• Published 4th Feb 2017
  • 1,072 Views, 19 Comments

How could you? - Easy breezey

Dash's dead....He's alone....She had a secret she draged to her grave...Will he meet Dash in the Land of the Dead? Or stay strong and move on? With his friends Spitfire and Fleetfoot and the entire WB behind him nothing can go wrong..Or so he thought

  • ...

Pancake love pt.1

The next week after my visits in Dash's grave has been a blur really. I got up,make breakfast,brushed my teeth,and even Spitfire said that it's ok,I still went to the compound and helped around with most of her job since she's around 3 months along her pregnancy and help around with keeping all the new recruits in line....maybe a bit too much thou. But really I just went to work to get my mind of.....her.
I groaned and rolled out of bed to get ready,just my normal routine but I had something differently for breakfast, instead of a bowl of cereal or something I decided to try and make the pancakes that Dash used to make for me and by Celestia's name it was heavenly! I helped her a lot on the making while she made the pancake itself but I would always flavor and arranged it to make it restaurant quality.
I hummed as I worked, "just like old times" I thought to myself with a sigh. I poured the batter I made into the hot pan that was greased with a bit of butter.................
"The secret is the preparation dear, You gotta prep the pan right so the batter will suck all of that flavor from the butter,cooking is just like flying,perfect preparations,perfect outcome!" She used to say to me one day when I asked her how to make those pancakes.
"Perfect preparations,perfect outcome..." I whispered while pouring the remaining batter from the bowl to the pan. I sighed in content as waited for the final piece of my hopefully masterpiece to cook and got ready what I needed to top it. I glanced at the clock and it read "7:30"
I nodded still a lot of time to make a couple more to share at the compound since I remembered how much they loved Dash's cooking which was a complete surprise to all of us,even me! I sighed as I remembered how she surprised me with her hidden skill in cooking and singing.
**********************************1st month anniversary*********************
"Just a minute!!!" A voice yelled out from the inside.
I rolled my eyes with a smirk "Come on Dash!" I yelled impatiently. Hearing Dash groan in annoyance always made me laugh.
"Dashie, Dashie,Dashie,Dashie Dashie,Dashie come on open the door." I chanted while failing to suppress a snicker as I heard Dash groan in anger.
The door opened and Dash came out with an apron,her hair tied in a ponytail and a irritated look on her face."Wha-?!" She started but I cut her off with a kiss. She blushed slightly as I pulled away and smirked and asked me "What was that for?" opening the door further for me to enter. I kissed her cheek making her blush deeper. I leaned in closer and whispered "Just doing what the apron said." with a smirk.
I gave her my gift for our 1st month anniversary which was simply a big teddy bear and a necklace which she wore every single day. Her apron was just a simple white one with the words "KISS THE DAMN COOK!!" in electric blue and a spatula and a frying pan crossed at the side.
She was confused at first then looked down and saw what I meant and she gave a laugh and kissed my cheek with a playfully soft slap.
She walked to the kitchen and started cooking and suddenly she yelled and ran towards me grabbing my arm and dragged me towards her room "What's going on?!" I asked in panic "NO time I'm not ready!! This must be perfect and I don't want you to see it." Dash said hurriedly and pushed me in her bed and kissed me "Trust me you'll like it." She said with a wink. I grabbed her by her hair and yanked her down to the bed with me.
She gave a small "Epp!" as she fell on me and I kissed her passionately and I pulled her closer deepening the kiss. Soon I prodded her lips using my tongue begging for entry. She opened her mouth and granted me entrance and my tongue shot in making her moan and pull me closer. Our tongues fought for dominance but soon I overpowered her and pinned her tongue down and my hands roam her body sending shivers down Dash's spine. Then her eyes shot open and pushed herself off me. I opened my eyes panting and Dash was as well with a visible blush. "What's wrong Dash?" I asked in fear if I hurt her. "I'm ok Soarin, just stay here ok? I'll be back." She said hurriedly and kissed me once more and running off, locking the door behind her.
"What's up with her?" I asked myself and looked around her room and it was very nice to say the least.
"Her room is cleaner than I expected." I thought to myself as I looked around.

Her room was pretty simple. Cream wallpapers with plenty of Wonderbolts posters. I almost laugh and shook my head. Of course she would have tons of poster of us. I looked at one corner and my eyes grew wide. It was a limited edition poster with Fleetfoot's,Spitfire,and my motto in life. Which were..............

"Hard work beats talent,
when talent dosen't work hard!"

~Spitfire Flare,Captain of the Wonderbolts

"Think training's hard?
Try losing.
And let's see which is harder."

~Soarin Skies,Second-in-Command of the Wonderbolts

"Good Players inspire themselves,
Great Players inspire others."

~Fleetfoot Winds,Third-in-Command of the Wonderbolts.

I smiled at the quotes. Especially Fleetfoot's she may be very playful,but if she needs to be serious, she'll be serious. I looked around some more. Trophies, Closet, and other things that you would normally see in a tomboy's room.
Then I heard someone singing downstairs.
"Hey!Hey! You You I don't like your girlfriend! No Way! No way! Think you need a new one! The voice sang and I smirked knowing fully well who's voice that belongs to.
I crept out of the room and silently went down the stairs to see Dash dancing downstairs,singing "Girlfriend" while cooking something. I smirked as an evil plan just hatches in my mind. "Nice singing babe." I said walking up behind her,making her jump in fear.
She turned around and I saw the look of true horror on her face.

Author's Note:

So this story will be put on hiatus all will be explained in my latest blog here.:pinkiehappy:

With that said