• Published 4th Jul 2012
  • 16,244 Views, 413 Comments

A Different Love for a Change...ling - AngelShy24

A lone Changeling gets banished and ends up in Ponyville, where she runs into a certain Dragon.

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Chapter 12: Forgiven Friendships

The blinding light that surrounded Dragon Heart and Chrysalis began to dim down around them. Pretty soon they found themselves back in front of Ponyville; in the exact same spot that they were last. Everyone around them was wondering about what had happened at that moment.

“What… just happened?” said #186.

Spike looked over at Dragon Heart who was still standing beside Chrysalis and called out, “Dragon Heart, are you okay!?”

Dragon Heart looked at Spike with a pleasant smile feeling a sense of comfort, “Yeah, I think we are.”

Spike suddenly looked puzzled, “We?”

“Right, Chrysalis?”

Everyone jumped slightly as Chrysalis slowly raised her upper body of the ground. She was rubbing her head and her face seemed to be staring down at the ground; rather than anywhere in front of her. She suddenly spoke some words, but they were to herself; and she sounded rather troubled in their ears.

“Everything I’ve done… everything I fought for… it was all… for nothing?”

Dragon Heart’s two Changeling friends felt a strange depressing aura coming from Chrysalis and they were wondering what was going on. They risked approaching towards her feeling a sense of worry.

“Y-your highness… everything alright?” asked #760.

“Wait,” said Dragon Heart suddenly while holding up her hoof, “just… give her a bit of room for a second.”

The CMC were being just as confused as everyone else there.

“Um, what’s going on?” asked Scootaloo.

“Ah’m not sure,” Apple Bloom replied, “but ah think Chrysalis is going through… an unusual phase I guess.”

Twilight and her friends were doing their best to make out the whole situation.

“Well, I’m confused;” said Rainbow Dash, “did Dragon Heart win or did they somehow come to an agreement?”

Pinkie was getting all worked up herself, “Everything was all hush-hush for only a few seconds, and now all of a sudden neither Chrysalis or Dragon Heart is attacking each other!”

“You know girls, I think it is over;” said Twilight, “however, something odd is going on with Chrysalis… but what?”

Dragon Heart walked up in front of Chrysalis sporting a mild, pleasant smile; showing she had no doubts of her anymore, “Hey, Chrysalis, conflicts aside, now that you know the truth behind your parent’s death, do you still feel any anger towards me, or any pony?”

The entire army of Changelings could feel that the familiar aura within their queen that they once respected out of fear was completely gone; nowhere for them to sense.

“I… I… don’t know.” Chrysalis was trying to regain her composure from being exposed to the truth of her past so much that she couldn’t fully concentrate yet. “It’s like the very drive I had; my reason to continue to fight has… suddenly vanished from my very being.”

Tears began to accumulate in her eyes again as she remembers her parents and their comforting voices, “Hearing my parents’ words again has… made me realize that everything that I’ve done… was all for naught.”

“Wait… your parents:” said #186 in slight shock, “You saw them?! I thought they were… you know… no longer with us?”

“It was the Elements,” Dragon Heart replied, “they allowed Chrysalis to see them and speak with them again. They were able to tell her everything that had really happened when they died.”

All the Changelings looked around at each other in a confused state wondering what she meant.

“What… really happened?” asked Spike.


Because Chrysalis was still trying to overcome her situation, Dragon Heart explained to everyone about what happened, and what they discovered. The untold truth surprised all who heard.

“Wow, that’s… pretty heavy,” said #186 towards Chrysalis, “It must’ve been hard for you to hear all of that.”

Twilight and her friends were quite shocked and surprised about her hidden emotional motives.

“I guess there was more reason behind Chrysails’ actions than we thought,” said Twilight to her friends.

“Well girls,” shouted Scootaloo, “mark this day as the day that everypony in Ponyville learned a new fact about our history!”

Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle nodded their heads in agreement, “Mmm-hmm!”

Chrysalis was still contemplating on everything that was revealed to her; but she still felt overwhelmed about it.

“All the pain I’ve caused, the risks I took, and the sacrifices I made… it was all done for… a lie?”

Twilight never thought they would see someone like Chrysalis like this; deep into depression, tears rolling down her face, and for once… they felt deep sympathy for her.

“Hey, you don’t have feel sorry fer yerself, Chrysalis;” said Applejack as she approached the sadden Changeling queen, “ya’ll were going through tough times. Also, your emotional anger for losin’ your parents didn’t help matters much.”

Chrysalis slowly turned around to look at the main 6 ponies that had came over to her.

“Obviously, you Changelings were doing this ‘whole terrorizing towns’ thing for quite some time anyway,” stated Rarity, “it’s was only in natural nature.”

“Yeah, and maybe… you have a right to feed your kind in the way that you do,” said Rainbow Dash quite awkwardly trying to get her words out clearly, “You are their queen after all.”

Even Fluttershy brought herself to give Chrysalis some words, “Umm… also, d-deep down you were only trying to protect your kind, but you let your rage get in the way, r-right?”

Chrysalis wasn’t quite sure how to respond to any of them; she was on the verge of harming all of them for one Changeling; and yet here they were suddenly being nice to her.

“Ooh, ooh, I wanna say something;” shouted Pinkie Pie while hopping up and down, “we’re getting close to the end of this romantic, yet dramatic story anyway!”

“Say wha?” questioned Dragon Heart.

“I think you all had a good reason for doing what you do and that you all love each other deep down. If you ever feel down you know what I think you should do; just give each other a great big hug; that always me feel so, so, so much better! End of my dialogue.”

All of her friends and the Changelings gave her a weird look; no pony ever seems to get Pinkie at all.

“Ooookay,” stated Twilight as she suddenly turned her attention to Chrysalis, “Anyway… I guess it’s clear to us now of what you did in Canterlot. But even though you grieved your parents and gaining revenge, you were also trying to find another main source of love to fill the empty void in your heart; that’s why you tried to target my brother, isn’t?”

Chrysalis’ tears suddenly stopped flowing as she fully turned to Twilight and her friends; her face seemed calm and content. She didn’t seem to be smiling… yet, but she appeared to totally rid of her agonizing anger.

“I believe… I owe you all… an apology,” said with slight hesitation, “I’m not… really good at being sorry for others but… I guess… I was wrong about you ponies. It seems clear to me now that only whoever made an attack on us long ago was our enemy. They were probably nothing but cowards that hated and feared the power that we were capable of and saw us from a negative view.”

She suddenly looked over at Dragon Heart who was presently being comforted by #186 and #760; making sure that she was really okay. Now that Chrysalis’ mind was no longer clouded by anger, everything that Dragon Heart went through just to bring peace between the two races somehow started to make sense her.

“Perhaps… Dragon Heart is right; I suppose it is possible… for Changelings and ponies to be… at peace with each other… again.”

Dragon Heart suddenly stood up with a proud smirk on her face hearing the words from her queen, “Well… glad you see it my way now; it’s about time you came to your senses and realized just how marvelous my goal was.”

“Don’t… push it;” said Chrysalis giving Dragon Heart a stern glare. Then suddenly… she showed a slight smile, “But… it would make me feel… a bit better… if you… and everyone else would accept… my forgiveness.”

All of the Changelings were quite surprised to see their own queen… one who was always so forceful, and never took no for an answer, was asking for… forgiveness. Dragon Heart’s happiness couldn’t have been more obvious as she smiled brighter than she ever did in her life.

“Chrysalis, we would be honored to accept your forgiveness; everyone deserves a second chance. Your mind is now openly clear, and your heart purely cleansed. Please, lead us in a way of true love and friendship…” She suddenly stepped back and took a low bow towards Chrysalis, “… my queen.”

Everyone in Ponyville witnessed a huge momentous occasion as #186, #760 and all the rest of the Changelings suddenly followed Dragon Heart’s action and bowed down to their queen. Chrysalis was over thrilled in her mind seeing that her kind was still loyal and were willing to give her a second chance of leadership. Twilight and her friends almost cried from the breathtaking sight… except Pinkie and Rarity who were holding on to each other crying rivers.

“Wow, so dramatic,” said Spike, “I guess Changelings can be like that I suppose.”

Dragon Heart looked over at Spike with a pleasant smile and invited him to come closer, “Hey, Spike, why don’t you come over here and re-introduce yourself to Chrysalis!”

Spike tensed up and hesitated a bit, but he awkwardly made his way to where Dragon Heart and Chrysalis were. He grinned slightly and was becoming nervous as he looked up at the Changeling queen.

“Umm… h-h-heeeey. So, n-n hard feelings about earlier, right? After all, I only did all that stuff at you because you were being a real… bother?”

Chrysalis arched her brow and then took a deep breath to answer the dragon’s comment, “No need to apologize, young dragon; I believe that it was I who was out of line and…” She suddenly looked at Dragon Heart again sporting another small smile, “you were only protecting… those whom you truly loved.”

Spike stop shaking mostly as he looked up and agreed with her statement, “Yes… yes! That’s exactly what I was doing.”

“Hey, Dragon Heart,” Apple Bloom shouted out so suddenly, “is it safe to come over there?!”

Dragon Heart just chuckled a bit and nodded, “Come on over here, girls!”

The CMC quickly rushed over to where Dragon Heart was and presented their presence to Chrysalis.

“Chrysalis, I’d like you to meet three of my newest friends: Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.”

Chrysalis looked down upon these three younger fillies into their bright, shimmering eyes. Their intensely adorableness almost made her feel a bit uneasy.

“You know,” said Apple Bloom, “now that you’ve calmed down and not actin’ all evil and stuff, we the Cutiemark Crusaders think yer alright!”

“Y-yeah, and that was an awesome battle you and Dragon Heart had earlier,” shouted Scootaloo, “I’m glad both of you are still alive though.”

Suddenly, Chrysalis’ body froze as Sweetie Belle walked up closer to her; she seemed to be the most innocent of the three crusaders.

“Sweet mercy; why does this filly have to be so freaking adorable?!” Chrysalis thought in her mind.

“Miss Chrysalis,” said Sweetie Belle in such a sweet, innocent tone of voice, “if it makes you feel any better, can we give you a hug?”

Chrysalis just sat there hesitating; unknown of how to respond to this situation. Dragon Heart smiled and amusingly shook her head as she came beside Chrysalis and gave her a little tap on her side to encourage her.”

“Come on, don’t be shy;” stated Dragon Heart, “they’re not.”

Chrysalis looked down at the crusaders who were still smiling and showing their pure innocence. She sighed and took a deep breath, and spoke out her words the best she could.

“Y… y-you may have… a… hug.”

Chrysalis’ whole body started to twitch as the three little fillies bravely climbed upon her to give her a big crusader hug.


Poor Chrysalis felt like her ears were about to explode.

“Wow,” said #186 with an amused smirk, “now that’s the most adorable scene I have ever witnessed.”

While the crusaders continued to hug the evil out of Chrysalis, Spike walked up to Dragon Heart and gave her a light hug.

“Well, I guess whatever you did really end up helping Chrysalis.”

“Yeah, I know,” Dragon Heart responded, “it was quite weird having the elements telling me what to do.”

“They literally talked to you,” said Spike out of shock.

“Well not literally; but it was more like they gave me a vision of what to do. Does that make any sense?”

Spike scratched his trying to think… but came up with nothing.

“Sorta… but it still sounds weird.”

After Chrysalis’ hug treatment from the CMC, Twilight came up to her again hoping that things were finally over.

“So… Chrysalis, what are you going to do now? What’s your final say about Dragon Heart’s request about a peace treaty?”

Chrysalis stood up straight onto her hooves and gave her decision-making answer, “No matter what I said to Dragon Heart, no matter what I did to her, this Changeling never seemed to give up on her goal. Even when I seemed like a lost cause, she never gave up on me; even at the risk of her own life.”

She suddenly turned towards Dragon Heart and her two Changeling friends… with a proud, grateful smile, Dragon Heart and her friends have shown great courage, valor, and an unbreakable fighting spirit; all to gain towards a goal to from a friendship bond that would normally seem impossible. I’ll see to it that this peace treaty between ponies and Changelings will soon be realized.”

Everypony there started to cheer out loud, for Dragon Heart, her friends, and even for Chrysalis. This entire conflict was indeed over.

“Heh heh, what did I tell you,” said Spike to Dragon Heart as he placed his hand on her shoulder, “you chose not to give up and decided to keep on pressing towards your dream. Now it’s finally happened! So, what are your thoughts now?”

Dragon Heart looked all around her; no Changeling trying to spread fear, no pony feeling afraid of their presence, and their queen no longer filled with bitter anger.

She just smiled and sighed to herself and said, “I think that this will be the beginning of a new era of friendship.”


After a little while, the Changelings got themselves together and started to leave Ponyville along with their changed for the better queen, Chrysalis. Dragon Hearts two Changeling friends were still on the ground waiting for her to come along; but first she had to say goodbye to someone for now.

“Please don’t leave us just yet, Dragon Heart,” said Apple Bloom.

“We’ll miss you,” Sweetie Belle added.

Dragon Heart walked up to her crusader friends hugging every one of them, “Don’t worry guys, with everything happening like this, I think we’ll be seeing each other more often than you may think.”

“So… you will be coming back?” said Scootaloo.

“Of course, you guys are my best friends,” Dragon Heart replied, “And besides, somepony needs to keep those pony bullies of yours in check.”

They all started to giggle together and laugh; however, she wasn’t 100% kidding.

She then went to Twilight and her friends who were still nearby and gave her thanks to them, “Thanks a lot you guys, you sure have shown me what true friendship really is; I owe you guys a lot.”

“We should be the ones thanking you, Dragon Heart,” said Twilight, “None of this would have been possible if you hadn’t given up on your dream.”

“And now it has become a reality!” shouted Pinkie, then sudden shedding a few tears, “I just love happy endings!”

“Mushiness aside,” stated Rainbow Dash, “you were pretty awesome out there, Dragon Heart; you’ll always have a grade A in my book of being cool.”

“The way you connected with the Elements of Harmony was simply dazzling,” said Rarity, “I truly think you were meant to cause this huge change.”

“I’m very glad that you’re alright,” said Fluttershy while shedding a slight tear, “and that no pony got killed; I was so worried for you.”

“Just keep yer head up high and let nothing stand in the way of your achievement,” said Applejack while giving Dragon Heart a light noogie, “And that there is the darn right truth.”

Dragon Heart wiped away a few tears from her eyes after listening to their words of encouragement, “Thanks guys, I won’t ever forget any of you. And don’t worry, you haven’t seen the last of me, I promise.”

“Alright!” shouted Pinkie, “How do you ponies feel about having a…”

Suddenly she was cut off by Twilight, “Um… Pinkie, I think we’ll live without having another party so soon. All this settling conflict has made us all tired I’m sure.”

Pinkie looked at her kinda disappointed; but then she just smiled, “Okie Dokie, maybe another time!”

“That pink pony sure is a strange one,” said #760 to #186.

“Don’t worry,” said Spike with a light chuckle, “you’d get used to it.”

Suddenly, Spike saw Dragon Heart approach him with a delightful smile on her face. For fun she changed into her pony form once again.

“So tell me, Spike,” she said, “do you like me better as a Changeling or a pony?”

“Well, I can’t quite decide; both forms look very beautiful. However, I don’t think anything is more beautiful than the original.”

Dragon Heart just giggled a bit as she changed back in into her Changeling form. It seems that Spike truly did accept her real appearance.

“Well Spike,” said Dragon Heart, “I guess I’m going off now. I had a wonderful time here… aside from the whole fighting for my life. Just remember, as much love that Ponyville can lend to us alone, yours is more than enough for me.”

Spike displayed a slightly goofy smile while fiddling with his fingers again, “Oh come on, Dragon Heart, you’re gonna make me…”

Suddenly, Dragon Heart leaned over and kissed Spike on the cheek with her sweet Changeling lips just like before. She smiled out of amusement as Spike just stood there frozen and his face completely blushed.

“See you later Spike.”

She then went over to her Changeling friends and then took off into the night sky.

“See ya Ponyville, thanks for all your compassion! I’ll see you again soon!”

Spike just continued to just stand there all smitten while watching Dragon Heart fly off into the distance. Without him realizing it, Twilight and her friends got all behind him and had little sly looks on their faces.

“Awww, looking forward to when she comes back, aren’t you Spike?” said Pinkie in a lovey tone.

“Huh; w-what?!” Spike suddenly snapped out of his dazedness.

Rarity started to rub his cheek very roughly, “Our wittle Spikey has himself a filly friend… well technically a filly-who’s-actually-a Changeling friend.

“Aww, Spike is in love,” said Fluttershy.

Spike was beginning to blush from embarrassment again, “What, I’m not… oh what am I saying. Okay, I admit; I’m in love.”

“No duh,” said Rainbow Dash, “we already knew that!”

They continued to watch as the Changeling crowd flew off in the distance in a complete state of amazement of what transpired there in their home.

“Hard to believe that it took the action of one sole Changeling to make such a big difference,” said Applejack while tipping her hat onto her chest.

“I’m not really surprised at all actually,” Twilight replied, “After all, after what the Changelings went through, especially Chrysalis, you couldn’t blame them for doing what they did. But… whenever you rely on the power of love and friendship, anything is possible!”

She looked at her friends who were just smiling back at her feeling encouraged. She then looked at Spike and gave him a wink; he smiled and winked back.

“I do believe that’s what is going to allow the Changelings to continue to strive on for generations to come.”