• Published 30th Mar 2017
  • 892 Views, 1 Comments

Leon's Ponyville Adventure - Yosh-E-O

Whimsical misadventures ensue as Leon's bedroom becomes a gateway to Ponyville

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Chapter 3 - Awkward Encounters

Leon couldn’t believe his eyes as he took in the sight of The Castle of Friendship. The coloring of the walls and windows reminding him of his own indigo belly and big, green eyes.

“Go ahead in,” the orange stallion said. “You’re in good hooves now.”

Leon felt both nervous and excited, ‘nervacited?’, as he raised his hand to knock on the door.

“Coming!” cried a male voice from the other side.

A moment passed until the large door opened to reveal a purple dragon with a green belly.
“Oh!” he beamed. “Glad you could make it! Come in!”

Leon yelped as the dragon took him by the claw and eagerly hauled him into the castle.

“Have fun!” the Earth Pony called before going back to his own business.


“I never thought so many dragons would show up!” the purple dragon cheered. “And it’s even better another dragon my age is here, too!”

“Umm,” baffled Leon as he struggled to not slip or trip as he was hauled through the castle. His diaper crinkling with an audible echo as his footie pajamas glid on the smooth floor ever closer to where voices could be heard.

“So what’s your name?” the eager, young dragon asked.

“Leon,” the ebon dragon replied as he felt a bit uncomfortable in his current situation.

“Cool!” the emerald-green, spiked dragon replied. “I’m Spike!”

“Spike?” thought Leon aloud as his mind recalled his caretaker, Nixie, having mentioned something about a dragon in Ponyville who had a name just like that.


“Hey, every pony!” called Spike as he burst through a large door into a giant room with a massive table occupying most of it. “We’ve got another guest and his name’s Leon!”

“Hello, Leon!” greeted a number of pastel-colored ponies of all varieties along with a small grouping of dragons. One of these dragons was dressed quite fancifully and holding a scepter.

“Eep…,” meaped the ebon dragon as Spike brought him closer to the group.

“Welcome,” greeted a lavender-colored Unicorn who had Pegasus wings. “I’m Twilight Sparkle and we are honored to have you here for this momentous Friendship Banquet.”

“Friendship Banquet?” questioned Leon.

“Yeah!” cheered Spike while reaching over the table, taking a handful of bite-sized gems, and popping them into his mouth. “Princess Ember is here to help unite the ponies of Equestria with the dragons of Equestria.”

“Equestria?” thought Leon as another part of what Nixie had told him about had been brought up. “Is this…?”

“Spike,” grinned Twilight. “Why don’t you add our new friend to the guest list?”

“Guest list,” he said while pulling a piece of parchment and a quill from seemingly out of nowhere. “Check!”

“You’re name is Leon, right?” asked Twilight Sparkle.

Leon nodded in agreement.

“Lee…on-oh!” gasped Spike as his excitement caused him to drop the quill.

“I got it,” stated Leon as he instinctively went about helping.


“…,” Leon froze as he suddenly felt a bit less constricted around his backside.

“Goodness!” cried a fanciful, white Unicorn. “Your wardrobe!”

Leon finished picking up the quill for Spike before feeling to confirm his concern that the trap door of his pajamas had busted loose with the buttons holding it now somewhere within the banquet hall.

The sound of snickering from the nearby dragons could be heard as Princss Ember approached.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you before,” she said. “And I don’t know of any dragons that wear such a…,” she paused while feeling at and hearing the crinkly sounds of Leon’s diaper. “…such a garment…?”

“Maybe he’s a baby dragon?” cooed a yellow Pegasus.

“Yeah!” an exuberant, candy-pink pony squeaked while patting at the thick undergarment. “This is what Pound and Pumpkin wear and I would know as I’ve had to change lots-and-lots-and-lots-and-lots-and-lots-and-“

“-We get it,” a mare with a rainbow mane interjected while putting her blue hoof to the overly-energetic Earth Pony’s mouth.

“Spike,” blushed Twilight upon realizing all eyes were upon their latest guest. “Perhaps you could help Leon out with his, uh, ‘wardrobe malfunction’?”

“Yeah,” he nodded as he had a hard time taking his eyes off of the ornately-dressed, Princess Ember and the white Unicorn standing close by. “What did you want again?”

Twilight put a hoof to her face and sighed, “My room’s closest. Just take Leon there and see if you can do anything to help him not seem so, well, exposed.”

“Okay,” replied Spike while taking the ebon dragon’s hand and slowly walking him towards the doors they had come in. “We’ll get you all good in no time.”