• Published 24th Dec 2016
  • 670 Views, 4 Comments

Make a Left Turn Here? - Lack of Tact

Sonata only regrets several things in life, and right now? She is beginning to regret wanting to hang out with Pinkie Pie.

  • ...

All Roads Lead to Nowhere

There were two girls, sitting beside each other inside of a moving vehicle. One was at a height half of a head shorter than the other; the pink skinned and wildly fashioned pink haired girl being the taller of the two. The other girl, her hair was several tones of blue, the main color being a light arctic, but was instead straightened and went down her back. This is our main character. Her name is Sonata Dusk. In fact, she is such a main character, we're supposed to be reading this from her perspective. The author apologizes and does an immediate point of view jump.


"Doooon't stahp, bel-ievin~"

"~Hold on to that feelin'!"

The two of us were singing our throats raw; my own voice still horrible off pitch as an after-effect from me losing my enchanted gem-necklace. Yet, oddly enough I didn't care, I was just having fun with Pinkie. I keep tapping and tapping my fingers against the door's armrest, my head bobbing along to the radio; a large smile was present on my face. Earlier, I'd say about an hour give or take, I'd met up with Pinkie Pie. She was one of my first friends outside of the Dazzlings, though I wouldn't consider them 'friends' exactly. No, I'd consider them old cohorts. Sure, we lived together in an apartment complex, but that doesn't mean we get along. Each morning was exactly the same. Both Adagio and Aria always fought, it was annoying.

But I'm not here to talk about that. Right now, in this very moment, I'm just enjoying my time with my, obviously, best friend Pinkamena Diane Pie. We'd agreed on a time to hang out; months after we first met mind you, and settled it on today's date. December 24th, one of my favorite days of all time, ever. Why? Probably because it's right next to my favorite day of all time ever. Chrimmas! It was this holiday that humans have celebrated for many many years, I would know. I've been around since it became a thing. Anyway, we didn't have a destination in mind. We just decided a drive-date would be the best hang-out idea. We'd have time to talk, have fun and be ourselves. It was the perfect idea!

Turning my head to look over at my new partner in crime, I smirk as I let my butchered voice took on the next song. "If I get drunk, yeah, I know I'm going to be-" my voice lowers, it sounded broken beyond all of Tartarus and back. I glance over to Pinkie, she never once winces at my horrible voice, never berates me for it. It was fun.

Seeing me look at her, she turns her head to me and gives me an energetic grin. I knew she was planning on continuing the line where I'd left off. "I'm going to be the man who gets drunk next to you. And if I haver, yeah, I know I'm going to be-" and like that, we were still firing off at each other.

"I'm going to be the man who's havering next to you!" Never once have I done this with the other two; it was only songs that Adagio chose or wrote herself. Neither Aria or I had a say in the song we chose, but none of that matters now. Now, as Pinkie and I continue smiling like idiots at each other, now we sing whatever plays on the radio. I laugh out as Pinkie slams a hand into her Humvee's horn to the song; there being no other cars on the road, it wasn't much of a distraction. Suddenly, my hand is on her shoulder and both of our grins grow as we begin in synchronization.

"But I would walk five-hundred miles and I would walk five-hundred more!" My voice is nowhere near as trained as hers is, my relying on magic to help me sing really messed me up. A stray tear of mirth rolls down my face as I'm struggling not to laugh at how stupid I (we both) sound. "Just to be that man who walked a thousand miles just to fall down at your door." And we're back to bobbing our heads along to the song, my hand still placed on her shoulder as we're laughing behind our words. The vehicle's engine was deafened by how loud Pinkie's radio was playing, I'm sure if there were passing cars that they'd definitely hear both the music and our singing over the beastly roar this large jeep held.

As the song slowly comes to an end, I reach my hand over to the volume's control and turn it down a significant amount. My throat was sung raw and I didn't want to permanently damage my vocal cords (if that were possible, I didn't actually know). Eventually our ears were met with the hum of Pinkie's vehicle and we were calming down from our singing high. As I thought earlier, we've been on this road trip of ours for about an hour and half now. The road we were traveling down was riddled with snow, possibly dry ice, and our windshield had to keep the wipers going lest we tread through blindly. Also mentioned earlier, we didn't exactly have a set route, we were just driving. We passed by houses, which became fewer and fewer until ultimately it was rare to see a building. I don't think we've passed by a single gas station, which worried me, but we didn't pay it no mind. It's not like we're going to run out of gas or anything. I snort at that and turn my head to glance out of the window before looking over Pinkie's shoulder to the fuel gauge.

It was on E.

Did I just jinx myself?

I blink actually realizing it was on E and my stomach drops. "Pinkie." I say, trying to grab her attention. She didn't notice or didn't hear me. "Pinkie." I express myself a little louder this time, though still no response. I hear her humming to herself one of the songs we just listened to and I again ready my mouth. "Pinkie!" This time I poke at her shoulder and proceed to point to her fuel gauge.

"Hm?" Her and her intricately thought out response.

"You know we're on E, right?" Though I sounded calm on the outside, mentally I was freaking the flip out. We're in the middle of bum-fudge nowhere, not a gas station in site (though it could be just the snow...)! The girl glances behind her steering wheel for only a second, her smile not bothering to leave her face.

"Oh that's alright~ my fuel gauge broke when I tried gassing PNK-13 up with cupcakes." The way she said it, sounding like it was the most obvious thing in the world, really irked me for some reason.

"Gassing up with—Pinkie, how do you know how much gas we have left?!" Okay, now I was freaking out. Who even tries to fuel up their vehicle with human food?! Taking a breath inward, releasing it not a second later, I turn my attention to the bubbly girl. My singing high officially gone, I clench my eyes shut, waiting for her answer.

"Oh, I don't." Her sing-song answer didn't make me feel any better. I reopen my eyes and pull myself away from near her and sit back against the chair. My expression was probably that of a corpse as I stare blankly ahead of us to the road. Snowflakes hitting the window didn't even cause me to blink.

"Where's the nearest exit. I think we need to go home." I lull my head off to the side and look at her, her attention fully on the road before us. A sputter sounds from the vehicle and I release a loud groan.

"Oh um... I don't know. I kinda forgot the map when I left my house." She spoke with a misplaced chuckle at the end of her sentence, one that made me clench my eyes shut once more.

"What do you mean... you forgot the map." My question was rhetorical, I didn't expect or even need an answer. It was more of something to do to calm myself before I lose it. Which right now is going to be very soon. Biting my lower lip tightly, I speak, though a little muffled. "Forget I asked. Just-just take a left turn here." I raise both hands to my face as another sputter sounds beneath me. Please...

"Oh okay!" Why does she still sound happy about this?! In what situation is being lost a thing to be happy about?! None! That's what! From behind my hands, in the corner of my eye, I see Pinkie pull out her—unsurprisingly pink—phone from her vest's pocket. She gave a grimace and soon chuckled again. "Oops, eheh. Seems my phone's dead too, so..." She trails off and I'm left to release a third groan. I search my pocket, pulling my own a second later and stare down at it.

"Pinkie, if your Humvee runs outta fuel before we hit a gas station... who're we gonna call?" I ask, lowering my other hand from my face as I ignored a growing headache.

She turns her head to me, her phone placed on the dashboard with both hands on the steering wheel. "The... Ghostbusters?" Okay, nope. Joking time is over now.


"Yes, 'Nata?"

"I really hope we're near a gas station."

"Yeah? Why's that?"

I remain quiet and let the hidden threat hang in the air, another low, awkward chuckle escapes her. "Um... maybe we can give Fluttershy a call? She won't tell anyone we've been hanging out." Hm, that didn't sound like a bad option—and the car started slowing down. We're out of gas.


Giving a low growl of desperate annoyance, I look down to my phone screen. My battery life was well above 40% and I could easily make at least 30 calls max, so I think I'm fine. I turn my head back to Pinkie, the car coming to a full stop as she pulled over to the side of the road and I prepare to ask her for her friend's number. "Okay. So, what's her number?"

"000-123-4567." Wait, really—no time to ask. Quickly I dial in the numbers she'd said and wait with bated breaths as the phone begins to ring on the other end.

A click and I hear a muffled "hello?" Wow she sounded tired.

Biting my lip again for several seconds, I think to myself before nodding to the pink haired girl. "Um, heyya Fluttershy. It's, me. Sonata, well. Anyway, Pinkie and me are kind of in a jam, we're out of gas... probably 40 miles out of town. Think you could come and give us a lift?" Wow I sounded like a mess when I spoke, though luckily I didn't have to wait too long for a response.

A deep throaty sigh sounds from the other end. "Goddammit. I'll be right there."

I blink, surprised.

Her voice was deep.

Author's Note:


:yay: WOOH :yay:

Hope you all enjoyed, leave a comment and a like if you did :twilightsmile:

Though you don't have to if you don't want to

Comments ( 4 )

A wild Flutterguy appears!

I smirk as I let my butchered voice took on then next song.

take on the:pinkiehappy:

Pinkie in a Humvee, the world is that much more unsafe!:pinkiegasp:

alright who did they actually call?:rainbowlaugh: or do I have to wait for the third one-shot?

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