• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 5,264 Views, 232 Comments

Crashing Angels - lillytheomegawolf

A story of how Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash met as fillies. The joys and hardships of life, friendship, and love and all the surprises that happen along their journey as they become best friends--and much more.

  • ...

Chapter 11: Sleep Over

Soarin and his little sister came to a stop in front of a simple looking yet large cloud home. Other than a few blue and green touches of spectrum over the front door there was naught else outstanding from this humble abode.

Rainbow Dash wasted no time in rushing up and knocking on the front door. She tapped her front hooves impatiently while she waited.

Soarin idled several paces away, an amused half grin upon his muzzle. “Cool it hot head, I’m sure they’re coming.”

“But what if they aren’t? What if they go to sleep early in Fluttershy’s house? What if- I should knock again!” Dash concluded as she rounded on the door, raised her right forehoof to knock then froze as the light bluish-white cloudy construct began to open inwardly.

“Who disturbs-” Autumn Sunset stood in the doorway, gobsmacked the sight of the particular filly before him. “Rainbow Dash?”

“Yeah, hi! I’m back already!”

“I can see that. What brings you around at a time when little fillies should be thinking of going to bed?”

Dash hesitated until her brother gave her a soft prod with a wing. “Hey, can I sleep here tonight, with Fluttershy?”

The light purple stallion glanced up at Soarin who offered a silent plea in return.

“Come in, I guess.” Autumn held the door for his two guests to enter. As the light blue colt turned to leave, Autumn Sunset raised a hoof. “Hold on. Are you her brother?”

“Yea?” Soarin replied defensively.

“Alright. Please come in. I wish to hear the reason why my daughter’s best friend has shown up late in need of a place to stay.”

“Okay.” Soarin tentatively followed his sister inside.

“Honey,” Autumn Sunset called out as he guided his guests through the hallway toward the kitchen. “Rainbow Dash and her brother have stopped by. She wishes to stay the night.”

Scarlet Sunset met the trio in the doorway to the kitchen. “Greetings, Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy is about to have her bath.”

“Can I join her?”

“Well,” the mare briefly thought before she smiled softly, “Zephyr is already in bed. As long as you don’t make a lot of noise, I don’t see why not.”

“Sweet, thanks Mrs. Sunset!” The eager filly took off toward the foal’s bathroom on a mission.

That left one colt alone with the two adults. Soarin awkwardly stood there in the hallway. His gaze lingered on the deep sunny pegasus before him, he at least had seen her before. The stallion who stood beside him however, he truly had no idea what to expect from this pegasus. ”Soo...” Soarin straightened up a bit.

Scarlet Sunset indicated the table inside the kitchen. “Why don’t you take a seat. Would you like something to drink?”

“Well, I... Sure?” Soarin wandered to the table, hordes of nervous butterflies flittered around inside. This was it, he was about to be interrogated. He would have to tell them about his argument with his father and their family... oh dear.

As the young blue pegasus was about to take his seat he paused. Was that the sound of knocking on the front door?

Autumn clearly heard it too, for he turned to the source of the latest disturbance. “One moment, please."

Scarlet Sunset nodded as she poured three drinks. “Alright, hon.”

Light blue forehooves played with each other on the tabletop as the teenager waited impatiently. Who else might be visiting? A seeping tentacle of fear spread across his system at the thought of having another visiter to the ‘shy household sitting there while he divulged his story. This was bad. Maybe he should just leave and tell them he would explain the reason for Dash’s sleepover when he came by to pick her up in the morning?

A glass of water was placed before the nervous colt who nodded briskly in thanks and took a sip.

“Don’t worry dear, we only wish to know why Rainbow Dash has to stay the night. We are concerned, for you both.” Scarlet Sunset rested her care laden gaze upon the nervous young pegasus.

"Oh, thanks?"

“Did something happen at home?” The deep sunny mare’s brow creased with concern.

Soarin reluctantly nodded. “Kinda... You see, uh...”

“Soarin! I knew I saw you go into this house!”

“What the-” The light blue colt span around and spotted his best friend as she rushed up to him and glomped him. The pair froze as they realized their audience. Autumn stood in the door way looking rather put out while his wife smiled as though greatly pleased by something.

Spitfire withdrew, bashful. “Sorry, I kinda followed you two here.”

“But you were going home with your mom?” The light blue colt could hardly believe his young angel had followed him all the way through town without being noticed.

“Take a seat please.” Autumn requested as he strode around to sit next to his wife.

Spitfire leapt into action once more. She briskly sat beside her best friend at the table. Soarin suddenly found himself feeling a lot better with Spitfire at his side. He couldn't help but grin.

“Would you like a drink?” Scarlet offered the latest arrival, that knowing smile still upon her lips.

“Yes please.” Spitfire smiled back.

With a nod of confirmation Scarlet set about securing a drink for the fiery filly who sat there nervously.

The two teenaged pegasi waited semi-patiently for the softly spoken mare to return with the drink. All the while the stallion who sat across from them continued to eye the pair with interest as they shared glances and supportive half smiles. Spitfire even extended her wing slowly till it came to rest upon the light blue back of her friend.

Soarin grinned at the supportive if rather intimate gesture. “Say- why did you follow me here?”

“I would very much like to know that too,” Autumn added, his eye upon the wing that bridged the two young ponies.

The duo glanced up at the stallion. An awkward moment passed between the two friends. Vibrant yellow feathers quivered then slowly withdrew from their rest upon the well toned blue back of her companion.

Spitfire put on her best facade of confidence. “I gave my mom the slip and followed pie boy here to make sure he and Dash would be okay.”

“Really.” A lone eyebrow rose on the stallion.

“Yea, Don’t worry Soar, I gave you and Dash plenty of space to have your talk. I just felt that after having a rough time at home, you might not want some company. You know... for the walk back to my place.”

Scarlet Sunset smiled shyly as she placed the requested drink in front of the teenaged mare. “Sounds like you two have a rather loverly relationship, don’t you think, dear?”

Autumn caught his wife’s eye and broke out into a half smile. “Sure. Although you should be more mindful of your safety, young filly.”

Soarin eyed Autumn Sunset. He suspected the smile was forced. There was an awkward question of two incoming. He was sure of it.

“Say,” Autumn turned his stern gaze to the light blue colt across from him. 

Soarin shrank back ever so slightly under the hard, inquiring gaze. “Yes, sir?”

“I can’t help but wonder. How are things at home?”

Soarin glanced at Spitfire for support. A bright yellow hoof reached out and held his own blue one. With that, the growing colt found the courage to speak. “Uh... Dash and I are doing good... yea.” 

Out of the corner of his eye Soarin spotted the look his best friend was giving him. She wanted him to expand upon his rather short response. He sighed. The two adults across the table from him also waited patiently. Scarlet slowly took a sip of her drink, her attention on the colt.

Soarin hesitated once more. How much should he tell them? How much was he allowed to tell them? Would they even let their precious daughter be friends with someone like Rainbow Dash if they knew everything? The pale blue colt locked his gaze onto the bright orange irises beside him and his confidence grew once more. “…But, mom and dad are going through a rough patch.”

With his admission, Soarin chanced a look at the two adults and was relieved to see that they both looked concerned. Neither looked as though they were about to try anything radical like throw him out. He continued softly; “so yea... dad and I kinda had a bit of a fight and so I took Dash out to dinner with Spitfire and her mom.” The light blue colt paused, trying to quickly gauge the two adults reactions. He got nothing much and so continued slowly: “Nights like this… it’s just easier for me to sleep over at Spitty’s house. Dash hoped that you would allow her to sleep here tonight rather than put up with our dad getting crazy drunk and our mom getting all angry or mopey. It’s just ... nicer I guess to get away from all of that.”

“Sounds rather rough,” Autumn commented. “Although I imagine you would find the environment at home better than it is now if you didn’t run away from your problems.”

“Not that we know that for certain, do we dear?” Scarlet spoke up. “After all, it must be rather rough for you both to want to run away from home for the night.”

“Yea,” Spitfire spoke up, defensive. She tenderly caressed her friend’s hoof, trying her best to keep him level headed. “My mom, she’s a smart pony. If she says he needs to stay over, surely she’s right. Right?”

Autumn sighed then took a large swing of his glass of water. “Possibly. Hard for me to confirm since I don't know either of your families.”

Soarin hesitated. He turned to Spitfire who shrugged and slightly tightened her hold of his forehoof. Taking that as a sign to continue. “Look, It’s not been this bad in a while. He’s usually okay. But I think I set him off tonight and I don’t want Dash to have to go home to him.”

“Does he hurt her?”

“No, no, no! Nothing like that!” Soarin was quick to defend his father. “At least, not physically. Look, please let Dash stay tonight. Please?”

Autumn Sunset turned to his wife who gazed back, full of concern.

“I see nothing wrong with Rainbow Dash staying here for the night,” Scarlet spoke up softly. “I’m sure Fluttershy will enjoy the sleep over just as much as she will.”

“Is your father Blaze?” Autumn asked as he eyed the pale blue colt before him.

“Uh, yea. Why?”

“I’ll have a few words with him when I see him at work on Monday.”

Soarin did a double take, “you work with dad? You know him?”

“Nowadays we are distant workmates. Although I also know the kind of low lifes he calls drinking buddies. They are not the kind of pegasi a respectable pony should interact with."

Soarin suddenly felt rather bad for sharing as much as he had. His father would get blasted at work then come home mad at him for telling- unless!? “Please, don’t let him know I’ve been speaking to you about what he’s like at home.”

“Why? I thought you said he did not beat either of you.”

“Yea, but I don’t want him to get angry at me for talking to you about my family's problems. It’s not exactly something he wants to be made public...”

“I can see why.” Autumn took a well measured sip of his drink. “I’ll speak to him. Carefully. Alright?”

“Sure.” Soarin nodded a little over eagerly as relief flooded his system and all his muscles turned to jelly. “I just want my sister to have a better early childhood than me.”

“Well, our doors are always open to the three of you.” Scarlet invited softly. “I think I’ll lend a few supportive words to Gust when next I see her either before or after school.”

“Thanks, mom could probably use it.” Soarin smiled gratefully up at the deep sunny mare.

“Does she have many friends?” Scarlet Sunset inquired.

Soarin shrugged. “Workmates mostly I think."

“In that case, I think I will invite her out flying with me sometime,” offered the deep yellow mare.

“She likes going out for meals.” Soarin offered thoughtfully. “She does a lot of flying for weather crews, sometimes maybe even too much.”

“Maybe we could invite your whole family around one day then?” The sunny mare offered thoughtfully.

“Sounds good to me,” Autumn added. “I want to see how your dad treats his family in public.”

Soarin gave the stallion before him a guarded look.

“You can tell a lot by a guy simply by how he treats his family.” The pale green stallion turned to his wife and nodded to her as if to confirm his own statement.

“Right.” Soarin glanced over at his best friend as she withdrew her hoof.

“I had better get going. Don’t want mom to worry about me.” Spitfire explained as she stood slowly.

“Is there anything else you wanna know?” Soarin carefully asked as he rose to stand by his brightly coloured companion.

“I think my wife and I have heard more than enough, thank you.” Having said his bit, Autumn rose and made for the hallway that led to the front door.

“Yes, thank you for sharing. You two are welcome to stop by anytime. You make a cute couple.” Scarlet added softly.

“Thanks. Wait, but Spitty's my best friend. Not my fillyfriend.” Soarin stared at the deep yellow mare in shock.

"Yea," Spitfire added rather lamely.

"My apologies. I thought from the way you two were acting that you were a couple. Good night and have a safe flight home."

"You too." A rather frazzled Soarin turned and beat a hasty exit, Spitfire hot on his heels.

Rainbow Dash pushed the door to the foals bathroom open and took a moment to marvel at its simple grandeur. After a few moments, she realized the sunken bath looked mostly full and there was a slowly forming layer of bubbles upon it. The yellow filly who stood before the bath had her back turned and was busy doing something. With a flourish, the speedster stepped inside and closed the door. “Hey, Fluttershy!” 

“Eeep!” The surprised yellow filly dropped the bottle of bubble bath she was pouring right into the bath. “Dash?”

“Oh good, I’m just in time.” The confident blue filly grinned, keen to play in the bath with her best friend.

“In time for what?” Fluttershy softly asked, still shocked to see her best friend.

“To play in the bath with you, of course.”

“Oh. Did mom say it was okay? Wait- why are you here? I didn’t know we were allowed to have a sleep over.”

“Stuff happened. I don’t wanna talk about it, okay?” Dash scuffed at the hard cloud floor, her gaze upon the bubbles that continued to build behind her friend.

“Okay. I’m just happy-surprised to see you.”

“Your mom said it was ok for me to stay over, have a bath with you and stuff. Isn’t that cool?” Dash strode over to the bathtub with the most swagger she could possibly manage.

Fluttershy giggled at the display, delighted by the surprising turn of events in the wake of her friend's departure earlier in the day. “Oh!”

“What?” Dash cocked her head to one side in question.

“The bubble bath!” Fluttershy span around to face the tub-

-which was overflowing with light blue and yellow bubbles.

“I dropped the bubble bath bottle in there when you surprised me.” The shy filly softly explained.

Dash giggled like a crazy filly, “oh. That’s what you were doing when- ooooh. Hey, that might be cool!” The speedster perked up.

“What might be?”

“This will make it the most bubbliest bath ever! Come on!” Without waiting for any kind of response Rainbow Dash dived into the three quarters full bath. Bubbles and water exploded everywhere.

Fluttershy quickly closed her eyes. She received a good splatter of water and foamy bubbles to the face. The shy filly carefully cleared her vision. As her eyes fluttered open once more she beheld a grinning blue face with a colourful halo as her mane spread out in the water around her. Rainbow Dash slowly sat up with a sigh of delight. Mountains of bubbles surrounded the crater caused by Dash's hasty entrance into the bath.

The water level came up to the blue filly’s upper chest, enough to relax while still keeping shallow and safe. “Come on in, the water’s so nice!”

Dash paused as her hind hoof impacted with something. “Oh, I think I even found the bottle. One sec-”

Once again, before Fluttershy could respond, the speedster dived to retrieve the long lost bottle. A few moments passed before she emerged, victorious. “Got it!”

With her eyes closed thanks to the extremely soapy water in her face, Dash headed in the opposite direction to her friend and bumped into the far end of the bathtub. “Here you go Fluttershy.”

“I’m- I’m over here.” The shy filly replied with a soft giggle.

Two blue ears perked up and Dash rubbed an eye clear. “Oh, sorry.” The young speedster hurried over and delivered the now empty bottle to her friend who continued to sit at the edge of the sunken bathtub. “There, now come on in, we get to make waves together!”

“Oh,” Fluttershy retreated slightly as a blue hoof splashed lightly at the surface water. “I don’t know... if we make a big mess in here, we need to clean it up...”

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Fun now, worry about that later, come on.”

“Okay, if you’re sure…”

“I’m always sure,” the speedy filly grinned back as she reclined in the warm water.

“No, you’re not,” Fluttershy answered softly with an almost cheeky smile.

“Yes I am,” Dash was quick to retort rather playfully.

“At school you sometimes are not.” The shy filly went as far as to cheekily poke out her tongue.

Dash blew a raspberry back, “yea, but that's school.”

Fluttershy shrugged, her friend had a point. With no further comment, she slowly slid into the tub till she sat alongside her friend in the relaxing warm water.

The cheeky cyan filly sank into the tub, exposing her belly as she relined. “Ahhh...”

Fluttershy giggled as she gently poked her friend’s tummy.

Loud giggles erupted from the plush cyan pegasus. “Do it again Fluttershy! That feels funny.”

“Um...okay?” Fluttershy poked the blue tummy once more. “Hee hee! This is fun!” The timid filly added another light poke.

Dash accidentally slipped on the bottom of the bath and rolled below the surface. Bubbles erupted from below.

“Oh no! Rainbow Dash!” The panicked filly broke out into giggles as light blue hooves found her midsection. The submerged Rainbow Dash continued to run her hooves along the yellow pony, tickling her mercilessly till she too fell into the water.

The pair burst through the thick layer of bubbles. Dash took a giant gulp of air before she began to spit out soapy water amidst her continued deep breaths. Fluttershy on the other hoof could not help herself. She burst out laughing at the rather large silly blue and yellow bubble wig her friend wore over her matted multi-coloured mane. All in all, the way it merged together created quite an uplifting display.

“What?” A light blue hoof felt the large bubble wig. Wild laughter was quick to follow. “You should see yourself!” A light blue hoof pointed at the smaller wobbling mountain of bubbles that adorned the lanky filly.

“What do you think?” Fluttershy asked as she bobbed around a bit. She grouped more bubbles to herself and attempted to shove them onto the top of her own head.

“No, no, no. Let me help.” Dash hurried forth and began to heap even more of the colourful soapy balls of joy onto her friend’s head till they overflowed in a cascade of soapy droplets and bubbles.

“There, now you look-“ there was no way the bold filly could finish her sentence as more laughter followed like a tidal wave.

The shy yellow filly swished from side to side in the warm soapy water. “Do you want me to try and make your bubble wig even bigger too?”

“How about we make something else?” Dash eagerly offered. “How about- bubble monster!” She briskly nodded her head and used her forehooves to help flick the colourful mixture at her companion. The mass of bubbles fell like an avalanche on the yellow pegasus.

Fluttershy eep’ed and ducked underwater. In her haste to escape the onslaught, she bumped into her bath buddy and the pair tumbled under the froth. Two fillies popped up through the bubble cover, the occasional cough broke through their joyful laughter.

Dash spat out a few bits of soapy foam. “Yuck, remind me not to drink the bathwater after you dump a whole bottle of bubbles in it.”

“Silly Dash, you should know you’re not supposed to drink it.” Fluttershy giggled softly as they relaxed together.

“Oh, yea?" Dash slowly separated herself from the cuddly pink maned filly, a cheeky grin upon her muzzle.

"I’ma going to get you!” The bold blue filly erupted from the tub. She splashed water at her laughing friend.


At the playful cry of her friend, Dash obliged and used her fore hooves to splash more bubbly water at her friend.

The shy filly reacted too slow and took several big splashes as she duked. Yellow hooves skittered along the slippery tub floor for a moment before she found stability again. With her eyes closed to counter the continued barrage of soapy suds Fluttershy pumped her wings and kicked out with her forelegs in a desperate attempt at getting her friend back.

This promptly broke out into a fully fledged water war. The pair exchanged watery blows which grew toward a crescendo till some pony spoke:

“Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash. Please quieten down. You have woken Zephyr.”

The pair froze in the face of Autumn who sighed. “Please finish up then go to bed. I’ll have no more of your loud games, Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy, you should know better.”

“Awwww…” Dash sank as far as she could under the depleted water.

“Fluttershy?” The stallion spoke, softer this time.

“Yes, father?” The timid filly quavered under her sire’s gaze.

“Your friend will clean up. You will help her. Little ponies need to learn not to make big messes.”


“Fluttershy.” The stern stallion turned his full attention on his daughter.

“Yes, father,” said filly cowered, afraid to further challenge her dad.

“Thank you. Goodnight my dear.”

“Goodnight daddy,” Fluttershy softly replied.

The pale green pegasus nodded one final time at the duo then closed the door.

“Your dad is mean,” Rainbow Dash huffed as quietly as her pout would allow.

“He’s normally quite nice. Just don’t annoy him, I guess…” Fluttershy replied softly as she gazed around the room. Most of the bathroom was well slicked with soapy water.

The bolder pegasus rolled her eyes and gave one last, docile splash toward her companion. “Guess I had better start cleaning up…”

“But Dash, we haven’t properly cleaned us first.”

“Oh, right,” Dash paused, half way out of the bath. “But I don’t feel like it anymore.”

Fluttershy lightly chewed on her lip as her friend continued to waver on the edge. “Um… how about… I clean you then?”

“What?” In her surprise, the light blue filly slipped and splashed back into the bath.

A foundation of water erupted as the light blue pegasus surfaced. “Are you serious?”

“Uh, huh.” Fluttershy nodded briskly she did her best to smile happily down at her half sunken companion.

Dash slipped and slid across the bottom of the tub till she bumped into yellow forehooves. “Isn’t that, I dunno… A bit weird?”

“Oh, is it? I’m sorry…” the shy filly withdrew a bit, her mane too damp to hide behind.

Dash rose to better face her reserved friend. “You can try and wash me I guess.”

“A-are you sure? I don’t want to make it weird for you.”

“Fluttershy, do it. Before I change my mind.”

“Y-you’re shu-“

“Fluttershy.” Dash didn’t yell. But she was rather stern for a sodden little cyan ball of cuteness. That shut the yellow pegasus up for a few moments.

“Yes. Okay!” The timid filly leapt up and waded over to the side of the bath. Fluttershy retrieved the floury scrubber which she dunked it in the soapy water. Then she approached her companion and began to carefully brush her coat. “Sit still…”

“I am,” Rainbow Dash countered as her tail continued to swish around the water like an eel.

“No you’re not, you keep twitching,” Fluttershy giggled as Dash once again shifted her weight slightly.

“Am not.”

“Am too.”

“Am not.” A pout began to form on the cocky Pegasus muzzle. However, it was beaten out by a smirk. “Ok, guess I don’t know how to sit still huh?”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but join in with the smiles, “oh yes, you are very bad.”

“Oh, yea?” Dash leaned in playfully and booped nose to nose. She left her muzzle there as she continued softer; “and how bad might that be?”

The timid filly giggled in response as she turned the scrubber to the blue tummy that was oh so very close. “Very, very, very, very bad. You are a bad influ- thing to me, uh...” Fluttershy withdrew a bit. “You know that thing when you make me want to be naughty too?”

“Yea, I think so,” Dash nodded thoughtfully.

“Wings up,” Fluttershy requested. Two blue wings rose slowly.

“Sorry about making such a mess…” Dash glanced around at the soapy remains of bubbles and bath water that had scattered right across the bathroom. “Thanks for cleaning me. I guess while you clean yourself I should start cleaning up the rest of the room.”

“Or…” Fluttershy glanced at the door then back to her friend. “You could clean me then we rinse each other and clean the room?”

“Okay.” Dash couldn’t help but grin back.

A very happy Fluttershy lay on her back in bed, legs in the air as soft giggles escaped her lanky frame. “Oooh... that was the best bath time ever!”

Dash nodded as she glanced at the bigger filly by her side who was faintly illuminated by Luna’s moonlight. A similar euphoric expression adorned her muzzle as she too lay on her back. “It was... apart from the bit your dad had to tell us off... But I’m ready for a good nap now.”

“Same…” Fluttershy trailed off. She glanced over at her unusually pensive companion and wriggled closer till they lay, their sides touching lightly.

The cyan filly affectionately ran a hoof through her friend's mane as they relaxed on the bed together. Although her forehooves were busy, her mind lay elsewhere.

As the pair continued to gaze up at the ceiling together in silence Fluttershy once again began to feel as though something was bothering her best friend. She glanced over at the light blue pegasus by her side. “So.... um... what happened- to uh...”

“You mean why I came back so soon?” Cerise eyes met the shy filly’s own and she nodded briskly.

Dash put on her best smile. “Because I could not get enough and so came back. Your house is super cool...”

The shy filly was sure she could detect a hit of distress behind the outer facade and nodded slowly. “Okay... But why?”

“Because-“ the bold speedster faltered. With a huff, she turned onto her side, away from Fluttershy. “I don’t wanna talk about it. I’m here. Your house is cool. You’re cool. The end.”

Fake snoring rent the air.

Despite the severity of the situation, Fluttershy suppressed a giggle at the ridiculous sound. It was almost as though Rainbow Dash was inhaling clouds and snorting them out. It was just too cute and silly!

A light yellow wing tentatively extended till feathers brushed up against the warm side of the snoring filly.

The “sleeping” foal jumped slightly. “Hey, I’m sleeping, remember?”

“That’s not what a sleeping pony sounds like...” fluttershy wiggled closer and closer till she began to snuggle into the soft back of her bestest, cutest friend. She leant in to whisper into a light blue ear: “But I do think you’re cute...”

“Pfft...” The bold blue filly span around to face her friend and found herself caught up in a tangle of hooves. Worse still, they were practically muzzle to muzzle, mouth to mouth. A light blush began to heat the normally super cool pegasus’s cheeks. “I’m cool... not cute.”

“Well, I think you’re both.” Fluttershy softly whispered back as she wriggled her hooves a bit more till they were snuggled up in a less awkward kind of cuddle. She rested her head atop the soft multicoloured mane and couldn’t help but smile to herself. This was… perfect. “You um... okay?”

“You're uh, really close...” Dash softly admitted.

“Oh... right.” The gangly filly withdrew slowly. “Sorry... I just- you were...”


“What?” Fluttershy gaped at her friend in the dark.

“You. You liked it?”

Fluttershy nodded.

“Thought so...” Rainbow Dash rolled over once more onto her back.

“Y- you didn’t like it?”

Dash side eyed her bed buddy. She could faintly make out the look of utter disappointment, even in the moonlight. “Yeah, I think I did. But it was also weird.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“It’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong...” Dash trailed off awkwardly. “Just... maybe another time. Later… Okay?”

If fluttershy were able to emit light, she would be as bright as the sun for her smile was so golden and wide, even in the dark room. “Okay. Goodnight Rainbow Dash!”

“G’nite Fluttershy... I’ll see you in the morning...” Dash rolled over to face away from her vibrant companion and couldn’t help but smile to herself.

Fluttershy wriggled over a bit to better lie on her own side of the bed. As she lay her head down upon her pillow she continued to buzz with joy. Today had been wonderful! As she closed her little eyes, ideas and images began to drift through her head. If they had this much fun now, she could only imagine how amazing it would be once they were grown up! To be able to fly together, eat together, relax together. They could still have a wonderful two pony cloud bed, great for snuggling but also good for when they needed their own space like right now. Yellow hooves twitched. She should still feel the amazingness of holding her best friend, Rainbow Dash. It would be ever so lovely to get to hold her Dashie every night, even when they were big. Fluttershy felt sure that she would not need a boy, a colt... a stallion to hold her. Sure her parents seemed sweet together and a family seemed nice. But Fluttershy was sure that all she needed was her Rainbow Dash. Her extra special best friend! The pony who gave her courage.

The one. The only…

Yes, if she could just keep Rainbow Dash close they could be best friends forever!

It couldn’t be that hard, right?

Author's Note:

In Fiji for film work and my brain has exploded with cool stuff for stories. Primarily this fic. So, have some cute fillies (and budding SoarinFire). Hopefully, I have successfully pulled off the hints that Dash is feeling something under the mask of coolness and happiness she wears around Fluttershy. And what do you think Blaze and Gust are doing in their children's absence?