• Published 19th Dec 2016
  • 2,658 Views, 82 Comments

Hunter of Numbers - Golden Flare

You are the worst Duelist in CHS and everybody knows it, so you refrain from dueling anyone besides your friends, Snips and Snails. But when the appearance of these "Number" cards start possessing people, will you rise to the challenge?

  • ...

Chapter 4: Cooking Calamity

Author's Note:

I forgot to mention, the Duels in this fanfic will ignore the new rule I've heard of: on the first turn you can't draw as well as battle. Apparently it was made in 2014, but I'm not abiding that rule in this story

Canterlot High School, 11:34 AM

After the first half of school was done and over with, you were now on your way to lunch to see what you can snag to eat. Before you left your math class, you heard from Miss Cheerilee that Rainbow's grades are getting better and that she'll be able to participate in the Friendship Games at the end of the week. You felt a little pride in yourself for helping Rainbow pass, you two were at each other's throats at first, but became good friends in the end, unfortunately she wasn't out of the woods just yet, Rainbow has a test at the end of the Friendship Games that you need to prepare her for, since it counts as half of her final grade, you hope that she can ace it, especially with all the studying you two went through.

Before you knew it, Rainbow and the rest of the girls joined you in your walk to the cafeteria, but you wondered where Snips and Snails were today.

"Hey, (Y/N), did you hear? There's new food being released in the cafeteria and a lot of people were chosen to be taste testers for it."

In your mind, that would explain where your buddies went.

"Really? Hmm..."

"Ah, don't think too much on it," Rainbow said, "I'm sure Granny Smith is planning something big for the students."

"But the weird thang is, Granny never told me 'bout this, and she tells me everythang!" Applejack countered.

You get two feelings at this moment; deja vu and a gnawing pit in your stomach, and not from being hungry, you can't help but sense something is very wrong.

"Lunch?! They call THAT lunch?!"

You look in front of you to see a bunch of disappointed students walking away from the cafeteria, even Trixie Lulamoon, who was the one who spoke among the dissatisfied students.

You stopped her with a hand, "Hey, what's going on?"

"What's going on is that fool of a cafeteria volunteer cooked up the worst lunch Trixie has ever tasted! Trixie is going to the principals about this!"

With that, she stomped off, ready to inform the principals of this development.

"Wonder what that was all about?" Sunset said.


You looked to see Snips and Snails rushing towards you, "Guys, what's wrong?"

"Some guy is cooking terrible food, and...and..." Snips stuttered.

"Then let's tell Granny Smith." you suggested.

"But that's just it!" Snails took over, "He's not letting her in the cafeteria!"

"WHAT?!" Applejack screeched before running off.

You sigh, "Better go after her before she does something drastic."

You dash towards the cafeteria with your pals right behind you, hoping that your gut feeling was wrong...

CHS Cafeteria, 11:40 AM

You barge in the double doors, letting in Granny Smith, who was locked out of the employee entrance, and seeing a strange sight; a guy wearing a chef's hat and an apron over his clothes, cooking something that smells disgusting from where you stood with his bangs covering his eyes and a crazed smile. Applejack came in behind you since you beat her to the cafeteria as the others arrived and held their noses to protect themselves from the stench.

"Sweet Celestia, what is that smell?!" Sunset exclaimed.

"I don't know, but it's quite horrid!" Rarity added.

"Ma Granny would never allow food ta smell like this!" Applejack said.

But the "chef" didn't take kindly to your friends' choice of words, "You peons couldn't even begin to appreciate the quality of my cooking!"

"Like your taste testers did?" Rainbow questioned.

"Bah! I just had a misjudgment with my choice in taste testers, that's all."

"Maybe you should get a new cookbook, cause even I don't burn cupcakes that smell THIS bad!" Pinkie stated.

"Hang on. Look." you point at the side of the chef's neck, which showed the number 59.

"Do you think—" Sunset began.

"—This miserable excuse of a cook has a Number card." you finished.

"MISERABLE?!" a dark aura shrouded the guy as he grew angrier, but calmed down as an idea popped into his head, "...How about a Duel?"

"Huh?" you and your friends all said, confused.

"If I win, you'll be my guinea pig for my next batch of food, and if you win, I'll let Granny Smith take back over. Deal?"

"Don't do it, (Y/N), it's not worth it." Snips tried to talk you out of it.

But you knew you had no choice, if what's happening to this guy is what you think, then this is something you have to do.

"...You got yourself a deal." you say to your opponent, making everyone even Granny Smith gasp.

He grins wide as he prepares his Duel Pad and Duel Gazer as you do the same.

"May I ask for the name of my opponent?"

"Name's Shining Spoon." he said.

"Alright, now..."

"Let's Duel!" you both declared.

(Y/N): 4000 LP
Shining Spoon: 4000 LP

"The chef gets first taste, I draw!" Shining said, beginning the Duel, "And I think I'll start by placing a monster in Defense Mode and end my turn."

"That's it? Well, in that case, I draw!" you drew your card and played your new monster, "I summon Fortune Lady Fire in Attack Mode!" the monster that came out looked like a sorceress wearing a black and blue body suit with a red blouse and skirt holding a staff-like cane with a fiery blossom within the curled tip (Fortune Lady Fire: Lv. 2 / ATK: ? / DEF: ?), "Then her ability activates! Her Attack and Defense Points are equal to its level times 200!" Fortune Lady Fire began to glow in a warm light (ATK: 400 / DEF: 400), "And for every one of my Standby Phases, its level increases and so do its Attack and Defense Points! But my monster's too weak to risk an attack, so I'm done for now."

"Fine then, I draw!" Shining took his turn, "And I'm bringing out Flamvell Magician!" out came a man with purple skin, bald head except for the red ponytail on its head, wearing a black sleeveless shirt, tight black pants, black boots, holding a staff made out of pure fire (Flamvell Magician: Lv. 4 / ATK: 1400 / DEF: 200), "Now attack Fortune Lady Fire!" the man charged forward at your monster.

"Nice try, I play the Spell card, Block Attack, and force your monster from attacking to defending!" the man halted its attack and went into a defensive position.

"Grr, fine! I'll end my turn with one facedown!" he sets a card in the Spell/Trap Card Zone.

"My turn then," you drew your next card and looked over your hand; you had Salamandra, Ookazi, Fortune Lady Water, Darkfire Soldier #1, and Ice Hand, "For starters, Fortune Lady Fire gains a level and 200 extra Attack and Defense Points!" your monster glowed once again as its power increased (Lv. 2 > 3 / ATK: 400 > 600 / DEF: 400 > 600), "Then I'm gonna have her attack your magician!" Fortune Lady Fire spun its staff and cast a wave of fire at the man.

"Not so fast! I activate my Trap card, Negate Attack!" the fire attack was absorbed into a vortex, "Which stops your attack cold!"

"Alright then, but I'm still gonna do some damage! I play the Spell card, Ookazi! When it's played, it deals my opponent 800 points damage!"

A blast of fire erupted around Shining, making him scream as if the flames were actually burning him.

(Y/N): 4000 LP
Shining Spoon: 4000 - 800 = 3200 LP

"I'll end my turn from there."

Shining takes a deep breath to calm his burning nerves, "Alright..." he growls, "I draw! I place one card facedown, then I summon Flamvell Firedog in Attack Mode!" with that, a dog made out of molten rock with horns on its head and magma bones protruding out of both its shoulder appeared (Flamvell Firedog: Lv. 4 / ATK: 1900 / DEF: 200), "Now I Overlay my Flamvell Magician and Flamvell Firedog to build the Overlay Network!" a galaxy portal was built, just like in your last Duel with a Number Keeper, "Ahahahahaha! I Xyz Summon...Number 59: Crooked Cook!"

The portal exploded and out came a man wearing a chef's outfit made for combat with cooking utensils attached to the belt, a fancy-looking chef's hat, with a canister full of gas strapped to his back hooked up to a flamethrower on his wrist, and frying pan blazing with flames.

Number 59: Crooked Cook
Rank: 4
Attribute: Fire
Type: Warrior/Xyz/Effect
ATK: 2300
DEF: 200
2 Level 4 monsters
While you control no other cards on the field, this card is unaffected by other cards' effects. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; destroy as many other cards you control as possible, then this card gains 300 ATK until the end of this turn for each monster destroyed by this effect and sent to the Graveyard.

"I knew it." you mutter.

"Now I activate its ability! By removing one Overlay Unit, I can destroy as many cards on my field as I can, and Crooked Cook gains 300 Attack Points for every monster destroyed by this effect!" an Overlay Unit disappeared within the man as he got ready to blast away his own monster comrade (OLU: 2 - 1 = 1), "Now destroy my facedown monster!" Crooked Cook then blasted the set monster with his flamethrower and it burst into fragments of light, he then became slightly muscular (Number 59: Crooked Cook: ATK: 2300 + 300 = 2600), "And then I'll attack your Fortune Lady Fire!" the man swung his frying pan at the woman on your side of the field and she burst into pieces of light.

"Ahhhh!" you scream as the force of the attack flung you on your back.

(Y/N): 4000 - 2000 = 2000 LP
Shining Spoon: 3200 LP

"Hahaha! No critic can stop my delicious dishes!" Shining declared.

You groan as you get back on your feet, "Are you done?"

Shining snickers, "Yeah, your turn."

"Alright then," you drew the Spell card Star Changer, Where is it? Where's the card I need? "I'll play two cards facedown," you set Star Changer and Salamandra, "Then I'll set a monster in Defense Mode and end my turn." you set Ice Hand.

Shining sneers, "Going on the defensive? It won't help you! Because after I draw, I'm activating my Trap card, Acid Trap Hole! It allows me to target a set monster on the field and flip it face-up, if it's equal to or lower than 2,000 Defense Points, it's automatically destroyed, but if it's higher than that, it goes back facedown. And I choose your only facedown monster!" Ice Hand was revealed and was destroyed.

You smirk, "Thanks, cause now I can activate Ice Hand's effect! When it's destroyed by battle or card effect, I can destroy one Spell or Trap you control, but since you used your only one, I won't, so I'll continue its ability, it allows me to Special Summon Fire Hand from my Deck!" Fire Hand was summoned to the field after you pulled it from your Deck (Fire Hand: Lv. 4 / ATK: 1600 / DEF: 1000), "And I'll play it in Defense Mode!"

"Fine then, I'll attack it with Crooked Cook!" the man charged forward and destroyed Fire Hand, "I'll end my turn with that."

"Okay, my draw!" you drew a Trap card called Inverse Universe, This could be useful. "I set a card facedown, then I play Darkfire Soldier #1 in Attack Mode!" the soldier was then summoned to the field, ready for action (Darkfire Soldier #1: Lv. 4 / ATK: 1700 / DEF: 1150), "And I'll end my turn."

"Ahahahahaha!! You've left yourself wide open for an attack!! I draw! Crooked Cook, burn him away!" Shining's monster went towards your soldier.

"And YOU walked into my trap! Inverse Universe! Now the Attack and Defense of all Effect Monsters are switched!"


The Trap card did its job and swapped Crooked Cook's attack and defense (ATK: 2600 > 200 / DEF: 200 > 2600), he slammed his frying pan into your soldier's scimitar and your soldier sliced through him, but he wasn't destroyed, instead Shining took damage from your comeback as he yelled and fell backwards.

(Y/N): 2000 LP
Shining Spoon: 3200 - 1500 = 1700 LP

"Looks like this is anyone's Duel now." Sunset said.

Shining stood up and growled, "I end my turn."

After he did, your trap went to the Graveyard and Crooked Cook's power returned to normal (ATK: 200 > 2600 / DEF: 2600 > 200), "I draw!" you drew Draining Shield, Almost there... "I set a card facedown, then activate one of my other facedown cards, Salamandra, and increase my soldier's Attack Points by 700!" your monster had a new sword in its empty hand and the flames around it grew stronger (ATK: 1700 + 700 = 2400), "And I'll end my turn."

"I draw, and Crooked Cook, roast his soldier!" his monster charged again.

"I activate the Trap card, Draining Shield! And with it, I stop your attack and my Life Point increase by your monster's Attack Points!"

A barrier appeared around you and your soldier and blocked the cook's attack as your Life Points recovered.

(Y/N): 2000 + 2600 = 4600 LP
Shining Spoon: 1700 LP

"Grrr! Didn't your mother teach you not to play with your food?!" Shining demanded to know.

"Yeah, she did, but I'm not eating anything right now, am I?" you quip.

"...I end my turn."

"Good, I draw!" you drew Kunai With Chain, Sweet! "I place one card facedown, then I summon Fortune Lady Water to the field!" out came another woman similar to the last one, except she was wearing blue instead of red and the top of her staff had a splash of water within it rather than fire (Fortune Lady Water: Lv. 4 / ATK: ? / DEF: ?), "And she goes by almost the same rules as my last Fortune Lady! You see, you know what my Fortune Ladies do after each of my Standby Phases, but this one has her Attack and Defense raised by 300!" the woman on your field glowed with a cooling blue light (ATK: 1200 / DEF: 1200), "With that, I end my turn!"

Shining began laughing maniacally again, "Ahahahahaha!! You're finished!! Crooked Cook!! END THIS!!!" his monster went in for the kill, weapons blazing.

You smirk, "I activate my Trap Card! Kunai With Chain! And it has two abilities! I force your monster into Defense Mode for as long as my trap is on the field, AND I can increase one of my monsters Attack Points by 500! And I choose my soldier!" a blade attached to a chain lashed out at the cook, wrapping itself around him and halting his attack, not only that, but your soldier is holding the chain to keep the cook in place (Darkfire Soldier #1: ATK: 2400 + 500 = 2900).

"GRRRRR!! FINE!! I'LL END MY TURN! AGAIN!!!" Shining yelled, angry at the fact that you keep 1-uping him.

"I draw!" you drew another Ookazi, "For starters, Fortune Lady Water gains an extra level and more Attack and Defense Points!" once again, the woman glows in a blue light, (Lv. 4 > 5 / ATK: 1200 > 1500 / DEF: 1200 > 1500), "Secondly, I activate another Ookazi Spell Card, dealing you another 800 points of damage!"

Once again, a rush a fire enveloped Shining, making him scream in agony again.

(Y/N): 4600 LP
Shining Spoon: 1700 - 800 = 900 LP

"Thirdly, I activate my facedown card, Star Changer, and change my soldier's level from 4 to 5!" four stars appeared in front of your soldier, which changed to five (Darkfire Soldier #1: Lv. 4 > 5).

"(he/she)'s gunna Xyz Summon!" Applejack figured out.

"And lastly, I overlay my Level 5 Darkfire Soldier #1 and Fortune Lady Water to build the Overlay Network!" your soldier and woman transformed into separate red and blue light respectively and flew into a galaxy portal, "I Xyz Summon...Number 61: Volcasaurus!" the portal exploded and a red bipedal dinosaur with number 61 and two swirling lights appeared (Number 61: Volcasaurus: Rank 5 / ATK: 2500 / DEF: 1000), "And now I activate its ability! By using one of its Overlay Units, I can destroy one of your monsters and you take damage equal to its original Attack Points!" the dinosaur devoured one of its lights as its eyes glowed (OLU: 2 - 1 = 1), "And now you'll be hit with 2300 points of damage!" the dinosaur's sides opened up and blasted the cook with a fiery magma ray and destroyed him, forcing Shining to yell as he flew off the floor and onto his back.

(Y/N): 4600 LP
Shining Spoon: 900 - 2300 = 0 LP


You fist-pump as the AR link dissolved, "And that's all she wrote!"

"Actually, the person writing this fanfiction is a guy." Pinkie said, her words making no sense to the others.

Soon enough, a ball of light phased out of Shining and flew over to you as you held out your hand to catch it, when you did it turned into the card Number 59: Crooked Cook.

"Well, that's that." you said as Shining regained consciousness.

"Ugggh...what happened?" he asked.

You walked over and helped him up, "You just had a rough go, that's all. Now let's give these students a REAL lunch!"

After your Duel with Shining Spoon, he called all of his taste testers back to the cafeteria to apologize for his behavior and terrible cooking, the students felt he sounded sincere and accepted his apology, but Trixie still seemed to hold a grudge against him...like anyone else would care what she thinks. Once that was done, Granny Smith took back over and gave everyone the most delicious lunch CHS had ever had, and everybody had never been happier. But you still had this gnawing pit in your stomach, you felt, no, you KNEW something bad was going to happen. Again.

Somewhere on the other side of campus, a male white skinned student with green hair and a blue stripe in the center, green eyes, blue t-shirt, tan khaki pants, and gray sneakers, was walking to his locker to gather his belongings before going home, he was one of the best singers in CHS Choir class and the choir teacher appreciates his talent, but the praise he gets makes him nervous since he is a shy person, and his name is Bright Star. The moment he opened his locker, a card fell out of it, making him curious.

"Huh? Who could've left this here?" he said.

As he went to pick it up, his thoughts were at the forefront of his mind.

I know I'm one of the best singers in school, other than Rainbow Dash and her friends, but I can't help but feel I could do better, I mean...

But his thoughts grinded to a sudden halt as soon as he touched the card, a dark mist coming from it.

"Yes, Bright Star...let the Number take hold." a creepy voice spoke in his head.

"What the?! Who are you?! Let me...AGGGGHHH!!!"

But it was too late, the mist phased into his body and the number 49 appeared on his left cheek as he smiled sadistically.

"Yes...I can do better...even if it means crushing those who threaten my talent...ahahahaha..."

Bright left his open locker unattended as he walked off, a sinister plan to make it to the top forming in his now-corrupted mind...