> Somepony to Care For > by CNUBRONY > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > An Unexpected Guest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was alone. He was always alone. Rarity seemed to pick up on his feelings for her, but was little more than a tease in returning them. Twilight’s friends spent time with him on occasion, but it wasn’t friendship, it was an acquaintance. In fact, Spike was hard pressed to find anypony he could call a friend. Sure, there was Twilight, but who else was there? Even Twilight seemed to care more for him as an assistant than a friend. Still, he woke up every day and was filled with hope for one reason; Rarity. Rarity didn’t love him back; this much he knew to be true. She sometimes returned affection, such as the magical time she kissed him on the cheek, but he was deep in the “magic zone”, an area he despised. It gnawed at Spike on the inside, would he ever find love? Better yet, would he ever find Rarity’s love? They were thoughts that haunted him, and thoughts that he wished he didn’t have, for they constantly made him regret his entire life. Today proved to be yet another uneventful day. Twilight wanted him to reorganize the Library, like she always did. Spike had accepted the inevitability of spending his time alone in his thoughts, when he heard a knock on the door. “Uh- come in!” Spike said in response, wondering what pony would be visiting him. There, in the doorway, to Spike’s surprise stood Rarity. He couldn’t tell if it was his imagination, but Rarity’s mane was blowing in the wind, and behind Fluttershy’s birds were being chased by Twilight and her friends. Spike was at a loss for words, he had no clue what to say to something so… beautiful. “Well hello darling,” said Rarity, inviting herself inside. “Twilight’s out with the rest of the group,” Spike responded, kicking up some dust from the Library floor. “Well of course, it’s you I wanted to see.” Rarity’s comment sent butterflies through Spike’s chest; he was now intensely focusing on the beautiful white pony standing beside him. He was at a loss for emotion, at a loss for belief. Rarity, his dream pony, his somepony special, wanted to see him! It was incredible, he couldn’t believe it! “Well dear, I don’t have all day you know.” “Sorry! What is it you want to see me about?” Spike finally snapped out of his love trance and responded to Rarity. He had no clue what she was going to say next, but he didn’t care. She could have dropped off her wardrobe to be cleaned by Spike, and it wouldn’t have made a difference, because she came to see him. “Well, you see, Twilight and I were talking, and she tells me you have a bit of a crush on me.” Spike was going to kill her. How could Twilight have told Rarity? He knew that Rarity knew, and Twilight had mentioned it before, but never straight to Rarity herself. Spike’s mind was racing, running at the speed of light. Thoughts flashed up and then disappeared to be replaced by more thoughts. How could she have told Rarity? I should make her pay! But she’s my friend, my only friend; she was looking out for me! Spike was frozen; sweat was beginning to show on his face. Did he want to hear what she had to say? Did he want to wonder forever what she would say? He played out the scenarios as quick as possible, figuring out what would make him most happy, or better yet, which would leave him with fewer regrets. Spike opened his mouth and prepared to respond. What had seemed like hours of planning and strategizing had actually been only a few seconds of awkward silence. Spike inhaled and then said, “Oh.” “Why what’s the worry dear? You’ve seen me display affection for you a couple times, I thought everypony knew I had feelings for you. And I came by today to ask if you want to meet me at Sugarcube corner later tonight for tea and snacks.” And as she uttered those last five words, the mood in the room changed. Sure, you could hear the sound of the dust rolling on the ground, but the tension lessened, the mood was lighter, and Spike was in the midst of ecstasy. At the moment nothing mattered. It was irrelevant that Rarity was a pony to his being a dragon, or that she was far older than him, he just couldn’t believe what had just taken place. “Yes, of course.” Spike said, finding just enough voice to respond to her invitation. “Splendid! I can’t wait!” The blush on Rarity’s face couldn’t be hidden by her makeup; it was quite noticeable as she backed out the library. Spike turned around and started back to work, moving some books he had placed on the floor and returning them to their home on the shelves. > Dinner with a Dream > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Spike pranced around the library in circles, Twilight did her best to try and calm the little dragon. “See Spike, I would never do anything I think would hurt you. You’re my friend, and that’ll never change!” Spike wrapped Twilight in a warm embrace, thankful that he did have someone that was truly always looking out for him. He finished adjusting his bowtie, although he knew he could never out dress Rarity, and then waved goodbye to Twilight and left. **** The walk to Sugarcube corner wasn’t exactly a long one from Twilight’s Library, but it was long enough for him to run into Applejack, whom was walking around town with a bucket of apples. “Well hiya Applejack.” Spike acknowledged her existence, and planned to continue walking, but Applejack seemingly had other plans. “Were ya headed sport?” Applejack asked Spike. Spike contemplated not telling her, or considered a lie, but decided against it, figuring everypony would find out soon enough. “I have a date… with Rarity!” Spike was delighted at even being able to mention it, but Applejack didn’t share in his enthusiasm, holding a rather confused look on her face. “Don’t you think she’s a bit old for you?” Applejack was certainly sincere in the way she asked, but Spike was having none of it, and walked on after saying goodbye. **** Sugarcube corner was a local restaurant that specialized in the most delicious deserts in Ponyville. The couple whom ran it, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, were married and clearly still in love. They had two little foals, and it reminded Spike of what he desired for the future. Spike went inside and sat down, the two Cakes stared at him and smiled lovingly; though the Cakes sometimes lost their patience, they were without a doubt some of the nicest ponies in Ponyville. As few minutes later the door opened and in trotted Rarity. She was wearing a flowing purple dress, with gold trim that beautifully covered her rear and trailed down to the floor leaving a bit of a train. Her hat was equally well-fitting and matched the purple and gold trim of the dress. Even her shoes were wonderful white slippers which fit delicately over her bare hooves. Spike stood up and pulled out a chair, inviting Rarity to sit down. “Thank you darling.” Rarity accepted his offer and delicately placed herself in a chair opposite Spike. “So, tell me, what do you think?” Rarity asked pointing down at the dress. “It’s fantastic.” Spike responded. The two chatted, they laughed, and they shared in each other’s joy. It was a dream first date for Spike, and one he couldn’t wait to repeat. > Troubled Waters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The magic of that first date was something Spike never wanted to forget but, unfortunately, was also something he could never recreate. Spike and Rarity had been on several dates, each time they seemed more and more bored with each other. They had kissed, once, on the third date, hoping it would ignite a spark, but it just didn’t. Spike wanted to make it work, but more and more he found himself buying into the idea that since he was a dragon, and she was a pony, it would just never work out. Spike was alone, even when he was with somebody. His deepest thoughts and feelings were once again the daggers poking through his heart. Even when he was loved, he wasn’t loved. It was that same thought that replaced the previous thoughts of never finding love. And it pained him, it pained him deeply. For, truth be told, Spike still deeply cared for Rarity. He just couldn’t entertain her. He had tried everything he could think of, he took her on a boat-ride, but that was crashed by the antics of Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, splashing about. He tried taking her to Canterlot, but she was more impressed with the city than she was with him. Spike had one last idea, one last chance he thought could make Rarity love him… or at least like him. He had invited her to dinner at Sugarcube corner, the location of their first date. He hoped that, if he couldn’t recreate that night elsewhere, perhaps he could discover it back where it began. **** “You do know this is hopeless, right Spike?” Spike shrugged. Rarity had done a good job of hiding her emotions, her pity, her desire to be elsewhere, but there was no denying it tonight. It was a hit or miss for Spike. He was either going to win her or lose her, and it would be tonight. So Spike, trying to ignore what his heart told him, went over and pulled out the chair, as he had done that first night just a couple months ago. She sat down, but this time, there were no fancy dresses, just she. No makeup caked on her face, just her natural self. Spike still thought she was beautiful, despite the clear fact that she was no longer trying to impress him. “I just wanted you to know, that when I looked into your eyes that first night, or even the very first time I saw you, I was in love. I was head over tail in love in love with you. You were, you are the most beautiful pony I have ever laid eyes on, and I’m so happy to be with you.” It was Spike’s heartfelt confession, his attempt to win Rarity back, but he could see it in her eyes, in the emptiness within them as they stared off into the distance, he didn’t succeed. He was a total failure, just as always. “Well, that’s nice Spike, but there is something I must tell you.” Spike’s heart hung as low as his head. That dreaded “but” hung on to Rarity’s sentence and made its presence known to Spike. “I only agreed to date you because Twilight wanted me to. I owed her a favor for letting me visit Canterlot and sleep in the castle, and what she wanted was for me to go on a date with you. Truth be told, darling, we’re just not meant for each other. Our differences are too great. I did have a splendid time on our first… well I wouldn’t call it a date, more like a ‘night’, but the point is, we will never be. You need to accept that, and recognize that. I really do appreciate your affection, but it’s wasted, find another pony, or better yet a dragon, because it will never be anything but wasted on me.” And with that Rarity stood up and left, leaving Spike alone, a miserable wreck, in the middle of Sugarcube Corner. His heart had left with Rarity, not because she stole it, but because she ripped it out and walked off with it. Spike put his head in his knees and began sobbing, not even caring that the Cakes were standing right behind him, faces full of sorrow. **** Spike had the dream before; it was nothing new, though it certainly felt more powerful. A beautiful pony waited for him, arms outstretched at the end of a hallway. The hallway was always black, with pictures of other dragons lining the wall, as if to remind Spike he wasn’t a pony like the ones he loved. He called out to the pony, wanting to know her name, but she laughed and turned the corner. Spike chased after her, calling out, but the hallway grew longer and longer and his running was futile. Spike always awoke to the sound of voices mocking him for being a dragon and not a pony. It wasn’t his fault, he was a dragon in a pony’s world, and that meant there was little in the way of “love” for him. Every Hearts and Hooves day all the ponies found their special somepony, and Spike was left to wonder why he was placed in such a world were he was alone, and unloved. Deep down, Spike resented Ponyville. Sure, the ponies were nice, but they were ponies at the end of the day. And, as everyone seemed to constantly remind him, “ponies and dragons don’t mix.” Spike was lonely, and that was truth. He turned over and cried himself to sleep, wishing there was someone that would understand and love him. > The Last Inclusion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Spike continued to feel sorry for himself, he dragged his aching body downstairs where he, much to his dismay, saw Twilight and her friends; including Rarity. He turned around to go back upstairs, when Twilight invited him down. Spike really hadn’t talked to Twilight much since he found out about Rarity’s “favor”. He just didn’t know how to confront her about it. On the one hand, he really did care about Twilight, and Twilight was just trying to help. Twilight, Spike felt, was truly his only friend in Ponyville. On the other hand, however, the past few months of his life had been a lie. And now, more than ever, he was alone. He felt elation, and then felt the crushing blow of finding out it was fake. “Spike, we were just talking about you.” Twilight giggled in a way only a girl could. It did little to relieve Spike’s tensions though, as he stood there looking at the ground and trying to hide the scowl on his face. “Pinkie thinks we should throw you a party!” A party, Spike chuckled to himself. That was just what he needed; more ponies hanging around him, without actually caring about him. He remembered his birthday party, which included several of Twilight’s friends once again pretending to care for him. It was a memory which lately he had been trying to forget, since it included… her. “Well gosh, thanks but I think I’ll pass. I’m heading out to look for gems. I’m awfully hungry.” It wasn’t a good lie, but Spike was in no mood for a party, he hardly ever was anymore. Thoughts which had once seemed so distant and absurd, were now his escape to a better place. “Rarity likes gems!” Pinkie exclaimed, in her normal, excited tone. “Yes, but gem hunting with that dragon is something I’d prefer not to do,” Rarity’s response was bitter and uncaring, then again, none of them cared for Spike, and he didn’t blame them. After all, he was just a stupid dragon, and they were ponies. Why would ponies waste their time with dragons? So Spike, glum and depressed, a mood he found himself in more and more lately, set out of the house to get away from all the commotion. It was only a while later he noticed somepony was following him. **** Spike turned around abruptly to see which pony had been following him. Squinting through the dark, he picked out the recognizable purple flank of perhaps the only pony in Ponyville that he cared for. “Hey, Twilight.” “Hi Spike. What are you doing out here? I thought you were gem hunting.” The note of sarcasm in her voice gave Spike the hint that she knew he never intended to actually go gem hunting. Spike sighed; Twilight always did have a way of seeing past him. That’s why their relationship was so close, despite him being a dragon to her a pony. Spike considered going off on Twilight, after what she had done to him, but changed his mind and said softly, “It’s Rarity. She let me down hard.” Twilight looked at Spike with sadness in her face. It was as sincere as could be, as far as Spike could tell, and it made him lighten up for the first time in many months. “They’ll be other ponies, don’t worry. And besides, you and Rarity can still be friends.” She looked up at Spike and smiled, hoping to calm him somewhat. “Friends? With her? Not happening.” Spike was not giving Rarity a chance to be friends, mostly because he knew she didn’t want to be friends, but he also feared getting to close to her again. “Oh come on Spike, she’s a lovely pony, and you’re a great dragon. Just because you can’t combine the two, doesn’t mean you can’t be friends.” Spike had no desire for friendship though, not after the way he had been treated, not after the things she said. “I would never be friends with something so horrid.” It was cold, Spike knew that, but he really didn’t care, and he hoped Twilight didn’t either. “Spike, watch it, she’s my friend.” Twilight’s tone did little to hide her frustration at the dragon, and he sensed it in her. “And what does that make me?” Spike didn’t mean to say it, he really didn’t want to upset Twilight, but his tongue slipped. “Spike, you know I’m your friend. But Rarity is my friend too.” “You’ve known me for longer though! We’ve been together since we were both tiny!” Spike was now screaming at Twilight. He wanted to stop himself, to tell Twilight everything, and to thank her for being the only true friend he had, but he simply couldn't bring himself to do it. “Yes but Spike, although you’re my friend, you’re also my assistant.” Spike was furious, what did that have to do with anything? The only pony whom he thought cared for him thought of him as nothing more than free labor. He stormed off, unaware of where he was going, only knowing there was nothing and nopony for him in Ponyville. > The Final Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The thoughts were back in Spike’s head. He had avoided them for as long as he could, but there was always a nagging. A subtle thought, but one that simply wouldn’t be gotten rid of. Still, on this day, Spike made no effort to eradicate these thoughts. He had no friends, not even Twilight. He had been walking for miles; he was a misfit and an assistant; he was an outcast. Spike sat down on the stump of a nearby tree, there was a river beside him that flowed at a steady pace, adding noise to the background of an otherwise still night. Spike gazed up at the night sky and sighed. “There has to be someone out there for me, someone who loves me unconditionally, someone who sees me as more than an assistant; someone who I can call a true friend.” Spike thought back to the town of Ponyville, to the ponies he had known for several years now, and admittedly, was sad for the first time at realizing he had left them. It lasted only for a moment though, before Spike moved on. His life, he realized, was at a crossroads. The ponies he had known his entire life, friends or not, were back in Ponyville, perhaps some were even looking for him. But the world out there was big, and worth exploring. “What’s the point?” Spike thought aloud to himself, furthering his sorrowful state. He stood up from the tree stump he had been sitting on and walked along the edge of the river. He had no idea where it went, what it was named, or anything about it. He simply knew it was the river at the edge of Ponyville, the very edge of everything he had come to know over the past two years. But knowing didn’t equate to joy, to laughter and fun, to friends. Knowing Ponyville was nice, certainly, but Spike couldn’t lie to himself and pretend to be sad about getting away from that place. There was only one pony he would ever miss, and that was Twilight. He figured he could write her, or even write Celestia, but he figured Celestia would do nothing but try to convince him to go back to his old home. Spike was, as he had always been, alone. But this was a different feeling. It was not an alone of depression, of bitterness or sorrow; it was an alone of great thought, of figuring out where to take his life next, of figuring out is he even wanted a life anymore. Spike’s mind kept going back to that thought of the dreaded, the unthinkable, but the increasingly nice sounding escape from life, the end to it all. He didn’t try to ignore it this time, for he knew it was something he had given some thought to. It seemed his sole reason for trying to fight the thoughts was for the hopes of keeping Twilight happy, but with her gone, his mind considered and reconsidered the possibility. The river stared up at Spike. Its current was steady; its path was ever changing through twists and turns. The revelation hit him and he backed up away from the river banks. He thought of what this meant, what it possibly couldn’t mean, but he had decided upon it. The river could take him to new, exciting places, beyond his wildest dreams, where everypony, or every dragon, accepted him, and loved him, and shared in his friendship. The river could also take hold of his small body and thrash it around in a way that would surely kill him. Both possibilities seemed okay with Spike, and he was prepared for either outcome. So, with no regrets, and final thoughts of uncertainty, Spike stared up at the sky for what could be the last time. His old life in Ponyville, the ponies he used to know all not given a care in the world. He ran forward with an uncertain future, if any future, awaiting him and plunged into the river, ready to follow it wherever it took him. The End. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I couldn't decide if Spike was better off dying, or living happily ever after, so I left the ending vague, and for you to decide as a reader. If you want to decide that Spike goes off and lives a happy new life with a beautiful lady dragon/pony, or that the Mane 6 come and rescue him and tell him how much is loved, that's great. If you want to decide that Spike's life is destined for tragedy, and he drowns in that river, that's great as well.