My Little Invader

by SketchPad101

First published

A story about two series that should never meet, but they do!

Welp here it is! Something had to be done! And I'm the big enough bone-head to concock such a horrible story. So this Story is made just because I love the two series, and it just the right enough time to destroy both of their repution. Sorry the first chapter stays on Zim alot I just wanted get everything set for the Ponies for when they came in and to introduce Zim to the people who have never heard of him (if they haven't heard of them, why read this?)*shrugs*

So with that said Enjoy the Crossover!

Chapter 1: In the Beginning

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My Little Invader

(MLP:FiM and Invader Zim Crossover)

Chapter 1: In the Beginning

Story by Sketchpad101

Edited by Coatlus

In the land of Equestria peace is everywhere and the land lays still with quietness. But today, this isn't the case, because quietly up in the stars, Equestria has been selected to be part of the plan 'Operation Impending Doom 2'!

"Is this the planet?" Says a tall Purple armored alien to his Red counter-part.
"Yes, this is planet!", says the Tallest Red ,"This is the planet we're going to give know who" he says raising an eyebrow with a harsh tone in his voice. The invader in question is none other than Invader Zim!

Zim had completely destroyed Operation Impending Doom 1 and was later sent to Earth as a false mission. For the the past number of years, Zim has been chasing his Arch-rival Dib for domiantion of the planet. But now the Almighty Tallest have finally come up with a plan that can actually use Zim's disaster-pron nature for good use.

''So what happens now?", says Tallest Purple "We contact Zim and tell him we've got a new mission for him".

Meanwhile on the planet Earth, Zim has been chased into his base by Dib. "FLITHY, EARTH, STINK MEAT! YOU WILL NOT ENTER THE FORTRESS OF ZIM!" Zim shouts locking the door behind him.

"You'll never win Zim!", said Dib, "I will beat you! I will save Earth! AND I WILL SHOW EVERYONE THAT YOU ARE AN ALIEN!" Dib soon walks away to point at Zim's Base like an Angry Monkey.

"Computer! Has the Earth boy left yet?" Zim said to his CPU.

"Yes Zim" the Computer responds. At that very second the computer receives a message, "ZIM! A message from the Tallest!". Zim eagerly jumps for joy and squeaks happily and turns on a transmitter to talk to his glorious leaders.

"Yes, my Tallest, you request my presence?", Zim says with a child-like tone in his voice.

"Yes we do Zim", says Red ,"You are requested to come aboard the Massive for a new objective!" Zim was a little bit stunned to hear this! Ever since landing on Earth, his prime objective was not only take over Earth, but to destroy Dib.

"But my Tallest!..I have not finished business with the Earth Monkies! I STILL HAVE MUCH TO DO!" Zim was about to give many other reasons why not to leave Earth but the Tallest were already in the radius of the Earth, so they teleported Zim and his assitant Gir aboard the Massive.

"Ah! There you are!" said Tallest Purple, "We started to think you didn't want this mission!".

"But I don't!", said Zim, "I still have much to do! My battle with the hippo-headed boy has not yet finished!" The Tallest look at each other and look back to Zim who is almost at the verge of tears.

"Stop whining Zim!" Red Snapped, "We have a much better mission for you to accomplish!" Red continued, "We've found a planet that's just right for Impending Doom 2".
Zim looked puzzled and a bit interseted.

"Really?" Zim perked up a bit. Purple took over the talk, "Yes, we found the ideal planet, not even a stup......ENDOUS invader such as yourself would have a problem with it". Purple quickly corrected himself.

"So what's the name of the doomed planet?", Zim asked.

"The planet is known as......Equestria." Red replied. Zim was not sure whether to reply in horror or in wonder.

"Equestria...", Zim pondered on the name, "sounds stupid".

"OH trust me Zim!" Tallest Red commented, "The Equestriains are not to be taken lightly", Red explained. When hearing this Zim thought the Equestriains were a problem to Irken Race, he then felt honorable and then the duty to take on the mission!

"MY SIRS....!" Zim annouced, "I WILL TAKE THIS MISSION!". The Tallest smirked devilishly at each other and went with Zim to the equipment station to take the out mission.

"Okay Zim", Red said, "You'll be needing a new disquise as well as a design for your headquaters''. Zim was paying attetion to every little word Red spoke, writing it down onto a note card. "My Tallest, I will need a new SIR Unit!", Zim annouced to his bosses.

"Why?" Red Replied, "What's wrong with your's?". Zim pointed to a corner of the equipment station where Gir was repeatedly hitting his head against a wall. "I'M A MOOSE!", shouted Gir. Tallest knew full well that they gave Gir to Zim as a joke, so they lied again! "Um....We would love to get you a new SIR Unit Zim..'' Purple anwsered, "But..uh....we're out". Zim looked disappointed,

"Alright my Tallest", Zim said. So Zim set out for Equestria in his trusty Voot Crusier into deep space.

To be continued...........

Chapter 2: Meet the Ponies!

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My Little Invader

(MLP:FiM and Invader Zim Crossover)

Chapter 2: Meet the Ponies!

It was a starry night in Equestria. Princess Celestia and her sister Luna looked up at the sky and felt a sudden change of vibe.

"Luna, something doesn't feel right with stars", Celestia said.

"Sister", Luna replied, "I've arranged the stars like you asked. Are you not pleased?"

"It's not that", Celestia said, "They tell me something. They seem to tell me that a terror or some sort is on it's way." Both princesses looked up to the midnight sky, while they did not notice Zim's Voot Crusier crash into Equestria.

Later on that morning in Ponyville, a young Unicorn named Twilight Sparkle had been studying the stars that very night. "Hm...something wasn't right with that one stray comet", she said. She was then startled by a sudden crash
outside. "What was that!", She exclaimed. She ran outside to see a dazed Rainbow Dash lying motionless. "Rainbow Dash! Are you alright?", She said.

Rainbow suddenly jumped up with excitement. "TWILIGHT! YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE IT!" Rainbow exclaimed.

Twilight jumped back, "What?" Twilight asked.

"I found this shiny rock looking thing this morning!", Rainbow replied.

Twilight looked at the "rock" and pondered. "Rainbow, this isn't a rock. This is some sort of steel".

"Steel?" Rainbow said with much disappointment, "Then what's doing a mile away from Ponyville?", She said. Twilight didn't have an anwser. But she got an idea. "I got it! We'll ask Applejack! Maybe She has an anwser for this thing!" So the two ponies ran towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Sweet Apple Acres was not to far from where the two ponies were. Applejack was napping under a tree when the two ponies apporached her.

"Applejack!", Rainbow shouted, "We need your help".

Applejack repiled in a sleepy tone, "With what?".

Twilight anwsered, "With this...", Twilight then showed Applejack the unique piece of metal. "What in Tarnation is that?" she said.

"You didn't sell any metal recenetly?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Nope", Applejack repiled, "And besides I'm not the type of pony who'd be given' out metal", she said, "Why'd y'all think I know what this is?".

Rainbow anwsered, "Well you're the smart pony, Fluttershy wouldn't know anything like this, Rarity can't think oustide of Fashion, and Pinkie Pie is....well Pinkie Pie".

Applejack understood. Then our hoofed heroines soon stopped by the rest for their friends' homes as well as every single Ponyville vender that sold metal.

The girls showed the vendors the metal but none of the venders knew what it was.

"This is hopeless!" Rarity shouted to herself, "We have stopped by every blacksmith in Ponyville and no pony knows what this thing is!".

"That's what the narrator said Rarity!", said Pinkie Pie comforting her friend.

"Maybe some venders in Cloudsdale know what it is", Flulttershy said timidly.

Twilight didn't know what to do next. The only thing she could do was to ask Princess Celestia for help. But Twilight felt that the princess shouldn't be bothered with this problem. Spike, Twilight's assitant fro the corner of the libary walked up to her, "You Twilight if this thing is really bothering you why don't you have the princess look it over?" he said. "Spike, the princess has too much to do. I don't want her to look at this silly piece of metal''.

Twilight was really bothered by this metal, "OKAY THAT'S IT!, she shouted, "SPIKE! Take a letter!" Spike quickly wrotten what Twilight spoke. Then with a puff a smoke Spike sent the letter to the princess.

To be continued.....

Chapter 3: The Mission Begins

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My Little Invader

(MLP:FiM and Invader Zim Crossover)

Chapter 3: Mission Begins.....

After their crash landing, Zim and Gir began to set up their base.

Zim shouted to his companion, "Quickly Gir we must get our disguises and base ready before the inhabitants know about us!"

Gir just sat there looking towards a family of squirrels.

''GIR!", Zim shouted, "Get Ready!". Gir snapped back to reality and helped his master, by doing very little. After serval hours of building, their base was complete! It seemed like an average ponyville house on the outside, but on the inside it looked like an alien world designed by Discord.

"Home sweet home", Zim said to himself, "Now for the finishing touches!" Zim marched over to his Voot Crusier hidden within the dank and creepy base to begin on their fiendish disguises. Zim scrolled throught a list of different Pony looks to fit his ego, "Which one would fit my awesomness?" Zim found a Pony disguise that was a pale-green that seemed to scream the color of Irken skin, "Perfect!" he screamed.

Zim went through mass amounts of pain to get him disguise on. Gir was playing with a scary-looking rubber piggy as his master marched out of the bathroom. "How do I look Gir? Devilish, EVIL?!", he questioned his minion.

Gir just sat there and stared into darkness. Then there was a knock on Zim's Door, Zim paniced on what to do. "WHAT SHOULD I DO?", he yelled. He rushed up to the surface and quickly put on his disquse and opened the door, "Hello? Who dare disturbs the great and mighty ZIM!?" Zim was soon staring at 6 multi-colored ponies.

"Good evening I'm Twilight Sparkle, I don't mean to disturb you but me and my friends are asking Ponies around town on what this is?", Twilight then pulls out the piece of metal.

Zim then snatches the metal away from Twilight's hooves, "MINE!".

Then Zim shuts the door on Twilight's face. "Well that was rude", Rarity said disgustingly.
Twilight was stupified on what just happened, Pinkie Pie looked in the window and saw Zim going into the kitchen. "HEY! MR. DOORSLAMMER! COULD WE TALK TO YOU?, Pinkie shouted through the window. Zim looked back in horror and disgust, he then "trotted" back to the front door.

"Yes you want something pony, I'm normal!", Zim tried to sound as normal as possible.
Pinkie Pie responsed, "Sure, we want to welcome you to Ponyville!", Pinkie then pulled out her Party Canon and blasted Zim and his front door down!

"OH MY GOSH! I'M". Pinkie was zoned out by the interior of Zim's house.

Rarity was extremly appalled, "Oh dear Celestia! What mess is this!" Darling you must let me help you with decorating, it's disturbing"!

Zim was extremly annoyed. "No I don't need your SMELLY decro, I want you all out!" Zim was intrupted by the sound of Fluttershy's scream, "What in the?....", Zim walked over to where Fluttershy was in shock.

"Um...excuse mister, I don't want to sound rude but uh...uh...what happened to your dog?", Fluttershy asked. Zim looked puzzled, "What do you mean dogAH!" Zim looked in horror as Gir had not put on his pony disguise but his tradiontal dog costume.

Fluttershy remarked, "He's green, if he's sick, I can help him''.

Zim had this disappointed and annoyed look. "Gir....I thought I told you your room", Zim said to his "dog".

Twilight walked up to Zim and Gir, "I'm sorry if we bothered you, we just wanted to see if you knew what the Metal was", Twilight then pulled out the piece of metal which Zim recognized as a piece of his Voot Cruiser.

Zim repiled, "I do, it was....PART OF MY HOUSE! YES! Part of my house". Rainbow Dash zoomed towards Zim, "You lying sack of Hay! I found that when I flying around Ponyville!" Zim stuttered with a reply, "I was traveling around Ponytown, I mean Ponyville and I guess I lost this part".

The Mane 6 (all but Rainbow Dash) seemed to agree with Zim and went outside and apoligized once again.

Pinkie Pie stated, "I know how we can make it up to you Zim! We can have a party!" Zim didn't excatly agree but Gir jumped for joy and persited Zim to got to the party. Zim went in protest and struggled on the way to Ponyville.

To be Continued.....

Chapter 4: Filler and Pointless-ness

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My Little Invader Chapter 4

Filler and Pointless-ness

When Zim was taken to Ponyville the Mane Six immediately went their separate ways, all but Pinkie Pie. Pinkie took Zim to Sugarcube Corner, the small bakery shop owned by the Cake Family. Zim slowly looked inside the shop and noticed one interesting thing, how do Ponies grab things with no fingers?

"Very interesting", says Zim, he makes a few adjustments to his pony disguise through his Pak allowing him to gain fingers or Claws, little does Zim know someone is watching him.

"Wow!", calls a voice

Zim is in shock, "EH? WHO ARE YOU? DID THE DOG SEND YOU!" Zim shouts and points towards a Mint colored Unicorn.

"Oh sorry", she says, "I just couldn't help but notice your cool Claw thingies! My name is Lyra Heartstrings, what's yours?" She extends her hoof towards Zim for a Hoof-shake.

Zim slowly lifts up his hoof and shakes Lyra's Hoof, "I am...INVADER! YES MY NAME IS INVADER, yes, Invader", he shouts with twitch in his eye. A crowd of ponies stare at Zim with horrified looks and back away from Zim slowly. Zim stares back at them with a creepy stare along with a smile revealing his sharp ugly Irken teeth.

Lyra is amazed, "Wow...dude that is some cool dental work", she says.

Zim looks back at Lyra and then questions her, "Why are interested in my Robo-Claw?...IT IS A mere invention I made while I live here in Ponyville for the time being...since no one has fingers" he mutters under his breath. Lyra is now up and uncomfortably close to Zim's face now.

"Well", Lyra stutters, "Here's the thing...", she blushes a bit. She looks back and forth in case "Anypony" is listening. "Can I tell you something?" She says to Zim, Zim nods in a clueless manner. "Well...I have...A fascination with...Humans!", She shouts. She then prepares herself for ridicule.

Zim looks at her, "Humans?...You study HUMANS?" He screams.

"Is that bad?", Lyra stutters.

Zim's eyes flare up in rage, "OF COURSE IT IS! HUMANS ARE THE MOST UGLY, DISGUSTING, VILE, AND MOST STUPID OF ALL SPECIES!", he announces. Zim has then noticed he attracted a crowd around him and Lyra. Lyra not knowing what to say, just bursts into tears and runs out of Sugarcube Corner crying. A small group of Anti-Anthropology Ponies outside the shop see Lyra running and cheer and parade Zim around town. A crowd cheer Zim, while Twilight runs up to Zim.

"Invader, what did you do?", Twilight says to Zim.

"Oh it is you Nerdy Pony! I have shown this town that Humans are vile and absolutely horrible!" Zim signals Twilight to join him in his circle of fame.

Twilight put her hoof on Zim's shoulder ,"Invader...I saw Lyra crying, did you make fun of her?"

Zim is a bit confused, The Unicorn before him sounds like she's talking down to him. Zim becomes a bit annoyed and irritated and shoves Twilight aside. Twilight then uses her magic to drag Zim by his literal Pony Tail and drag him towards Lyra and BonBon's Apartment. Lyra is signaled by her friend BonBon to come to the door. Zim is accompanied by Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

"SAY YOU'RE SORRY!", Rainbow shouts at Zim.

"NO!" Zim screams in reply.

"If you don't say you're sorry I'll punch YOU!", Rainbow says sternly as she puts a hoof against Zim's face.

Zim, with all urges and restraint says to Lyra, "...I'm sorry......Lyra". Lyra immediately forgives Lyra and hugs Zim to a tight degree in which Zim announces ,"OH MY SQUEEDLY-SPOOCH!"

Zim returns to his Base later that night and removes his Pony disguise, "How do those Ponies maintain such...such...PEACE? D'oh it makes me SO MAD I COULD HURT SOMETHING!"

GIR walks up to his master, to only be kicked by Zim.

"..Now I'm better!", Zim remarks.

To be Continued...............

Chapter 5: Cutie Mark Invaders! YAY!

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Chapter 5: Cutie Mark Invaders! YAY!

After yesterday's events, Zim kept himself isolated in his base. He began planning to take over Equestria by launching a surprise attack using The Massive and the Irken Armada. But things didn't go so well for Zim that morning, as he was about to finish the preparations on the first part of the plan, the doorbell rang.

"Eh!? GIR! Get the door! I'm busy!", Zim shouted.

GIR completely ignores his master watching the Irken TV shows being streamed into the various T.V. screens in that GIR had at his dispose.

"GIR!......GIR! Fine! I'll get the door!", Zim shouting to his robot partner.

Zim goes upstairs and puts on his pony disguise to rush to the front door. When he opens the door he is greeted by a small yellow colored filly with a bow on her head. The filly carried a wagon behind her and was assisted by a white Unicorn and a orange Pegasus.

"Hello mister!", says the little filly, "I'm Apple Bloom and these are my friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, and we're The Cutie Mark Crusaders! We're trying to get our Cutie Marks in marketing!"

Zim eyed the little fillies, "Get out of my face, I have no need for your Horsey-Horse meats!", he shouted and slammed the door in their faces.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were left in awe and confuse-meant. Scootaloo, on the other hand was outraged!

"Hey! You get out of there, Right now!", she shouted as she banged on the door.

But when Scootaloo managed to open the door they were stunned at the sight of Zim's house. It was all dark and misshapen. The most freighting thing they saw as the crept in the house was a creepy painting of a Green Monkey with big huge eyes looking at the three fillies. It disturbed them as they thought the Monkey was looking at them.

"What is the place? We should go! Like....Now!", Sweetie said backing into the center of the room. "OW!", she rammed into something.

It was GIR, in a pony disguise that made him appear to be a filly with a metallic coat. GIR looked at Sweetie Belle, and Sweetie looked back at GIR. there was a long awkward silence until.

"Ah!", Sweetie screamed.

GIR screamed back at her but with a smile on his face, "AH!", Gir stopped and giggled, "You are so cute!", he put his finger on Sweetie's forehead, then tightly hugging. Sweetie didn't know how to react. So she reacted how ''anypony'' would in this situation, she hugged her new robot friend back.

"Aw, you're so cute!", she said while snuggling GIR's face and since GIR's face was more soft in this universe he was even more huggable.
Zim walks in and notices that GIR isn't in his disguise and tries to stop Sweetie Belle. But then suddenly Zim just suddenly stops running towards them. He stands there in his pony disguise looking at the two hugging and starts to feel something, this warm feeling in his body.

"The Feels!", Zim shouted as curled into ball with pain surging through his body. But he realized there a bit was also a small amount of warmth. He never had this sort of feeling before, it felt unnatural but at the same time pleasant. But He shook off he feelings, as he didn't want this feeling to overcome his body and mind. He "trotted" over to GIR and picked up by his neck.

"G...I mean, Cupcake Taco!", he said tripping over his words almost revealing GIR's real name, "I thought I told you to alert me when we had Intru-I mean, guests", he grinned nervously thinking that the Crusaders were catching on to him when really, the Crusaders had no idea what was going on. He then tossed "Cupcake Taco" out of the way and stood in front of the fillies. Uncomfortably, Zim stared at them with one gleaming eye, twitching and even a bit blood-shot. The Crusaders stepped back with unease. Then Apple Bloom spoke.

"Well uh, Mr. Invader, we can see yer a bit busy so me and my friends are gonna...go now", Bloom and her friends slowly started to leave and hopped on their wagon and made a fast get away from Zim's make-shift abode. Zim just leaned out of the doorway to make sure they were gone. Once he saw they were nothing but a multi-colored dot on the horizon, Zim proclaimed victory by doing a small jig then accompanied by Gir. After that moment with the Crusaders, it would be a while until Zim interacted with any other inhabitants from Ponyvillle. That is until Zim had a, what was to him both fiendish and very important, he would need to invade a some sort of information center to gather intelligence on the pony folk. What made them sick, juicy, and make the horse "Stink-meats" obey and fear him. Gir pointed towards the Ponyville's Library, The Golden Oak. With that Zim and his mentally-unstable partner made their way towards to the Golden Oak.

The Golden Oak was as silent as always, Spike was monitoring the numerous shelves of books which the occasional pony would come in and borrow a book or two. As Spike was carefully putting a book back on its precariously-high shelf, Zim and Gir knocked on the door. Spike got down from the shelf and answered the door.

"Hello, welcome to the Library, what can I..", Spike spoke but then cut himself off. The little Dragon gazed in horror at the monster that stood on his door-step. What Spike saw was a small horrid green monster in the most unsettling pony costume he had ever seen. Along with the creature, was a small metal THING which seem to be oozing some sort of substance from it's mouth as it made a kerfuffle of undefinable sounds. Spike screamed and fell back in horror which caused a chain reaction. not only knocking over several objects in the process, but knocking down the book shelf he had just organized. "Get away from me!", Spike screeched with a crack in his voice.

Zim stood motionless. He moved towards Spike and leaned in Spike's face. Zim's unnatural Dark-Pink dish eyes gazed reflected the terrified Dragon's expression. Zim grabbed Spike by throat and shook him commandingly.

"Small squishy purple child! Tell Me! Where can I find a book on a Pony's Filthy horrid body?", Zim growled as he continuously shook Spike for answers. Spike could do nothing but cry. in a cluster of weeping and what seemed to be like screams, Spike pointed to one of the shelves on Pony biology. Zim smiled with glee and trotted over to the book shelf. Spike felt like he could do nothing, with Zim making weird noises and Gir doing the exact same thing but also poking repeatedly at him could only wish for Twilight to come home. Then Spikes prayers had been answered!

Twilight arrived back from doing some sort of task for the Mayor.

"Hi Spike. Oh, I guess we have guests!", she said with a warming smile. Spike slowly crawled to his Pony friend and planted himself on her back, shacking. "Spike? What's wrong?", she asked her dragon companion who was a having a severe sweat. She shrugged it off since he didn't reply, and went on her way to greet Zim.

"Hello Invader, haven't seen you in a while, how have you been?", Twilight extended her front left hoof to Zim for a "Hoof shake".

Zim jolted his head in a unnatural way towards Twilight's direction. "Ah, Hello Twidilight Sprinkle! I'm very well and Extremely Normal", Zim said with his signature twitch. Zim nudged Gir to do as he did. Gir nodded with a gaping smile and offered his taco-grease covered "hoof". Twilight, unknowingly, shook his hoof back. Spike screeched in horror. The dragon bucked up courage, hopped off her and pulled Twilight aside to where Zim and Gir could not hear.

"Twilight", Spike said with sheer panic in his voice, "Do you not notice the Freaky-Monster thing in our house! It's head is huge and green and...", Spike began to trip and stutter on his words. Twilight stood in confusion at her assistant.

"Spike, what are you talking about?", the unicorn said with care, gently placing her hoof on her dragon-kin's shoulder. "Spike, I don't what's wrong but Invader and Cupcake look perfectly fine to me". She started back at Zim and Gir who smiled and waved like they do.

Spike just stood in place, dumfounded, greatly stupefied, wondering what in the name of Equestria is Twilight seeing? Twilight trotted over to Zim and began talking, occasionally trading glances with each other. As he looked, Spike was slowly put the pieces together. What would take the Ponies a while to guess Spike crumpled to the ground and thought to himself...

"He's a Alien Invader!"

To be Continued....