• Published 25th Mar 2017
  • 431 Views, 11 Comments

Sands of Time - Amaranthine Thought

To the past! And try not to step on anything! Kidding, kidding, but seriously, don't touch too much.

  • ...

Chapter 11

I wake to a cold breeze. I’m wet, the water in my fur making the cold stick to me; horrible. The sky is cloudy, the sun not visible, the clouds covering the nearby peaks.

I feel Smart stir next to me, and I smile a little, even in the chill. I feel her get up, and then feel her startle. I slowly stand again, a bit cold and stiff, and see her.

I catch a glimpse of surprise and confusion before realization hits her and she adopts a saddened look.

“Good morning, Smart.” I say, flapping a little to try and warm me.

“Hey, Big Guy.” she says, managing a small smile. She shivers a little in the cold herself before she faintly sighs, and looks around us. I see her looking almost worried, a touch regretful and sad, before she looks back at me. I’m not sure how to describe the look on her face; sad and tired, perhaps. “Think ya kin drop me off someplace green?” she asks me.

Realizing that she thinks that I will abandon her, I shake my head. For a moment, she seems greatly saddened, before she hesitates, noting that I am smiling at her.

“B, Big Guy?” she asks, uncertain, wondering.

“I will not just leave you behind to find your own way, Smart Cookie.” I tell her. “You sacrificed your place to save me, and in so doing, not only saved my life, but allowed me to save those I care for as well.” I bend down, to place my head very near to her, watching her watch me, her eyes uncertain; perhaps a touch unwilling to accept my words so easily.

“I forgive you, Smart Cookie.” I softly tell her. “I know what you have lost, and, if you so choose to,” I say, intent on ensuring I make this her choice, and not my own, “then you will have a place by my side as you do within my heart. I would love it if I might count you amongst my ponies.”

She stares for a little longer before she looks down, her expression weirdly caught between happiness and sorrow. “…Ya mean that?” she softly asks.

I push forward and press my head against her, purring suddenly. I feel her sudden surprise, but then, to my delight, I feel her rub at my head as she always has, and hear her soft chuckle.

“Oh, Big Guy.” she whispers, and I feel her get up to hug my head, one hoof still rubbing. “I don’t have th… no. No, I do got th words, don’t I?”

A moment passes before she whispers into my ear, “I got you, Big Guy. An I know you got me.”

She pulls back, and I look to see her smiling at me, still a little sad, but she will heal quickly, I feel.

I stand once more, and stretch my wings in the chill air. Despite the cold, and the lingering damp, I feel rejuvenated. The future stretches before me, and not even this cold wind nor this damp can douse the heat in my heart.

After so long infirm, I will finally return to the ponies I care for.

And now, the newest of their number will come with me.

“Climb atop me, Smart.” I tell her, intent on flying soon. “I need to return to my home, and it is far from these cold peaks.”

Smart nods, before moving to my side and trying to climb up. She is awkward about it, and after a moment, I find it necessary to sit, so as to allow her an easier time doing so. As I stand up, I hear her slight yelp, and peer back in mild confusion, noting that she seems rather uncomfortable, as though she anticipates falling off at any moment.

After a few moments of that tension not fading even with my stillness, I tell her, “Smart, come to my mane, and grab hold there, if you feel unsteady.”

She nods, and tentatively nears before she does so, and though she grips tightly at first, she soon relaxes, feeling far safer amongst the mane than upon my back.

Then I look out, intent on going, before I then hesitate, even as my wings prepare to flap.

I do not know where I am. And thus, I do not know which direction to go to return to my den.

I know that these peaks are a great many, and the clouds above would prevent my just flying high so as to spot the single peak where my den is. It is concerning.

How am I to…

…I wonder.

“Smart?” I ask, wondering if my idea is possible; it sounds stupid honestly, but just maybe…

“Big Guy?”

“Can you order me to return to my den?” I ask.

A long moment passes before Smart, stunned, asks, “What?”

“I don’t know where to go from here.” I tell her. “However, I think that, perhaps, the collar might be able to force me to return, despite my ignorance of how to.”

“Big Guy, that… that…” Another long moment passes before I hear her ask, “…You sure about this?”

“If it fails to work, then nothing comes of it.” I tell her. “If it does, then we return without incident; order me, Smart.”

Smart sighs, and I feel her wiggle in my mane for a moment. Then, she finally says, “Alright. Big Guy, return to your home.”

For a few seconds, I feel nothing, and I feel that the idea has not worked.

Then I feel the now familiar power of the collar, and my wings itch for flight. I grin, and leap from the cliff, catching the air and flying once more, feeling the collar tugging me in a certain direction.

As I leap, Smart screams, and keeps screaming until my flight settles after my leap. And even after, she is grabbing onto my mane with enough strength that it is slightly painful.

“Smart, what is the matter?” I ask her, confused at that behavior.

Smart doesn’t respond to me, and continues not to. Why would she…

…Is Smart afraid of flight? I have heard of that, though not often. Pegasi, after all, fly everywhere, and the girls are near fearless; they had even wanted to try riding atop me when my own ability to fly was poor. However, I have heard that some ponies get uncomfortable around heights, and that some have a strong fear of flight.

“…Smart, you have no reason to fear.” I tell her, noting that, over time, her grip is reducing, though every shift in the air makes her startle faintly. “You are perfectly safe atop me.”

“…That ain’t th problem.” I hear her say, her voice rather subdued. “I jus… keep feelin like I’m,” she startles again as I flap hard to lift myself over a larger peak, and I wince at the grip, “like I’m fallin, sometimes.” she finishes.

I note that her tension is in rhythm with my flaps. She relaxes with each flap, only to grow tense in the time between them; this tension increasing should my flight deviate at all.

Perhaps, someday, I might be able to attain a flight that even Smart can feel comfortable with, but as it stands, I am at a total loss how I might comfort her now, outside of my assurances.

I instead focus on getting back to the den; the shorter this flight is, the better for Smart.

Finally, we are free of the peaks, and I soar over the green lands I know. the clouds are still present, and the land feels a little dismal to me; as though the land itself is saddened, somehow.

I hate this cold that is present. I thought winter was supposed to come after the leaves turned colors, but I can see the forest from here, and it is still a dark green.

I can only imagine how bad it will get once the snow comes. I saw it many times as a statue, but suddenly, I recall it being frozen water; two of my most hated things, together.

Dark thoughts aside, my spirits rise as my den comes into view below us. At long last, I am returning home.

And, with any luck, Mirage might still be living within.

I make large circles to descend, feeling Smart’s extreme tension as I do so. I suspect that, if I were to just swoop as I normally have, she would react very badly.

But, eventually, I land on the ground without incident, feeling Smart trembling in my mane, though the moment my paws touch the earth, she begins to calm again.

I don’t even have the time to pull my wings back before she leaps off me, and I turn to see her hugging the ground. The sight is comical, and I grin.

“Not a flyer, Smart?” I ask her.

She gets up, and looks to me, and bluntly states, “No. I never want ta do that agin either.”

“You should never have to.” I tell her, to her relief. “Though I will fly again, there is no immediate reason for you to fly with me.”

I walk toward my den, and Smart follows after me, calm once more. “…I know this place.” she remarks after a moment. “Me n Chancellor first saw ya here.”

“This is my den.” I tell her, entering within. I expected it to be cold, but it is not. And there is a strange scent as well.

I pause as I enter, noting it instantly. In the middle of my den is a small fire, of sorts; it seems to come from a large red crystal that simple sits there, generating heat and flames. And sitting by it, the source of the odd scent I caught, is a unicorn; not one I know.

He, I think, is already standing up as I enter, and as I pause, seeing him, I note his tension, yet determination. He is afraid of me, yet, something seems to steel him.

“Kitty?” he asks, and I blink, confusion growing a little more. He knows my name?

“Hey!” Both he and I look to see Smart move past me, advancing on the unicorn in obvious anger. “What do you think yer doin here?” she demands of him, stomping.

The unicorn instantly turns from slight fear to abrupt insult and anger. “Who are you to demand such?” he asks with no little anger in his tone.

“This is Big Guy’s Home!” Smart yells, stomping again. “Yer tryin ta steal it, ain’t ya?”

“The dirt must have gotten into your head.” he growls, glaring, making Smart snort, lowering her head slightly.

“If you rock head,” Smart growls, the unicorn taken aback by the name before he seems almost enraged, his horn giving off small sparks as he too, snorts and lowers his head, matching Smart’s glare, “don’t leave right now, I’m gonna make ya.”

“You can try, dirt horse.” the unicorn growls back, making Smart startle before she yells in anger.

Smart charges, to be rebuffed by a sudden shield between her and the unicorn. Yet, even as the unicorn smirks, Smart turns around and bucks it, shattering it and shocking him. He swiftly glares with dark intent and his horn shines as she whirls back around to snarl at him.

Before one or the other can do anything more, I act. “Smart!” I snap, and as they startle at my yell, I snatch her and pull her back swiftly, making her yelp as I do so. My paw remains in front of her, both to keep her back and possibly protect her if necessary.

As I do so, I glare at the unicorn, who notices swiftly, his own shock turning to abrupt fear. He backs up, obviously intimidated.

“Enough.” I growl, and the unicorn nods swiftly. I feel Smart trying to move past my paw, and I push her a little farther back in response. To her, I snap, “Smart, this is my home, and my responsibility. Not your own. Stay.” Then, to the unicorn, I ask, perhaps with a growl that I shouldn’t have had, “Who are you, and why are you within my den?”

The unicorn keeps staring before he tells me, “I am Emerald Dust, and I was ordered to.”

“Ordered to?” I ask, calming.

He nods, trying to relax, though he retains an obvious fear of me. “My princess told me to remain here, and await your return, oh great Kitty.” He bows then, and I suddenly understand.

I left Princess and Mirage behind all those weeks past. It is no hard leap of logic to assume that she is, truly, royalty, and thus able to command the other unicorns. As he knows my name, then it can also be assumed that either Princess or Mirage told him of it; he wouldn’t know it otherwise.

“I was tasked to relay several messages upon your return as well.” Emerald tells me. He seems to wait for my nod before he begins, “My princess wishes that you know that the pegasus who was here with her is now her honored guest at our new home.” he tells me, to my great relief; Mirage is not only safe, she is cared for.

Emerald seems to relax, noting my relaxation and smile that develops. “She also wishes that you know that she would be delighted to invite you to the same, oh great Kitty.” he continues. “The pegasus also asked that I tell you that she is alright and that she wants you to come back as soon as possible.”

I nod. “That is good.” I say. “How long have you been within my den, Emerald?” I ask.

“Just a little more than six weeks now.” he tells me. “Ever since our princess returned from… her sudden diplomatic meeting with you.”

I can’t help but note the hesitation. The implication makes me smile more, however.

I had ponynapped Princess, even if it was an accident. However, it seems my apology has truly been accepted by her, if she has decided to have the event termed as a ‘sudden diplomatic meeting’ instead. If I had no reason to accept her invitation before, I do now:

I want to know the pony who chose to forgive my capturing her, stealing her things, and humiliating her, better.

“…Why’s he callin you ‘Kitty’, an there was a pegasus here?” I hear Smart ask, and I look down, to note that she remains behind my paw and seems a bit humbled. I then regret my overt anger toward her; her intent was, though entirely out of line, meant to be helpful. I probably shouldn’t have snapped at her like I did; especially not with ‘stay’.

“That is my name.” I tell her, and I catch her mild amusement before she seems to ponder on it. “And the pegasus here was Mirage, one of my ponies.”

“Like me?”

“No. She is blood.” I answer, looking back to Emerald, though not before seeing Smart hesitate underneath me. I notice Emerald has a strange confusion on his face, though it vanishes once I look at him.

“I accept your princess’ invitation, Emerald.” I tell him, Emerald shaking himself slightly. “Am I to find my own way, or shall I follow you?”

“I can guide you, oh great Kitty.” he says, bowing again.

“You needn’t add anything to my name.” I tell him. “Neither do you have to bow; I neither deserve nor require any title nor show of respect from you, nor anypony else.”

Emerald blinks, a touch confused before he simply nods. I smile at him, and he hesitates before he manages a rather weak and forced one of his own; likely due to not being familiar with me.

He remains in place, however, as time passes. I grow more and more confused, Emerald growing slightly nervous and uncomfortable himself, and I’ve not idea why.

“Is something the matter?” I ask.

“You’re, um, kind of in the way.” Emerald nervously tells me.

…I will give him that I am in the entrance. However, I know that anypony can just walk right past me to exit. He is likely unwilling to get so close to me.

I say nothing, and pad more into the den, Smart swiftly following me, doing her best to remain underneath me, freeing the exit. I look to him, and Emerald levitates the burning crystal, somehow douses it, and walks that way.

As he leaves, Smart mumbles, “Sorry about earlier, Kitty.”

I sigh faintly in response, watching Emerald leave before I look down, to see Smart peering up at me, obviously regretful. Yet, I feel there might be something more present in that look. I’m not sure what that is, however.

“You meant well, Smart.” I tell her. “Though I do not understand your anger at Emerald. It was almost as though you already hated him for some reason.”

“…It ain’t really about him,” Smart murmurs, glancing at Emerald with obvious discomfort, “more n it is about rock… about unicorns.”

Emerald glances back, wondering why we were not following him. I hesitate a moment before calling out, “Wait outside for a time; we will join you soon.” He nods and leaves, allowing me to turn back to Smart.

“What about unicorns?” I ask her.

Smart hesitates suddenly. I wait, but she fails to say anything; I suspect she doesn’t want to tell me.

“…You thought he was trying to take my den.” I say, making her look up at me. I cannot read her eyes. “Why was that?”

“…It’s a long story, Big… Kitty.” Smart says, not looking at me.

“We have a little time; you can tell me at least part of it, Smart.”

Smart doesn’t respond immediately, looking down. After a moment, she gives a heavy sigh, and looks back up at me, her gaze split between old sorrows and old angers.

“Cause they took ours.” she tells me simply, looking up at me.

“What?” I ask, confused suddenly. “But, why would they?”

Smart huffs. “Cause they only care about themselves. Pegasi couldn’t give a single feather about earth ponies, an unicorns can barely care enough ta not treat us like slaves.”

I wonder at that; it sounds… wrong, somehow. Like a piece is missing.

Even as I wonder, Smart answers that question for me. “When th cold came, they didn’t care about us, buried under snow. Unicorns were safe in their big castles with their magic, and pegasi just went straight up, higher than the clouds. But when th harvest failed, they wanted what little there was.”

She grows angrier as she continues, “They wanted what we had worked so hard for. We had fought the winter, we had planted the crops, we tended to them despite the cold and snow, and they didn’t care! They wanted it all! They wanted us ta die, starving under the snow!”

Smart growls in rage, and I am taken aback. “I cannot imagine,” I begin.

“They wanted it all, Big Guy!” Smart suddenly yells. “We told them we were starving, an they didn’t care!” I watch her, seeing great rage, great sadness, fighting with one another as she continues, “We did all we could while they sat warm an cozy in their own homes! We froze in the snow an ice while they sat next to their stupid magic fires and looked down from atop the clouds! We gave all we could to get what little could survive the cold! An they came ta sometimes tell us that we weren’t doing enough! THAT WE WEREN’T GOOD ENOUGH!”

She rears up, gives a fierce scream, and slams her hooves down, badly cracking the stone. She remains in that position, glaring at the floor, trembling in rage, as I stare, speechless.

What is this time I have come to? What is the difference between now and then?

How could ponies have ever come together with such a dark past?

I shake myself as a cold wind gusts in from outside, and sigh, dispelling the dark thoughts. I have seen the future of this. I know this will mend itself in time. Perhaps Smart might even be exaggerating with her tale; after all, she couldn’t truly know what the pegasi and unicorns were thinking or doing at the time. There is a more than likely chance that she is only seeing one side of things; that there is, somewhere, a reasonable explanation for all this.

“Big… Kitty?” I hear Smart ask, and I see her looking up at me, worried, perhaps a bit regretful. “I,”

“Smart.” I interrupt, lowering my head to her level. She watches me do so, still worried and sad before she notes my smile, and gains a note of confusion. “I was once told about hates and grudges. I remember those lessons still, even after so long.”

“…You were?” she asks me.

I nod. “Once, long ago, I felt the same sort of anger you did just now. I now share the lesson I learned:”

“Anger only hurts us. It makes us less and it makes us unhappy. And the worst part; it hurts those who love us. Those we don’t want to see hurt suffer because of our anger.” I recite, the words still clear in my mind.

“An you… care about me, an I care about you.” Smart sighs, understanding, though looking saddened. “Kitty, I don’t think I can,”

I carefully nuzzle her, and purr, making her stop. She hesitates before she hugs me again, though I do not see her smiling yet. “Smart, I will always be there to help you.” I tell her. “It took me many years to let go of my anger; I do not imagine your own some frail shadow to be chased away so swiftly.”

Smart sighs, and hugs me a little tighter.

“We go now to the unicorns, Smart.” I tell her. “I don’t want you to become enraged.”

“…I’ll try.” She whispers, but I hear her doubt.

“…Smart, climb back atop me.” I tell her, pulling back, Smart letting go as I do so.


“Perhaps it might give you some strength.” I tell her, sitting down. “If you feel weak, hold onto me, and know that my strength is your own.”

She stares before she nods, and heads to my back. After a moment, I feel her climb up and I stand once more, looking back to see her standing atop me. For a moment, she is uncertain, before she comes to my head, moving beyond my sight, and I feel her grab onto my mane.

That done, I exit the den, and find Emerald waiting outside. Seeing me exit, he turns, looks back, and then begins walking in one direction. I follow him, looking ahead to my meeting with Princess, my reuniting with Mirage, and pondering what Smart has told me.

A cold wind blows as we walk.