• Published 19th Dec 2016
  • 2,658 Views, 82 Comments

Hunter of Numbers - Golden Flare

You are the worst Duelist in CHS and everybody knows it, so you refrain from dueling anyone besides your friends, Snips and Snails. But when the appearance of these "Number" cards start possessing people, will you rise to the challenge?

  • ...


Hunter of Numbers

Ever since the trading card game, Duel Monsters, had been released and before it became all the rage, you've been playing it nonstop with your friends, Snips and Snails. Your only friends, unfortunately. You were the outcast of Canterlot High School, nobody wanted anything to do with you, other than beat you mercilessly at Duel Monsters, you weren't actually...what's the word? Good.

Despite being able to best your friends at the game, everyone else was a different story. After the Fall Formal and the Battle of the Bands, you were just forgotten, like...nobody even knew you existed anymore. But that would soon change, VERY soon.

Outside of your dimension, there exists two worlds; Astral World and Barian World. These two worlds have been at war with each other for centuries, with no hope of victory for either. But little do they know that a power beyond any other will be released upon your world...and with this power, the fate of all three of these worlds will rest on your shoulders.

Canterlot High School, 2:03 PM

The Duel Fields outside of the building were being put to good use as students from CHS were Dueling each other in Duel Monsters, preparing their skills for the upcoming Friendship Games. You were just watching everyone with your two friends using your Duel Gazers, not willing to suffer a humiliating loss.

"Hey, boss, wanna go out there and Duel?" Snips offered.

You waved him off, "Nah, not today, pal."

"But why?" Snails inquired, "You're the better Duelist out of the three of us."

"But everyone else is better than me."

Neither Snips nor Snails said anything else as the Duels continued. After a while, things began to wind down on the fields, so you and your friends decided to hang at your place.

"Hey! (Y/N)!"

You three stop at the voice that called out your name and turned to see who it is; it was none other than Rainbow Dash herself, the self-proclaimed best Duelist in CHS. Alongside her was her posse, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Sunset Shimmer, the latter of which you heard changed her ways at the Fall Formal event, now she's a better person, or so you heard. Part of you didn't want to believe it, because it could all be a ruse of some sort, some genius plan to double-cross her friends and take back her hold over the school.

Rainbow brought your attention back to her as she raised her Duel Pad, "You up for a Duel?"

You shake your head, "Not today, sorry."

Every time one of them offered to Duel you, you've turned them down, couldn't risk your dignity any further than you already have, right?

But Rainbow wasn't pleased with that answer, "Oh, c'mon! Just one Duel! You never Duel anybody anymore!"

Your patience was already wearing thin, "Well, maybe it's because I don't wanna lose again, did you ever think of that?!"

The girls and even your pals were taken aback by your sudden anger, you realized what you did and mumbled an apology before you ran out of there, with Snips and Snails following you. Rainbow recovered from her shock and tried to go after you, but Sunset held her back.

"No, Rainbow, give them some time." she said.

"But...!" Rainbow tried to protest.

"She's right, Sugarcube," Applejack butted in, "everybody's too tightly wound up right now, let's wait till we all calm down."

Rainbow looked like she was about argue again, but realized Applejack and Sunset had a point and sighed, "Alright..." she then looked determined, "But the next time we see (Y/N), we're going to Duel!"

Home, 10:47 PM

After returning home, you let Snips and Snails stay for dinner before sending them back to their own homes and you heading to bed. You fall asleep and dream...


All is quiet.

You suddenly find yourself on an extremely narrow stone walkway, trying to keep your balance as you traverse the dream. Unseen winds blow, trying to knock you down as you keep going and keep your guard up in case another one blows through. Now at the end of the road, you see a massive double doors marked with an angry, demonic like face with chained wrapped around them every which way and a single hole in the center.

For you, this door raised millions of red flags, practically begging you not to open it.

"Beyond this door lies a great power......but to achieve great power, there is always great risk......have you the courage to open the door?......Have you the key?"

"The...key?" you ask the voice.

"Yes......without the key, the door cannot be opened......have you the key?"

"I...don't know..."

Just then, something shimmered in your hand, when you looked at it, you saw a weird looking triangle shaped object that had parts of its midsection missing, on top was a green jewel that was in the shape of a perfect sphere.

"What is...?"

"Have you......the key?"

"Could...could this be the key?" you ask no one in particular, "Well, might as well, right? What do I have to lose?"

You walk up to the door, despite your common sense's warnings, and insert the object in the hole, which you assumed to be the keyhole. Once you did, it shined brilliantly and forced you back, the doors opened and an even greater light came out, blinding you until you finally woke up in a cold sweat. You looked around frantically and found yourself back in your room, which made you heave a sigh of relief until you saw something on your desk.

A Duel Monsters card.

"Huh...that's strange, I could've sworn I put away all my cards in my card chest." you say as you get out of bed and make your way to the desk.

You pick up the card and turn it around to see the face, but...

"This card is blank! I don't have any blank cards."

Suddenly, a dark mist seeped from the card and surrounded you, for some reason you felt every muscle in your body restraining themselves as if you were the one doing it, but you weren't. It's almost like...you were being controlled by something...something unnatural.

"Yes, (Y/N)...let the Number take hold..."

"What...?! Argh...let...go...!"

"Yes...let the Number take hold..."

"I said...let GO!!"

A bright light enveloped the room, covering everything and nearly blinding you, even making you raise your arms to shield yourself. Once it died down, you saw that you were still holding the card, but whatever that mist was when you touched it was gone, the voice was absent as well. You have no idea what happened, but you push it to the back of your mind and read the card that was no longer blank.

"Number 61: Volcasaurus...that's a new one."

You read its attack and defense points, effect, and how to summon it, it appeared to be an Xyz Monster, but you're certain that there was no mention of any "Number" cards from the internet. You felt something dangling around your neck and saw the gold colored key with a string attached to it, making you jump since you know you've never it on you, except for the dream.


A knock came from your bedroom door, "Hey, (Y/N)? Are you okay? I heard yelling."

It was your mom! You needed an excuse and fast! You couldn't just say, "I was almost possessed by a trading card, no worries". So instead you said...

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Just a bad dream."

Your mom was silent for a time, then spoke again, "Okay. Let me know if you need anything before you go back to sleep."


You heard footsteps fading away from where you stood, it seems your mother had left. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

Crisis averted...for now, anyway. you thought.

You had a strange feeling about tomorrow, but you push away your worries for tonight and just get some sleep, this time it was dreamless.

Canterlot High School, 11:57 AM

You always enjoyed math class, it really helped your Dueling ability since you needed to know basic math for the game. You breezed through questions easily, it wasn't exactly basic math, more advanced like, but you knew the material by heart and was able to finish before the bell rang for lunch. You stood up, walked past the desks, and handed your paper to Miss Cheerilee, who in turn gave you a bright smile.

"(Y/N), excellent as usual." she complimented as you return to your desk.

As you pass by, Rainbow decided to give you some choice words, "As least you're good at something, since you stink at Duel Monsters."

You were about to retort, but Miss Cheerilee beat you to it.

"Well, Miss Dash, since you feel that way, you can stay after class for lunch period."

You and the rest of the class, except her friends, started to chuckle at her, making Rainbow growl in frustration as you continued on.

"Shoulda kept yer big mouth shut, Rainbow." Applejack scolded.

Rainbow was about to lash out, but Applejack was, as the age old saying, saved by the bell and everybody, except Rainbow was exiting the classroom in a hurry to grab lunch for the day. You were in no hurry as you carefully organized your belongings in your backpack and began to take your leave.

"(Y/N)! Could you wait a second?"

You stopped when Miss Cheerilee called to you and walked to her desk, "Yes?"

She waved Rainbow over to her, "Miss Dash, could you come here?"

Rainbow grumbled and stood up, joining you and your teacher, "Yeah?"

"Rainbow, I hate to tell you this, but you are failing this class."

"What?! But I always turn my work in on time!"

"I understand that, but I don't think you understand the material, I mean, none of the answers on any of your work is correct."

Rainbow was about to deny what she said, until she realized that her teacher had a point.

"Which leads me to why I called you over, (Y/N)," Miss Cheerilee turned to you, "I would like you to be Miss Dash's tutor."

"WHAT?!" Rainbow shrieked, "But (he/she)'s a lose--"

"I would strongly advise you to NOT finish that sentence, Miss Dash." Miss Cheerilee advised with a fierce look, making Rainbow cower. "I chose (Y/N) specifically because (his/her) grades are nearly phenomenal in my class, and (he/she) would be the perfect tutor for you. Unless of course...you don't wish to participate in any sports."

"Hey! You can't do that!"

"I can and I will. If your grades in this class don't improve, I'll have to inform the coach to make you sit out of every sport you're a part of."

"But I'm the captain of EVERY team here!"

"Then you realize how high the stakes are, Miss Dash."

Rainbow gritted her teeth at this and turned to you, it was obvious that you were her only hope of helping her teammates in sports...and she hated that.

"Fine...have it your way."

Miss Cheerilee smiled, "I'm glad you finally understand. Try and make time for studying, both of you."

You both nodded and left the classroom. Rainbow got a little too close for comfort and growled into your ear.

"Let's get one thing straight; I don't like you, and you don't like me, but I need your help to pass this class so I can still play sports. So this is how it's gonna work: after school and after hanging out at the Duel Fields, you and I are headed to your place to study up, and make sure you help me understand everything, got it?!" you nod. "Good. Glad we're on the same page. See ya."

Rainbow left you in the hallway after storming off, making you ponder to yourself. Guess I don't have a choice here...and I don't want CHS to lose every sport because of me, so my hands are pretty much tied...might as well make the most of it.

Immediately, you realized something crucial...

"Aw, nuts! I'm gonna miss lunch!"

With nothing else on your mind but food, you run as fast as you possibly can to the cafeteria, hoping to snag something good before it was too late.

Duel Fields, 2:05 PM

Once school was over for the day, you went to the fields to wait for Rainbow Dash and her friends to show up. As the Duels continued and you spectated, Snips and Snails came up to you.

"Hey, boss!" Snips greeted, "Where were ya today?"

"Yeah," Snails added, "we looked everywhere for ya!"

You smile, "Sorry guys, had a lot on my mind."

Snips and Snails cocked their heads to the side, "Like what?" Snips asked.

You explained to them the situation with you and Rainbow, that you have no choice but to tutor her in math, making your friends gasp in shock.

"Are ya serious?!" Snips asked, incredulously.

"You're gonna be in BIG trouble if you can't help Rainbow!" Snails warned.

"Yeah, don't remind me." you turn away from them and back to the Duel Fields, "The fate of our school's sports teams depends on both of us."

Snip and Snails were sad and worried for their friend, you were never this upset about anything other than losing Duels.


The three of you turn to see Rainbow and her friends approaching, and Rainbow was the only one with a scowl on her face.

"Duel. Now."

You sigh, "Rainbow..."

"Don't 'Rainbow' me! You owe me this! Right now!"

You want to argue, convince her that you don't want to do this, but it doesn't look like she's going to let up on this. Plus, her friends look too nervous to do anything.

"...Fine. But I can't guarantee that I'll be any good."

Rainbow nodded in finality and guided you to one of the empty Duel Fields and prepared herself for a Duel.

"Duel Pad, activate!" Rainbow declared as she attached her sky blue colored device to her wrist and a flap opened out of it, which was the placement for the Monster Card Zones. "Duel Gazer, activate!" she then placed an eyepiece on her left eye and pressed a button on top of it to turn it on.

You looked nervous as you went through the same motions and declarations as Rainbow did, only yours were less enthusiastic and your Duel Pad was a flame red color.

"AR Vision link established." the automated voice from their Duel Pad droned.

"Let's Duel!" you both shouted as your Duel began.

Rainbow Dash: 4000 LP
(Y/N): 4000 LP

Inside Canterlot High School, Newspaper Production Room...

Silver Spoon was waiting for her best friend, Diamond Tiara, to finish reading her report; Silver had just written all the details on all the Duelists in CHS, even their win-loss ratio, and wanted to give it to Diamond, who was also in charge of the school newspaper, so she could get it in print, as per Diamond's demand request. Diamond had just finished reading and turned her attention to Silver.

"So this is all of them?" she asked.

"Uh-huh." Silver answered.

"Even those losers and that loser boss of theirs?"

"Yeah." Silver just realized something, "Did you forget their names already? I thought you read it all."

"Oh, I did." Diamond tossed the report back into Silver's arms, "Nobody cares to know their names anymore, so why bother?"

"Oh...yeah, good point." Silver responded wearingly.

"Get this in the paper immediately for tomorrow." Diamond gets up from the chair she was sitting at, "I'm gonna give myself a reward for such a job well done. Since Sunset Shimmer isn't the school bully anymore, this will be our chance to rise. And we'll start with being the best Duelists in all of CHS! It'll be easy, since we now know all of the students' cards and strategies."

Diamond laughed haughtily as she left the room, Silver being left behind to oversee the report being added to the newspaper.

She walked over to the printing press to begin her job, "...Hmph. That Diamond Tiara, stepping on other people to get what she wants. Why does she have to be so cold? If I was as cold as her, I'd show her a thing or two about being nice."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a card on the floor next to the printing press, she stopped what she was doing and decided to check it out.

"Is that...a Duel Monsters card?" Silver picked it up, "Nowadays, you don't just leave any lying around."

After she said that, a sinister mist was seeping from the card and surrounded her, unable to escape. Then, she started hearing an ominous voice.

"Yes, Silver Spoon...let the Number take hold..."

"N-Number?! What are you...?! Why are you...?! AHHHHHHHH!!!"

Silver tried to struggle out of the card's control, but it was no use, it had a firm grip on her. Then, she stopped as the mist fully seeped inside her, she was just standing there with a glare coming from her glasses, blocking her eyes. Below her right eye, a number 19 appeared and marked her, just before Diamond came back with an agitated look in her features.

"Silver Spoon! I didn't order you to scream! I ordered you to get that report in print!" she yelled.

Silver chuckled at her shouting, finding it funny for some reason.

"Hey! Why are you laughing?!"

Silver slowly turned around to face her so called friend and glare left her glasses, revealing an empty look in her eyes as she grinned maliciously. Diamond took a step back, obviously not expecting such a look from her gal pal.

"Okay, Silver...if you're trying to scare me, you win...just stop looking at me like that."

Her words only proceeded to make the number on Silver's face glow as she pulled out her Duel Pad, "You wanna be the best Duelist in CHS, eh? Do you really think no one else knew what your Deck contained? Well, I do, and I'm challenging you to a Duel! And the winner gets to do whatever they want with Canterlot High!"

Diamond quickly regained her bearings and brought out her own Duel Pad, "Fine then! I never expected you to betray me like this, but you'll regret it soon enough!"

Silver sneered, "Quite the contrary, you'll regret learning the hard way that anyone can be as cold as you, maybe even colder."

The two readied their Duel Pads, Duel Gazers, and each drew five cards. "Let's Duel!"

Silver Spoon: 4000 LP
Diamond Tiara: 4000 LP

20 Minutes Later...
Duel Fields

Rainbow Dash just finished off your Life Points with her most powerful monster, knocking you flat on your back.

Rainbow Dash: 4000 LP
(Y/N): 500 - 2500 = 0 LP

WINNER: Rainbow Dash

The Augmented Reality dissipated as you got up into a sitting position, Snips and Snails came to your aid, but you waved them off, saying you were fine. Rainbow and her friends walked over to your sitting form with looks of skepticism on their faces.

"What?" you ask.

"Dude...were you even trying?" Rainbow asked you.


"Seriously, you had a bunch of chances for attacks, combos, everything that could've beaten me! So why take the beating I dish out when you could've won?"

"...Because I stink at this game. There's no point in trying."

Rainbow sighed, "...Okay, how about this? After we study tonight, I'll teach you some pointers on your Deck and give you a little confidence boost."

You look up at her, suspicion written all over your face, "Why?"

"Because...you have potential, and I'm sorry for giving you a hard time, really I am."

You continue to stare at her, searching for any kind of deception, but you couldn't find any. With a sigh from yourself, you stand up and hold your hand out, prompting her to shake it, which she did, sealing the deal between you two.


You let go of her hand and look around frantically, "What was that?!"

"It sounded like it came from inside the school!" Fluttershy said.

You ran past them, "Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's go!"

Snips and Snails ran after you, desperately trying to keep up, "Wait for us, boss!"

The girls snapped out of their stupor from your sudden courage and rush inside the building, looking for whoever screamed.

Back to the Duel inside the Production Room, Diamond Tiara was staring at the monster Silver Spoon summoned in fear, "W-What the heck IS that thing?!"

"The instrument of your demise!" Silver declared, "Go, Freezadon! ATTACK!"

The monster blasted the pink skinned girl with a ray of freezing wind, forcing her to the floor with scream.

Silver Spoon: 4000 LP
Diamond Tiara: 1000 - 2000 = 0 LP

WINNER: Silver Spoon

The AR vision link faded away as Silver removed her Duel Gazer and looked over at a nearby computer. She sneered as she had a wicked idea, she walked over to the computer and ripped a disk tower out from the cords it was attached to and went over to Diamond's crumpled form. Diamond herself looked up and saw what Silver was doing.

"H-Hey! You won! Don't do anything crazy!"

That only made Silver grin devilishly as she raised the disk tower over her head, ready to smash Diamond's head in.

"What are you doing?!"

"Getting rid of one potential problem in this world!" she prepared to drop the tower on Diamond, "DIE!"

Diamond braced herself for the assault as Silver brought the disk tower down...


...Until the door slammed open and you grabbed the tower out of her hands, then body slamming her away from Diamond.

"What are you, crazy?!" you shouted as a tossed the tower aside, "You're gonna hurt somebody doing something like that!!"

Silver growled, "This has nothing to do with you! Diamond's getting what's coming to her!" she then looked like she just realized something and chuckled, "Oh, I know you...you're that loser of a Duelist."

You just glare at her.

"I think I know what to do, how about a Duel? If I win, I get to do with Diamond Tiara whatever I please! And if you win, I'll stop. Deal?"

"Don't agree to that! You stink, remember?!" Diamond said to you.

You spare an unamused glance at her, "Thanks for the vote of confidence..." you turn back to Silver, "And I accept your terms, because I'm not losing this time."

Silver laughed and put her Duel Gazer back on, "Oh, really? You should've been a comedian, because THAT was funny!"

You snort at her mocking words and ready your Duel Pad and Duel Gazer.

"AR Vision link established."

"Let's Duel!" you both declared as you and her drew five cards.

(Y/N): 4000 LP
Silver Spoon: 4000 LP

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Key: (Y/N) = Your name
(his/her) = his or her, whichever gender the reader is
(he/she) = he or she, whichever gender the reader is

My writing style on this story was adapted from DeviantArt.