• Published 18th Mar 2017
  • 693 Views, 16 Comments

Cause and Effect - MoondustIsPoison

(TCB) the ponies and humans made contact, everything went well enough until we were utterly betrayed . And I was picked to find put why.

  • ...

Grim Reaper

I opened a manilla folder and stared at the contract I just got, a name, picture, place of living, description, and occupation/reason for me to kill them, and a reward for doing so. This one was a tan pegasus mare with forest green hair, butt mark that looks like a police badge and night stick, name: Swift Justice, hah, gonna do her a swift justice with some hot lead. Place of work, a CB based out of an abandoned warehouse in Denver. Her description was short sweet and to the point.

' Target is dangerous, infamous for suprise attacks on militia members in the general Denver area, as he is too dangerous to be left alive, avoid hand to hand combat unless necessary, a reward of $40,000 is promised for the killing of aforementioned target with evidence, money will be wired into previously specified account, burn this information after it is no longer necesary. '

Finally someone who doesn't write a multi paragraph paper on the target, and finally a higher paying job.
I went to my safe and retrieved some weapons, my trusty and ever reliable, VSS Vintores sniper rifle, it was it was shorter than the VEPR and easier to use within the confines of my truck, I also packed my tan supressed kriss vector in 9mm, 9mm glock and a supressor, winchester 1897 if anything got hairy, a dagger plus some other assorted knives, pipe bombs, and some duct tape. I tossed it all in a couple of generic pelican cases and brought it back upstairs to the garage. "Weapons: check! Uhh where did I leave my gloves, ah here we go.... Keys: uhh check, laptop: check, contract: got that, equipment vest and belt: got that too, camera; right here, ammo, lemme see....got that too, cool, time for some trash removal." I placed all of my stuff into my beat up old greenish 80's land cruiser that I'd bought specifically for this line of work. I shimmied myself between my rat rod and the truck and opened the squeaky old door on the truck, climbed in and put in the keys, turned over the engine opened the garage, and eased my way out, once I got onto the main highway towards Denver I turned on my radio and heard a pretty fitting song come on,

I listened as I followed the GPS towards my objective and looked out across the plains thinking of what this had come to, once friendly creatures suddenly becoming killers and kidnappers, much like me, a programmer become headhunter, I'd offered my marksman skills and my ability to fly a small aircraft to the local militia, it seemed like the right thing to do considering the circumstances, my boss was nice enough to offer me my job back if I lived to the end of this, assuming that the world was still ours by then, like everyone I was still wondering why. In around an hour and 20 minutes I was near the warehouse in question, I parked in an alley with the rear of the truck facing the building I descretely climbed into the back, which already had all of the seats folded down and some assorted supplies, a cooler with drinks, a cot to sleep on, more ammo, an ak 74u that I use as a truck gun, a gallon jug to piss in, and some snacks. I loaded my magazines and checked my rifle over, not that I needed to, ak type actions are damn near unsoppable. I loaded the mag and racked the bolt, I left the back window closed as to stay concealed and began the waiting game, occasionally looking out the tinted window to check, "hurry up bastards, I'd like to not sit here all day..." I muttered to myself as I looked around, hopefully I could just snipe her, although I can fight close quarters, I'd prefer to be fast and keep myself from harm if I can help it. I screwed the supressor I checked the standard issue scope as I waited, then I looked outside and saw her, she was walking along the side of the building with a weird pistol, no doubt pony in design, she also had a sword and some basic plate armor, I popped open the back window a crack and shouldered my rifle, I was far enough out to be inconspicuous but close enough for an easy shot, she walked up to another pony and began to talk, I couldn't hear anything but it was a good chance for me, a clear shot at her temple, the other guard would have to go as well, I scoped up and breathed deeply then 'PLUNK' the supressed sniper varied quietly as it sent a bullet into the mare's head. I saw blood splatter and quickly shot the other one in the chest and watched her drop as well, I waited a few minutes....nothing, I opened the back up and took the picture, making sure to include the splatter, I got in the driver seat and got closer, ran up to the bodies, took another picture, and collected their weapons and anything useful, conversion potions I could sell to the scientific community, the rest of the weapons I would keep for my slowly growing collection, I made sure to leave no fingerprints, and my cowboy boots had indistinguisible tread from any other boot of a similar kind, I ran back to the truck and tossed everything in, closed the back hatch and drove off to the main road and blended in with the traffic, that bitch's subordiates wouldn't be pleased....good. I headed towards one of the militia strongholds near black forest and hoped that I'd gotten enough proof to earn my money, another job well done. I adjusted my ballcap and continued driving, and occasionally shifting.

Author's Note:

Another chapter!

Edit suggestions are greatly appreciated.