• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but the highest form of intelligence.

Comments ( 31 )

So far so good. Also rip Morning Blaze.

I really enjoy what you've done with the story so far! It started out with a calm part, but now it gets way darker and more serious. Also, I got most of the references, huge fan of it myself!

Keep up the good work ^^

Thank you! Really appreciate it.

um.... what?.... what just happened?

i just got blindsided by this new faction joining in the war

This mare was only a normal pony, but she looked like an alicorn without wings.

hoooooooboy not a description you want to hear attributed to an oc.

 For that reason, I asked Morning Blaze to show you how to control your inner magic.

:trollestia: "As your magic teacher and 1000 plus years ruler I am incapable of doing any such educating in subjects such as controlling magic"

. “Who needs sleep anyways. I’m going to prepare for tomorrow. Training my focus on magic wouldn't harm at all,”


What language is this?

"It's the language of the philosophy the author wishes to write into the story."

The magic of nature, which is essentially the ability to control the four basic elements. Ponies able to harness it are called Elementalists.

You say Elementalists, I say The Avatar


 It started after Morning Blaze saved her from the explosion. A voice started talking inside her head and it was most definitely not hers.

Hello plot point retroactively inserted into the narrative, been enjoying your nonexistent stay so far?

Taking something without replacing it, would be the same as battling the whole planet for control over a small pile of dirt. It is possible, but most destroy their minds in the process.”

That explains the insanity that is the pie family. Also apparently in setting the planet is a being with agency and not a giant rock upon which plant and animal life inhabits.

She has to learn how to control her magic at all costs,”

:trollestia: "But not at the cost of my time as a leader, we need a contrived reason for you to exist!"

She couldn’t come up with a plausible explanation as to why her coat was littered with magical symbols.

:twilightsheepish: "Part of my ongoing magic training, don't worry about it!"

 It has been almost a year now if I remember correctly. It is unbelievable how much you have grown since last year. And now look at you, a strong mare with an incredible potential to be the best sorceress in all of Equestria. You have been improving so much in the past year.

Has it been a year? I can't tell.

Twilight’s impression

You mean her expression?

“That is already the case since we entered this damn forest and I’d rather not let my guard down right now. So let’s cut to the chase and start already.”

:twilightangry2: "Tell me this universes reason why you're a flawless snowflake and Celestia is literally satan so I can betray her later!"

“Wait, wait, wait! Wasn’t the first war of Equestria against soldiers of another invading country that tried to overthrow Celestia?”

"Of course not, aren't you paying attention? I'm a flawless snowflake who can do no wrong and Celestia is pure evil!"

“What am I going to do now?”

Betray the mentor who practically serves as a secondary mother figure to you around whom you based most of your life and self worth? And also Celestia?

“What? Do you think I am still a little filly? You should know me better than that. I am gonna listen to the whole story first, then I will decide.”


“I SAW IT! YOU HESITATED!” she screamed, so everything Luna told her was true. “I can’t believe it. You manipulated the entirety of Equestria, only that you could stay on the throne?!”


They are better at controlling pegasus magic than actual pegasi plus they are undeniably loyal to me


“Hah! You and our queen, allies? She must be in serious trouble if she sides with weaklings like you, but if you really tell the truth then we have no choice, we must be loyal to our true queen.”

Well...that was absolutely devoid of challenge or tension. Not even going to test their abilities or doubt them at all? Okay, the story'll just hand them their bat ponies.

 The lavender mare shuddered at the thought of becoming like Celestia, she meant nothing for Twilight anymore.

This is how you can tell the author is a part of the new lunar republic. It was easy as easy gets to convert Twilight away. With Twilight not even giving her mentor a chance to explain herself.

She had not expected Celestia getting so desperate so quickly

How is this desperate? This is basic criminal response for crying out loud!

- Genocide

Not even going to question that one Twilight? Not even a little? Not the tiniest hint of curiosity that might lead to Luna being challenged on her super duper victim narrative at all? Itty bitty bit?

I suggest you talk if you don’t want to end up in the water with a sliced throat.

It's at this point she really should wake up and see the growing evil that's overtaking her.

Blaze turned around and said quietly, “This is my last gift for you, Twilight. You won’t get any mercy next time.” She teleported Twilight next to Silver, she hoped they would disappear and to her relief they did. The yellow mare saw her former student frantically open a strange gateway and vanishing with it.

Wait, Blaze operates out of Canterlot. How in the heck did she know Twilight was 'in danger' let alone get there in time?! Further flipping more what mercy?! She was about to be arrested, as in captured, not killed. Fucking deus ex machina. At least have her rescued by some of Capones goons, at least that would have made sense!

and there were many, many fish markets.

Equines don't really eat meat, so why are there fish markets?

Also don't think I haven't noticed that you're ripping off the admirals from One Piece.

“A talk with your friends would show you the errors of your way, but so be it. Since you have been thoroughly corrupted by Nightmare Moon I see no other way than executing you in public. This will set an example for what will happen to all the other rebels.”

That is...decidedly anti celestia. Not just out of character, but absolutely anti celestia.

Pinkamena D. Pie

Hah. :ajbemused:

:twilightsmile: "I'm gonna be the pony king!"

“N-no, o-of course not! J-just don’t say a word to the p-princess.”

And that's all it takes to undermine Celestias authority. Blaze should fire these clowns on principle.

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t start this. At least you will all look fabulous... forever,”

Actually you did, alongside Pinkie and Twilight, you three joined Luna, you literally started this.

“Alright, I-I’m not a good f-fighter, b-but I will help you a-as best as I can!”

Were this any closer to canon I'd half be expecting Fluttershy to stare them into submission or something. But I get the feeling more bloodshed is on the way with Fluttershy at the helm this time.

Queen Himiko, emperor of the Saddle Arabian kingdom.

Ah yes, the japanese ruler of the middle eastern inspired nation.

He had tiny traces of her blood on his claws from the attack, enough for the spell to track him.

Wait, if they're tracking her blood then why aren't they attacking her?

“I, Discord, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, promise to assist you, in exchange for the upholding of said deal.”


The power balance was already lopsided as all get out, now this? Better have a good way to make this NOT super extra unbeatably OP

it felt… almost wrong

...why? Don't get me wrong, it is. But literally nothing has changed to cause this feeling. Things have to happen for a reason. That's narrative causality 101.

“Only because it’s you, Celestia. I’ll bring her back, no matter the cost.”

"If you were anypony else she could rot in the deepest depths of Tartarus for all I care!"

just like you predicted

If she saw them coming with her eyes then it wasn't a prediction, but if it was a prediction then there's no way she should have been able to guess that.

silent tears fell from the leader of the rebels.

Yeah, a million is a statistic but you just crossed the moral event horizon

Could it be that their goddess wasn’t so innocent like everypony thought?

Seriously, is loyalty like some premium ultra rare commodity in this Equestria?!

effectively dooming them to starve.

Well that was uncalled for.

Blaze wondered how she got here, then saw the clear reason, her old student was leaning against the opposite wall, the iron bucket still in the grasp of her magic.

Blaze wondered how she got here, then saw the clear reason, her creator, The Author was leaning against the opposite wall, the iron keyboard still in the grasp of their hands.

Seriously, she killed her own brother, but kept this character alive? Author are you showing serious favoritism?

 “It was not the sister I knew anymore, even before our ways parted, Twilight. Her frustration and anger after I mentioned your name were almost… unnatural.”

"I mean, she acts like I sneaked into the castle and assassinated dozens upon dozens of guards and an innocent pony or something! I mean, talk about unreasonable!"

This war was slowly becoming more and more one-sided

Slowly becoming? Has there even been a single victory on Celestias side?

 it looked like some sort of chest inside it. 

Rip stuff from One Piece or The Legend of Zelda, this videogamey stuff kinda clashes with the One Piece meets Game of Thrones stuff you got going in Equestria

but they knew better than to oppose their saviour and new ruler.

Seriously, aside from Super OC can anypony call shenanigans on Lunas clearly one sided story? Are their brains chemically capable of doing so?

This alicorn has not drawn her last breath yet!

No, but you might as well have. Seriously, you've been as effective as a wet blanket during a volcanic eruption. Semi immortal sun goddess my ass, freakin' do something with all that power! Luna's doing so just fine! And where's Cadence in all of this? Come to think of it, where's Spike? He kind of just dropped out of existence. I'm surprised Twilight hasn't leapt at the opportunity to corrupt Spike and turn him into a giant killer dragon, and Cadence should be a screaming maniac out for Twilights head over the death of Shining Armor.

The Frozen North is out of reach for these insolent mortals.

Three guesses what Fluttershy is going to find at the end of the temple.

why do you think did they hate her so much?

:applejackunsure: "Because fanfic writers hate her too?"

Saddle Arabia was the closest completely canon thing that was available xD

Also, thanks for all the feedback. Once I'm done with this fanfic I want to go over the earlier chapter and potentially change a few minor things. Starting out as a writer is definitely not easy, and I need all the critique I can get ^^

That's fine. I'm sorry if it comes off as overly negative. I'm genuinely enjoying the fic as a whole, but my way of commenting is to stop and give my thoughts and feelings at the time. No real future knowledge like with Celestias plan with Pinkamena being a ruse and not an actual execution..

I definitely understand that ^^ I'm grateful for genuine critique, and it might sound bad, but if you enjoy the story I would also be really grateful about for a rating or follow. I know it's generally unacceptable to ask for that, but new stories from not extremely talented writers usually get not that much attention.

I'd give it a 7/10. It's extraordinarily derivitive. See my Legend of Zelda vs One Piece Game of Thrones comment, and the war has been fairly lopsided in Twilights favor, but all in all I'm enjoying it and curious to see what happens next, so good job! And don't worry, I'll be sure to follow to see how your writing career on here goes! You'll probably be hearing from me a lot.

Thank you ^^ I'll definitely try to improve over time. Also curious to write more, maybe something less dark or even comical, it entirely depends on my motivation and time schedule. I'm not willing to start writing and not give it the time it deserves.

why would they have a second ‘test’ floor if they let us go to the highest one anyway. 

Typical linear thinking. Just because the second floor is the second doesn't mean it's the second destination.

 It looked like the entire world just… stopped, probably not everything since not even these demons could control the time of an entire planet just like that, but it was enough to be very, very dangerous.

Well if they DID stop time then they'd have bigger issues than two ponies coming for them. Such as their own freezing, which is demonstrably not what happens, or being unable to move due to oxygen particles being frozen in time and thus unmoving. Probably some form of hypnosis to make them think time stopped.

 I guess I could talk to her later today.... Ask her to tone it down a bit. Gather our strength and end it cleanly, without any more bloodshed

cue a paranoid Twilight thinking she's lost Raritys loyalty and using mind control to enforce her will. Or something like that, just calling it now.

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