• Published 3rd Apr 2012
  • 2,313 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Invader - SketchPad101

A story about two series that should never meet, but they do!

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Chapter 2: Meet the Ponies!

My Little Invader

(MLP:FiM and Invader Zim Crossover)

Chapter 2: Meet the Ponies!

It was a starry night in Equestria. Princess Celestia and her sister Luna looked up at the sky and felt a sudden change of vibe.

"Luna, something doesn't feel right with stars", Celestia said.

"Sister", Luna replied, "I've arranged the stars like you asked. Are you not pleased?"

"It's not that", Celestia said, "They tell me something. They seem to tell me that a terror or some sort is on it's way." Both princesses looked up to the midnight sky, while they did not notice Zim's Voot Crusier crash into Equestria.

Later on that morning in Ponyville, a young Unicorn named Twilight Sparkle had been studying the stars that very night. "Hm...something wasn't right with that one stray comet", she said. She was then startled by a sudden crash
outside. "What was that!", She exclaimed. She ran outside to see a dazed Rainbow Dash lying motionless. "Rainbow Dash! Are you alright?", She said.

Rainbow suddenly jumped up with excitement. "TWILIGHT! YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE IT!" Rainbow exclaimed.

Twilight jumped back, "What?" Twilight asked.

"I found this shiny rock looking thing this morning!", Rainbow replied.

Twilight looked at the "rock" and pondered. "Rainbow, this isn't a rock. This is some sort of steel".

"Steel?" Rainbow said with much disappointment, "Then what's doing a mile away from Ponyville?", She said. Twilight didn't have an anwser. But she got an idea. "I got it! We'll ask Applejack! Maybe She has an anwser for this thing!" So the two ponies ran towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Sweet Apple Acres was not to far from where the two ponies were. Applejack was napping under a tree when the two ponies apporached her.

"Applejack!", Rainbow shouted, "We need your help".

Applejack repiled in a sleepy tone, "With what?".

Twilight anwsered, "With this...", Twilight then showed Applejack the unique piece of metal. "What in Tarnation is that?" she said.

"You mean....you didn't sell any metal recenetly?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Nope", Applejack repiled, "And besides I'm not the type of pony who'd be given' out metal", she said, "Why'd y'all think I know what this is?".

Rainbow anwsered, "Well you're the smart pony, Fluttershy wouldn't know anything like this, Rarity can't think oustide of Fashion, and Pinkie Pie is....well Pinkie Pie".

Applejack understood. Then our hoofed heroines soon stopped by the rest for their friends' homes as well as every single Ponyville vender that sold metal.

The girls showed the vendors the metal but none of the venders knew what it was.

"This is hopeless!" Rarity shouted to herself, "We have stopped by every blacksmith in Ponyville and no pony knows what this thing is!".

"That's what the narrator said Rarity!", said Pinkie Pie comforting her friend.

"Maybe some venders in Cloudsdale know what it is", Flulttershy said timidly.

Twilight didn't know what to do next. The only thing she could do was to ask Princess Celestia for help. But Twilight felt that the princess shouldn't be bothered with this problem. Spike, Twilight's assitant fro the corner of the libary walked up to her, "You Twilight if this thing is really bothering you why don't you have the princess look it over?" he said. "Spike, the princess has too much to do. I don't want her to look at this silly piece of metal''.

Twilight was really bothered by this metal, "OKAY THAT'S IT!, she shouted, "SPIKE! Take a letter!" Spike quickly wrotten what Twilight spoke. Then with a puff a smoke Spike sent the letter to the princess.

To be continued.....