• Published 7th Mar 2017
  • 333 Views, 0 Comments

Zapp The Awesome Fear Is Everywhere - Nightmarity19

A past mistake comes back to haunt Rainbow Dash

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Chapter 1 Past Mistakes

Rainbow drove down the streets of New Orleans singing along to Panic At The Disco Victorious. Upon arriving to the place known for it's famous Mardi Gras, Rainbow got a strange distress signal that lead to an abandoned mental hospital. Getting out of her corvette, Rainbow looked around and noticed there was a bog near the hospital where canary's along with other local wildlife could be seen.

So this must be where the beacon came from? Dash wiped sweat from her brow then walked up to the front door.

It was full of rust and peeled paint from erosion. Rainbow tried to open the door but noticed it had a pad lock on the rusty handles.

"Damn it" Dash cursed.

That's when an idea sparked (pun intended) in her mind; she used her lightning as a laser to take out the pad lock that made the chains fall thus opening the double doors.

"This place needs some serious remodeling" Dash said walking around the wet puddles that splashed with every step she took.

Unknowing to her, a camera turned to keep a watchful eye on the lightning super heroine who was trying to figure out who sent that distress signal.

A lone girl with red hair with dark purple highlights wearing what looked like old run down drags with buckles on the bottom part of them. A mask that had a hoodie attached had two eye holes and mouth stitched enough so it could be breathable.

She looked at one camera to see Rainbow Dash walking around the compound. "Well well lookie here, one of those 'heroes' decided to show up to My domain; the place I call home...well let's not disappoint her little....visit."

The girl put on the mask then walked over to the ventilation systems and activated it. She flashed a smirk then a small chuckle.

Dash heard a loud rumbling noise then a sort of hiss that sounded like the ventilation system was just turned on and dark orange smoke began to fill the room. She began to cough, went down on both knees covering her nose then getting back up and running out to what was cell block A through G.

Whispers entered Dash's ears but she covered them as the lights went out one by one except one, that was far away. Uncovering her ears, Rainbow walked closely to it; being cautious not knowing what was about to happen.

She saw a chair with Scootaloo in front of it battered and bruised, hands tied behind her back.

Scootaloo...I remember this Rainbow remembered this clearly.

About 2 men came in with fists of cuffs ready to punch Scootaloo right in the face.

"Alright you! You'd better tell us where the hell those jewels are or we'll mess you up so bad that not even your sister will recognize you!" he said threateningly.

Scootaloo looked up. "How many times do I have to tell you! I don't have those stupid jewels and killing me isn't going to help anything!" she shouted.

The tall man punched her hard that knocked her off the chair with blood coming out from between what teeth she had left and ended up on the floor.

"We aint going to ask you again bitch! Tell us where the jewels are or Marlin here will grind you like a piece of meat" he threatened as he grabbed her by the collar.

Scootaloo spat out blood at him then did a flip kick then choked out Marlin until he passed out.

Wow Dash was impressed.

She then walked home to see Rainbow Dash playing video games. Scootaloo got pissed off and turned off the TV.

"Hey what-"

"SHUT UP! I was just beaten up, gagged and groped by a bunch of criminals claiming that I had some FUCKING jewels and I come home to see my so called 'sister' sitting on her ASS playing a STUPID VIDEO GAME INSTEAD OF HELPING ME!" Scootaloo shouted, being fed up with Dash's lazy antics.

Rainbow was pulled back from this outburst and wanted to say something but no words were coming out.

"Rarity helps Sweetie Belle even though she can be a bit annoying and Applejack helps Applebloom despite her having many accidents at home so why aren't you helping me huh?!?" Scootaloo asked sharply.

"Scoot I..." Dash tried to say but Scootaloo stormed across the hall to her room.

The memory faded away as the room returned back to normal.

I constantly ignored Scootaloo when she needed me the most and I let my ego define me...I just hope she can forgive me now Dash hoped for as she stood up with her head held up high.

Meanwhile the masked woman walked down a corridor until she met Kate Taiga who was wearing a tank top and a short skirt and black knee high heeled boots.

"Miss Moondancer you look...odd but in a good way I hope I didn't offend you" Kate said.

"Not at all Taiga to be honest I have found someone in this mental hospital. She has rainbow colored hair, does she look familiar?" Moondancer described, asking if Kate had any idea of what she was talking about.

"Yes I do" Kate responded holding up a photo of Zapp aka Rainbow Dash. "This person is known as Rainbow Dash who is a part of Celestia's band of misfits" Kate showed the picture of her.

"That explains the lightning" Moondancer said.

Kate nodded. "She can use electricity as an advantage in a fight but not against who I have" she continued flashing a half smirk.

"Don't worry Kate my smoke will break her mind so severely that she'll have no choice but to kill herself" Moon promised grinning madly through her mask.

"I leave you to it then" Kate said turning around and walking out to the Mental Hospital in New Orleans.

Moondancer watched her leave then pushed a few buttons on her right arm to activate a toxin capable of breaking someone's mind and Dash was the perfect test subject to try it out on.

Rainbow washed her face inside a public bathroom to shake off the reminder of how much of a failure she was in Scootaloo's eyes. Looking up, she could see Moondancer standing behind her coming closer.

"Come here Rainbow it's time for your daily dose of FEAR!" Moondancer yelled charging at Dash.

Thinking quickly, she tripped Dancer until she ended up in neck first on the sink breaking it. Rainbow grabbed her by the neck and hurled her into the glass knocking her out for the moment. Dash walked out of the bathroom as she continued her search of the source of whoever sent that distress signal for Dash to follow.

Moondancer regained consciousness and noticed that the toxin had been used, seeing that it was half empty which means Rainbow must've accidentally injected it herself when she tripped Moon as she was charging at her.

So my plan worked after all Moondancer got up shaking off excess glass she had on her body and head then walked out to go find Rainbow Dash.

Her nightmare was about to begin.