• Published 5th Jul 2012
  • 1,957 Views, 12 Comments

Somepony to Care For - CNUBRONY

Spike feels alone, until his luck changes one day, but will it last?

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An Unexpected Guest

Spike was alone. He was always alone. Rarity seemed to pick up on his feelings for her, but was little more than a tease in returning them. Twilight’s friends spent time with him on occasion, but it wasn’t friendship, it was an acquaintance. In fact, Spike was hard pressed to find anypony he could call a friend. Sure, there was Twilight, but who else was there? Even Twilight seemed to care more for him as an assistant than a friend.

Still, he woke up every day and was filled with hope for one reason; Rarity. Rarity didn’t love him back; this much he knew to be true. She sometimes returned affection, such as the magical time she kissed him on the cheek, but he was deep in the “magic zone”, an area he despised.

It gnawed at Spike on the inside, would he ever find love? Better yet, would he ever find Rarity’s love? They were thoughts that haunted him, and thoughts that he wished he didn’t have, for they constantly made him regret his entire life.

Today proved to be yet another uneventful day. Twilight wanted him to reorganize the Library, like she always did. Spike had accepted the inevitability of spending his time alone in his thoughts, when he heard a knock on the door.

“Uh- come in!” Spike said in response, wondering what pony would be visiting him.

There, in the doorway, to Spike’s surprise stood Rarity. He couldn’t tell if it was his imagination, but Rarity’s mane was blowing in the wind, and behind Fluttershy’s birds were being chased by Twilight and her friends. Spike was at a loss for words, he had no clue what to say to something so… beautiful.

“Well hello darling,” said Rarity, inviting herself inside.

“Twilight’s out with the rest of the group,” Spike responded, kicking up some dust from the Library floor.

“Well of course, it’s you I wanted to see.”

Rarity’s comment sent butterflies through Spike’s chest; he was now intensely focusing on the beautiful white pony standing beside him. He was at a loss for emotion, at a loss for belief. Rarity, his dream pony, his somepony special, wanted to see him! It was incredible, he couldn’t believe it!

“Well dear, I don’t have all day you know.”

“Sorry! What is it you want to see me about?”

Spike finally snapped out of his love trance and responded to Rarity. He had no clue what she was going to say next, but he didn’t care. She could have dropped off her wardrobe to be cleaned by Spike, and it wouldn’t have made a difference, because she came to see him.

“Well, you see, Twilight and I were talking, and she tells me you have a bit of a crush on me.”
Spike was going to kill her. How could Twilight have told Rarity? He knew that Rarity knew, and Twilight had mentioned it before, but never straight to Rarity herself.

Spike’s mind was racing, running at the speed of light. Thoughts flashed up and then disappeared to be replaced by more thoughts. How could she have told Rarity? I should make her pay! But she’s my friend, my only friend; she was looking out for me!

Spike was frozen; sweat was beginning to show on his face. Did he want to hear what she had to say? Did he want to wonder forever what she would say? He played out the scenarios as quick as possible, figuring out what would make him most happy, or better yet, which would leave him with fewer regrets. Spike opened his mouth and prepared to respond. What had seemed like hours of planning and strategizing had actually been only a few seconds of awkward silence. Spike inhaled and then said, “Oh.”

“Why what’s the worry dear? You’ve seen me display affection for you a couple times, I thought everypony knew I had feelings for you. And I came by today to ask if you want to meet me at Sugarcube corner later tonight for tea and snacks.”

And as she uttered those last five words, the mood in the room changed. Sure, you could hear the sound of the dust rolling on the ground, but the tension lessened, the mood was lighter, and Spike was in the midst of ecstasy. At the moment nothing mattered. It was irrelevant that Rarity was a pony to his being a dragon, or that she was far older than him, he just couldn’t believe what had just taken place.

“Yes, of course.” Spike said, finding just enough voice to respond to her invitation.

“Splendid! I can’t wait!” The blush on Rarity’s face couldn’t be hidden by her makeup; it was quite noticeable as she backed out the library.

Spike turned around and started back to work, moving some books he had placed on the floor and returning them to their home on the shelves.