• Published 16th Mar 2017
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The Sirens Remorse: Resurgence of the Dazzlings - TheronSniper

The Dazzlings have returned to Equestria, and with them some of the most powerful exiles who have it out for the pony kingdom. Adagio will rise to power and the world shall be made anew.

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Ch. 5 The Reception

“Is everypony accounted for?!!” A light brown coated silver mane colored mare with glasses beckoned to the few ponies trying to get a handle on the situation.

Two stallions and a mare wearing the local fire fighting garb were busy suppressing the burning roofs nearby using portal magic and the nearby stream. The three unicorns attempts were proving successful though they were also flooding the innards of the homes, a small price to pay.

“Mayor Mare!”, one of the heard her approach, “We’ve only just begun to put out five homes so far, we still need to take out the western portion and the fires need more hooves on them!” the deep aqua hued stallion called out after sealing the gateway over the two story house before him.

“I sent for Rainbow Dash five minutes ago Mayor! If anyone can stop this only she can with her speed!” The chestnut brown pony replied next as sweat poured down his face, the fire had reached the bottom level blowing heat towards him like a hot oven.

“I tried getting some pegasi together and bring rain clouds overhead but they were too worried about their families. I’m sorry but until Rainbow arrives we’re the only ones on call.” The one mare of strawberry tones had given her a stern yet waning confidence warning that under the current circumstances the town might be lost.

Having stayed in the center of the village to look after rescues and damage control, it quickly turned out that most villagers had gotten out in time.

“Ma’am we heard one of the former bearers, Applejack, is out there helping anypony trapped. Maybe she might be able to find Rainbow Dash?” one of the stallions figured though both had their attentions fully on their work for the mayor to acknowledge who spoke.

Applejacks strength would speed up the recovery mission for anypony trapped by the dragon’s destructive arrival to the town. Last she heard of the former element bearer was from a family evacuating pressing past her without even a word to her. The mare and her foal mentioned the farmer heading into the deeper portion of the dragon fire raging streets to the west. Swinging her head towards the more endangered part of Ponyville she couldn’t help but curse for the bad luck they had with monsters.

“By Celestia I don’t know where that horrible beast came from but this has got to be the worst dragon attack we’ve seen in generations!” the mayor shook her head as she surveyed the growing firestorm which continued to eat at the thatch roofs as fast as parasprites had wrought just as much.

Just as she was sure they were in a soon to be Tartarus replica, above the town all over something spectacular happened. Golden rings seemingly grew into existence lined with various runes and sigils, some small while others large enough to cover two homes easily. Mayor Mare and company could only watch as far superior portal spells were caste and from them came not just a flood of water but a controlled torrential shower. For the rescue ponies they recognized the two in one spell which required high magic aptitude to even attempt, and with them came the white colomns of steam as the wildfires were in the process of being dealt with. Additional portals no bigger than a cart’s wheel formed vertically by worse off structures including town hall, their secondary spell put pressure into the water to get into harder angles. Their savior unknown had likely saved Ponyville from being burned to the ground and saving many bits in rebuilding cost.

“By the crown?” the strawberry coated unicorn gasped as she admired the level of skill and magic needed to accomplish such a feat.

“Look! Every home is being put out!” the reddish brown stallion pointed with a hoof all the way towards the endangered west side, more steam stacks took to the skies as all the fires were put out till not even a single ember was left flickering.

“I don’t… believe it? Who could have done such a thing?!” Mayor Mare asked no pony in particular, her glasses sliding down to the edge of her nose verging on falling off.

In as short as ten minutes the portals closed and vanished with the wind like feathery thistle seeds disturbed by foals playing. Like hundreds of bits no lighter than a leaf disintegrated from the magic spells until they were nothing more. The Mayor and rescue crew trotted along the burnt neighborhoods and shops seeing the extent of the effort, it happened just in time to both the owners and the town. Though devoid of ponies for most of the trot, the sole source of any disturbance came when they finally happened upon Applejack and the team of fellow villagers who were helping a family barred in their basement of a jam and jelly store. A huge chunk of their roof came down over the only way in or out, which with the Apple’s help the others were able to extract the debris easily.

Mayor Mare breathed out of relief to see the water drenched emergency responders escort the six pony family safely away from the storage basement. No pony injured or in need of medical treatment to which she thanked Luna’s stars for that. However the store itself would need a hefty installment of bits to fix what had given under the assault of the scaly heathen.

“Miss Applejack! It’s so good to see everypony safe and sound!” Mayor Mare stated as they reached the party.

Having rubbed the heads of the twin foals after they thanked her, the apple farmer turned to the new arrivals with soot covering parts of her soaked coat, “Ain’t noth’n too it Mayor. Just doin what’s right. By tha way did Twilight come back from her trip yet? Seems like that was her doin to put all them fires out so fast like? Did she go after the dragon?”

Shaking her head, “I’m sorry Miss Applejack I didn’t see the princess anywhere at the time, we’re just as confused as well.”

“Well shucks, guess’n somepony else musta did that? Though I wonder why that big beluga didn’t stay to continue rampagin if it weren’t scared away by Twi or calmed down by Flutters?” the earth pony rubbed her chin in thought.

One of the rescue crew behind the mayor seemed surprised, “Didn’t you see two monsters burst out of the royal castle? It’s almost all gone!”

“Ya, it was like they were teleported inside, they just… blew right out of the castle!!” the rescue mare added.

“It was horrible! The one that caused all this and another as black as Tirek’s soul! I think it ate some pony too before flying away into the Everfree!?!” Applejack bore the look of terror to the mere thought of a pony lost to the scaly devils.

A quick cough into her hoof and the mayor tried to reassure every ear to cease the rumor, “While the sighting is yet to be confirmed we don’t have every citizen accounted for so until then we have to assume no… casualties have been sustained. Miss Applejack can you please assist in rallying up the town? The sooner we can verify everypony’s here the better we can assuage concerns of one of the dragons taking a life?”

Hope in the air and the honesty in the leadership had the farmer nod firmly, “Right then, I’ll leave the rest of the rescue party to their job and get alls whose here at the town hall! If the others come look’n fer me tell’em what I’am doin and they’ll find me!”

With that the prestigious mare galloped off, it would seem that the former element bearers knew how to communicate with each other without having to even be in constant contact. It left the town govenor with an easier time to handle the dire news, rouge dragons and a destroyed castle were not going to sit well with Canterlot nor the citizens whom might leave Ponyville out of terror.

“This day keeps getting better and better…” she sighed, “Alright then you three join the others in Applejacks place, I’ll be off to the town hall and prepare the records. Everypony will be accounted for…”

As she turned in place to make her leave did somepony startle her, they had been standing behind the four quietly as if manifesting on the spot. If the older mare could have left her body it would have happened then and there scurried away to the Meadow’s Gate. Her gold tinted frames cascaded to the dirt road following as her plot harshly landed on the ground from a stumbled backstep.

“Greetings, are you by chance the head official of this habitation?” a very relaxed and calm voice asked from underneath a red robe decorated with gold trim and patterns, beneath the opening of the hood for the muzzle was the medallion of the Scholar Arcana, the Academy of Magics that ran the School for Gifted Unicorns.

Though the obviously mare magician was hidden by her garb, the mayor knew who students of the Academy were and power the symbol bore. It made sense to her as she rose back to her four hooves surprised beyond her already exhilarating day that those portals were from the pony before her. Only the most gifted unicorns were allowed attendance in, however it was more for the advancement of magic and applications. She once had the honor of meeting another years ago during her first year as mayor, though it was a meeting she could barely afford to recollect at the moment.

“I… I am, you can call me Mayor Mare, I lead Ponyville.” She answered as a deep blue aura surrounded her glasses and brought them back upon her snout perfectly perched as she would normally have them.

“I can tell you know who I represent, I was passing through when I saw the commotion. Figured I’d lend a horn to help, if there’s anything else I can help with please provide instructions. I am Adept Lapis Lazuli.” The mare bowed shortly.

“Well, umm… good to meet you Adept Lazuli. For now with the fires out you’ve given us a moment to regroup and ensure anypony that needs to be rescued is hastily seen to. As it stands, one of the villages most talented has gone out to gather the population for an immediate headcount. If to calm fears that we might have lost anypony to those brutes who did all this!” the mayor huffed as she gazed to the smoking castle which looked ready to crumble into nothing soon.

Lapis nodded, “I’ve already sent an emergency alert to the academy, you will receive additional help very soon in case they come back. Hopefully the crown will deploy royal guards to help secure the area. I believe the event could be seen from Canterlot if not heard.”

“Any help would be well appreciated Adept Lazuli, without the princess here we have little defense against another attack. She’s going to be so devastated with what they did to her new home though. She never did like talking about the old Golden Oaks Library since.” a loud echo of crystal breaking snapped at the air as if a bomb had gone off, another part of the wall was falling.

“I shall be off then, I’ll search for any flames I might have missed and rejoin you soon. May the sun and moon protect.” The two exchanged departures each needing to complete their own important tasks.

The blue mare in wizardry uniform vanished around a corner leaving the mayor to her thoughts, how fortunate they had a powerful student to assist them. The timing could not have been anymore perfect with Rainbow Dash still missing in action, for now she needed to make sure everypony was accounted for.

“Right! Join the rest of the effort, I’ll head to town hall and clear everything up. It looks like we’ll be receiving guests soon as it is.” Mayor Mare explained to the three she had been with before trotting away.

After making her way to the designated structure which thankfully suffered minor damage from the humongous behemoth, Mayor Mare spotted three ponies already on location. Applejack was already the best known working pony in all of Equestria as her orchards spoke on her behalf. The three there meant more would be enroute which only spelled hasten for governing official to speed her efforts. She hadn’t even gotten the roster for the population yet, figuring before she left to her office she’d get their names and check them off in the process.

Closing the distance between the two parties the mayor called out, “Fellow Ponyville citizens do not worry we have the situation under control! In moments the Royal Guard and Arcana support will arrive to hasten recovery from this awful blight to our home. Please if I… could… get your…?” she slowed to a stop as a very familiar coloration came into view in violet, rose, and pink tones which came together as one of the four alicorn princesses who graced the town. She couldn’t mistake the height of the royal nor the exact similarity, but her arrival only bolstered her own hopes of calmly going about her deed to be.

“Should we like spread out and find her or what?” one of her accompanying ponies asked out of the blue just as her mane appeared.

“Not even sure where she went? Should we go back and see if she’s by that crumbling Himalayan salt lamp?” the amaranth mare to the princess’s right seemed to be looking about with all three sight seeing.

“Hmmm?” Cadence hummed before her ears had caught the mayor behind them and turned around.

“Good heavens this situation keeps getting and better.” Mayor Mare sighed happily, “Princess Cadence with you here we could really use your help calming the citizens down and I…”

Seeing the ethereal princess in all her glory, there was something hugely amiss the politician noticed like a slap to her muzzle. While she remembered only seeing her some time ago with a visit to Princess Twilight for what she heard was a family vacation. It was enough of a moment to memorize the royal as rightly she should out of respect for one so noble and kind, the current princess of some place called the Crystal Empire.

Stopping in her tracks the mayor observed how taller the alicorn was and the obvious fact that a horn was missing, ‘That… that can’t be right?! She’s ascended just as Twilight had done! She’s at least five inches higher than we last met! Something is wrong here.’

As she beheld the strange entourage the oddly familiar looking pony kept with her, she desperately hoped that she’d not hear that one name to identify her with. If she truly heard it then there was only one logical explanation to the chaos that erupted in her small town. From dragons coming out of the once majestic Castle of Friendship, which had been drawing in tourists from all over the kingdom to nearly losing everything from their apocalyptic appearance. She had been warned about them since their attack on Canterlot and how opportunistic they were with their natural ability to shape shift. Though she figured it was strange they would have gotten her form wrong with the Princess of Love’s notoriety.

“Ah! Um hello there? I’m trying to look for someone that is hard to miss, she… was taken from me back where we came from… which isn’t here… or from this world I think?” Dean Cadence fumbled trying to get her message across without making them seem utterly alien, thankful these creatures spoke her language.

Indigo stepped forward almost clumsily tripping on her own hooves, “Ya we’re not even the right species to be honest? Have you seen a long purple fish looking thing around here? She’s our friend and she’s been kidnapped by another fish thing the color of gold? Seen her?”

Lemon seemed to wait before speaking herself, they only just met another in their skin and it was a small horse that could talk. The fact that she wore some semblance of clothing befuddled her, even if it were cute to say they appeared to have ended up in a horse ruled world. Her mind ventured into a tangent as she wondered what kind of foreign tunes they created and if they rocked hard as people could.

“I seemed to have forgotten my manners, I am Mi Amore Cadenza and current Dean at Crystal Prep Academy in Equestria… back home that is. Some kind of magical fight erupted over at Canterlot High and we only arrived just as Twilight went through some kind of giant orb I can assume was a rift of some kind. We ended up inside that castle…”, she gave a soured pass at the smoking glass fort realizing she might have implicated them with the dragon, “Err what’s left of it, and I believe I caught sight of what she is currently as Indigo here explained. I have to find her before I lose her. Could you perhaps assist us?” She decided to hold off any personal reasons seeing as they still had no idea who the pony was that came up to them.

Rather than receive an immediate return in the conversation, the beige mare seemed to be frightened in some way. Cadence could see it in those eyes as they contracted in alarm, a talent which was earned from years of working at Crystal Prep. They had done something wrong and now the sentient equine had begun to back away very slowly meaning they were in the long haul to rescue Twilight.

“Please excuse me Princess… I mean no disrespect but… I think I hear somepony calling for help. Probably a stranded citizen who needs assistance?!” the mayor squeaked out before back stepping away with a very jarring smile she tried to host.

In seconds she galloped off without looking back leaving the trio in wonder, “That was rather strange?” Cadence said raising an eyebrow perplexed.

“Pfft! Who needs em? Let’s head back to that wreck of a palace or whatever it is and see if there’s a trail or something to follow.” Indigo dismissed the odd behavior and turned away to head out, she hated folks that left a conversation when there were questions to be answered.

Lemon thought it over only to shrug and gently nudge the Dean, “Better to search ourselves so it’ll go by faster.”

Cadence hummed before agreeing with a nod and the three together left to where there would be almost no others for the moment. If that was how they reacted to them then they might not be beneficial to finding Twilight, she just hoped they did not offend in some manner. As funny as it was to walk on their four limbs what kind of culture and laws did this new place have they might offend?

As they passed through a main thoroughfare the only adult among them voiced her caution, “Girls, while we’re… here for an unforeseeable amount of time I need you two to promise me something?”

“Shoot.” Zap calmly replied in agreement.

Lemon heard through her music and smiled for her response.

Feeling the pleasantness of teamwork they had thus far and how well her students handled the dramatic changes, “I use to travel prior to becoming the Dean you know, places around the world, people I had to learn their language to engage in simple small talk. Wonderful ventures that open your mind to the diversity we don’t see where we’re born. What I am getting at is, this whole um… dimension I guess you can call it is just like those trips I took. While it seems humans are ponies here or for the most part with the exception of Twilight. They likely have rules and expectations here we should be wary of breaking, do you understand?”

The response was immediate, “Well ya, just like going to another city for the tournaments. Can’t do this or that and whatnot. Safe to say we can probably breath and walk without getting the cops on us.” Indigo chuckled to herself as a hilarious memory came forth, one in which a certain celebratory dinner at a local restaurant had garnered stares and disapproving murmurs towards the team. There was almost a fight between her and a hardcore home fan who did not like being on the losing side.

Cadence fluttered her wings instinctually which tickled her to do so, “Then please promise me you will never leave my side and don’t touch anything or take anything from any living thing here okay? I’ll handle everything and we can find Twilight without being ostracized or harassed. There are certain regions I’ve been to which has taught me to be careful. Plus we don’t need to be chasing after Twilight and one of you two.”

“Chillax Dean Cadence! We got this, not like Lemon or I haven’t been out of the town or anything.” Zap and Lemon bumped hooves and proceeded to lose balance and trip over their meager coordination in their own step.

Helping the two back up, the pink pegasus couldn’t help but smile at their expense. Somehow whatever had gotten them on the ground and out of the ruined crystal building had adapted her mind to her new body. The thought occurred to her as the moment appeared blank towards any attempt to remember, they were once trapped with no way out and soon they were safely away by no apparent means even with her new appendages. Cadence could only feel the likes of fluffed cotton balls in her head as she tried harder to investigate the matter only to turn up short.

They side stepped a huge indentation left in the ground left by the great once mythological beast, one which they thankfully were placed far off to the side of its destructive path. Taking shelter under a store front canopy they ended up in as the thunderous stomps and gusty winds of the monster’s wings jostled anything loose on the buildings. A few bricks to glass shards of broken windows rained down onto the roadway until it vacated the area, Cadence had found her wings protectively covering the students without her doing.

What oddities had they leapt into and learn were beyond her foresight, “I just hope we can get to her before that yellow one takes her away from us. I did not like how she looked at us.” The tall Pegasus sighed taking in the ruination that befell the homes of the denizens that had been mysteriously put out in such an instance, the halos that appeared over the little villa and released water over the blaze.

Only she noticed the sight as dust and mortar fell upon her, they went as quickly as they manifested before the girls stirred from frozen dread. If it were not for the pressing matter of saving her former charge she might have lost her mind. Which made her wonder if the girls were any better that they may be suppressing their own confusion and fright which Crystal Prep made it all too easy to do with its particular atmosphere as a defense mechanism.

‘I’ll help them when they need it, but for now… the longer we remain here the worse we’ll be. We’re coming Twilight. Stay safe for me.’ The dean hoped for as they neared the horrendously gutted castle akin to an insect that had been parasitized, having served its purpose as a host.

In minutes, they finally reached the outskirts of the obliteration zone which was still in progress as more crystal chunks fell down. Furnishings shattered easily from the high fall as pieces of the structure struck the lawn and pathway like darts. Rugs and flags seemed to dance as they gracefully glided to their next resting place. They stopped just short of the perimeter where the grass was still kept and clean, glistening under the afternoon sun as green as any healthy yard should be. With all three sets of eyes scanning around for any sign of the girl turned into an aquatic monster. Their initial attempts were met with nothing except the sight of more crumbling debris kicking up dust and twinkling shards.

“Well looks like that bit colored manatee thing made off with her? I got nothing.” Indigo maintained vigilance as she tried to pick out any worth bit of detail in the land.

Zest moved the headset off her large ears with one hoof with no sign of their friend it made the music sour. No exclusive pop album, no hard metal rock, or even the most eloquent rap artist could make her feel good about the kidnapped bookworm and her lack of presence. They had an entire planet to scour at the rate things were going, with no obvious breadcrumbs to follow.

“If she’s not here, then she could be anywhere by now.” The sullen tone of the music enthusiast hinted at how Cadence was beginning to feel herself.

“We’ve made it this far girls… there’s no turning back either. Whatever powers she has may be our only way home as well. So long as they are not harming her.” Zap listened to her elder while still trying to find anything, her ears picked up something behind them in a split second which was something new to her current form. Her hearing was rather better than before and the pitter patter of a horse of some kind was not far away, caught just in time when she otherwise couldn’t have before.

Unbeknownst to the rest, Zap glanced over her shoulder at an approaching robed horse wearing a brown tunic. What little she could make out over their color beheld stripes of a zebra just like the ones in Winnisota’s own zoo, though this one was short just like the last mare.

They trotted slowly up to her group before finding a few feet away to properly halt, finding the newcomers an interesting thing to inspect. The sports girl had no way of understanding who or why they had come up to them unlike the other one for whatever reason they mentioned. In truth she was far too consumed by the village at the time they teleported into that was not designed for humans, yet it bore so many similarities. In her experience a random meet engaged by the other party was usually another team trying to sow discord or intimidate her teammates. Perhaps they stood out like sore thumbs in the hick town or perhaps the area was like those horror movies with cultists who used outsiders for sacrifice? She’d find out soon enough when the other being announced themselves and their intentions. When they finally stopped and simply found content in holding their ground with no words at all, the flip was switched.

Putting on her tough face for the new arrival, she was ready for anything as always, “Say’n nothing huh? You know it’s kinda rude to stare?”

Lemon and their Dean overheard her comment and realized the covered pony standing like a statue behind them.

“Excuse us, we’re not from around here and we’re trying to find someone. We mean no disrespect.” Cadence tried to smooth over what she tried to warn Indigo about.

Lemon nodded her head in approval, “Nice garbs there.” reminiscent of a band album she picked up last year which combined techno electronica and monk chanting.

The hidden individual gave a quick view at the shattered crystal castle as if beholding a long loving memory of the place, “So the events unfolded just as was foretold, and here are the ones born of the moment not of this world?”

Hearing the feminine and rather strong African accent in the rhyme, the girls awaited for more to be said before either of them did anything else. If not that then the wings of Cadence spreading out to push the two students from engaging foolishly without forethought.

“There are more where you came from who seek their own ends, so many poor lives will need to help to mend. What you see is one such as yourselves, and take my word when I say come with me before you are expelled.” the hood fell revealing a zebra as Zap figured, one with gold jewelry and offered help.

Cadence seemed worried about trusting just anyone especially when they show up with identity hiding clothing. She needed to know more of why they’d be ‘expelled’, what had they done to be shunned by the locales?

“Could you enlighten us over what transgressions you speak of? What have we done that would get us thrown out of this… country or region?” she inquired simply.

The zebra pulled out a glowing green stone from her garment which flickered when directed towards the trio, though how the hoof seemed to hold onto it perplexed them ever more, “One of you bears the likeness of a very powerful ruler of these lands, one who a mare is the embodying portrayal that love understands. There be a race of form changers who can mimic another, for you at your pace will only be seen as horrific.” she put the gem away.

“So like you’re saying because our Dean looks like someone else we’ll be chased off for possibly being an impersonator?” Indigo scratched her head trying to make sense of the mare.

“You can call me Zecora of the Everfree, I commune with nature and embrace its sea.” She introduced herself with a short bow.

“I didn’t mean to look like someone who is in power though that explains the other we met a little while ago. You have to understand that these two are my priority as we’re trying to find another, going to a stranger’s home is not an easy thing to consider for anyone in my position.” Cadence kindly pointed out.

Seeming to understand well enough Zecora offered another route of help, “Then if I may say that your search may very well end if they see you, left as a perch in a glass bowl to be viewed. I cannot harm another living being and the spirits have guided me on this day, may I be doing you a service to help against the vying forces that threaten to make us pay?”

In no sooner had she finished did Cadence and the girls see far behind the zebra back at the burned village was the same glasses wearing pony pointing at them with another hooded one next to them. The way they were interacting did not bring any solace to her that they were indeed better off not going along with the mysterious equine. It worried her even more to see the red garbed individual make a gallop towards them with a light of some kind glowing at the top of their head slightly hidden by their robe. She did not like the looks of things coming to head and went with her gut to trust Zecora, after all they did come out of the castle which was wrecked by monstrous being and they might be seen as colluding. Taken in for questioning and if the law of the lands was strict and harsh to foreigners, the risk was worth to avoid it.

Zecora took off after seeing the terror in the tall pegasus and she was followed by the group soon after towards the safety of the Everfree. Lemon and Zap didn’t question anything as they too saw the rushing cultist making a dead rush at them. Though Indigo would have loved to have fought the offender, she also knew just enough about her body to walk and run. She still had human muscle memory and it made doing anything else all the more harder to accomplish.

“Keep on my tail and don’t stray away, the danger behind is pale compared to forest’s toll to pay!!” the zebra yelled as they jetted across open grassland towards the Everfree.

With their pursuer on their heels it was easy to see who was succeeding in utilizing their new forms. Indigo swiftly and gaily covered ground till she was nearly side by side with their new friend, though that was all she could manage at the time with the rush of adrenaline natural to her budding profession. Meanwhile, Lemon had a few trips she managed to save herself from lagging back too far, but Cadence remained near her in case she had to act fast. She kept taking looks back at her student to make sure she did not falter, but it was costing her distance with their impromptu guide.

“Hurry Lemon!! They’re going to catch up! We’ll lose the way!” she cried out.

Huffing from exertion, “I’m try’n! I’m… not use… to these!”

Out of the blue sky above them formed growing golden halos which appeared to do nothing at first as Cadence looked up to them snaking towards them. Three stories up in the air they swirled just as the ones earlier before , spinning as they continued to keep up with its intended target.

“Look out! ZECORA!!” Cadence shouted as she noticed the rings were heading towards Indigo and their guide as halos were about to pass her and Lemon.

“What?!” Zap beckoned as she barely heard a word from the distance she had.

The zebra however picked up the warning as clear as a drop of rain on a leaf in a quiet enclosure. It only took one little peak at the coming magic casting before it could reach proximity and mature. Her knowledge in the mystic arts had her leap into the air spinning just enough to face the mage attacking them. With a quick hoof to her right saddlebag she extracted a small clay bottle with a glyph of some kind on the surface, landing with a skid while Indigo continued on perplexed. With a scowl on her muzzle the Everfree mystic calculated where she needed to put the potion before biting off the cork stopper.

“Keep on the straight path forward, do not stall in your haste! Do not be daft and disorder, for this foul ball I will waste!” Zecora ordered as she waited for the right moment as the last two passed her before the spell reached herself. Splashing the contents on the ground in a wide arch to paint the affected area properly least they be captured.

When the dark green concoction contacted the soft grassy ground, a rumble came forth as if the very earth was coming alive. Zecora hit the dirt hard and fast just as the coming casting reached its terminating distance and activated.

A vacuum rift opened above her and where the others would have been had she not positioned herself as she did. Though the gust of wind did little than shake her main as a single row of thick vines sprouted wherever the liquid fell, things as thick as trees shot forth like a wave at a beach which grew out following the former humans until it reached the Everfree. In quick succession Zecora scrambled to her hooves and followed the tunnel of tendrils which soon blossomed violet flowers along the way. A biological reaction to its spontaneous spawning, it was a type of plant she knew well in depth and found a way to use as an escape method. She could still feel and hear the air as the portal continued to do what it was created to do, but the impromptu floral shield had grown tight enough that little suction could be gained.

Upon reaching the portion which reached the Everfree zone, the vines broke off into some ten different pathways where only the correct way sported the Byzantium petals. The other numerous forks were colored with rose buds that soon opened up just as she passed on towards the way home. The means would soon close once the plant had matured in under a minute and produced seeds to drop, but at least for her the flowers came and went too fast for the mage to catch on as far as they were. The state of decay would further hassle their attempt to figure out which way to go with the many tendrils going on for miles while collapsing into itself like a soggy mane.

Her breathing slowed as she regained her bearings, eventually catching up to Cadence and Lemon Zest who were showing signs of fatigue, “Keep on the way and don’t delay, we are in the woods but not away from the goons!”

They would have a good length of time before they were safe, but once they arrived she would get her questions taken. There was a reason she was there at the right time with the correct escape plan, the spirits gave their warning and she heeded the beckoning.