• Published 18th Mar 2017
  • 693 Views, 16 Comments

Cause and Effect - MoondustIsPoison

(TCB) the ponies and humans made contact, everything went well enough until we were utterly betrayed . And I was picked to find put why.

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I awoke with a slap to the face, I breathed in a startled breath and looked around frantically, I was in a tiny room, 1 door, a plastic table, and a very pissed off mare staring me down...this was probably an interrogation...shit.

"Ya know why you're here?" the mare was yellow with flame orange hair, she wore a skin tight blue jumpsuit and a pair of aviator sunglasses.

"No why, and where is 'here'?: I gave her an innocent smile to confuse her and waited for her response.

"You... Are the filthy ape responsible for assasinating over 30 of my troops, what do you have to say for yourself?" she sounded like a drill seargent.

"What can I say? Its not like it'll matter, Im probably gonna wind up as a P.O.W or dead anyway"

"You're a smart one eh? Well. We can either do this the easy way or the hard way!...if ya tell me what I wanna know, ill let you live on as a pony, or if ya dont tell me, Ill send you off to the mines to work till you drop dead. Got it!?" she walked closer amd leaned down to stare me in the eye, albeit looking back was hard without feeling an imminent sense of doom.

"Ill tell ya what I know... Someone gives me a contract, I kill the target, I get paid and te cycle repeats.'

"Nice try, I aint gonna buy it, the whole truth....NOW!" she smacked me across the face and stared at me menacingly

"I don't know much else...im just a headhunter, I don't get told much about internal affairs,"

"I said out with it!" she smacked me again and kicked the chair I was strapped to over and placed her hoof on my abdomen, oh shit.

"I only know that the militia branch I work for is the most well protected in the world....nothing else, I dont know any secrets, troop movements, or anything, HURK!..." she pressed down hard and knocked the wind out of me.

"Shoulda known, this one's uninformed just like the last five, toss this one with the rest, get me another." she kicked me as a smaller mare walked in and unhooked me from the chair and led me out of the room. The mare escorting me was a good 6 inches taller than me and I was 5'10", she was small for a pony, but nowhere near small for a human. She looked at me with a weird longing expression, and seemed much less pushy than the yellow one, now that i think about it, the yellow one was probably Spitfire, id heard the name tossed around during meetings about who to avoid at all costs.

The mare escorting me suddenly turned down a random hallway and pulled me into a storage room, she locked the door and sat me down. "Don't worry, you'll be safe soon" she spoke with a calm soothing tone and sat next to me, I finally got a good look at her, a soft purple coat that faded to pink on her appendages, she was a pegasus and was wearing a loose fitting powder blue jumpsuit, she was busty and had a weird air about her that made me genuinely think I was safe with her, then again, looks can be decieving.

"Who are you?" I suddenly felt lips on my cheek and she got up and left, I heard the door lock and I was left to my own devices. I couldnt do much, the cuffs the pony military uses are magical and near impossible for a human to break out of. So I waited.
Some number of hours later I felt myself jostled awake, I saw the strange mare again, she stared back at me for a bit before speaking. "If you want to live do exactly as I say," she pulled me up and I answered.

"Its not like I have a choice" she led me through the building while quietly whispering the directions in my ear, the building was far emptier, almost completely deserted, soon I found myself outside, in something akin to a parking lot, instead of cars it had hovering vehicles and bikes, I knew this because of the lack of wheels and a briefing I had only a month after I joined the militia The weird mare shoved me into one that looked like a van and got in herself after I was securely tossed in the back. I felt the seird vehicle shudder and start moving, i loked out the back window as the vehicle rose away from the ground and flew off. I decided that it was probably a better time to get some much needed answers. "Who are you?"

" I guess I should tell you what this is all about I guess....I needed someone to help me, I hate this war, its gone on for too long, i wanted some help to end it...or at least figure out the cause...I had no idea how I was to do that until we caught you, you've got enough of an idea about stealth and finding targets to help."

"Uhh, ok? Id like to know that too, but why did you join the military? If you were trying to stop the war it wouldnt make sense to help fight it."

"I didn't know I wanted to do this until only a few months ago..." she paused then continued a few seconds later, " we're gonna be flying for awhile, if you could come here for a sec so I can unlock your cuffs, you'll need to put them back on once we get to the equestrian barrier, more of a precaution than anything else,"

"Ya know, if you unlock these I could just as easily hijack this thing"

"Im just going to trust you," I scooted to her and presented the cuffs, she pressed a small jewel into a divet on it and the cuffs unlocked.

"You still haven't told me who you are"

"Im Aurora, Aurora Australis, now may I ask your name? Grim reaper isn't much of a name"

"Daron....nice to meet you... I guess"
In a few hours I could see the barrier in the distance, from what I heard, most of the eastern seaboard was a warzone, and it certainly was, off to the side I could see the little red beams of light from tracer rounds and tank shells. Aurora spoke up as soon as we were a few miles from the barrier.

"Put these on and act unconcious, it'll make it easier to get you through" I nodded and did as she told, because although my trust in this mare was limited, it was much better than being converted or chucked into a mine to work my ass off. I did my best to look haphazardly thrown in as she neared the dome. Outside I heard talking and then the rear door was opened, I heard a hoof land near my head and some talking above me.

"Please explain the items in your vehicle miss..." i heard an unfammiliar voice say.

"The weaponry is war souvenirs, the human is going to be my servant" I heard Aurora Hopefully lie.

"Are you positive he won't wake up too soon" the border guard said before nudging me with a hoof.

"He was pumped full of drugs before I took him, he shouldn't wake up for another few days"

"Fine, go on through"

"Thank you officer, " the doors closed once more and the magic van thing took off again. I waited a few minuted before getting up and plopping my butt in the shotgun seat, and watched the many ships and pegasi flying along below and above.

"Welcome to 'Equestria', Or at least the territory in your world, it's real sad that this happened, I wish it could have turned out differently"

"Same..." The rest of the trip was spent in silence, I pulled the same trick as passing the force field, and Aurora motioned me to look with her.

"Welcome to Equestria.... Although I wish the circumstances were different..." I looked out across the horizon and saw some things that i never thought i would get the chance to, The Capital City of canterlot, which was somehow plastered to the side of a giant mountain, the flying cloud city of Cloudsdale floating around off near a little town by a giant forest, all of these were advertised in various Pre War brochures advertising vacations and summer homes. The van turned towards cloudsdale and what was a blury blob of vaguely building shaped clouds with a weid rainbow thing on one part became a bustling city filled with pegasi and other flying creatures, like griffons. In the brochure i thought this couldn't possibly exist....but here I was flying past it in a flying van...

A few minutes later the van parked in the garage of a small house on the outskirts of the city. Aurora shut down the van and relaxed a bit.

"Stay here, you wont be able to walk on clouds until I give you an enchanted gem" within a few minutes she came back with a softly glowing blue gemstone on a piece of leather cord and handed it to me.

"So with this little magic doodad i wont fall to my death?"

"That's right" I donned the gemstone and got out, and to my suprise, I could walk on clouds.

"Duuuude, thats cool." i smiled like a child as i walked around on the soft fluffy cloud flooring.

"The gemstone is temporary, you'll get a more permanent solution soon enough, your gear is in those duffle bags, Ill go tell my friends about their new roommate." she walked off, I collected my bags and walked to the door into the house, internally i was still smiling About the whole "walking on clouds" thing, it was just so damn cool.