• Published 30th Mar 2017
  • 891 Views, 1 Comments

Leon's Ponyville Adventure - Yosh-E-O

Whimsical misadventures ensue as Leon's bedroom becomes a gateway to Ponyville

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Chapter 6 - Hanging By A Curtain

“…I think we lost her,” panted Leon upon feeling his little legs could run no more.

“What’s going on?” asked Spike.

“That Unicorn is crazy!” proclaimed Leon. “She was trying to put me in a dress!”

“Hey!” Spike snapped. “Don’t talk about rarity like that.”

“Is it normal for boys to wear dresses here?” asked Leon. “Why aren’t you wearing one?”

Spike looked around as he felt himself being embarrassed by the ebon-colored dragon.
“Not so loud,” he said. “And I do help Rarity with her clothes… sometimes.”

“Well,” huffed Leon. “Nixie doesn’t make me play dress-up unless it is something I want to do.”

There was a brief pause. The silence bringing to Leon and Spike’s attention that they were now a level above the banquet hall.

“Hmm,” wondered Spike while pulling aside a curtain that had been draped down to provide more privacy for the festive event. “I need to get back down there or Twilight and Princess Ember are going to be really mad.”

“Why?” asked Leon while peeking through the curtain alongside Spike.

“Because it is my responsibility,” he stated.

“There’s that word again,” moaned Leon. “You’re a baby dragon and baby dragon’s don’t have responsibilities.”

“This one does,” Spike replied proudly.

“Wait,” said Leon. “Something seems wrong with that chandelier.”

“Huh?” Spike baffled.

“It’s loose,” Leon added while pointing towards two loose chains. “It could fall down on everyone at any moment!”

Spike gulped.
“Oh, no!” he gasped. “We need to tell Twilight!”

“No time!” proclaimed Leon. “It’s up to us to fix this and save the day without scaring anyone!”

“And how do we do that?” asked Spike nervously.

Leon looked about until he realized that the curtain covering the balcony above the banquet hall was actually a series of curtains with individual rods.
“I got it!” he announced while running to the other end of the overlook, tearing down a curtain and its curtain rod, and beginning to rip and tie together the curtain itself into a makeshift rope.

“Hey!” worried Spike. “I’m going to get into big trouble for that!”

“Saving the day?” wondered Leon. “No way!”

“Yes way!” Spike angrily replied. “Twilight will punish me by not letting me have any gems. Or, worse, making me have to reshelve the castle library!”

Leon paid no attention as he finished binding a series of hooks from the curtain together to make a larger hook that was at one end of the makeshift rope with the curtain rod itself tied firmly at the other.

“Here!” he told Spike while handing him the curtain rod before slipping the large hook he made above the tail hole in his diaper and checking it for a firm hold. “You just hold tight and gradually unravel the rope so I can go down and fix those chains!”

“What?” wondered Spike while shaking his head. “That’s a really bad-”

“-Let’s do it!” shouted Leon as he leapt onto the railing and started to slip down towards the chandelier.

“Ungh!” groaned spike while he felt his arm muscles being put to the test as he felt himself being dragged to the railing’s edge.

“Who does this guy think he is?” strained Spike through gritted teeth.

“Almost there!” Leon called back to Spike. “Just a bit further!”


“Got the one!” cheered Leon to Spike. “Now move me over towards the other unfastened chain!”

Spike felt he had no choice but to comply. He didn’t want Leon to get hurt and it did seem like the baby dragon knew what he was doing.


“All good!” called Leon. “Told you we could-”


“Whoah!” cried Spike as the tail-hole tape on the back of Leon’s diaper tore open and caused the baby dragon to grab for the makeshift curtain rope. However, all this did was quickly unravel what was left holding the curtain rope to the curtain rod.

“Oof!” gasped Spike as he fell on his backside while the curtain rod flew over his head. “Leon!”

“Whoah!” was all Spike heard as the ebon dragon fell with the unwraveling curtain towards the floor of the banquet hall.