• Published 12th Feb 2017
  • 12,797 Views, 200 Comments

I'm Not A God! - jwizard

Buying a house shouldn't come with being the baggage of a pony god!

  • ...

Sunset's Tallyroot Dilemma

Oh, hi there! Back for more stories?

Okay then.

So, which one did we leave off on?

Ah, that’s right; Sunset Shimmer.

*scratches head, then sighs*

This one’s kinda hard for me, as it’s one of the few times I’ve ever been angry enough to actually kill a pony.

But the way it was eventually solved was hilarious.

I’m sure that you know this, but my aid isn’t limited to just helping ponies. I have, on occasion, helped those in both alternate universes. Yes, even the one where Sombra is a good guy.

Hey, if they know to ask, then I help. I’ve seldom ever blocked a call.

This time was a bit, well, odd. I had known that there was a call all that day, but for a change, I wasn’t sure who it was. It felt like two at once, which was unusual. Plus, I knew that it wasn’t going to start in Equestria proper.

My musing was cut short by frantic pounding. I frowned, as it was coming from the direction of the back patio. I quickly made my way over to the door; on the other side was a very frantic purple-haired teen. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know who else to ask, and the phone book had this listed as your address.” Sure enough, the door on the other side led to the office I had in Canterlot on the other side of the mirror.

“Calm down and breathe Twi’,” I said to her. She didn’t roll her eyes, which was her usual response.

“There’s no time for that! Sunset’s in the hospital.”

Now more concerned, I grabbed the emergency bag sitting next to the door and followed the teen to the waiting car.

The waiting room contained a very tense pair of women. After the contrempts that was Anon-A-Miss- yes, that God-awful comic did happen, minus Sunset’s friends abandoning her (Fluttershy stuck up for her girlfriend, and Rainbow Dash wasn’t about to abandon Shy again) -the Celestia of the mirror world used her family’s connections to fast track her adoption of the red-haired teen.

Totally unrelated point: Celestia and Luna are both princesses, just like in Equestria. Their elder brother Discord is slated to take over from their mother, but as I said, totally unrelated.

Celestia looked up as Twi and I got close. “How bad is it?” I asked her.

Her eyes were heavy with worry as she responded. “Her fever just broke, but she’s still not responding properly.” She then frowned. “I’ve had to bend the arms of hospital administration to prevent them doping her with Clonidine. I don’t care that the blood screens came back positive for opioids. Sunset doesn’t do drugs.”

I grew concerned. “Can I see her? I can’t help without knowing more about her condition.” Celestia nodded as she led the way to Intensive Care.

A pink-haired teen looked up as we entered Sunset’s room. “Oh, thank Harmony,” Shy said softly, her beautiful eyes filled with hope. I smiled as I saw that she had been holding the hand closest to her; her and Sunset’s relationship had done wonders in bringing Shy out of her shell.

I approached the other side of Sunset’s bed. Sitting my bag down, I pulled out a needle- bone -a ball of cotton, and a small stoppered vial of clear liquid. Taking the hand that Fluttershy wasn’t holding, I pricked Sunset’s middle finger. Holding the vial of liquid to the wound, I let a drop of her blood mix with the contents. I then re-stoppered the liquid.

Shy took the cotton from me and placed it where I had pricked Sunset. While she did that, I shook the vial to mix it. “Please be green,” I muttered to myself as I waited for the color change. I nodded less than five seconds later as the liquid started turning green. “At least this is something I can treat. Sunny’s not gonna be happy though.”

“What is it?” Twilight asked, quite interested in what I was doing.

“Green is for opioids, but not anything you might be familiar with. Sunset has- probably within the last six months -ate food laced with tallyroot.” Going back to my bag, I pulled out a syringe filled with golden liquid. I plunged this into Sunset’s I.V. tube. “This should detox her.”

My words were proven correct, as Sunset lost the pallor she had. Very soon, she was opening her eyes. She made to speak; Fluttershy offered her a sip from the insulated pitcher next to her bed. Sunset then tried again. “W-What happened? Why am I in the hospital?” She turned to her girlfriend. “I didn’t think I was this sick.”

Sunset finally noticed that I was standing next to Twilight. I looked at her very seriously. “When you took your finals to graduate from your mentor’s school, did you eat anything with what looked like poppy seeds?”

Sunset frowned in thought, then nodded. “I get a poppy bun whenever I ask the school chefs for a hayburger. Why?”

I held up the green vial. Sunset’s pupils dilated in shock. “H-How much?” she stuttered.

“A better question would be ‘how long’, followed by ‘who’, “ I said in response. “This helps to explain the actions that led you here.”

I looked at the others gathered around Sunset. “Tallyroot is a magical plant. Eating it isn’t enough to trigger its effects; use of magic is required.” I sat on the foot of her bed as I continued. “Sunny here is a pyromancer, which is something that she would have demonstrated during her finals-- both times.”

Twilight frowned in thought. “That explains what Twinkleshine and the others told me. Her aggression didn’t start until she started taking her finals the first time.”

I nodded. “Small dosages would have been enough to trigger a gradual decline. And if the individual in question had a desire to prove themselves, it would have also triggered a growing aggression.”

“Why would anyone do this?” Shy asked softly. I snorted.

“There aren’t many ponies that have access to it, as it’s not actually native to Equestria. Because of the risk to unicorns, it’s considered highly illegal. It would take a lot of money to get ahold of any amount.”

“So what happens now?” Luna asked. She blinked at the shark’s grin I was wearing.

“Oh, nothing less than fishing for a pony that thinks he’s a shark,” I said in response, still with my shark’s grin.

“I like ferrets,” Shy said softly, her eyes showing the anger she was feeling. Everyone but me blinked.

Hell hath no fury like a pissed off Fluttershy.

Author's Note:

Even though this is not marked as such, this part of the story is in two parts.

I'll have the second part up soon.

Sorry for the wait guys, but I haven't been in the mood to write until recently.