• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 5,254 Views, 232 Comments

Crashing Angels - lillytheomegawolf

A story of how Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash met as fillies. The joys and hardships of life, friendship, and love and all the surprises that happen along their journey as they become best friends--and much more.

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Chapter 5: First Rays of Sunshine

With a bright sunny day on her back, Rainbow Dash stood proudly in the playground at school. It was day two and with her best friend by her side, she could do anything!

"Wanna have some fun, Fluttershy?"

Aquamarine locks with rosy pink and fluttershy felt physically incapable of saying no to the energetic yet pleading gaze she found herself locked in. She smiled up at her protector. 'Whatever she wants do must be safe, right?'

"Okay, Rainbow Dash. What did you have in mind?"

A white colt with an iced blue and black mane and shining cyan eyes wandered across the edge of Rainbow’s vision. "Pranks." A dangerous grin spreads across her face. She can feel that the white colt with this light blue nose is about to get the fright of his life.

"I'm not so sure about this, Dash," Fluttershy mumbled softly as her friend tracked her target, a growing grin on her face.

“Oh come on, Fluttershy. It’ll be fun.” Dash gave her companion a playful nudge. She grinned encouragingly, trying to lift the uncertainty away.

“Ok, Fluttershy, go and distract him, I’ll sneak up on him,” Dash commands.

“O-ok...” Fluttershy responded as she wandered over to the colt. “H-hi there... Who are you?”

“I’m Wolf,” the strange colt responded.

“Th-that’s an interesting name...”

“So I’ve been told, what’s your name?”

“Flutter...” She whispers at an inaudible level.

“I’m sorry, what was that?” Wolf asks.

“Fluttershy...” She whispers again.

“I see. Well, it was nice meeting you Fluttershy.”


Suddenly Rainbow Dash appears from behind Wolf and yells, “BOO!”

“And who might you be?” Wolf asked, unphased by the sudden scream.

“Awwww, it didn’t work!” Rainbow Dash tore her gaze around in an attempt to select another target.

“Who was she?” Wolf asks again.

“That was just Rainbow Dash...” Fluttershy answers.

“Hmmm, charming... Well, still, it was nice to meet you. I have to be heading back to class now.” Wolf replied as he strode off.

The bold filly selected a new better target and a smile lit up her face. A group of foals who were sitting with their lunch. Perfect.

“Ok, Fluttershy, I’ll distract them this time, go up behind them and cause a lightning strike!” Rainbow quickly explained as they walk up to the unsuspecting group.

“Hey, everypony.” Dash greeted rather loudly as Fluttershy snuck up behind the group.

“What do you want, Rainbow Crash?” A rude colt asks.

“Hey, I just wanted to say hi...” Dash calmly retorted. Fluttershy was behind the group, about to jump on a grey storm cloud, but the group lost interest in Dash’s flimsy conversation and the shy filly’s confidence sank along with it. Rainbow Dash shot her playmate a look that told her to hurry up.

"Here goes nothing...” Fluttershy whispered then jumped on the cloud. A loud flash of lightning lit up the space, everypony jumped.


“Eeep!” Fluttershy squealed as she landed in the middle of the group. All of the foals rounded on the timid filly. “Uh... I’m s-”

“Ha, we got you!” Dash exclaimed as she grabbed her friend then rushed off.

After putting a great distance between them and the annoyed foals the two slowed down, trying to regain their breath.

“Good job ‘Shy. Just try not to get caught next time.” Rainbow Dash grinned widely as she set off.

“Sorry...” Fluttershy apologized.

“Don’t apologize Fluttershy, you need to stand up for yourself!” Dash exclaimed.

“Ok, sor-” Fluttershy whispered but cut herself off the moment she realized she was again apologizing.

“That’s my filly,” Dash praised.

The rest of lunch passed in a rather more relaxing fashion. After the bell chimed to signal an end to break time, the duo headed to their afternoon class with their lovely teacher in room two. Dash immediately hunkered down at her desk and carefully settled her face down on the hard surface. "Hey, Fluttershy. Can you please wake me when the class is over?"

On the speedster’s other side, Snowflake shot the dedicated sleeper a look.

Fluttershy turned from her peers to the blue filly, "but Dash-"

"You can do it... I trust you."

Their teacher entered at the back of the class and strolled up to her blackboard.

"Right class. Who's up for some math?"

A collective groan escaped the seated foals.

"No need to be like that. It's fun. Oh, and Fluttershy could you please wake up your friend? I don't like foals falling asleep on me."

Fluttershy cowered under the teachers kindly gaze. The collective gaze of the class rested upon her trembling shoulders as she tentatively prodded the slumbering filly with a hoof. The zzz’s continued undisturbed, much to Fluttershy's embarrassment. Snowflake let out a sigh. Fluttershy was clearly frozen. A little pink hoof ribbed the snoozer.

"What-was-that!?! Is class over already Flutter-" She paused in the spotlight like a filly with her caught with her hoof in the cookie jar.

"Not disrupting your sleep I hope?"

"No… of course, Miss," Dash recovered, radiating nervousness from her normally cool and calm self.

"Good. Then I hope you won't mind telling me what we are about to move onto this afternoon."

"Uhhhhh..." Rainbow turns inquisitively to her yellow friend and quietly asks "What are we doing?" Fluttershy remained frozen. Pulled under the spotlight once more, the timid filly found her mouth impossible to open and hides deep beneath her mane.

"It's math, stupid." One of the colts loudly whispered.

Dash shot to her hooves so fast she knocked over her chair, instantly taking offence at the verbal jab.

"Rainbow Dash sit down this instant!"

"But miss... He-"

"Now please! You are ruining my fun lesson I had planned for you all."

A tense feeling hung in the air. A light yellow hoof tugged at the proud speedster’s side. Rainbow Dash sighed, "fine..."

A rude snicker reached the aggressive filly's ear as she seated herself once more. It required all of her self control to keep herself in place. As she side eyed her best friend she decided it was not worth teaching the silly colt a lesson. Fluttershy was more important and if she wanted her to sit down, then she would stay.

As the teacher resumed her talking Dash slipped a comforting hoof out to touch her friend. She hoped none of the other’s noticed the kind action. After a few peaceful moments of the teacher droning on, Dash decided Fluttershy looked happier and withdrew.

The rest of the lesson is was again largely passed up by Dash who decided that she was in fact too cool for such boring things. Her filly mind couldn’t comprehend the importance and so no effort is put in. She stayed however because she could sense that her new friend needed her.

Fluttershy took a deep breath then pushed open the door to the playground. She lead Rainbow Dash along to a corner, well away from the other foals.

"Hey, Fluttershy. Watch this!" Rainbow Dash barreled past her, executed a flying leap into the cloud wall then sprung off it using her wings to steady her course. Fluttershy allowed Rainbow to leap around, pretending to fly. She demonstrated all the cool moves her young mind could think of. Suddenly Rainbow Dash leapt straight at Fluttershy and tackled her to the clouds. A tiny 'eep' escapes the frightened yellow filly who lay frozen as she stared wide-eyed into the twin pink orbs that hovered in front of her face.

Time stood still. It's as if Equestria itself was awaiting Rainbow Dash to do something. The cyan filly slowly leant closer to Fluttershy. A massive grin appears on her face. Full of pure mischief, just like the day they had met when she had announced she was going to play pranks. She slips her nose through Fluttershy's mane and lightly touches her ear. She opened her mouth to whisper something, her grin almost splitting her face in two.

"Tag. You're it!" Rainbow Dash immediately took off like a miniature rocket. Fluttershy lay stunned for a moment.

"Oh Dash. You. Are. So. On!" A look of determination made its way onto Fluttershy's features and she smiled warmly as she galloped after Rainbow Dash. Rainbow used every trick she could to avoid the yellow filly. She leapt from cloud to cloud, gliding where possible in various attempts to put Fluttershy off her trail. However, the gangly yellow filly did not want to lose her new friend again. She put on a burst of speed and slowly gained on the dare-devil filly in front of her. Rainbow Dash continued to dart ahead till her wings give out mid-flight. She plummeted to the cloud-turf below head first. Fluttershy ungainly landed beside her then gently poked her with a yellow hoof. "Um… tag."

Rainbow Dash roughly pulled her head out of the clouds. She fluttered her wings in an annoyed manner.

"Are… are you okay?" Fluttershy lent down next to her best friend, concerned. The rainbow mane flicked from side to side as Dash cleared her vision. A cyan hoof shot out and playfully clipped Fluttershy's shoulder.

"You're it!" Rainbow Dash turned to flee but Fluttershy immediately pounced upon her. The gentle filly failed to consider her playmate’s strength and was bucked off. She flapped her wings frantically as she tried to regain her balance midair. She accidentally landed back on Rainbow Dash, the two became a colourful mess of manes and tails. The pair of ponies rolled around on the cloud-turf, giggling like crazy fillies as they enjoyed the moment. Fluttershy could feel herself starting to relax and forget her timid nature as the pair came to a stop.

"Yay!" Fluttershy quietly exclaimed. The look of unbridled joy worn on her face was mirrored by Rainbow Dash's own expression. The pair lay there for a few moments as they enjoyed the calm after the mad game.

A bunch of young colts rocked up, loud voices carried across the yard as they discussed the game they had been playing. Dumb-bell and Hoops strolled casually over to the duo. Fluttershy inched toward Rainbow Dash, fearful of the pair.

"It's Rainbow Crash!" Dumb-bell exclaimed with a wave of his dark brown forehoof. Some colts nearly cracked up laughing.

Dash's head snapped up to glare at the group. Dumb-bell strode closer take a better look at Fluttershy and Dash. Fluttershy edged closer to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow casts a look of concern at her. Dumb-bell's rude grin increased in size at the sight.

"Got a little fluttercry there have you, Rainbow Crash? She’s soo weak, she-" Dash sprung up and delivered a blow to the speaker's muzzle. The other colts stared slack-jawed for a moment. Hoops lead the charge and ripped Rainbow Dash away from her victim. Fluttershy looked on helplessly, thankful that Rainbow Dash was standing up for them but terrified to the bone at the same time. The two parties stared each other down, the colts wore cocky grins on their faces while Dash glared back. Neither side moved a muscle as tension hung thick in the playground.

Everypony in the vicinity was watching the tense sight, breaths held. Suddenly something in the air snapped and the colts leapt forward and laid into Rainbow Dash with gusto. Fluttershy shrieked with fright and covered her eyes in her voluminous mane.

As the explosive brawl continued Fluttershy cowered and fervently hoped somepony would come and break the colts off her friend. She did her best not to cry but could feel the moisture gathering around the edges of her eyes. Unnoticed by anypony else, the door opened and a confused Greymane strode out. The greying stallion stormed over, rage overtaking his aged features.

"Break it up you foals! NOW!" The colts scrambled frantically away from Rainbow Dash who was left lying on the cloudstuff in the fetal position. He stormed up to Rainbow Dash who cowered under his rage. Fluttershy looked up at their saviour and froze on the spot, an unwilling spectator to the unfolding events. Fear clutched at Fluttershy, this wasn't the kind old Greymane she had grown to respect. This stallion was... terrifying. After a few tentative seconds, Hoops managed to find his quaking voice. "But… sir. It was her fault."

"Five on one? I don't believe you." Greymane rounded on Rainbow Dash. "'Right, young filly. What happened."

"They were calling me and Fluttershy names. Then they ganged up on me!" Adamantly exclaimed the injured filly.

Rainbow Dash looked up, hopeful yet fearful of the wrathful pony in front of her. Greymane unleashed a tired sigh.

"Fluttershy, please help Rainbow to the nurse. Then see she makes it to class without any more fights. This is not a good start, Rainbow Dash. You only made it two days in. I'll be sure to let your mother know about this. And you lot!" He turned angrily to the pack of colts who sat sullenly off to the side. "Don't do that again!"

Greymane stormed off. A sense of shock hung in his wake. Nopony wanted to break the silence in case they said something that would bring down Greymane's wrath again.

Fluttershy toward her friend, trying to make herself as small as possible.

"Um… Rainbow."

Fluttershy's nerve failed her and she hunkered down beside her best friend. An awkward silence fell as each foal waited for somepony else to do something first.

Rainbow Dash spotted the fear in her friend’s eyes. She rose up and lifted Fluttershy up into a friendly hug.

Fluttershy felt the dread slip away slowly, not caring about the rude muttering emanating from where the colts still sit. The rest of the foals in the playground still appeared to be holding their breath as they anxiously waited to see what happened next.

Rainbow Dash slowly put the lanky filly back down, pain lanced through her small frame and she winced.

Fluttershy spotted her discomfort. "We have to get you to the nurse."

Ten minutes later...
The door to their classroom opened slowly to reveal a sheepish yellow filly with her blue companion. Said speedster had a plaster on her nose and several bruises on her front body and forelegs. Fluttershy assisted the filly next to her inside. She ensured that Rainbow's tail made it in before carefully closed the door behind them.

"Thanks, Fluttershy. I can take it from here."

Fluttershy hesitated for a moment then nodded.

Amidst a wave of eager young foals leaving school for the day, two young pegasi took their time. Fluttershy's sedate pace was due to her concern of getting trampled or run into by others. The shy young pegasus was also concerned about her friend's injuries, sustained at school that day. She worried that Dash might further hurt her legs, or face and so would freeze whenever a fresh tide of fillies and colts would rush past. For Rainbow Dash, the proud speedster was more concerned about her companion, than her own well being. Although some of the scrapes on her left foreleg still slightly stung. The pain from the rest of the bumps, including the one on her nose, had well and truly numbed over or disappeared for now.

A grin lit up the face of the young speedster as she spotted her awesome brother approaching from the direction of the bakery to the right of the school gate.

“Hey, little sister, ready to fly-” Soarin caught himself as his eyes wandered along his sibling. Is she... more injured? Oh, dear... I think she is... “Did you get into a fight?”

“Uh...” Dash scuffed a hoof against the clouds. “Kinda.”

“She was protecting me against some meanies,” Fluttershy spoke up from behind her friend.

“You must be Fluttershy,” grinned the cornflower blue colt.

“Um... yes.” The yellow filly ducked behind her companion so all the older colt could see was her pink mane.

“Shy one huh?”

“Well, she is called Fluttershy...” Dash dryly responded as she scrubbed at the bandage on her nose. “But she’s like totally cool once she opens up.”

Fluttershy spotted her mother in decent and rushed off to meet her.

Soarin spoke up, “quick, let's get out of here. I bet Fluttershy’s mom will wonder why you look like you got beaten up.”

Dash rolled her eyes. “Yea, yea. It’s not my fault.”

The light blue colt shot his more vibrantly coloured sister a look. “Doesn’t matter who’s fault it is.” As Fluttershy headed over to her mother, Soarin scooped his sister up his forehooves and took off for home.

Dash lay on top of her bed, in her room surrounded by her Wonderbolt’s posters. Naturally, after hearing of her antics at school she had been sent to her room. It was boring!

At least dinner had still been nice. But now, it was back to her own room with nothing to do but wait for bed time. Waiting sucked. It was much more fun going for an after tea jaunt up to her little tower. The filly sighed. She probably should stop fighting so much...

The door creaked open and a dark blue mane appeared followed by a cornflower blue muzzle. “Hey little sis. Hows our little bundle of trouble doing?”

“Board. I wanna spend some more time out there... with you. Try learn to fly again. You know... cool stuff...”

Soarin glanced behind him and made a shooing motion with his forehoof. The youngster took a deep breath then walked in and sat down near his sister’s bed. “Dash. Why do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Don’t play dumb silly, that’s my job.”

A hint of a smile cracked over the young speedster’s muzzle. “It is huh?” The room fell into silence.

Soarin shifted, almost as if to stand when his sister rolled onto her back and flipped her pillow. "I said I wouldn't do this. But... ahhh... why did Rocky's little brother have to show up?"

“That dumb colt?”

With her eyes glued to the ceiling, a little blue chin bobbed slowly. “Yea...”

The older pegasus shuffled a bit closer, “you know why I don’t get into fights anymore?”

“Because you have your fillyfriend to scare ponies off?” Dash smirked at her brother.

“No. I realized that it’s not worth giving those kinds of ponies what they want. They want you to fight back. They want to feel powerful when they pick on you with a number so great you can't win. I bet Rocky’s brother feels as though he has to live up to that idiot brother of his, so he goes around picking on others to try and prove his worth.”

“Yea? Well, it works then, doesn’t it...” Dash huffed. “He beat me.”

“You know how to win against him?”

A single pink eye graced the young colt.

“I bet if my little sister ignored him he will get really angry and go away.”

Rainbow Dash scoffed.

“I’m serious.”

“Who made you so wise? You’re not quite even thirteen.”

Soarin sighed. “Well in case you haven’t noticed... our dad is... uh...”


“I trying to put it nicer than that, but yea.” Soarin nodded in agreement. “He works... he works... he drinks, he sleeps... he bucks our mom-”

“Ewwwww....” Dash scrunched up her muzzle and shot her brother a dirty look.

“What? I’m the one closer to their room than you. You’re safe from the horrible noises they make. I’m not.”

“Right.” Dash rubbed her muzzle into her bed to rid herself of the mental images that attacked her young mind.

Soarin smirked slightly as his younger sibling, “point is... I guess I was trying to say something like, uh... sure he pays for this house we live in, but he's not much of a dad... you know? I guess I’ve just had to grow up a bit faster seeing as I’m the oldest. When I move out, you’ll have to too.”

Dash shot up, “but you can’t go.”

“Not any time soon silly, but if I get into advanced flight school... eventually they have those who are best put in the barracks so they can live close and start really early.”

“Why would any pony want to get up early?” Dash scrunched up her muzzle. “It’s more fun to sleep in.”

Soarin nodded in agreement. “Sure is.”

“Unless somepony wants to bunk with his best friend, right?” Dash wiggled her eyebrows.

The light blue cheeks tinted a bit and Soarin scowled playfully back at his sister. “Annny way. What I was saying...”

“About bullies, or Spitfire?” Dash smirked up at her brother as she relaxed back upon her bed.

“Dumb bullies. Just ignore them okay, it will make rumbles little brother look really silly and who knows, his friends might even laugh at him, okay?”

“I’ll try.” The little filly settled down in her bed, not all that pleased by the prospect of simply allowing her tormenter to have his fun.


The fuzzy rainbow mane shifted as Dash faced her older brother once more.

“I bet Fluttershy would be happier too if her best friend doesn’t keep getting hurt.”

Dash slowly grinned back, “yea.” The grin settled as certainty took hold. “Yea. I bet she will. Thanks, Soarin, you’re the best!”

"Heh... no problem. Good night, Rainbow Dash." Soarin murmured softly.


The young stallion withdrew from his sister’s bedroom and collapsed against the door.

“How is she?” Gust asked.

“Oh you know Dash, she gave as good as she took. But I’m trying to get it through her head that she doesn’t need to fight the bullies to prove them wrong.”

“Thank you, son.”

“Gad I could help. Well... I best be off.” Soarin was quick to head off to his own room.

Gust sighed softly. Time to take her husband to bed. That is if he would get off the couch.

Author's Note:

Chapter 5. We have some new additions here. I'm not sure if the story is any cuter, but hopefully is more impactful overall.