• Published 19th Mar 2017
  • 900 Views, 2 Comments

The Life of a Rainbow - Sonic rainbow

The story of Rainbow Dash's Life from when she was a filly to her current life.

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Chapter 1: How It All Started

Author's Note:

Reminder: Princess Luna, and Discord are Reformed.
Hello everypony, welcome to my new story. hope y'all enjoyed it:pinkiehappy:

The Life Of A Rainbow
Chapter 1: How It All Started
Sonic rainbow

It was a beautiful day in Cloudsdale, but in the house of Sunset Bright and Rainbow Blitz it was hectic. There as the parents Rainbow Blitz and Sunset Bright on the couch reading and watching a hoofball game, and there was a little filly at the age of two playing on the cloud floor with her foam blocks. The filly's name was Storm Chaser her mane was black with a sparkling rainbow through her mane and tail, and her coat was black, but her wings are black with pink, purple, and blue on them and one of her eyes are magenta and the other one is purple, but the magenta one is faded because she is blind in one eye.

"Honey, did you check the date of the foal?" Rainbow Blitz yelled at his 11 month pregnant wife. Sunset Bright was a beautiful Pegasus that had a mane that was sparkling red, orange, and yellow. Her husband had the colors of a rainbow.

"The foal is due in a week, now stop worrying me about it," Sunset Bright said annoyed.

"You do realize that it was your fault we got pregnant in the first place. Also you do realize how much you scared me when we were having Spectrum Bolt? You were a nightmare in itself," Rainbow Blitz rolled his eyes as he sat beside her.


Sunset Bright and Rainbow Blitz went at a party and had a little to much to drink and now they were back a Rainbow Blitz house.

"I'm ready if you are," Sunset Bright said.

"You do realize I am 16 and you're 14 right," He said...

Rainbow Blitz was blushing like crazy as his wife looked at him like he was crazy. "Those were the days where we were more than just a high school crush couple," Rainbow Blitz said grabbing a magazine and looking through it.

"Do I even want to know?" Sunset Bright said shaking, but then it hit her. Sunset squirmed as she felt a worm substance, and then it clicked.

"RAINBOW BLITZ MY WATER BROKE!!" Sunset yelled and of course Blitz, being the pony he is panics.


"Sunset Bright come on we are going to the hospital." Rainbow Blitz grabbed the little filly and sped out the door.

The walk to the hospital was the most pleasureless walk they have ever taken and being the stallion he is he yelled. "MY WIFE IS IN LABOR." Which of course doctors responded by giving them their room.

"Do you really have to over react to everything?" Sunset Bright asked about his outburst at the front desk.

"Well, I have to make sure that everything will be alright."

Sunset Bright was sitting on a hard hospital bed reading, while Rainbow Blitz was worrying, AGAIN.

"You know, for a pony who serves in the equestrian royal army, used to be a speed racer, and got a mare pregnant when she was 14, you sure are a scaredy pony," Sunset said to him as he stared blankly at her.

"I am also scared of your parents," Rainbow Blitz said bluntly. Sunset Bright looked at him like he was crazy, but before she could say anything, Sunset's parents AND Rainbow Blitz's parents entered the room.

"Mom!" said Spectral Bolt as he ran up to her, hugging her and giving her a cute smile. Spectral bolt is a colt that is five years old, his mane was the rainbow and his coat is periwinkle.

"Mommy!" said Warm Front as he also ran up to her. Warm Front is four years old, His mane was green, blue, and purple and his coat was blue.

"Hi honey, how was daycare?" Sunset Bright asked her sons.

"The same as usual, hanging out with my best friends, hanging out with my cousins and my brother," One thing that happens in Cloudsdale, everypony is family and will open each other with open hooves.

"Oh my baby is giving birth, I am so excited," Firefly her mother said happily.

Spectrum Streak said 'so am I' in hoof and wing signals. Spectrum Streak is Sunset Bright's father and he is deaf, so she and everyone else "speaks" to him in sign language. The good thing is that she already taught her children and husband to do it.

"We are especially happy for our son and daughter-in-law for having a baby girl soon," Rainbow Blitz's mom, White River said.

Everypony was joking and having fun when suddenly felt a sharp pain and it was time...

"Congratulations you have a baby girl and a baby boy," Said the doctor smiling at the cute family.

"Yay I have widdle sister and brother," Storm Chaser said cutely.

"You have adorable children Sunset," the nurse said.

"Thank you," Sunset Bright said.

"What will you name them?" The nurse asked them.

"Well... we were thinking... Rainbow Dash and Spectrum Streak," Rainbow Blitz and Sunset Bright said in unison.

"Remember to take them to their doctor at about four months when they should be able to fly," the nurse said.

They got home and were greeted by the coolness of the living room.

Two Hours Later the twins were asleep and a tired mother came in.

"I never thought putting twins to sleep would be such hard work," Sunset Bright said to herself as she looked out the window at the sunset she made with her powers. Sunset Bright is the only Pegasus in all of Equestria that can make a sunset.

"BOO!" Rainbow Blitz said from behind her.

"OH, CELESTIA'S A MOTHERFUCKER! YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO SCARE ME LIKE THAT DUMBASS!!!" Sunset Bright yelled at her husband as her children stared at her in shock, and the twins start to scream. "Okay, okay time for bed everypony. Including you young man, now I have some children to put asleep."

"You do realize it was your fault for waking them up, right?" Rainbow Blitz asked as all of the children covered their heads just incase something was going to fall.

"oh, shut up," Sunset said as she grabbed Storm Chaser. "Meanwhile someone needs their beauty sleep if they're going to be a wonderbolt like grandma and grandpa."

"Um... mom do you think maybe I can put the twins to sleep this time?" Spectral Bolt asked.

"Oh of course, that will be good for them."

With that Bolt flew up the stairs and into the twins room. The twins room was a cozy room decorated with both of the names of the twins and in the middle there were two cribs with two foals in them.

Spectral Bolt looked into the first crib, Spectrum was in that one. Spectrum had gold eyes, and he got them from his dad he carefully rocked him and the foal fell asleep.

The second crib was Rainbow Dash's crib. She had beautiful magenta eyes that matched with his mothers, sisters and his eyes. Bolt picked her up and did the same thing, but it didn't work, and she started crying.

"Shhhh, my name is Spectral bolt and I am your older brother. I am supposed to be asleep, but I came to comfort you." Spectral Bolt felt like he had a connection with the little filly and started to talk more. "You have a twin, how cool is that?" The little filly squealed like she was answering him. "I know, I am going to make a promise to you. I promise to be there for you for the rest of your life. No matter what happens." The little filly then went to sleep and her brother went to his room.

Sunset Bright, who went to get some water, watched him. "Good job son."

Bolt turned around and smiled. "Thanks mom." With that they both went to their rooms.

Comments ( 2 )

"OH, CELESTIA'S A MOTHERFUCKER! YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO SCARE ME LIKE THAT DUMBASS!!!" Sunset Bright yelled at her husband as her children stared at her in shock, and the twins start to scream.


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