• Published 18th Dec 2016
  • 839 Views, 3 Comments

Eternal Magic - Ereg

What will happen if in the peaceful land of Equestria the Dark Goddess is suddenly awakened ?

  • ...

Chapter One

Author's Note:

Well, this is my first attempt to write something in English.
Oh, come on, tell something!

Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Forge of the staff to Sunbutt Princess. At different times, under different circumstances, in this school were taught different ponies. Outstanding pony. For example, I remember the day, when in this building, shivering and nervously looking around, entered the unremarkable gray unicorn, named Sombra. I could list many other names of great unicorns, which were taught here, although they won't say anything to anypony.

So today, really is a great day, The Great and Mighty Me entering the ancient hals of this school! From how I described myself, the question is, can it be, that I am a unicorn, known as Trixie Lulamoon? Well, no, I'm not her. This certain blue unicorn, were admitted here three years ago, and she certainly will be expelled at the end of this year. But not a word to her! Let it be a surprise.

So, if I don't "The Great and Powerful" (however, I truly am), then ... can I be the future Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle?!

My eyes fell on lavender unicorn (something about her seems very familiar... no, it doesn't matter), right now been teased by other foals (Should I kill them, for what they dare to insult Enigma? Probably not?), which, like she and me, will soon participate in the exam. Little unicorn pressed ears to her head (How cute! My maternal instincts demand immediately go, and comfort her) glanced around, and then she noticed me reading a book of fairy tales (from my point of view, the Theory of Magic written by Starswirl, can only be called so) and with hope in her eyes, trotted toward me, clearly wanting to make new friends.

So, while this little treasure trotting up to me, I'll probably have to tell about myself? So be it. Perhaps I'll start with the way, in which I arrived in Equestria. It was easy. It was painless. That was fast. Just one bad day, I led by "my talent", which always leads you along the path to Ascendance (or Reascendance in my particular case), came to the place where I met my death. The explosion was powerful, my death was quick and painless, and led by my eidos, from my prison into Eternity.

Later... Wheel of Samsara committed a turnover, and in the the perfect place and time, I started a new life in a world full of magic, and free from the yoke of the Gods. So old me died and an alicorn filly, free from the memories of previous life, was born.

How long ago did this happen? It happened a very long time ago. Seventeen millennia have passed since the world heard my first cry. I lived, I suffered, I learned, I changed the world around me, I made friends, I loved, I was betrayed by the one I loved the most. I died alone. And, in the end, once again rejecting the chains of mortality, I Ascended to godhood, finally ending the cycle.

So, my name is ... And that's where the problem arises, because different mortals call me in different ways. My best known names in this time is "Harmony", or "Spark". No kidding, pony really call me Harmony. Those who are to the liking of the old days, genocide and total alicorn domination can call me Trabea. Or, if you prefer even more ancien times, you can call me Tinve. But I really like being called Shift! Nice to meet you!

Then the question arises, am I too high opinion of myself? Definitely not.

I'm flow of juices in the plants and likeness of life in the timberwolves, the rustle of the wind in the Pegasus wings, heartbeat of every living being and their death agony, the tides, sunrises and sunsets, passion to the knowledge of ancient archmage, and crazy, maddening rampage of Discord, tempting whisper of Nightmare Moon and endless Song of Stars, shining above, a steady flow of aether and the dark essence of the Elements of Harmony, trembling of Vale and almost endless energy of Elemental Kingdoms that are hidden behind it. I'm Shift - Mistress of the Endless Magic, Dark Goddess of Magic in all its forms and manifestations!

Of course, it begs for the question, if I'm so omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent ... Then what, in the name of the Eternal Light, I actually do here, among the puny mortals? Well, the mysterious ways of the gods, right?

I can only say that my reasons are the same as from Discord. Entertainment, and receiving power of faith, as a consequence of my actions. And I literally awakened and realized that I am, less then hour ago, when I skidded under the arches of this temple of magical science. And before that I, for previous three millennia, constantly being reborn among ponies, and therefore my present reincarnation appeared in the magic school by sheer luck.

And now, when I realized what had happened, I want to have fun... and use this chance to live a normal life. Because all my previous incarnation was, well, very "happy". Wars, rebellions of gods and demigods, invasions of the undead armies, Changeling Swarms, monsters, etc. are included. And now... chance to have normal life... The chance that I simply must take advantage of.

But, as every creature from the higher planes of existence, not wishing mortals to go insane, then they having the dubious honor of seeing the true face of the deity, I must create an avatar. Something that would allow me to communicate with mortals, without causing them irresistible desire to fall into dust before my hooves. Fortunately, I already have something.

So, if you look around the hall, which now has a future Equestria's magic society elite, you will see about three hundred of foals with fur of all colors, with and without cutiemarks, colts and fillies. Among them, the noble white coat have only four foals. I'm not one of them, though I also stand out.

So, to notice me, you need pay attention to the huge volume of "Advanced Theory of Magic" by Starswirl Bearded (old goat was a good at practice, but he had only a vague idea about the true theory of the magic, and his attempt to describe it can make its embodiment laugh) effortlessly held in the air by suspiciously stable blue telekinetic field. If you look behind this book you will see me.

Ğ¡hubby little unicorn filly, the embodiment of purity and innocence itself, with an unusual for pony coal-black fur (in the past, its color ponies compared to the starless sky, anthracite and my heart), not less than black mane and tail, in which were woven white ribbons, two dark-blue spots on the rump, too dark that it can be easily seen, bright eyes the color of molten gold and with cutiemark of a gear and magical sparks. Well, now I'm still have blank flank, but I have received the same cutiemark hundreds of times, so I know whereof I speak. Complementing all this splendor is long, sharp and perfectly polished horn, with beautiful curls in which the tiny sparks of light are dancing. Too long for a unicorn, but... so it should be with me. And to complete the image of an innocent filly two tiny saddlebags, which is full of bait for a bookworm.

Yeah, God is a girl. The girl with the ability to warp reality and immense magical powers and skills. Deal with it.

"Hello..." almost whispered Twilight, with cute embarrassed and afraid to look at me. By the Ethernal Light, how cute! My heart which is sealed in dark magical artifact of doom, tucked away in a spooky castle in the middle of a dark forest, full of monsters, jerked a couple of times from such a cute sight. Congratulations, Twilight Sparkle, you managed to instill strong desire to hug you, into an eldritch abomination.

"Hi," I said quietly, looking at cute foal in front of me. There was an awkward silence because Twilight has no idea how to interact with other foals. And the last time I ever properly conducted dialogue with someone other than a couple of precious snobs who gave life to my shell and servants afraid of me ... Mother of Me!!! It was almost three thousand years ago, when I asked mare, who later became Celestia's mother, to help me. She, in turn, with a kind smile tore my heart out of the chest. In general, the bottom line is that I do not have a clue about how to deal with nonalicorn foals. Meanwhile lavender unicorn became a little bolder and asked:

"Is it "Advanced Theory of Magic" written by Starswirl the Bearded?" I looked at the cover of the book, and yes it's exactly what was written. "I have read it too, and this is one of my favorite books." And so cute blushing! The Spark, my Light Aspect leaped from the depths of my mind, demanding to immediately embrace little one. However, she was not alone there, and a loud cry of "Stand still!" degenerated into an ugly brawl sounds. "Interested in magic?" I give up the most banal phrase possible. Her eidos specializes in magic, of course she is interested in this topic! "Me too. My name is Shift, and you are..."

"Twilight Sparkle," Very quietly whispered lavender filly.

"You know, if you so like books on magic..." I said, and with the help of magic, plucked from my saddlebag, one of textbooks about magical theory, recreated from my memory. By my authorship, by the way. Of course the estate where I dwell, has its original, printed, even if on the alicorn language. "I can lend you one."

Filly's eyes were so big and expressive, and expression on her muzzle reminded me of a gray unicorn, which was her very distant ancestor (or about a certain white filly with a scarlet mane, and beautiful magneta eyes).

"Can I?" She said, fixedly watching a book.

"Why not?" Purple hooves immediately grabbed the book and pressed it to filly's chest.

"And how do you manage so easy use telekinesis?" emboldened Twilight asked.

I`m just reincarnated alicorn who had fourteen thousand years of magical practice.

"There's a secret..." I started...

Now I will teach her advanced telekinesis. Then battle magic. And then, I'll teach her how to summon and subdue the demon lords!!! Mu-ha-ha-ha!!!

Twilight was an interesting interlocutor. Well, as an eight-year unicorn can be interesting for the ancient deity. Although not particularly talkative, Twilight, however, listened to me. So I showed her a couple of small tricks, with which you can simplify the manipulation of magic. But I had to interrupt myself, and not to give her information on the direct Aether manipulation, quite simple, but extremely painful, technique, that allows trained alicorn direct into the spell, energy of Aether, instead of the energy from internal magical well. So, communication with foal went well, friendship offer was accepted, and finally came the hour of trial.

The task was to raise dragon egg in the air, and keep it floating as much as possible has been difficult ... for normal foal. The reason is simple - the dragons are resistant to magic, magical influence on them is extremely difficult. Passive resistance to the magic comes from the subconscious unwillingness to be subjected to another's influence. Reluctance made pony (in our case, an egg) dissipate incoming magic, directed to it. You can suppress this resistance if your control of magic superior to your opponent controls. The purpose of this test is to identify magical defects, preferences, etc., facilitating further learning.

My control was certainly better than the unborn dragon, in my youth I could, albeit with difficulty, use telekinesis, to lift an adult dragon, so egg, wrapped in blue light, easily shot up into the air. Examiners looked at me, clearly expecting that I will start to show signs of fatigue and finally shall drop the egg. And I'm still not tired and glow around my horn remained flat, because my magical control is high enough to avoid putting in spell my own life energy, and therefore I do not geting tired by casting spells, but I still can melt my horn with too intense spellcasting. Oh, and I have the mana well large enough to hold an egg in the air all day and night.

So I looked at the examiners, and they looked at me. Finally, after ten minutes, I "lost concentration", and let the egg fall.

"Very good, Miss Shift!" said gray unicorn mare, the head of the selection committee. "Excellent result! You are accepted."

"Yes!!!" I imitated joy and jumped into air. If I had not done it, it would be weird.

So, completing my business associated with the creation of my future position in society, I let the servants of my "parents" drag me home. And then I was pulled away from the gray reality of the mortal world, and moved to a place where I can spy on mortals. The body of the little unicorn filly went limp, and began to snuffle, and mighty alicorn spirit, piercing space and time moved to another location, beyond the borders of the world.

World curled up to a point, and then blew up in a kaleidoscope of color and I was in the Nexus, my Domain, or to be more precise inside my real, extradimensional body. My avatar, an alicorn, is now decorated with flowing pattern of Spiritual Meridians, shining bright, almost blinding blue light, hovered in this strange place. Thousands of stars, each of which was the fate of a mortal magician, moved in their endless dance, colorful clusters of Aether trying to twist into vortices in an effort to generate new "stars". From this ether, from random movements and collisions of "solar prominences" a new life begins.

My eyes caught the purple star, one of the most bright among those that burn right now. My will has touched it, and there was an illusory screen in front of my eyes. On it appeared the image of lavender unicorn. Currently Twilight danced shaman dance (no, seriously, it's a real zebrican shamanic dance!), apparently trying to summon the spirits who are able to raise a dragon egg... or to devour the souls of mortals and possess Twilight Sparkle. On the screen ran the white noise bands. Someone is looking at the same place that I'm looking at? Oh, it is only my impatience.

CABOOM!!! - Than there was the deafaning sound of the Rainboom. Twilight jumped like a scalded and her fright (as it happens for other reasons?) empovered her magic and started a powerful magical surge. At the same time, I felt two things. Stirring of the thread of fate, that has woven together fates of the six mares. And, that really concerned me, from such a powerful outburst of magic emerged an Ethereal Magical Resonance. Which means that I'll now lift my extradimensional rump and go to extinguish it, or wait until it subsides by itself, damaging Ley-lines all across Equus. And given that I am the only Deity, who actually cares about the planet and its inhabitants, I'll have to fix them latter anyways. What the strikingly rich choice I have!!!

With a heavy sigh, I moved to the purple star-Twilight, and prepared for tedious, but necessary actions.