• Published 21st Dec 2016
  • 498 Views, 9 Comments

Sleep - Bloody Dance

Rainbow Dash comes down with a fatal disease and Scootaloo wants to spend as much time with her before she goes.

  • ...


Silence. Silence filled the room as Rainbow Dash was lying in the hospital bed. She was running out of time. Rainbow Dash was diagnosed with Small Cell Lung Cancer. It was probably from all the fumes working in the weather factory. She got it a 8 months back and it only got worse. It worsened every day.

The only noises coming from the room were the coughs and wheezes coming from Rainbow Dash, as it was very hard to breathe. She wondered when it will all be over. When will her suffering end. She has never been in so much pain in her entire life.

Suddenly, a small orange fill with a purple mane came into the hospital room. It was Scootaloo. She had tears in her eyes, fearing that her idol wasn't going to make it. She wiped away the tears

"Hey Squirt" Rainbow Dash said with a rusty dried up voice. "H-H-Hey Rainbow Dash" Scootaloo stuttered. as she felt like crying. But she didn't want her hero see her cry. Mainly because she want Rainbow Dash to see how tough she was.

"Are you doing okay" Scootaloo asked. Rainbow coughed for a few seconds. "Well I'm alive, so I guess I'm doing fine." Rainbow Dash replied. Alive. Alive was the only word going through Scootaloo's mind. She wanted Rainbow Dash to stay alive until the end of time. But Scootaloo knew better that she wasn't going to live for much longer.

Dash knew what Scootaloo was thinking. Dash couldn't bare to see the little filly so depressed. "So how is school going" Rainbow Dash asked. Scootaloo hesitated for a few seconds. "I-It's going great. Scootaloo replied. "Making good grades" Rainbow continued. Scootaloo hesitated again. "I sure am" Scootaloo replied. But that was a lie. Scootaloo has actually been struggling and unable to focus in school ever since Rainbow Dash went into the hospital.

Scootaloo gave her idol a long tight hug. Scootaloo's eyes had filled with tears again. Rainbow Dash patted Scootaloo's head to reassure that Dash would be fine. But Scootaloo knew better. She knew Rainbow Dash wasn't going to make it.

Suddenlt a nurse pony came into the room. "Excuse me dear, but your gonna have to step outside for a while, we need to run a few more tests on Rainbow Dash." Said Nurse Readheart. Scootaloo nodded her head and stepped outside the room.

* * *

A 45 minutes passed by and the nurse allowed Scootaloo to go back in the room. Scootaloo went back in the room. She saw Rainbow Dash laying down quietly in her hospital bed. Dash had a sad look on her face. Scootaloo knew this wasn't good.

"H-Hey Scoots" Rainbow Dash stuttered. "I'm afraid I have some bad news" Scootaloo's heart sank. She knew where this was going. But she didn't want to believe it. Tears started streaming down her eyes once more.

"W-What happened?" Scootaloo answered with a lump in her throat. Rainbow Dash sighed and began to speak.

"Scoots" Rainbow began. "I'm afraid I don't have much longer. The docter said I have about a few more days to live" Scootaloo heart sank down to her stomach. She knew it. It was a matter of time before she would hear the bad news.

Scootaloo ran into Dash's arms and began sobbing. Wet tears streamed down Scootaloo's cheeks and on to the sheets of the bed. Even Rainbow Dash had tears in her eyes.

Rainbow Dash laid her head onto Scootaloo's. Struggling not to cry, she tried making Scootaloo feel better.

"Hey, he said I have a few more days, not hours. We can still try to have fun." Said Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo looked up at her and made a small grin. Rainbow Dash had a point. The still had a few more days till Rainbow Dash passes.

Scootaloo's grin suddenly turned into a frown. "But how can we have fun if your stuck in the bed?" The little filly asked. Rainbow Dash hadn't thought of that. How were they gonna have fun is she couldn't get out of the bed. She thought for a moment, then came to a conclusion.

"We can spend the last few days playing board games or telling storied" Rainbow Dash suggested. Scootaloo thought that wasn't the best idea, but if it gave her more time with her idol, she didn't really care.

Suddenly Nurse Readheart came into the room. "Okay little filly, visiting hours are over" Redheart said. Scootaloo nodded her head and gave Rainbow Dash a tight hug and then walked out of the hospital and went home.

As Scootaloo got home, she thought about how much she will miss her hero when she passes. She really wished it didn't have to come down to this.

* * *

The next day Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo spent the day playing games like charades and I Spy. They told storied like the time Rainbow Dash saved Rarity from falling to her death when her wings disintegrated, or like the time she won the race against two colts by doing the Sonic Rainboom. Scootaloo was enjoying every minute of it.

They also ate their lunch together and talked about their best moments as fillies. Scootaloo's best moment was meeting Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom and forming the CMC. Rainbow Dash's favorite moment as they said before, winning the race against the two colts. They had a blast.

But sadly as things do, visiting hours were over and Scootaloo had to go back home. Though she really didn't want to, she had no choice. But before she left, she once again, gave Rainbow Dash a tight hug and then scurried out of the hospital.

It took a while for Scootaloo to get home. Mostly because she stopped every once in a while to think about her life without Rainbow Dash. She didn't want to, but that thought always got stuck in her mind. She just couldn't get it out.

* * *

Scootaloo got home in 30 minutes instead of her usual 15 minutes. She moped off to her room. She sat on her bed an started to think. To think if she really had hope. But she knew there wasn't any hope. It would take a lot of luck to give Scootaloo hope. "If there were only some way I could fix this mess" Said Scootaloo struggling not to cry.

Scootaloo decided that that was enough thinking for the night. So she decided to go back to bed. She turned off her light and turned over and tried to fall asleep. Although it was extremely hard to fall asleep that night. Her mind was full of worries and fears. What would she do without Rainbow Dash. She eventually did fall asleep, but she tossed and turned as the night progressed.

* * *

The next morning she hopped out of bed. She was going to visit Rainbow Dash once again. She ate her breakfast and scurried over to the hospital. She went into Rainbow Dash's room, but was struck when something seemed odd.

Normally Rainbow Dash would greet her as she came into the room, but today she didn't say anything. It was pretty odd. Silence filled the room.

Scootaloo went up to Rainbow Dash's bed to see if she was okay. R-Rainbow Dash? "A-Are y-you okay?" The little filly asked. Rainbow Dash turned slightly and said with a rusty voice "H-h-hey S-S-Scoots."

Scootaloo panicked. She was worried. "What's wrong" Scootaloo asked with a frown. It took a few seconds before Rainbow Dash could speak. She finally came out with "I-I-I'm not doing so good. I'm near the end."

Scootaloo had tears form in her eyes faster than it could ever have. She grabbed a hold of Rainbow Dash and started sobbing. "B-B-But you can't go. Not right now. You can never go" Scootaloo sobbed. Rainbow Dash gave a frown. "Aww Scootaloo, you know I can't control it."

It was near Rainbow Dash's end. It was almost time for her to go. Scootaloo knew it too.

Rainbow Dash's heart beat monitor was going faster. Rainbow Dash had to get a few last words out before she went. "Scootaloo..." Rainbow Dash started. "Knock 'em dead kid" Rainbow Dash let out.And with that, Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and the heartbeat monitor stopped. There was nothing but a continuous buzz that wouldn't stop.

Scootaloo began sobbing real hard. "WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!!" Scootaloo screamed. Scootaloo was hurt inside and cried. Doctors started to take notice on what was going on in the room.

One doctor came into the room and gasped at the sight. The doctor rushed over to grab Scootaloo off of Rainbow Dash. And soon a bunch of other doctors came in and took Rainbow Dash away. Scootaloo tried to run after them, but a nurse grabbed a hold of her so she couldn't go anywhere.

* * *

Rainbow Dash's funeral soon came. All of Rainbow's friends even the Wonderbolts came to her funeral. Each pony was taking there turn to say some words. One by one each of her friends made a speech. Same with Spitfire. Finally Scootaloo took her turn to say some words

She only said a few words though. She was too heartbroken about the loss of her idol. Scootaloo said "I guess we all just need a little sleep"

Comments ( 8 )

Scootaloo got home in 30 minutes instead of her usual 30 minutes

da fuq?

Also this could use an editor and some research.

>>ChristmasDewyTwee oops. I ment to put 15 minutes XD. I'll change that

This made me feel emotion, that's rather rare... Thank you. :pinkiesmile:

7808716 The story description makes it sound like she caught cancer like the common cold.

"Awwh hell, looks like i've gone and gotten myself a case of cancer. Well darn."

Comment posted by Bloody Dance deleted Dec 22nd, 2016
Comment posted by Bloody Dance deleted Dec 22nd, 2016
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