• Published 31st Jul 2017
  • 465 Views, 6 Comments

Greetings from The Travelers Of The Stars - mustard mustache

Magolor could have a new start with new friends, so when he takes up the opportunity, disaster happens.

  • ...

Of All The Things That Could Happen

"Oooohh" Magolor moaned in pain. He felt like Goriath lifted him up and threw him across the cosmos. He shifted around, darkness... darkness as far as he could see. He felt he was on a cold surface but everywhere he looked was a dark empty.... Oh wait... my eyes are closed... Magolor thought, a little embarrassed. He tried to open his eyes, which was pretty hard for such a simple task.

"*gasp* I... ink he's ... ming to!" said a voice.

*WHAT, Really!?" responded a much more clear one

Magolor finally gained his vision and immediately saw two sets of extremely expressive eyes.

"What in the..." Magolor was both very confused and very nervous.

"Oh, It's awake!" said the pink figure.

"Let's give it some space," suggested the lavender one. As the figures moved away Magolor sat up and closed his eyes while rubbing his aching head.

"Are you all right?" asked the voice from the pink creature.

"Yes," Magolor replied "I'll recover" he stopped for a moment to look at the creatures, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Twilight?" Magolor asked in disbelief. Twilight was immediately giving a shocked expression.

"You know my name?" Twilight asked with what seems to be an equal amount of disbelief. But Magolor didn't reply, he was too busy looking around the crystal castle like a child in a candy store.

"This is your castle, correct?" Magolor asked unaware of Twilight's earlier question.

"Yes," Twilight hesitantly replied "but your not-"

"The one in Ponyville?" Magolor interrupted still oblivious to her question.

"umm... Yes?" Twilight answered.

At this point, Magolor could not believe what he was hearing and seeing. Is this a dream? Magolor thought. Am I really in a universe with... life? he hopped off the platform he awoke from and gazed out of the nearest window. And there was a sight that brought so many extremely positive emotions to Magolor. life. Not just life, sentient beings walking around on a sunny day. This is what Magolor longed for since... the incident.

"AHEM!!" Magolor was startled and snapped back to his senses when he realized that Twilight was requesting an explanation.

"OH! Umm... yes princess?" Magolor responded.

"Would you be so kind as to explain to me and Starlight why you know who I am? I'm very sure we never met."

"OH," Magolor face-palmed himself "I am very sorry, I should start with my own introduction. My name is Magolor, former interdimensional traveler and researcher" And former ruler of time and space. Magolor added in his head

"Former?" Starlight asked him. He hoped that he could do introductions without these kinds of questions.

"Y-Yes," Magolor said hesitantly " After some very specific events with very specific conditions I was wedged and trapped in between time and space itself." Both ponies raised eyebrows. It did sound a bit far-fetched now that he said it out loud.

"What does any of this have to do with you knowing my name?" Twilight once again asking.

"Well, when you are trapped in the only two things keeping all universes apart, I could peer into an abundance of worlds and events that, at first, amazed me of all the things I could see that no one else in the entire multiverse has ever seen before, I even watched the adventures of Twilight Sparkle and her best friends. There, now you know"

"So, hold on..." Twilight was going to ask, yet again, another question. "You could look at other universes and see all that is happening, but you said you were trapped in between space-time. Were you-"

"Lonely?..." Magolor interrupted to finish her question and paused "...Yes." Magolor's mood shifted from ecstatic straight to sadness and regret. How? Magolor's mind whispered, How could you do that to him? "I could peer into other worlds but... I couldn't enter them..." The expression on Twilight's face was the last expression he wanted to see... pity.

"Well," Starlight spoke up "I'm not entirely sure if I could believe your story, it is pretty far-fetched, but it sure does sound like you need a friend. Aaaaannd, it just so happens that we have THE Princess of Friendship right here!" She pointed a hoof at Twilight.

"Yes, I'm sure there's somepony here in Equestria that-" Twilight was going to continue Starlight's idea but stopped when Magolor raised his hand politely and shook his head

"No..." Magolor said softly, "Last time I made a friend... well it... didn't end well".

"Really?" Twilight said, concerned "What happened?"

"I... I don't really know." Magolor said, half lying.

"... So, Magolor, how did you get to Equestria?" Starlight asked. Magolor was confused by this question. Was she trying to change the subject? Why? She didn't seem to believe him anyway.

"Hmmm." Magolor thought about the question. "To be honest I'm not really sure. I don't suppose that either of you know what happened either."

"Actually," Starlight once again spoke up once again, "I found you when you were thrown out of some weird black star-shaped hole."

"Really?" Magolor said intrigued. So I was transported here through a worm-hole? Magolor inferred, Was this a happy accident? Or... maybe someone brought me here intentionally... Either way, he was happy. He'd rather be dropped into a random universe than being alone in what was literally nothingness... kinda.

"Hmm... it sounds like some kind of disturbance in space-time..." Twilight figured, then looked suspiciously at Magolor, which made very uncomfortable, "What exactly did you do in between space-time?"

"Ummm... ya know... what ever I could do to not... get... bored" Magolor instantly face-palmed himself. Great, now you're even MORE suspicious Twilight stared with twice the suspicion straight at him. "I PROMISE I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO DISRUPT THE TIME-SPA- I mean- SPACE-TIME CONTINUUM I SWEAR!!!"

"Magolor, I understand if you have something to keep to yourself, then keep it, but if this grows into an actual problem, then i'll need all the facts, alright?" Twilight said with a tone of seriousness with a hint of reassurance.

"Yes your majesty- I mean Twilight- I mean... ma'am- ugh." Magolor wasn't sure what was the best way to say her name, or title, or whatever. He glanced once more at the window to the outside of the new world followed by him saying, "I don't suppose you have any ideas where I could stay for awhile?"

"Hmmmm..." Twilight thought about that question, but it was Starlight that came up with a solution.

"Well I just discovered the castle has a completely empty room, maybe you could stay there."

"Sounds good to me," Magolor said with optimism, "where is it?"

"Well, are you sure?" Starlight said with uncertainty, "there aren't any windows."

"I'll be fine," Magolor said with reassurance, "as much as I want to see the new universe, I just need some thinking space."

"Alright," Starlight said reluctantly "just go out that door, and it's the fourth one to your left."

"Thanks." Without any more conversation he went straight out the door, followed Starlight's instructions, and entered the very empty room. Starlight was correct, there was nothing in here, perfect for some time to think to himself. He dropped himself in the center of room and let a large sigh of disbelief, "Of all the things that could happen," he whispered to himself "a new world, a new start for me." He could start a new reputation in this world, he could make a new friend like Twilight said... but would he want that? He thought on the idea a bit more and came to a conclusion:


Fluttershy went to the kitchen to grab a few vegetables from a cabinet, and heard chattering coming from Angel Bunny when she took out some carrots, "No, these are not for you Angel," Fluttershy said with sweetness in her voice, "We have a guest, so I am making him a salad." Angel mad frown, but Fluttershy didn't notice Fluttershy took the salad bowl, and went to the picnic blanket where her quest was waiting. When she arrived, she was genuinely surprised. "You already finished your watermelon? Gee, you must have been really hungry."

"Poyo" the guest said with a smile.

Author's Note:


Comments ( 4 )

this story is stupid

Comment posted by mustard mustache deleted Aug 10th, 2017

yes it is self.... yes it is.

Oh shit. This could actually turn out to be interesting. This is actually very good for a 'first story.'

Please do more.

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