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Chapter 1 Visions

Luna was tossing and turning in her bed before shooting up gasping and breathing heavily. "My word that was the most intense dream I've been to all day but this one is quite different from others" she said to herself.

She got out of bed and walked out her room to the throne room where Celestia was enjoying some poetry until she noticed noticed something wasn't quite right with her sister Luna.

"Luna are you alright this morning? You don't look like your normal cheerful self" Celestia asked with great concern about Luna's well being.

"Sister I am well it's just a....phase I'm going through. In time this facade will fade away like mist" Luna lied to hide her true feelings.

Celestia wasn't buying to that lie Luna just told her but she decided all she could do was support her little sister.

"Very well but if there is anything you need to talk about please don't hesitate to come for me I will help anyway that is possible" Celestia reminded Luna about that she has somepony to talk about any problems that may arise.

"Thank you sister, if a problem that I cannot handle alone is worthy of your attention I'll present it to you" Luna responded smiling.

Celestia gave a radiant smile as Luna left the throne room and on her way to Ponyville.

I hope whatever is troubling my sister comes to be only a phase and not something more severe Celestia hoped whatever bothered Luna passed over soon.

The lunar princess walked around Ponyville but happened to pass by Rarity's Carousel Boutique so she thought maybe opening up about what's bothering her problem to Rarity could ease her pain a bit.

Maybe Rarity could help me out, she's always willing to help out a friend or princess in need Luna said in her mind smiling and getting her hopes up.

Walking inside the Boutique, it was filled up to the brim with dresses that Rarity previously worked on but no sign of Rarity could be found.

"I wonder where she could be" Luna wondered, searching all over to find the fashionista.

Out of nowhere Rarity came out from the shadows and into the light to meet Luna. She turned around and almost got a heart attack from that sudden realization of Rarity appearing out of nowhere.

"Princess Luna what can I do for you?" Rarity asked in a soft creepy tone of voice.

"I wanted to have a conversation with you about a very bad dream" Luna responded.

She happened to spot a blue diamond choker necklace wrapped around Rarity's neck.

"Oh my Rarity I do love your necklace" Luna said.

"Thank you Luna I made it myself using the finest diamonds in Equestria" Rarity responded, telling where she found the gems.

"They look lovely" Luna said memorized by the sheer beauty of that diamond.

"Thank you again Luna. Now was there something you wanted to talk about?" Rarity asked trying to get the moon princess back on track.

"Oh yes well you see I had this really bad dream about Nightmarity returning and bringing in an eternal night" Luna explains her nightmare.

The fashionista sneaked in a sinister smirk. "I see, have you talked about this strange dream to your sister Princess Celestia?" Rarity asked stroking Luna's mane to comfort her.

"No I have not consulted this to sister because I wish to not make her worry more" Luna feared.

"And if you don't say anything Tia will began to worry" Rarity said with concern.

Luna sighed knowing her options were not being in her favor right now. "If it makes sister happy to know I am doing well then I'm going to have a talk with her" Luna declared.

"Good for you" Rarity said happily.

Luna left the Boutique in a hurry and Rarity went back to her basement, tapping the on her necklace once transforming into the infamous queen of shadows Nightmarity. She sat down in a chair and took a look at her holo map of Equestria more specifically Canterlot where the big prize was there, waiting for Rarity to take it and rule all of Equestria.

"Soon enough Luna you will know that your dream you had will in front of everypony in Equestria" Nightmarity smirked that turned into a laugh.

After planning out what she's going to do with everypony in Canterlot and beyond, she shifted back to normal Rarity and no pony suspected anything odd with her minus the fact she stays in the Boutique all day long.

Other than that no pony found anything odd going on with Rarity.

Luna stormed in the throne room but Celestia was not sitting on her throne.

Maybe she's in her room Luna thought as she ran to her and Tia's room.

Sure enough she saw Tia sitting down enjoying a nice hot cup of coffee before looking up to notice Luna with a relieved smile on her face.

"Celestia I want to have a word with you" Luna said sitting on the bed beside her.

Celestia had no idea what was going on but was able to help her sister anyway she can.

"Alright then what seems to be troubling you my dear little sister?" Tia prompted the question.

Luna's heart started to beat rapidly but now was the time to back out, she had to tell her own flesh and blood what has been a pain in her flank. She just hoped Celestia could understand why.

"I have been having nightmares about Nightmarity and I was hoping that this doesn't you dear sister" Luna explained, thinking Tia would poke fun at her.

Celestia petted her little sister on the head smiling.

"Luna this is what has been troubling you? Why didn't you say so? I am willing to help you get through this" Celestia offered to bring Luna the relief she so desperately wanted.

"Now then what shall we do first?" Luna wondered.

"Whenever I always wake up from a horrific nightmare I always go down to a quiet area of Equestria preferably the gardens and relax there" Celestia suggested.

Luna became immediately intrigued by her sister's suggested place to clear her head.

Rarity on the other hand was casting a spell that changed her curtains from traditional purple to a new dark black/red combination which made her a very happy mare.

"This necklace can do a lot of things" Rarity said wondering what other spells she can do.

She tried another one but this time she turned into a shadow figure.

"Wow this could come in handy when I want to appoint some minions to do my bidding" Rarity thought having followers on her every back and call put a smirk on the fashionista's face.

Rarity reverted back to normal looking at her toy before looking up at the evening sunset.

An eternal night huh? That doesn't sound like a bad idea at all. With an eternal night I will be unstoppable and ore feared that Luna ever was Rarity proclaimed in her thoughts.

Ponyville was about to have a new face of fear and her name is Nightmarity.