• Published 16th Mar 2017
  • 4,136 Views, 3 Comments

Diamonds and Apples - Silver Inkwell

A very short Rarijack story based upon the Cover Art Picture Image

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Diamonds and Apples

Diamonds and Apples

Applejack stood out on the farm having just finished her latest and most recent chores. She gazed with pride at it with pride, she just loved a hard day’s work, it was one of the best things in the world. She sighed in relief and wiped the sweat off of her brow, now that she was finally done with her chores and the farming of the apples she could finally get the chance and opportunity to spend the weekend alone with one of her very best friends. But which one though?

There were so many to choose from, should it be someone really close to her literally or figuratively? Eh, either way could work out. So she decided to go over to Rainbow Dash’s first, she was athletic so she would probably jump at the chance to go with her, right? She went over and rang the doorbell waiting for a reply to come back to her. Eventually one did finally manage to come.

“Oh, hey there Applejack, do you need any help at all with something?” Rainbow Dash said. “Hey there Rainbow Dash, no, I don't need help, I was just wondering if you’d like to come out on a camping trip to a cabin this weekend.”

Rainbow Dash grimaced very slightly, “Uh sorry, I just can’t because of soccer practice.”

“Oh, well okay then, alright, fine then, I understand,” she said.

“I’m really sorry, maybe we can do something some other time?”

“Yeah, maybe, but I will see you next week, right?”

“Yeah of course, you can count on the incredible amazing awesome epic mighty Rainbow Dash to always be there for you,” she said. “Yeah, right.”

And with that said Applejack then decided to go over to Sunset’s house.

She waited for a response and eventually Sunset did finally respond.

“Hey there Applejack,” Sunset said covered in a blanket held in one hand, “What are you doing over here so early? Is something wrong? Do you need any help?”

“No, I was just wondering if you’d like to spend the weekend with me at a camping cabin,” she said. “Uh sorry, I can't, I’m actually helping Twilight ‘study’ for the weekend and I'll just be too busy helping her out, so sorry, but no.”

“Oh, well that’s perfectly alright and just fine,” she said turning and then she left. “She didn't ask why you were completely naked, did she?” Twilight said.

“Yep, our secret is safe for now,” she said turning back to Twilight as she dropped the blanket. “Well, we should probably tell our friends sometime soon, right?”

“Yes, we should, but for right now I just want to spend time with you.”

And with that said they started their flames of passion again.

She then decided to go over to Pinkie Pie’s house and place.

She went over, rang the doorbell and waited. About three to nineteen or so seconds later a party cannon suddenly exploded in her face because… well… just because… (it’s Pinkie Pie, don't question it, just don't, please, for you own sake of sanity just don't). “Hey there Applejack!” Pinkie Pie shouted leaning her head sideways out the door and then turned it upwards at the farmgirl, “What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be working on the farm or something? Do you need help with a party or food something like that instead?”

“Uh no, but thanks for the offer anyways, look I just wanted to invite you over for a three-day camping trip this weekend in a cabin, that’s all,” she said.

“Oh! That sounds fun and I would just love to go… but I already have so many birthday parties with food planned and funs tuff and things to do this weekend that I just can't, sorry,” Pinkie Pie said. “That’s perfectly alright and fine, I just guess that I'll have to try seeing if anyone else is available to go with me.”

“Well I hope that they are, and have fun up there!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she slowly went away. “Don't worry, I will,” Applejack said. And with that said she slowly went off to another house while Pinkie Pie… was still just herself.

She then decided to go over to Fluttershy’s, after all, maybe the girl who loved nature and animals would be more likely to come along than anyone else if she just wasn’t so shy. She went over, rang the doorbell and waited very patiently. After a minute the door opened very slowly for her, “Oh, hi Applejack,” Fluttershy said very softly and nervously, “What brings you over here? Do you need help with something? Because I’m more than happy to help if you’re okay with that.”

“Uh no Sugarcube, I just wanted to ask you out if you would come out on a three-day camping trip me in a cabin in the woods, that’s all,” she said.

“Oh, I would just love to, but I already volunteered to go to the animal shelter this weekend and I just wouldn't want to disappoint all those furry little creatures, I’m sorry Applejack, please don't be angry or upset with me,”

“Don't worry, I’m not,” Applejack said. “Oh, thank goodness,” she said.

“I’m just finding it a bit harder to fine someone else to go with me, that’s all.”

“Well, have you tried anyone else?” Fluttershy said. “I’ve tried almost everyone else, but I understand why you don't want to go and I won't force you either way, anyhow good luck with the animals this weekend and have some fun too!”

“Oh, don't worry,” I will Fluttershy said. And with that Applejack left and decided to go over to the only person left that she had not yet tried, Rarity. She thought that because she was a fashionista that she wouldn't ever go with her at all.

But when she finally got over there she was very shocked and surprised by the answer that she got. She rang the doorbell and waited very patiently but it didn't take very long for her to answer. “Well hello there Darling it’s so nice to see you, but uh, what are you doing here so early, shouldn't you be farming or doing something like that instead?” Rarity said. “Well I’m done farming and it’ll be taken care of by my family this weekend so I was wondering if you would like to go out with me on a three-day camping trip in a cabin in the woods, that’s all.”
Rarity tapped her chin for a moment and thought for a very long moment, “Let me guess, all the others said no, didn’t they?” she said. “Well, yes, but I don't want to force you to go with me just because everyone else has plans, I will understand if you already have plans and I won't hold it against you.”

“Well, I did have a few plans, but I can move them aside since my parents will be looking after Sweetie Belle and my clothes can wait until later and I also think that it’s about time that I get some sweet relaxation time with my very best friends… especially you… all alone… in a cabin… in the woods…” she said.

“Well thanks a lot, but are you sure that you’ll be fine up there? There’s not going to be any TVs or fancy dancy modern equipment like that up there that much.”

“Oh, don't worry, I’m sure that I'll think of something to keep myself occupied and entertained, after all, I’m a creative genius with just a touch of insanity,”

“Yeah, and craziness with a bit of odd, weird, strange, bizarre, and also unusual for some things,” Applejack said. “Well maybe some people would see it that way, but I don't think that I can be all of that, now if you don't mind I have a suitcase to pack, I must be fashionable up there and I wouldn't have it any other way.”

And with that said Rarity closed the door, went inside her house and looked around for what she should pack. Clothes were a must of course (this is Rarity we’re talking about here, remember that), but what else could she take with her? She didn't want to overpack it so she tried to aim for a range both comfortable and stylish without trying to go overboard on it as well. She found ones that did fit that description and then looked over at a picture of herself and Applejack that was on her desk, the only thing different was that they were in pony form.

Princess Twilight Sparkle had given this portrait picture of the two of them since Rarity had secretly requested it before she left the first time and eventually she did finally manage to come back with it. She loved the picture because it was a gift from a friend and also showed what they could and probably would be in another world. She sighed, well why not? After all, she did have a secret crush on Applejack ever since… well she couldn't exactly remember when or where or why now, but she just knew that she had it for a very, very long time.

She put it in and then went on with the packing again.

She packed up exactly what she needed and then eventually came out to face Applejack. “I think that I'll be ready to go when you are,” she said.

“Alright, fine then, would Three in the afternoon for tomorrow work out?”

“Let’s see, it’s a Friday so yes that would work out, see you then I guess.”

And with that said Applejack left to go back to the farm and pack up her stuff and things. The next day did eventually come and both of them were ready to go.

She once again rang the doorbell and was very soon promptly greeted by the smiling face of Rarity. “Hey there Rarity, ready to go?” Applejack said.

“Yes darling, I am, I look forward to spending the weekend with you in a cabin in the woods… alone… together,” she said. “Alright, fine then, very well, let’s go,” Applejack said, “The cabin’s not too far away in driving distance.”

“Wait, you can drive?” rarity said very surprised and shocked at this.

“Yes, I’ve been driving tractors ever since I was little.”

“Um, that’s not the same thing,” Rarity said.

“Is too, now then, just sit back, relax, and just enjoy the ride and view outside.”

And with that said they hopped in the truck car tractor thing and Applejack slowly rode them off towards somewhere very familiar. “Hey, is this the Everfree forest?” Rarity said. “Yep, our family built it many years ago, and ever since then it’s been modified and upgraded but it is lacking on the modern conveniences.”

“Define lacking,” Rarity said. Applejack smiled, “You’ll see very soon enough.”

And with that said Rarity sighed and did as Applejack suggested, just enjoy the view and ride. And then very soon enough they did indeed arrive at a very small cabin house compared to others that Rarity had seen in magazines before.

“It’s much smaller than I expected,” she said. “Ha, just wait until you see the inside because it may just be a bit bigger on the inside,” Applejack said.

And with that said they went inside and it turned out that Applejack was indeed right. “Wow, it is bigger on the inside than I thought,” Rarity said.

“Yep, looks sure can be deceiving, now then why don't you go unpack, there’s more than enough rooms for both of us so if you want to sleep alone tonight I'll understand,” Applejack said. “Actually, I want to sleep with you tonight if that’s perfectly alright and fine with you,” Rarity said. “Yeah, sure thing, so long as you don't snore,” Applejack said smiling at her. “How dare you, I am a lady and as such expect to be treated like one, take that back before I slap you silly.”

“Nope, I won’t unless you come and make me,” she said.

“Alright, fine then, you win for now, but I will find some way to make you pay later on tonight,” Rarity said as she explored the old rustic wooden log cabin and eventually picked a room for both of them as she set the pony picture of the two of them in the corner on top of a clothing drawer next to a little potted tree.

The room was nice enough, it had one window directly left to the bed and directly across from the door and it was covered with slightly orange yellow curtains with pictures and images of red delicious apples on it too. The bed had a pink blanket on top of it with maybe one more, or were there just two covers instead?

It was very hard to tell. In the corner next to the bed there was a single lamp that was right now currently turned off but would serve as one of the few sources of illumination for the room even if you did include the bathroom light (which the door to was to the right of the main entrance doorway that she had gone through). Other than that it completely was bare, no TV, no radio, no refrigerator, nothing. The only modern conveniences were in the bathrooms and kitchen of course and nowhere else really. Well, this would work out for now, or so she guessed. “Hey, I choose a room for us,” Rarity called back to her entering the kitchen, “I hope that you don't mind it,” she said. “Nah, I probably won't, with you here as my best friend anywhere you pick will be good enough for me.”

“Well alright, fine then, but will you be making dinner for us?”

“Yep, and you’ll be doing the dishes,” Rarity said.

“Alright, fine then, fair enough I guess, but what’s for dinner?”

Applejack smiled, “You’ll see very soon enough, just wait.”

“Alright fine then, I will,” she said. And with that said she occupied herself with some crossword puzzles and Sudoku games that she had brought along with her. After all, she wasn't going to be bored up here, now was she?

She waited for dinner and then eventually it did come around six that evening.

She sniffed the air eagerly, it smelled like… oh yes… spaghetti.

She just simply loved spaghetti, sure the sauce was messy, so were the meatballs, but for some reason she just loved it despite the mess that it caused.

She smiled and got up and went to set the dishes for the dinner.

“Hey there Applejack, is the dinner ready yet?” Rarity said.

“Just about, do you mind setting the table first though?”

“Sure, I don't really mind, I was going to do that anyways.”

And with that said she slowly set out two plates, forks, and also spoons for them.

“Thanks Rarity,” Applejack said taking the pot of spaghetti over to the dining table, “Dinner is served, and don't worry, we have more just in case you’re hungry or want some more,” she said. “Oh, I think that this will be more than enough,” Rarity said taking a very small scoop out of the pot and pouring some sauce on it, and then came the meatballs and parmesan cheese.

“Wait, before we eat why don't we pray?” Applejack said.

Rarity wanted to groan but she respected her friend’s religious beliefs.

“Alright, fine then, just try to make it quick,” she said.

Applejack smiled, closed her eyes, said the pray, finished up with amen, and then they ate. Rarity enjoyed every single bit making each moment count and when they were both finally done with the dinner Rarity cleaned the dishes and cleaned the table while Applejack just cleaned off the kitchen countertop making sure that the space would be ready to use to prepare food again. After Rarity cleaned the dishes she put them back in the cupboards and then yawned very loudly. “You know, I’m feeling pretty tired, I think that I'll go to our room now.”

“Yeah, I’m feeling pretty tired too,” Applejack said, “Time to hit the hay, I agree with that, but what about the use of the bathroom?”

Rarity considered that for a moment, they had not taken the time for shower arrangements. “Well since you wake up so early in the morning why don't you use it first?” she said. Applejack nodded, “That sounds like a very good idea to me, but since you’re a guest up here why don't you use it first tonight?”

Rarity smiled at this, Applejack was just so thoughtful and kind to her.

“Thanks, but I don't know…” she said.

“Well you might need one because you have more food on your clothes than I do,” Applejack said. Rarity looked down at her clothes and smiled, she was right.

“Well I do tend to get excited when I eat spaghetti, it’s my favorite food.”

“I would’ve never guessed that with your very high standards of beauty,”

“Well yes, I do have standards, but that goes out the door when favorites are involved,” she said, “Anyhow, could I borrow your hat?”

Applejack looked at her very confused, “You want my what now?”

“Your hat, please, and don't ask why me,” she said.

Applejack shrugged, “Sure, why not, I don't see any harm in that,” she said gently tossing it over as Rarity caught it very expertly as if she were playing a game of baseball or football instead (neither which she would ever really do in real life).

She smiled, “Thank you,” she said, and then she went to their room with Applejack promptly following her. “You don't mind if I undress in front of you, do you?” she said. “Uh no, I mean we’re all girls in here, right?” AJ said.

“Yes, you’re right, thank you,” Rarity said as she slowly slipped off her shoes and socks, took off her shirt revealing her purple bra, then she went over to the bathroom and started the water, “I like very warm baths so this may take a while,” she said. “That’s no problem at all,” Applejack said as she watched Rarity slowly take off her pants to reveal an identical matching set of underwear.

“You’re not going to be uncomfortable with looking at me naked, are you?” Rarity said. “No,” Applejack said as her face blushed very profoundly.

“Okay, even for you that was a terrible lie,” Rarity said as she put her skirt on the very edge of the bed (since none of the food fell on her skirt, only her shirt).

Then she suddenly slipped off her top revealing glimmering white boobs almost like diamonds, quickly she covered them up with Applejack’s hat.

“If you want to see them just ask,” Rarity said smiling very seductively as she wiggled into the bed covering her legs and then secretly she slipped off her underwear and then held it up to Applejack as she smiled and then dropped it on the floor. Applejack gulped, she was very nervous, she had never been in a room with a naked girl before, especially Rarity, and this behavior seemed out of character for her for some odd and very strange mysterious reason.

“Uh, no, I’m just fine with the way that you are,” Applejack said lying and then blushing for some reason, she was really terrible at lying and being in the presence of another girl who was naked right in front of her even if she was covered up. Quickly he glanced at the clock to see what time it was.

It was around 6:50 or so and she hoped that the bath wouldn't take too long, but Rarity’s next words eliminated that thought,” So,” Rarity said holding out her left hand while her right hand held up Applejack’s hat covering her breasts, “The bath is going to be a while, why don't you undress right now?”

Applejack sighed, well, why not? After all, they were both girl here, very quickly she took off her apple boots and set them near the corner of her bed, took off her socks and then her pants to reveal an orange and yellow checkered design unlike Rarity’s plain and simple purple panties. Then she took off her shirt to reveal a white bra and she sat up on her knees at the very edge of the bed unwilling to show anymore of herself. “You’re not going to finish the job, are you?” Rarity said. “I'll wait until the bath is done thank you very much,” she said.

“Alright, fine, that’s your business then,” Rarity said as she shrugged, “But while we’re waiting why don't we talk since it’s going to be a while.”

“Well, I don't see why not, what do you want to talk about?”

“Well, how about life?” Rarity said.

“Yeah, we can talk about life, sure thing.”

“Alright, fine then, I'll start us off, do you enjoy your job of farming?”

Oh, that was a very easy one. “Yeah, sure I do, I wouldn't be anywhere else. Being with my family makes me really happy and you really do appreciate apples after a while, what about you? Is the fashion business what you want?”

“Of course darling, what else would I be? A farmer like you? I don't like to get dirty and I mean no insult so sorry if you thought that.”

“Ah, don't worry about that, I wasn't insulted.”

“Oh, well okay then, next question, who was your first secret crush?”

Oh, this one was much tougher. Applejack blushed and smiled.

“Why should I tell you that?” she said.

“Because we’re in a cabin in the woods all alone and I swear that I won't tell anyone else, hope to fly and stick a cupcake in my eye,” she said making the ever famous and classic Pinkie Promise. “Alright, fine then, my first crush was… Rainbow Dash,” she said. Rarity giggled and smiled, “No way!”

“Yes way, I was very little and young at the time, well, younger, anyhow I did think we might have had something for a while, but then I eventually figured out that while we may be similar in many ways we’re still just friends, especially after I actually did try telling her my feelings once and she just…”

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said, “I wish that I could help you out in some way.”

“Nah, you’re fine, but who was your first secret crush?”

“Tenderheart, duh,” she said.

“Oh, you mean that guy who had a crush on me?”

“Yes, that one, exactly,” Rarity said.

“Oh, well okay then, I see, now it’s my turn to ask a question, if you had to marry one of your friends and dump another who would choose?”

“Well I guess that I would marry you and dump Twilight,” she said.

“Oh, that’s harsh, I would dump Rainbow dash and marry you.”

Rarity smiled, “Okay then, now it’s my turn again, which gender is hotter? Girls or boys?”

“I’m kind of open right now at the moment, but you’re looking pretty hot yourself right now,” Applejack said, “What about you?”

“I used to be straight, but then I liked girls more instead,” she said.

“Wow, I never knew that you were a lesbian,” Applejack said very shocked and surprised by this. “Well now you do, okay then, your turn again.”

“What is your most embarrassing moment ever?”

Oh, yet another tough one. Rarity sighed, “Okay, I admit it, when I was at a party I ate all the chocolate there, and I also get my stitching wrong sometimes!”

Applejack smiled and sighed, “Mine was my first farm dance, mostly because I couldn't dance,” she said, “Okay then, your turn again.”

“Which of your friends would you fuck?” Rarity said.

Applejack’s face blushed even more than it already had.

“What?” she said.

“You heard me, who would you-,”

“Yes, I heard you, but please, just don't say that word again.”

“Okay then, as you wish.”

“Alright, fine then I would… well… I really don't know.”

“Oh, come on, you can't not answer?”

“Well can I skip to you?”

“Well I guess so… fine then… I would do it with you of course,”

Applejack blushed, “Ah shucks,” she said.

“No, I’m very serious, I think that I’ve had a crush on you ever since… well I don't really know anymore, but I’ve been in love with you for a very long time now.”

Applejack blushed, “You’re joking, right?”

“I’m not, I’m being very serious, and I just wanted to tell you know because I feel that the time is right, and I'll understand if you don't return the affection.”

“Rarity… I love you too,” Applejack said.

“Wait, you do?” Rarity said very shocked and surprised by this statement.

“Yes, I think that I might have ever since the day you helped me out after Rainbow Dash, you’re more than just my friend, you are my secret crush and I want to be with you however much I can no matter what happens to us.”

“Oh, that’s so sweet,” Rarity said.

“You know, I think I have an answer to the question now, I would have sex… with you,” she said as she suddenly pulled her top off revealing her very large big huge breasts. Rarity looked nervous for a moment.

“Applejack?” she said. “Shh…” she said softly putting a finger to Rarity’s mouth, “Just shut up, and go along with it.”

Rarity nodded, smiled and then said, “Alright, fine then, but we’ll have to take it into the bathtub very soon enough.”

Applejack smiled, “Well then, that will be new, won't it?”

“Yes, yes it will be,” Rarity said as Applejack slipped off her underwear and then lay on top of the bed completely naked. “Ready for some fun?”

“Oh, am I ever,” Rarity said.

And with that said they began their throngs of passion.

After they were finally done Rarity smiled.

“And to think I have you to myself for three days…”

“Yes, indeed, but the real question here is if we should wander around naked all day or not,” Applejack said. “Indeed, my clothes are slightly dirty right now, but I’m sure that they’re all due for a wash, right?”

“Yes, so are mine.”

And with that said they both smiled and giggled and then went back to their love.

Author's Note:

Based on the Cover Art Picture Image.

Hope you Liked, Loved, and Enjoyed this.

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Comments ( 2 )

who made the cover? Wise to credit

Uh, the source is cited if you scroll to the picture's right corner.

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