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Chapter 2 Relax

Luna felt so more calmer and at ease with birds flying around other forest creatures living in this garden surrounded by stone statues of angel ponies.

This feels so nice I could just fall asleep

Luna's eyes go so heavy no matter how many times she slapped herself awake, even she knew all the meditation Luna was under put her right to sleep in the flowerbed as butterflies flew above her face.

As Celestia was preparing to lower the sun, a sudden blue blast of magic send her flying into a wall breaking it down and landing on a food table.

"What in the-" Celestia managed to speak until she was hoisted up by magic.

When the dust cleared, Rarity stepped through a cloud of smoke and rubble; blue magical hue glowing that made Celestia levitate 15ft high.

"Rarity what is the meaning for this?" Celestia demanded.

Rarity just smirked and threw her into another wall only causing a small crack. Celestia struggled to stand but the white unicorn stomped her hoof on Tia's larynx as she tried to escape.

"No escape from your impending death or at least you will be my humble servant" Rarity suggested.

The sun princess teleported from there to behind Rarity. She went to hit her but she grabbed Tia, kissed her, and held her until Tia's eyes went soulless as a dark energy emitted inside her.

"Mmm tasty Celestia" Rarity licked her lips staring at Tia's now soulless eyes.

Rarity smirked and chanted a spell in Celestia's ear, making her eyes close then open again but instead of it's normal color it began to change into a greenish blue color.

"I serve the queen of shadows Nightmarity" Celestia said in a zombie like trance.

"Yes you do and I have a job for you. I want you to bring me the Eternal Night scroll do you understand?" Rarity commanded.

"Yes master Nightmarity" Celestia responded obediently.

Rarity smirked as Tia went out in search for that scroll she was talking about.

The plan is working to perfection and the best part of it is that Luna doesn't know what's going on

Rarity followed her new slave and made sure no pony noticed she was under some kind of mind control. Tia stopped in front of castle awaiting for her master to give her further orders.

"I need you to head down to the basement and retrieve the scroll for me" Rarity ordered, pointing to an underground basement down below.

"Yes master I obey" Tia replied calmly.

"Good, now once you obtained the scroll I want you to meet me at the Carousel Boutique" Rarity instructed.

Celestia nodded in agreement.

Rarity gave her a pat on the head before teleporting back to the Boutique.

Luna awakened to a butterfly on her nose.

"Achoo!" Luna sneezed, "My goodness I must have been so relaxed I must've accidentally fell asleep."

Luna got up from the bed of flowers and walked along the trail out of the secret garden and back to Ponyville to tell Celestia some good news about her recovery.

Celestia walked down in the basement and grabbed a dark looking scroll rolled up with a special seal on it and underneath the case read a warning label. She removed the casing; a stench of death came out but Celestia didn't care about how it smelled, all she cared about was getting that scroll to her master Rarity.

She put it in her saddlebag then left out and on her way to the Boutique.

On the way there, Luna accidentally bumped into her causing her to almost drop the scroll.

"Oh dear sister I apologize for bumping you, I actually wanted to talk to you about my growing progress in the secret garden" Luna said helping her sister up and excited to tell her the growing progress.

"Luna I would love to hear all about it but right now I need to deliver something to Rarity it's very urgent" Celestia said warmly with that radiant smile that she kept for a long time.

"I understand" Luna replied with a straight face, "I'll meet you at the castle to talk about my progress."

Celestia smiled picking up her saddlebag before walking away.

That was very peculiar of Celestia, normally she would like to hear how I was doing but an urgent matter comes first before anything else

Luna walked back to the castle.

Celestia arrived at Rarity's house like she was instructed and so the fashionista opened the door to let Tia in before closing it.

"Now did you bring what I asked?" Rarity asked.

The sun princess brought out the Eternal Night spell presenting it to Rarity who was smirking ear to ear with Celestia's will to follow orders to the letter and deliver.

"Celestia I am so proud of you" Rarity expressed her overbearing joy towards the alicorn.

"Thank you master" Celestia thanked her for being proud of bringing the scroll.

To break the hypnosis Rarity kissed Tia removing the shadows from her and return back to Rarity which caused her to feel sleepy and pass out.

"I thank you for bringing this scroll to achieve my ultimate goal: An Eternal Night" Rarity said unfolding the scroll.

The contents of that spell had doom written all over it.

"Nightmares big and small come at my call; become one with the world, reign your terror among all who oppose; hear my prayer as I call for you" Rarity began to chant.

The skies started to darken some.

"Come forth and bring the ETERNAL NIGHT!"

As if on cue the sun began to darken until it was nothing more than a dark sun which other ponies look up at the sky then see Rarity transform into Nightmarity the queen of shadows.

Princess Celestia opened her eyes slowly to see her sister standing above her and it seems that she has been there for a while now.

"Luna....what in the world of Equestria am I doing here? How did you get here?" Tia asked.

"I found out that the Eternal Night spell had been used so I kinda figured Rarity would use you to snatch that spell without any pony noticing" Luna explained her findings.

Celestia tried to stand up but sat right back down.

"Sister I do not think it is wise for you to try to stand up after being mind controlled for so long" Luna suggested.

She couldn't protest because it was true.

"Rarity has activated the spell meaning her shadow powers are about to increase but I might have enough power to stop her" Luna planned a possible victory over Nightmarity.

"Have you ever fought her before sister?" Celestia wondered about another possible time where her and Rarity fought.

"The first time was when the darkness consumed her and transformed into that....thing and I had no choice but to beat up the shadows out of her but now....this is a whole different stage" Luna expressed staring out the window.

"What is your plan Luna?" Celestia wanted to hear a plan.

That's when she saw a slit blue eye stare back at her making Celestia rethink to that day she returned as Nightmare Moon.

"I'm going to end this" Luna proclaimed flashing a toothy grin and a bit of a chuckle.

Luna I really hope you know what you're doing otherwise this will be a long night for us all

Celestia could only watch as her sister was about to turn into the monster she has been trying to avoid for at least for a few years now.

But if it meant keeping everypony in Ponyville safe, Luna was going to pull out all the stops to take down the queen of shadows herself.