobles would throw a cow if I wasn’t there at all.” That earned a few chuckled from the crowd. “And, while I cannot return Donovan to his proper race, I can give you an Equine’s youth and build of your age, as well as alter your appearance to differentiate you from Rainbow Dash.”

“So I don’t have to look at her ugly muzzle every time I look into a mirror? You’ve been holding out on me Princess.” That earned me a bunch of laughs from the crowd, Celestia, and a ‘Hey!’ from wherever Rainbow Dash is hiding.

Celestia's’ horn lit up and my whole body felt...tingly. Like that numb, sleep feeling you get from resting on an arm or leg for too long. I immediately noticed I was...shorter. Not too short, bust shorter than Dash normally is. I saw my mane was now like my old hair color, a mix of brown and blond. My coat was an orange brown, but I could still feel I wasn’t...the right gender. “I take it gender spells are tougher?” I asked. She didn’t reply, but did not. “Dang...well, least I don’t look like a walking pride flag.” The whole crowd burst out in laughter at that one. I should do this professionally.

“Well, now that that is out of the way, there is one last thing I need of you Donovan to complete this little arrangement of mine.” She said, taking out a scroll. When she unrolled it, it ran from the tip of her horn, where her magic held it, to the floor, and down past my back hooves. “A signature.”

“Signature? What for?”

“Well, given as your...biological parents aren’t here, I found some old texts that can allow this, but only with your signature.”

“Um...okay?” She levitated a quill over to me, and I walked over to grab it with my teeth. Thankfully I learned to write in cursive and since becoming a pony, with Sandra’s help, I learned to write with my teeth and lips. I wrote my name, next to a line that had Celestia’s name on it too. Her full name is “Celestia Aurora Faust”? Wow. Kind of nice and fitting actually. I finished writing my full name “Donovan Delta Galispear” Galispear is the last name of my parents, and I always figured Delta was my middle name since the staff never called me by my name, but I've heard them talk about who was obviously me, but used Delta to refer to me. Eh, I like it. Mainly cause I also played and Liked Bioshock 2...Damn I miss videogames.

Celestia took the scroll, and rolled it up as it began glowing. “From this day forth, Donovan,” She opened the scroll to read my whole name. “Delta Galispear, is my legal responsibility, and mine alone.”

“Wait, you’re my guardian now?” I questioned. A step up from Dash...maybe like a million for most everyone else here but still.

“Yes, and, if you begin to see me as more than a simple guardian, before you become of legal adult age in equestria, than this contract will allow you to become my adopted child, and, by law, a princess of Equestria, and all that accompanies.”

“Wait...You’re that away? Seriously?”

“Yes. You see Donovan, one of the reasons I take on students, and at such a young age til they are all gown, is because I cannot bear any foals of my own. Twilight is one of my few students to also have a family, many of my past students where orphans or came from bad families I was legally able to remove and claim custody over.”

“So in other words I’m your new latest attempt at a child of our own?”

“Well, that’s not how I’d put it, but, I would love to be able to call you my foal, Donovan, if you’d agree to it.”

I was suspicious. I mean, I have every right to be. I’m being offered the winning lottery ticket ‘condition free’. I don’t fully trust her, but I don’t have reason to distrust her either. Past experience with the rich and nobility where… less than pleasant. But she’s different. She may run the show in the castle with Luna at her side but she’s not stuck up or bitchy like others of nobility. Wonder how that happened? “I’ll...think about it.” Was my answer as she gave me a smile and nod.

Audio Log, Entry 146.

Interrogations went slow of Donovan’s ‘parents’ but they cracked today. His ‘father’, Patrick Galispear, said something. It was largely rambling, but then I figured out it was numbers. Strings of numbers. I know he’s a ‘renowned expert’ on multiverse theory and genetics but I don’t know what he was saying. In the end, they were repeating in groups of four.

89, 45, 55, 15. 3, 88, 34, 1. And lastly 4. 7. 2. 9. These look like codes to either a safe or doors, but to what I’m not sure.

His ‘mother’ Sintha Galispear, Grothper is her maiden name. A family of Biologists, chemists, pharmacists and doctors, and as well as mastering all her families tricks and trinkets, she also took up a Masters in Psychology from what I’ve dug up. Such odd professions to bring together. Anyway, she said something about a sub-basement where the codes I got will come into use. I’ve look over the mansion’s floor plans over and over again and nothing about any sub-basement comes up. Either it’s entrance was hidden and any evidence burned, or they’re lying and screwing with me. If they are, then we’re just wasting time and resources, if not, well, looks like some demolition work is in order. I know I’ll be more than happy to light a match to that prison of marble and gold Donovan had to grow up in. Been two weeks. No other dream meetings yet with him… I hope another comes soon.

Sandra, out.

SUBJECT Delta: Code Name - Donovan

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Project Skybreaker: Day one.

All test subjects dead upon release of their activation. Restarting the fabricators and restructuring their genetics.

Project Skybreaker: Day Fourteen.

Three out of fifty new test subjects survived. Two show lack of intelligence, awareness and lack of sight. Third made a grunt noise before dying several hours later with the others. New batch will contain experimental modified Rodent DNA.

Project Skybreaker: Day fifty.

One Test subject repeated a word I said today. ‘Doctor’. Running experiments.

Experiments show that this test Subject, Subject Delta, has vast learning capabilities. So far it’s been able to place colors into groups of those similar to it, understands basic tasks, such as walk, run, pick up object.

Subject Delta seems to exhibit a form of self awareness and almost childlike curiosity. Upon further experimentation his unique properties seem to be showing. Delta has highly programmable and flexible DNA, as desired. In order to pull this off however, Delta needs high amounts of energy. Not electricity or anything like that, pure energy. A single rod of plutonium gives Delta enough energy to change form once, more required for detail. Such as hair, eyes, gender, everything. Side Project Powerhouse has begun to work on a more renewable, stronger energy Delta can use to activate his abilities.

Project Skybreaker: Day four hundred and Sixty three.

Subject Delta, now going by his Codename, Donovan, is being placed in hiding in plain site. False memories, personality, and such have been implemented into it’s mind so it can pass as the child of his makers. The government is catching onto this project. It’s interesting. The ‘child’ seems to developing its own tastes in human media and entertainment. It’s become a gamer, loves music, hates the classical music it’s ‘parents’ play during their parties with their funders, and seems to truly believe it’s human.

Project Skysplitter: Day Four hundred and ninety five.

Was given orders to make Delta shapeshift to appear like this...Rainbow winged cartoon horse? Something about Project Powerhouse and Patrick’s Multiverse experiments. I just log these events, I don’t get paid enough for this mess.

“So...will I see ya around or…” Dash asked as I was packing my things.

“Maybe. If you want to, I mean.” I said. This felt...odd. I’ve only been with Dash for a week, now all this.

“ really gonna not gonna miss looking as awesome as me?”

“Heh...maybe. If you stop by the club some nights I can see if I can get you a VIP pass. Or something.”

“You’re still gonna work there?”

“Well, yeah. Not gonna live off of the Princesses good nature forever.”

“Heh, you’re alright kid.” She said, giving me a light punch on the side. “So, expecting much when you head over to the Princess’s place?”

“I dunno. Something other than noodle soup would be nice.”

“Hey, you like my noodle soup.”

“You put way too much salt in it.” I said, finishing packing the last of my things left about. “Well, guess I’ll see you around then Skittles.”

“Heh, sure thing kid. I’ll try and stop by your work every now and then, see what all the fuss is about.”

Celestia’s house was well away from town, I’d say as far as Fluttershy’s cottage, just north of town just within it’s limits. It was a large field, a long road walk to it, thin, rustic wood fence all around and flowers popped up in patches. It was nice. The cottage itself looked like it was three floors, though whether it was modified for the princess’s height or is normally that high I can’t say.

Once inside it was decorated not as a noble house would be, but rather, like how any old house would be decorated. “Donovan, is that you?” Celestia’s voice ran from what I assume is the kitchen.

“Yeah. I just got here.” I yelled back.

“Feel free to explore, and your room is on the second floor, first on the right.” So this is three floors. Dang.

“Thanks.” I said, heading there first before any other exploring.

The door that belonged to my new room was solid wood, my name burned into the wood. It was a simple push door, and I did. It opened. The room was blank, a pile of my stuff stacked in the corner, a good sized bed, sheets and pillows set up and made on the bed. Other than that there was a side closet, desk, and a bedside stand with a lamp on it. Not bad. I began setting up some of my stuff. Aside from a few hoodies, I know, strange for a pony to wear but they looked neat on me, and some Knick-knacks. A small box I used to hold neat looking rocks, a glass jar I kept spare bits after a shopping day in, a small glass dove, Sandra’s favorite bird. Never knew why. A scooter Scootaloo crashed into me and broke over my head, well, my back but the handle bar hit my head.

It was wrecked, she at first thought I was Dash but then realized it was me. She let me keep it, said she had a spare and that that one was an old one she was trying to tune up. I kept it cause to be honest I expected to at least have a bruise on me after a crash like that but nope, nothing. No bruise, scratch, nothing. I consider that lucky.

Lastly where some books I bought from Twilight. Turns out she sells books if they have over three copies in the library. Two for checkouts, and one for herself. Heh, nerd. Still, the books I got where interesting. Equestrian Historical Dictionary. Myths and Legends of Old, and Spell Master. That last one is like Harry Potter meets that old movies Page Master. Talking books are even in iot too… talking books in a book. Why am I now just realizing that sounds strange. Eh, still a good book. Lastly was my song book. I’d write out song from earth, sensore those that felt too graphic for ponies… they have a lot of words that are considered swears. This next song for tomorrow is based off Breaking Benjamin's ‘Ashes of Eden’.

Will the Faithfull be rewarded
When we see the sun set
Will I miss the final evening
From the Flames that I have set
Is there anypony watching
I can hear the breath of death
Please don’t give mercy
Please don’t give mercy to me.

Kinda dark still but that’s my style I guess. I want it to tell a story about someone-Pony, who’s committed an unspeakable crime and is guilty of it… I play WAY to many M rated video games. Well, used to. I sat down at the desk, trying to convert the song but not much was coming to mind. I closed the notebook, got off the desk and began exploring the house. Most of the rooms on this floor where...odd. There was a large office, with two desks and some papers on it already. Why two desks thou- … Is Luna gonna live here too? Or visit some time? Huh, odd.

I left the room, turning and- “Omph!” I yelped, bumping into somepony. She was a white coated, black maned earthpony with an inkwell cutiemark. She was also wearing a collar and necktie...somehow without the whole shirt. “Oh, sorry.”

“No,no this is fine. I was looking for you actually.” She spoke. “My name is Raven, I am Celestia’s assistant. Normally I keep track of her schedule and the paperwork, meetings and such but with this little experiment of hers, I have a bit more free time.”

“Really? So, what did you wanna talk to me about?”

“Well, during this time my role is more financial. Celestia wanted the whole ‘Normal Pony’ Experience during this time so she’s limited herself to a weekly allowance to act like a paying pony’s salary.”

“Oh. How much?” I asked. Man, Celestia must really want a normal life...just like me… huh.

“Two hundred bits a week.”

“Huh, I make a hundred twenty five a week at the club. Care to tell me how ‘normal’ this budget of hers is gonna be?”

“Gladly.” She said, coughing to clear her throat before she began to speak. “Well, the water bill is so far based on the amount of Ponies living here, you, Celestia and myself, as well as any possible gardening endeavors she might want to pick up, should be around twenty to fifty bits, fifty being if she decided to start a garden, and she does love her gardens. Electricity is fixed at just thirty a month thanks to the roof having solar panels that power the house day and night. All save for the bathrooms and living room are powered by them. Heating and air are expected to be about fifteen, unless we just stick to warm clothing, thick blankets and a the fireplace and boiler in the basement we might not have to worry too much come winter time, Summer will be another issue completely. Food costs for us and the occasional guest will be between a hundred and a hundred fifty, assuming the princess curves her sweets consumptions by the end of the month there will still be about five hundred bits unless my calculations are wrong.”

“Um, mind if I poke a hole in your calculations?”

“Well, if you seem to have found one, by all means.”

“Well, back at Rainbow’s she had tap water, and electricity, in a cloud house. Do you know how that’s done?”

“I assume the clouds themselves?”

“No, special magic adapters that receive the power or water from the companies, and transfer it magically to her place, giving her power and tap water. As for that she has to pay extra on her bills, a fee of sorts for that service and for the distance. She told me Fluttershy’s house is the same, since she lives as far away from town as we are. Well, the power part at least, she gets her water from a well under her cottage. This house has both like Rainbow’s. She pays fifty bits for power, even with the panels you’ll be paying out possibly forty, maybe more given I asked Fluttershy how much she pays for power and she said it’s sixty, because the transmitters for power have to be placed on the roof or in the attic, and the trees around her place disrupts the flow. This place while yes clear all around, is on the opposite side of town from the Electric company completely, so that’s double the distance compared to Shy’s place. Or Rainbow’s.”

“Hm. I never considered that. I’ll begin recalculating after I get back from the Ponyville electric and water companies. I must say that was impressive Donovan.”

“Heh, thanks. Since coming to this land I’ve been self teaching myself things like this.”

“Well I must say you are quite the clever individual. I feel that we are going to get along swimmingly.”

“Only if you cash out for the blow up pool.” I joked.

Raven laughed. “Oh, I walked right into that one. I’ll be back when Dinner’s ready, if Celestia asks tell her where I went.”

“Sure thing… so Celestia’s cooks?”

“Oh yes, unless it’s a formal event or something of the sorts, the princess prefers to cook her own meals for herself, me from time to time, and princess Luna. As Well as Cadence and Blueblood.”

“Oh. Nice. So, what are those three like?”

“Hm? Well, Cadence spends her time as a couples therapist of sorts, helping the couples of Canterlot rekindle their love for one another. Blueblood mainly helps run Celestia’s school, processing applications and sometimes interviewing applicants. Though, his passion and Cutie Mark Tallent is in travel.”

“Huh, would have figured he’d be in the guard or something?”

“You’d think. Well, I best be off before it gets any later. We’ll talk more tonight Donovan, alright?”

“Sure thing Raven.” I said, waving her a goodbye as she went down the stairs. Uh, I like her. Not Sandra, but not bad either.

Project Skybreaker: Final Entry.

Subject Delta is ready, Project Powerhouse is up and running and once we program it’s subconscious orders, all something in that candy coated world of talking horses and pure energy will be ours to weaponize. This will take some time to do. Once completed though, Delta’s task will be to locate the closest, most powerful source of this worlds energy, and leech off it for ten minutes each night in their sleep. Once their genetic tanks have stored up the most they can, they’ll open another rift to the lab. With that energy, the atom bomb will look like a firecracker.

Genetic Tanks at……………………12%

Anomaly detected in physical appearance.
Running Form Shift Rest to Programed Default.
Genetic Tanks Storage now at ……………. 10%
Locating new energy source….. Detected...


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“How many floors does this make?” Sandra asked. Over the past year Sandra tore Donovan’s parents mansion apart, til finally, they found a secret pathway that led deep, DEEP underground. Floors larger than the mansion going down god knows how far. Government has been aiding in checking and destroying the illegal genetic experiments. So far they only made it six floor down. Each floor held more grotesque, horrid secrets this company held. In that time, Sanda became, distant, in a way. She trained with the army’s best that where helping her crack down on each floor of this labyrinth of a laboratory. Hand to Hand combat was second nature to her now, ranged combat was her weak spot, but she wasn’t sloppy either.

“Seventh floor.” An armed military man said. “If the map reads true, this floor should house all their records and equipment regarding Donovan.”

“Perfect. Let’s not waste anymore time.”

“Ah crap.” I groaned. Not a day after Celestia changed my appearance, and the fucking blue coat and Rainbow mane is sprouting back up. Half my coat and mane/tail are already back to before. When Celestia saw this l was examined over by her and Twilight for a while. Turns out there’s something about whatever made me look like Rainbow Dash that keeps me from any permanent changes. Well shit. SO, here we are now at Ponyville’s spa. If i’m not able to have a different entire look then I can at least have a different mane style.

“Welcome to Ponyville spa and Mane care services, how may we-” And she gasped. “P-princess Celestia! Well this is an honor.” Aloe, I think, spoke.

“Greetings Aloe, my...acquaintance and I would like to request some services. Donoven here would like a mane makeover and I would like a simple steam room treatment.”

“Nothing to fancy, just something different.” I said simply.

“Alright then. Princess please follow me, Donovan wait here and a mane stylist will be here shortly to escort you to the mane styling room.”

I nodded. “Thank you.” I said, wanting to be polite to the people that own the place so nothing bad happens to my mane.

Celestia followed Aloe to the back room for her steam and I waited here for a bit. After about two minutes a unicorn mare, pink mane, green coat and a hairbrush cutie mark came up to me. “Hello, I am Snip Clip, welcome to Ponyville spa. Are you Donovan?”

“Yes I am.” I nodded. “I presume your the hair stylist here?”

“One of them yes. I am going to redo you mane today. Please follow me.” I followed her to through the hallway, and into a room where three other ponies where getting their manes cut. I sat in the open seat, it was a lot like the ones on earth, and noticed she had a photo on her desk...wait, Snips? “That’s my son. Takes after his father in looks.” She smiled.

“Didn’t expect to meet Snip’s mother today.” I said honestly.

“Oh, do you know my son?” She asked.

Shit, forgot that I haven’t met everyone yet. “No, but I’ve heard of him.” I said, not lying on the most technical level here.

“Oh yes, about his...little misadventures with that Trixie huh? I apologise in advance for that. He can have a one track mind sometimes. And that leads him to trouble more often than not.” She said, pulling out the scissors. “So, any recommendations for your mane?”

“I’m not much of a mane enthusiast, what do you recommend?” I asked honestly. “Cause to be honest I’d rather just have anything different than this.”

“Hm… I have an idea.” She said, and started cutting, brushing and styling away. While she did that I was looking around at the place. They never showed this room on the show. Huh. Weird. “Done.” She said as I looked in the mirror.

“Huh…” I said while looking it over more. “Looks good to me.”

“Great. Princess Celestia said that she would pay after she has her steam. You are free to go or wait for her in the lobby, but that will take some two hours.”

“Geez is she getting a message at the same time or something?” I asked, thinking that the ‘steam treatment’ was a lot longer than I originally thought.

“That is what she reserved when she arrived.” Clip said shrugging. “If I were you I’d think about coming back after two hours.”

“Yeah, I’m not gonna sit here for two hours.” I frowned.

“Then be back by six, that’s when she’ll be out.” She said with a nod and a smile as I headed out. I decided to check in at my new work. ‘Mom’ was at the bar table as usual, Vinyl was at the tables, playing some songs she had me record and I took a seat at the bar.

“Hey there Donovan. Nice mane.” ‘Mom’ said as she passed me a cup of seltzer water.

“Thanks.” I said while taking the cup. “How have things been here?” I asked, taking a sip of the seltzer water I was given.

“Pretty good. Ponies come in for your songs and stay long enough to order some food. Those that order the booze stay longer. You about saved this place.”

“That’s great to hear.” I said, glad to have helped out a lot given I’m working here.

“So, was thinking with Hearts and Hooves day coming along you and Vinyl could make a few love songs so we can have a couples night here. Last time there was one here was when I was a teenager.”

“I think I can come up with something.” I said honestly.

“Great. Vinyl will be over at your place tomorrow to work on the music to go along with your lyrics. Oh, and for the live performance half, you don’t happen to have a dress do you?”

I groaned. “Do I have to?” I asked, not really wanting to wear a dress, I maybe a mare physically but I’m still a guy damn it.

“Well it would help with the vibe and decorations. I’ll be in a dress, and Vinyl in a tux. It’s just for the night, you come in, put it on and when we close you take it off and you don’t have to think about it again til next year.”

I sighed out. “Alright.” I said, not wanting to argue against the one that both gives me money for my work and allows me to work here to begin with.

“Good. If you can’t afford one Vinyl’s marefriend Octavia has a bunch she rarely wears, I’m sure if you ask she’ll let you borrow one. Hmm...You are a tad smaller than her though, but it’s nothing some simple stitchwork can’t fix.”

“Can’t wait.” I said. “So make music for Hearts and Hooves day, and wear a dress...sounds simple enough.”

“Yeah, it’s just for the holiday. Who knows, you might meet somepony~” She said, pouring some more seltzer for me as she went to refill somepony else’s mug.

I took another sip of my seltzer water, thinking about the one friend I made back on Earth when she talked about meeting somepony like I was supposed to immediately get a date or something. ”Hope she’s okay…” I thought to myself. “Well...who knows.”

I finished the drink and just sat there listening to the music. It was kinda weird, hearing your own voice booming from the speakers, other ponies bobbing their heads in rhythm with it. I tried not to think about it too much. ”Now...what love songs do I remember?” I thought to myself, having to think of all those things to bring up with Vinyl later. ”So many songs…” I thought.

“Holy shit!” Somepony yelled, running into the building. “There’s this huge wall of light just outside the Everfree!” At that most ponies started murmuring.

“Just another Saturday morning then?” ‘Mom’ said, rolling her eyes.

“Just another Saturday?” I asked, not entirely sure if I heard about this strange wall of light.

“A lot of crazy stuff happens in this town, even before Twilight Sparkle moved here. At this point most ponies like myself are just used to it, other times some ponies still get rolled up at the sudden unexpected event going on. Honestly unless it’s a giant monster attack I don’t find much reason to be alarmed.”

“Does anything happen with this wall of light?” I asked curiously.

“Just it, like, threw up this blinking box with a wire attached to it, going back into the wall.” The pony answered. “Come on, if we hurry we can see what Twilight and them are gonna do!” And with that over half the bar stormed out of here.

“Hm, can’t argue, half the time it’s a good show.” ‘Mom’ said, taking a shot if whiskey she poured herself. “You gonna go watch?”

“Well I have two hours to kill before Celestia finishes her spa time so why not.” I shrugged.

“Best hurry up then. All the good view spots will get taken fast.”

Nodding, I headed off, flying, wings are fun at least, off to where I saw other ponies heading too. When I arrived this wall of light looked less like a wall and more like Stargate portal, missing the thing it appears in. The flashing box was… is that my toy truck with a camera taped to it?

“What the?” I tilted my head in confusion. “What’s my toy truck doing here?” I questioned while moving over to the toy truck. ”Why is there a camera on it? someone trying to reach me?” I thought to myself, hoping that would be true.

“Donovan?!” I heard...her voice...Sandra?! It came from the portal.

“Sandra!?” I called out. “Sandra! Are...are you there!?” I called, hoping she heard me through this portal.

Rather than answer, I saw her jump from that thing, and almost crush me as she grabbed me into a hug. “Donovan! I thought you were gone forever!” She said, holding me and crying.

“Oh my god...Sandra!” I hugged back, not believing I got to see her again. “I...I thought I wouldn’t see you either…”

“Heh, ditto kid...ditto.” She said, holding me closer.

“So this is the Sandra you keep on about.” Celestia said, she, Sandra and I back home, seating with tea and snacks.

“Yup.” She said.

“My very first friend.” I said. “”

“Oh, investments. Hired the right wackjobs. Once scanning multiverses became a real technology some drool from your pillow and coat and mane fuzz was enough to track you to this one.” She makes sense doesn't feel like that’s what happened. I also noticed her clothes looked...official, like police or… government.

“And...what, were you a secret agent or something?” I asked. “You look way too official.”

“Huh, oh. Well rich girl gotta learn to escape her own kidnappers.” She waved off. “So, Celestia, how has Donovan been since he arrived?”

“A handful.” She admitted. “He has only been in my own custody for a day but before that with miss Dash he has become quite independent. He has a job, and fully stocked her kitchen when there was little.”

“Really?” Sandra asked, looking at me with a smile. “Good to know you can take care of yourself.”

“I have to when Dash is pretty bad at upkeep.” I rolled my eyes. “So, what else are you here for? Cause while it’s great to see you I have a feeling your…’benefactors’ are pretty excited to jump on the chance to be here as well.” I said, knowing full well that even though the face of the operation is well intended the backers are scheming something.

“Oh no, this was all private. Remember, after you vanished and your parents got arrested your will swooned the courts and judge to name me sole owner of all their money. I did as promised, and burned that massive mansion to the ground. After that I was searching for you. You and I can hop back and forth whenever we want. I even brought you something.” She said, reaching into her side pocket- My Ipod! “Figured you’d miss your music. And Princess, I’d be happy to share technology with your world, cause I know this one here must be dying without the internet.” She said, ruffeling my new mane do as I turned on my Ipod.

”Oh thank god for the hope of the internet.” I thought to myself happily as I gently batted her hand away with a little chuckle. “Thanks, I knew I could trust you with all that.”

“Well on behalf of my world I happily accept. What can we do in return?”

“A house for me and Donovan, if that’s not too much.” She said, taking Celestia and I both by surprise. “My time with him...and then losing him… made me realize Donovan isn’t just my friend, he’s basically my son. I’d like to raise him properly, in a world his new form is suited for, while having access to the world he was born too.”

“Well, I would love to fulfill that wish, but Donovan is already in my custody. The paperwork and the news scandals would be...not easy.”

“Hmm… In that case, Princess Celestia, would you like to go on a date?”


“Are...are you serious?” I asked in surprise. “All because she has custody over me?”

“Well as princess of this world undoing something she just did would bring bad press. Plus I imagine the paperwork involved would suck. Besides, you look like my favorite pony.” Sandra said, messing with my mane again. “But Celestia is best waifu.”

“Waifu?” Celestia asked.

“Wife material.” I answered simply.

“Oh…” She said, blushing. “Well, you are the first to ever ask in hundreds of years...and this would prove a strong political move in the long run… Yes, I think I shall.”

“Great.” Sandra said. “So, Donovan, as your eventually soon-to-be legal mom, you doing anything I should know about?” She asked, elbowing me with a cheeky grin.

I groaned and put my head in my hooves. “Somebody shoot me…” I groaned, not believing my very first friend is gonna be my legal mother.

“Oh, that reminds me. You need your shots for Equestrian illnesses.” Celestia said. “Since ponies typically get them when they’re a young foal, you need them soon. I'll take you to the hospital tomorrow.”

I thought for a moment about if I had those hots, but I didn’t voice it cause I didn’t entirely want any shots at the moment.

“That reminds me, since Donovan had literally no records back on earth I best get a doctor to give him the human shots every child gets.” Sandra said.

“Crap…” I muttered. “I’m sure I got my shots.”

“No records to prove it, sorry Donovan, tomorrow you are getting a barrage of standard medical shots.” Sandra I do feel like her son… On the other hand it’s nice to feel like I actually have a mom now...two counting Celestia...huh, maybe this won’t be too bad.

“Well...alright.” I sighed out, but smiling a little bit.

It was late. Celestia, and Donovan were asleep. Sandra took this moment to do the only thing to keep her friend...her son safe. “Okay, link up.” She said, a pc on her lap. Donovan’s eyes glowed, opening to reveal blackness with lines of code running across. “Let’s see. Change priority, absorb energy to a minimum. Reroute purpose to self healing and ability generation. Set growth rate to standard. And lastly, lock new your own person.” Donovan blinked, eyes flashing again as he fell asleep.

Sandra, smiling, closed the PC, and kissed him on the forehead. “You’ll be safe from them now.” Then, she opened the PC, and snapped it in half. “And I’ll be burning you later.”


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Today was weird. For some reason my body felt...better. Normal compared to how I used to feel, little lack of energy but now I feel full of energy. “This is weird but...hey I feel better.” I muttered to myself, wondering what’s with the sudden change in energy for me. “Wonder why though…” I muttered as I tried to think of any reason why i’m feeling better.

I headed down for breakfast. Not gonna lie, Celestia makes great pancakes. Sandra was with Twilight, who came over Daily since Sandra got here to ask questions and compare some history and such as well as play with any new tech Sandra had brought over… She’s now got a bit of a Tetris Addiction. “Well let’s hope more Pancakes…” I muttered, really wanting pancakes to go with my better mood.

As I sat at the table Twilight, as expected, was playing Tetris, Sandra and I eating away as Celestia gave us some more. “So, got anything planned for today?”

“Gonna hook up the Earth Internet to Equestria then work on making an Equestrian internet.” Sandra said.

“And I...don’t know.” I said, not sure if I have work today or not. “Most likely work but...besides that nothing much.”

“Oh, I did schedule a Doctors appointment for you at two. Both a human doctor, privately paid for by me, and a pony doctor.”

“Oh yeah cause I need all my shots apparently.” I grumbled, not really wanting to get all those damned things to begin with.

“And a Physical.” Celestia said. “Since you are getting official Equestrian Identification you’ll need those as well, and as a mare of age that includes your...Reproductive health.”

I groaned and put my hooves on my muzzle. “Why do I have to be a mare…?” I whined, missing actually being a guy right now.

“Welcome to womanhood.” Sandra said, finishing her pancakes, giving me a hug and Celestia a kiss, making her blush cherry red, before leaving to do her job.

“Still not used to that.” Celestia said.

“You’ll get used to it.” I said while eating more of my pancakes.

“Huh, what happened?” Twilight asked, looking up from her Tetris. “Oh, Pancakes!”

“You’re gonna need to learn some restraint Twilight.” I said. “And Celestia’s still embarrassed about getting a girlfriend so suddenly.”

“Well in all my time studying under Princess Celestia I didn’t ever see her in a relationship.”

“Twilight!” Celestia whined like an embarrassed mother.

“Come to think of it, there are no mention of texts on her in a relationship either?” Now Celestia’s face was beat red, the redness bleeding through her white fur.

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Why are you so embarrassed? Did you have an accident during a date or something or have you never dated at all?”


“Really? Not going to say anything?” I asked curiously.

“I, uh...Never dated…” Celestia admitted.

“Really?” Twilight asked. “Even I date once in a while?” Wait, really?

“Wow.” I said. “I suppose people took the ‘Princess musn’t be touched’ a little too far...I mean, not surprising since people see you as a goddess.” I brought up.

“Well… it’s not just that. I have had suiters, courters...but between my duties to Equestria, the paperwork from my School, teaching my personal students and raising the sun and moon I never found the time. Before any of that I was just never interested.” She said.

“Makes sense I suppose.” I said honestly. “So many things take up your time you don’t have the time or energy for important taking care of a kid for instance…” I grumbled, hating my parents for basically doing that exact thing to me.

‘Oh Trust me Donovin, I am making time for you.” She said, walking up to me and giving a hug. “With Twilight I was a tutor, but never replaced or overstepped the territory of her mother. I acted caring and motherly, but never did I overstep it. Now though, with you I can step into a mother's role. It’s why I did all this, and put the next thousand years worth of paperwork and responsibility on my little sister.” She said that part with a little bit of an evil grin. “She wanted to make up for all those years in the moon, so I gave it to her.”

“Oh boy.” I chuckled. “She’s probably regretting that now.”

“Maybe, but she needs the attention from the public. I’ve been the solo princess for so long, it’s her time to get the attention she’s wanted her whole life… let’s see just how much she ends up loving it after.” There’s that evil grin again.

“Oh yeah.” I chuckled a little bit at that. “She’s just going to be so happy about it all.”

“For a while. Back then our praise was from a fair and held just a delicious heaping of privacy… but nowadays with flash photography, poperacy and invasion of Privacy. Oh she’s not gonna like it that much anymore.”

“I have a bad feeling she’s going to outlaw some of those things…” I brought up.

“I made sure that those laws must be overturn either by the mass popular vote of those nobles on the high council or she and I have to approve the law’s removal. She’s going to suffer.”

“ that I think about it, don’t you think this is a bit cruel?” I asked nervously, the ‘going to suffer’ part really making this bad.

“Maybe, perhaps suffer is too strong a term… more… find it hard to maintain privacy. Believe me, finding the privacy to act like a pony and not a Princess was rare and far few between.”

“I can imagine.” I said. “But let’s hope she won’t go insane due to it all...also I heard rumors that the Nobles are just entitled jackholes that care more about their money then that true?”

“It’s not untrue, but there’s a fair mix of decent nobles and...rather rude nobles but most of them are just overworked, many of them dealing with the same level of duties as I did. The stress I learned to cope and deal with over centuries… but for mortal ponies, it’s a burden that leads to a life of wealth in fortune, but failure in relationships and family.”

“Then just order everyone to take a week off or something.” I suggested. “Make it a national holiday or something I don’t know. If people are really that overworked than just make it a thing where everyone can spend time with family and party.”

“I’ve tried, but the ones who are in it for the wealth alone overturn the law. Though, now with Luna I can get it fixed… actually… I have an idea. For now though, head off into town. Here.” She said, handing me a bag. “A hundred bits, go nuts. Just remember your doctors appointment.”

“When is my doctor's appointment?” I asked curiously.

“Eleven. So you have about two hours.”

“Alrighty then.” I nodded. “Wonder what I could do with a hundred bits?”

It was still half an hour til my appointment. I just got out of the movies, the Pony Equivalent to the Power Rangers was meh. Bad Guy could have been better. “Well it wasn’t that bad at least.”

The movie only costed me ten of my hundred bits. Still a lot of money. I got some things I figured we’d need at home. I then came across what I think is a new shop? It wasn’t like the others. Decorated like it came...right out of the everfree… Zecora? Huh, don’t think I’ve spoken to her.

I walked over to the building and entered the front door. “Hello?” I called out, wondering if Zecora was here. “Anyone here?”

“Do my ears hear the words, of a customer in my store?” Came the rhyming voice of the Zebra herself.

“Hi.” I said while walking in. “How you doing today?”

“Good and fine like rich rice wine.” She said, smiling.

“That’s good.” I said while looking around. “So this is your shop huh? Looks nice.”

“Yes. Pinkie Pie said I should have a place to sell my brews, and something in my heart told me it was true.”

“Any business so far?” I asked curiously.

“Mostly a stallion or two, looking for a brew to help them make their mares go ooh.” She said.

“Yeah that makes sense.” I nodded. “Need to make sure things stay good in the bedroom…” I muttered, still hating the fact I’m a mare.

“Is there anything I can get, perhaps something to keep away pests?”

“When my mother in law is Celestia I doubt pests will be of much concern.” I said honestly as I browsed around, wondering what was actually here.

“Please browse until you find what you like. I will be finding stock in the back.”

“Hmm…” I wondered, looking around at everything to see what’s here. “What to buy…” I hummed while looking at everything.

Most of the upfront stuff was… er, stamina boosters, others were cold remedies, stuff to make your coat and mane silky, shiney, aid with bowel movements. Typical medicine and such stuff.

“Well...might as well buy this…” I muttered while grabbing some coat and mane stuff just to have something extra.

I found Zecora and payed for them, then headed out. Might as well head to the Hospital for my appointment.

I arrived and had the nurse know I was here so they can tell the doctors. I then picked up some magazines and flipped through them. Lot of furniture stuff here. ”Still find it weird that one of the furniture stores is literally just quills and sofas.” I thought to myself. ”Like what, can no other store sell quills or sofas?”

“Miss Donovin?” One of the pony doctors spoke, walking up to me.

“Yes?” I asked while putting the magazines down. “I suppose it’s my turn?” I asked while getting out of my chair.

“If you’d follow me we already have a hired person from your… birth world here that came in this morning before you did and set up shop. We’ll be examining you after each other, since you apparently also had no health or medical information at all from your other world.”

“Thank you.” I nodded while following the doctor. “Can’t wait to get all these shots...again.” I grumbled.

Once we entered my Doctor from earth was a woman, brown hair, green eyes. “Hello there Donovin, I’m Doctor Steffens, I’ll be your earth doctor today. Now, Miss Sandra is paying me a large sum of money to keep all this under wraps as well as insure any health implications you might have had on earth that were undiagnosed or missed while under your parents misscare are taken care of. Doctor Horse here is to give you the Equestrian side of these health and physical needs.”

“Cool.” I nodded. “So, how do we start doctor's?”

“Well since you don’t have anything from your other world Doctor Horse here will be administering some required shots every Equestrian gets from birth.” Dr. Steffens said.

“Yes. Now, I am inclined to tell you that since we have no real idea how your body changed or why, we can tell you that we are seventy percent certain that you will actually receive these illnesses anyway, so, we will start with the minor, less worrying illness. A simple Feather Flu shot. As the name suggests it only effects Pegasi, as well as Griffons. Basically any winged creature. It’s seasonal but an early shot can prevent it, after all, when caught on top of fever, migraines and nausea, all your feathers will fall out and those will take easy a month, maybe more to grow back.”

“Yeah I’d really like to keep my wings thank you very much.” I said honestly. “So let’s get these shot’s over with.”

Nodding, Dr. Horse took the noodle and carefully injected it into my front left leg. I felt a small numbness as it went in. He took it out, placing a bandage over it. “There. I’ll be getting the MRI and X-ray machines ready for you. Just a precaution, Sandra and the Princess wanted every possibility covered.”

“In the meantime I’ll be conducting your physical by human world standards, see how much you are capable of in this form.” Dr. Steffens spoke. “Won’t take more than ten, fifteen minutes.”

“Alrighty then.” I nodded. “Best make sure I’m perfectly okay instead of figuring out I’m crippled somehow.”

“Yes. Now, We do also have Rainbow Dash’s file here as a comparison, we’ll be using hers as a foundation for yours to determine how similar/different you two are.”

“That sounds about right.” I nodded. “Well, let’s get this started then.”

First up was wingspan. Unsurprisingly, a match. Endurance and agility I was less that RD’s match. Wing flaps per minute I was just fifteen while Dash was topped at fifty. Mare makes even her health a competition. Eyesight was a match, height as it turns out I’m a half inch taller than RD. huh. Lastly was… er, specific organs and I’ll just say that while physically it’s the same as hers… I still have my… er, heh… cherry.

Lastly was a hearing test. Which I’m actually better at RD at. Notes in her file say it’s from all the rushing wing when she flies.

“And that’s it. Everything for your Physical. Equestria side anyway. I want to see you same time next week for some modified earth exams.” Dr. Steffens asked.

“Sure.” I nodded. “Need to make sure everything's okay right?”

“Yes. This will finish up a few things next week then see if the Feather Flu shot the Doctor here gave you will affect you in any way. He’ll be back to check on your bloodwork and pressure, mandatory before proceeding to X-ray and MRI.”

“Yeah, that would be good.” I nodded. “Question actually, when I got the shot, should I have felt a small numbness? Or is that just normal for shots?” I asked curiously, wanting to know if that was just a normal thing or not. “I mean I’m fine but just wondering.”

“It’s normal. The needle is small and so are the veins, injecting a liquid into it causes a sudden rush from injecting the vaccine. Causes a numbness in the arm, or in your case, leg for a bit but it goes away after a bit. Sometimes patients don’t even notice it.”

“Alright, just making sure.” I nodded. “Just wanting to make sure nothing bad happened because of that.”

“Relax, it’s normal. Doctor Horse should be here soon to take you to MRI and X-ray. This was all I needed to do for now so I’ll just get these notes copied then head back to earth. Oh, and here.” She said, taking out a small bag of Cheetos and giving it to me. “Nabbed that before coming over. Figured you haven’t had earth food in a while. I checked and even this worlds Junk food is healthier than most earth snacks, save for their sweets. Swear that muffin I ate when I got here was trying to give me diabetes.”

“You get used to it.” I said honestly. “Was it good though?”

“Save for the sugar amount trying to kill me, I guess it was pretty good. Well, I’ll be off.”

My health check up went well. Over all my equestrian mare standards I’m perfectly healthy, with some surprising differences between RD and I. For starters while my… ovaries can have children, genetically they are human ovaries. So any kids I have might be human or, half. Depending… I still don’t know if I even want kids though… Sexually speaking I’m… not actually sure if I’m good with that or not. Guess time will tell. Or hormones… Either or.

My life is uncertain and bizarre. Well, whatever comes next will be… something.