> Eternal Magic > by Ereg > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Forge of the staff to Sunbutt Princess. At different times, under different circumstances, in this school were taught different ponies. Outstanding pony. For example, I remember the day, when in this building, shivering and nervously looking around, entered the unremarkable gray unicorn, named Sombra. I could list many other names of great unicorns, which were taught here, although they won't say anything to anypony. So today, really is a great day, The Great and Mighty Me entering the ancient hals of this school! From how I described myself, the question is, can it be, that I am a unicorn, known as Trixie Lulamoon? Well, no, I'm not her. This certain blue unicorn, were admitted here three years ago, and she certainly will be expelled at the end of this year. But not a word to her! Let it be a surprise. So, if I don't "The Great and Powerful" (however, I truly am), then ... can I be the future Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle?! My eyes fell on lavender unicorn (something about her seems very familiar... no, it doesn't matter), right now been teased by other foals (Should I kill them, for what they dare to insult Enigma? Probably not?), which, like she and me, will soon participate in the exam. Little unicorn pressed ears to her head (How cute! My maternal instincts demand immediately go, and comfort her) glanced around, and then she noticed me reading a book of fairy tales (from my point of view, the Theory of Magic written by Starswirl, can only be called so) and with hope in her eyes, trotted toward me, clearly wanting to make new friends. So, while this little treasure trotting up to me, I'll probably have to tell about myself? So be it. Perhaps I'll start with the way, in which I arrived in Equestria. It was easy. It was painless. That was fast. Just one bad day, I led by "my talent", which always leads you along the path to Ascendance (or Reascendance in my particular case), came to the place where I met my death. The explosion was powerful, my death was quick and painless, and led by my eidos, from my prison into Eternity. Later... Wheel of Samsara committed a turnover, and in the the perfect place and time, I started a new life in a world full of magic, and free from the yoke of the Gods. So old me died and an alicorn filly, free from the memories of previous life, was born. How long ago did this happen? It happened a very long time ago. Seventeen millennia have passed since the world heard my first cry. I lived, I suffered, I learned, I changed the world around me, I made friends, I loved, I was betrayed by the one I loved the most. I died alone. And, in the end, once again rejecting the chains of mortality, I Ascended to godhood, finally ending the cycle. So, my name is ... And that's where the problem arises, because different mortals call me in different ways. My best known names in this time  is "Harmony", or "Spark". No kidding, pony really call me Harmony. Those who are to the liking of the old days, genocide and total alicorn domination can call me Trabea. Or, if you prefer even more ancien times, you can call me Tinve. But I really like being called Shift! Nice to meet you! Then the question arises, am I too high opinion of myself? Definitely not. I'm flow of juices in the plants and likeness of life in the timberwolves, the rustle of the wind in the Pegasus wings, heartbeat of every living being and their death agony, the tides, sunrises and sunsets, passion to the knowledge of ancient archmage, and crazy, maddening rampage of Discord, tempting whisper of Nightmare Moon and endless Song of Stars, shining above, a steady flow of aether and the dark essence of the Elements of Harmony, trembling of Vale and almost endless energy of Elemental Kingdoms that are hidden behind it. I'm Shift - Mistress of the Endless Magic, Dark Goddess of Magic in all its forms and manifestations! Of course, it begs for the question, if I'm so omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent ... Then what, in the name of the Eternal Light, I actually do here, among the puny mortals? Well, the mysterious ways of the gods, right? I can only say that my reasons are the same as from Discord. Entertainment, and receiving power of faith, as a consequence of my actions. And I literally awakened and realized that I am, less then hour ago, when I skidded under the arches of this temple of magical science. And before that I, for previous three millennia, constantly being reborn among ponies, and therefore my present reincarnation appeared in the magic school by sheer luck. And now, when I realized what had happened, I want to have fun... and use this chance to live a normal life. Because all my previous incarnation was, well, very "happy". Wars, rebellions of gods and demigods, invasions of the undead armies, Changeling Swarms, monsters, etc. are included. And now... chance to have normal life... The chance that I simply must take advantage of. But, as every creature from the higher planes of existence, not wishing mortals to go insane, then they having the dubious honor of seeing the true face of the deity, I must create an avatar. Something that would allow me to communicate with mortals, without causing them irresistible desire to fall into dust before my hooves. Fortunately, I already have something. So, if you look around the hall, which now has a future Equestria's magic society elite, you will see about three hundred of foals with fur of all colors, with and without cutiemarks, colts and fillies. Among them, the noble white coat have only four foals. I'm not one of them, though I also stand out. So, to notice me, you need pay attention to the huge volume of "Advanced Theory of Magic" by Starswirl Bearded (old goat was a good at practice, but he had only a vague idea about the true theory of the magic, and his attempt to describe it can make its embodiment laugh) effortlessly held in the air by suspiciously stable blue telekinetic field. If you look behind this book you will see me. Сhubby little unicorn filly, the embodiment of purity and innocence itself, with an unusual for pony coal-black fur (in the past, its color ponies compared to the starless sky, anthracite and my heart), not less than black mane and tail, in which were woven white ribbons, two dark-blue spots on the rump, too dark that it can be easily seen, bright eyes the color of molten gold and with cutiemark of a gear and magical sparks. Well,  now I'm still have blank flank, but I have received the same cutiemark hundreds of times, so I know whereof I speak. Complementing all this splendor is long, sharp and perfectly polished horn, with beautiful curls in which the  tiny sparks of light are dancing. Too long for a unicorn, but... so it should be with me. And to complete the image of an innocent filly two tiny saddlebags, which is full of bait for a bookworm. Yeah, God is a girl. The girl with the ability to warp reality and immense magical powers and skills. Deal with it. "Hello..." almost whispered Twilight, with cute embarrassed and afraid to look at me. By the Ethernal Light, how cute! My heart which is sealed in dark magical artifact of doom, tucked away in a spooky castle in the middle of a dark forest, full of monsters, jerked a couple of times from such a cute sight. Congratulations, Twilight Sparkle, you managed to instill strong desire to hug you, into an eldritch abomination. "Hi," I said quietly, looking at cute foal in front of me. There was an awkward silence because Twilight has no idea how to interact with other foals. And the last time I ever properly conducted dialogue with someone other than a couple of precious snobs who gave life to my shell and servants afraid of me ... Mother of Me!!! It was almost three thousand years ago, when I asked mare, who later became Celestia's mother, to help me. She, in turn, with a kind smile tore my heart out of the chest. In general, the bottom line is that I do not have a clue about how to deal with nonalicorn foals. Meanwhile lavender unicorn became a little bolder and asked: "Is it "Advanced Theory of Magic" written by Starswirl the Bearded?" I looked at the cover of the book, and yes it's exactly what was written. "I have read it too, and this is one of my favorite books." And so cute blushing! The Spark, my Light Aspect leaped from the depths of my mind, demanding to immediately embrace little one. However, she was not alone there, and a loud cry of "Stand still!" degenerated into an ugly brawl sounds. "Interested in magic?" I give up the most banal phrase possible. Her eidos specializes in magic, of course she is interested in this topic! "Me too. My name is Shift, and you are..." "Twilight Sparkle," Very quietly whispered lavender filly. "You know, if you so like books on magic..." I said, and with the help of magic, plucked from my saddlebag, one of textbooks about magical theory, recreated from my memory. By my authorship, by the way. Of course the estate where I dwell, has its original, printed, even if on the alicorn language. "I can lend you one." Filly's eyes were so big and expressive, and expression on her muzzle reminded me of a gray unicorn, which was her very distant ancestor (or about a certain white filly with a scarlet mane, and beautiful magneta eyes). "Can I?" She said, fixedly watching a book. "Why not?" Purple hooves immediately grabbed the book and pressed it to filly's chest. "And how do you manage so easy use telekinesis?" emboldened Twilight asked. I`m just reincarnated alicorn who had fourteen thousand years of magical practice. "There's a secret..." I started... Now I will teach her advanced telekinesis. Then battle magic. And then, I'll teach her how to summon and subdue the demon lords!!! Mu-ha-ha-ha!!! Twilight was an interesting interlocutor. Well, as an eight-year unicorn can be interesting for the ancient deity. Although not particularly talkative, Twilight, however, listened to me. So I showed her a couple of small tricks, with which you can simplify the manipulation of magic. But I had to interrupt myself, and not to give her information on the direct Aether manipulation, quite simple, but extremely painful, technique, that allows trained alicorn direct into the spell, energy of Aether, instead of the energy from internal magical well. So, communication with foal went well, friendship offer was accepted, and finally came the hour of trial. The task was to raise dragon egg in the air, and keep it floating as much as possible has been difficult ... for normal foal. The reason is simple - the dragons are resistant to magic, magical influence on them is extremely difficult. Passive resistance to the magic comes from the subconscious unwillingness to be subjected to another's influence. Reluctance made pony (in our case, an egg) dissipate incoming magic, directed to it. You can suppress this resistance if your control of magic superior to your opponent controls. The purpose of this test is to identify magical defects, preferences, etc., facilitating further learning. My control was certainly better than the unborn dragon, in my youth I could, albeit with difficulty, use telekinesis, to lift an adult dragon, so egg, wrapped in blue light, easily shot up into the air. Examiners looked at me, clearly expecting that I will start to show signs of fatigue and finally shall drop the egg. And I'm still not tired and glow around my horn remained flat, because my magical control is high enough to avoid putting in spell my own life energy, and therefore I do not geting tired by casting spells, but I still can melt my horn with too intense spellcasting. Oh, and I have the mana well large enough to hold an egg in the air all day and night. So I looked at the examiners, and they looked at me. Finally, after ten minutes, I "lost concentration", and let the egg fall. "Very good, Miss Shift!" said gray unicorn mare, the head of the selection committee. "Excellent result! You are accepted." "Yes!!!" I imitated joy and jumped into air. If I had not done it, it would be weird. So, completing my business associated with the creation of my future position in society, I let the servants of my "parents" drag me home. And then I was pulled away from the gray reality of the mortal world, and moved to a place where I can spy on mortals. The body of the little unicorn filly went limp, and began to snuffle, and mighty alicorn spirit, piercing space and time moved to another location, beyond the borders of the world. World curled up to a point, and then blew up in a kaleidoscope of color and I was in the Nexus, my Domain, or to be more precise inside my real, extradimensional body. My avatar, an alicorn, is now decorated with flowing pattern of Spiritual Meridians, shining bright, almost blinding blue light, hovered in this strange place. Thousands of stars, each of which was the fate of a mortal magician, moved in their endless dance, colorful clusters of Aether trying to twist into vortices in an effort to generate new "stars". From this ether, from random movements and collisions of "solar prominences" a new life begins. My eyes caught the purple star, one of the most bright among those that burn right now. My will has touched it, and there was an illusory screen in front of my eyes. On it appeared the image of lavender unicorn. Currently Twilight danced shaman dance (no, seriously, it's a real zebrican shamanic dance!), apparently trying to summon the spirits who are able to raise a dragon egg... or to devour the souls of mortals and possess Twilight Sparkle. On the screen ran the white noise bands. Someone is looking at the same place that I'm looking at? Oh, it is only my impatience. CABOOM!!! - Than there was the deafaning sound of the Rainboom. Twilight jumped like a scalded and her fright (as it happens for other reasons?) empovered her magic and started a powerful magical surge. At the same time, I felt two things. Stirring of the thread of fate, that  has woven together fates of the six mares. And, that really concerned me, from such a powerful outburst of magic emerged an Ethereal Magical Resonance. Which means that I'll now lift my extradimensional rump and go to extinguish it, or wait until it subsides by itself, damaging Ley-lines all across Equus. And given that I am the only Deity, who actually cares about the planet and its inhabitants, I'll have to fix them latter anyways. What the strikingly rich choice I have!!! With a heavy sigh, I moved to the purple star-Twilight, and prepared for tedious, but necessary actions. > Chapter Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day of admission in the magical school, and along with that, the date then one certain lavender filly discovered her special talent, turned out to be very tedious. And while suppressing the Etherial Resonance was simple enough and fast, but Ley-lines still suffered massive damage, and I had to mend them. Repeating the routine, albeit a very complicated action, a few million times - it is very tiring, even for the Goddess. And when I finished with my duties, I began doing work that must be done by other gods, who simply don't care about  this world (like Discord), or they just can't do anything (for example, my mother, Erebia). In particular, I ran along the border between the living world and the world of the dead, patched some holes in the Veil and sent back to the Shimmering Void few abominations, trying to get out from that place (nothing really serious this time, but sometimes really horrific monsters trying to break out), gently wiped the residual memories of the mortals who is about to reincarnate, once again straightened the shifting flows of spiritual energy around the Huffington, and ruthlessly destroyed a swarm of nightmares, which tried to break free from the Card of Dreams. Next, I have restricted my computational capabilities, narrowing my perception to the natural possibilities of my avatar, and thereby has reduced the consumption of the limited reserves of energy of faith. And, since in this world I have no believers, its replenishment becomes a pretty difficult task. And then, I returned to my mortal body, only to detect that in an hour the dawn will begin. Hm-m-m... Only now I realized that my body is indestructible, which means, I can try one of the varieties of magic, which had previously been too dangerous for me, so I was restricted by theoretical stydies only. Igniting my horn, I said a very strange phrase: "Shift, the Magician of Chaos!!! Yay!!!" When the Chaos Magic reacted to my clumsy attempt to use it, as expected, namely, in a completely unexpected way, I gave up. So, the rest of the night I was meditating and looking at the Stars (and these guys, in turn, stared at me, and, I could have sworn, was laughing at me!). And then beam of blinding light, aiming to burn my retina, hit me right in the eye. This is Princess Celestia finally sent her blessings to this world, and raised our artificial star. Without blinking, I admired the magnificent sight, looking directly into the glorious sunrise. Uttering something between a yawn and a moan full of pleasure, I stretched over and, moved into a sitting position. Okay, time to get up, freshen up and go for biological fuel for my mortal vessel. Still stretching, I cast a cleaning spell, causing a magical Apocalypse for the great civilizations of intelligent micro-organisms, living on my fur (I'll never experiment with the Chaos Magic again). Then I teleported to myself a set of horn care, and began gently polishing it. What?! Horn is the most important part of the alicorn! In addition, quite sensitive. If you know what I mean... Finishing with polishing my horn, I slipped out of my room. It is natural, that servants, that worked in the mansion, already not sleeping, and scurried about their business. When I left my chamber, they bowed and voiced a greeting, and I politely answered them, at the same time trying to determine if my "parents" in the mansion. The answer came — Yes, they're here. My "parents"... Ponies whom I must respect and love... Well, I suppose, I have some love and respect for them, somewhere in the depths of my dark soul. So, as I mentioned earlier, my parents are aristocrats. A couple of Pegasi which descended from the higher military ranks of Pegasopolis who was granted nobility when Equestria was founded. Of course they are both purebred Pegasi and their ancestors was also a Pegasus. So the daughter-unicorn is sort of a shame, in their understanding. However, when during a regular medical examination, doctor voiced the size of my magic well, "parents" marveled at the discovery of new opportunities and agreed that I definitely might be useful. The birth of a strong mage in the noble family raises their prestige to the skiesand. And provides an excellent opportunity for dynastic marriages with the noble families of unicorns. And honestly, for Pegasi tribalist who worship their tribe about the same way as I worship tjhe alicorn (Yes, I'm belive in the greatness of alicorn race, superior race of this world!) they are completely normal pony. And for the aristocrats, they are also quite tolerable. But enough about the unfortunate hornless ponies, the story is not about them, but about me. Making sure that no one can see me, I yawned and trotted towards the kitchen. Well, I have a growing body that will not be satiated by Holy spirit alone. Well it could be sustained by it, but it is too inefficient. For a pony I have rather strange tastes in food. If anything, I love meat. At the moment, I expressed my love for hefty ham, the size of a third of me. In the process, my belly has acquired some resemblance to a ball. But back to business. In this moment I need to wait until the start of classes. Or if to say easier — how to spend four hours of time, because now is only six in the morning, and I must go to school then it will be ten. Hmm... what to do... should I call Nocturne? I shook my head, trying to understand exactly, what gave me that "brilliant" idea to summon the Spirit of Revenge, just to kill my time? However, the funny thoughts running in my head. But the question of what I shall do, is still relevant. I Could tease the Reaper, by stealing souls from him and granting them second chances... but without my divine abilities, psychopomp quite able to resist me, and a meaningless consumption of power of faith sickens me. Or, maybe, I should brighten up the loneliness of Discord, projecting in his head lectures and villainous monologues, causing almost physical suffering to the God of Chaos... Or, should I destroy the fates of a couple of dozen mortals, and enjoy their suffering? I should meditate right now. I should meditate right now! So, I'm going to sit right here, on the floor, and meditate just like in the old days. And so time passed, and I, again, had breakfast and my parents wished me good luck, and demanded to make friends with "student of Princess Celestia", then in the company of butler I was sent to school. Here's the strange thing, in all of my past lives I never went to a magical school. When I was an alicorn filly, the magical Apocalypse happened, so devastating that compared to this nuclear war will seem as simple fireworks. So I was homeschooled, into deep safe Vault. In the role of a regular pony, my life itself were slipping into one of three scenarios: "The Dark Lady" (but it was really long time ago, in the days of alicorn dominion, so I was quickly eliminatedby the group of paladins from Seelie Court), "Minion of the Dark Lord" (the most striking cases of this, when I was Pegasi and a General of the King Sombra, or archmage of little Wuna in the days when she summoned my younger sister, Nocturne, went nuts and decided, that her sister must certainly be killed) or "Caster in the hero team, that is rushing for the next Dark Lord" (my most "favorite" role, life full of suffering and hardship included). Wherefore, for the chance to finally get a normal childhood, I'm ready to kill. Yeah, being just a carefree filly, for the first time in three thousand years, since I Ascended, beeing aware of myself, and therefore be confident, that this time everything will go right. To make friends, loved ones. And, perhaps, create Unity with another God or Goddes of Magic... So, magical school. At the start all students were gathered in the Assembly hall, where She-Whose-Flank-Shines-Brighter-Than-The-Sun, was giving a speech about the power of friendship, love, and other things that doesn't exist. To justify little Tia, I can only say, that she was quite sincere, and really belived in that she saying. And this sincerity, coupled with pretty powerful projecting empathy and the glimpses of the divine power, that sleeps inside of Solar demigoddess, has find a way to the heart of everyone who listened. Including my heart, and, judging by the contented rumbling of the Archmage, the words of the Princess, or rather the divine power encased in them, were quite tasty. As for the Celestia... she truly loves her ponies and her ponies pay her back with a sincere faith and love. And thin, lightweight, and imperceptible threads of divine energy, drawn from the colts and fillies, intertwine into the flow, that making reality itself shiwer. The flow of power, that fills her with divine might, might that she never will be able to realize. The power to change the reality only by an effort of will or mere words. Like me, like Discord, like other Gods and strongest of demigods. I was looking at this idyll, and suddenly I felt sadness, because that all this will end one day. "Do pony experiences regret from the fact that we're going to turn it all into the fire, ashes and grave dust?" rustling whisper of a Mare sounded in my head. Oh, no... So, let me introduce another part of my mind. Archmage — something, that well-bred mares will never show to anyone. A tangle of dark emotions, dark desires, anger, animalistic instincts that are the reason for themselves. And an endless hatred for all the world. The presence of this aspect of my essence, from the very beginning resulted in a lot of trouble. For example, to the fact that I am the Dark Goddess, as much as I tried to deny it. Or to... whatever. Still no one, never would be able to prove it... And no one will never listen to Discord. The Archmage was born out of unforeseen complications in process of my Ascendance (or rather due to the fact, that shortly before my Ascension I was quite successfully sacrificed). "It must be that way, Archmage. Perhaps Shift will put a little more effort, and will turn this world into true paradise?" there was another voice, softer, and with that purring notes, but not too different from the previous voices. The Spark is my Light Aspect. Dreams, love, desire to help others, and other usless tfings that Celestia describe as Magic of Friendship. All of the above, that part of me radiates with the intensity of the damaged nuclear reactor. Spark originated from a powerful crisis of identity, and the fact that my niece, along with her older sister, grabbed the Elements of Harmony (if ponies knew what it is actually, they have thrown this stuff away, and that actually that Celestia done when she found out their true nature) at any convenient occasion, and did not conceal this. Overall, The Spark is the total amount of all idiale, that belongs to pony that I was before I Ascended and reclaimed my goodhood. Luckily for me, both of my aspects, usually are busy, fighting each other, somewhere in my subconscious.  And because of that dominant part of personality is, without a doubt, me. And, I can do that: "SHUT UP, YOU DAMNED GHOSTS!" I have formed a clear idea inside my head, silencing both my Aspects, and abruptly calming down. But, Celestia's speech finally ended, ponies with their applause honestly tried to crush the marble slabs that covered the floorsl, and foals finally went to their classes. Worshiping of Celestia came to an end, and now is the time for sermons in my glory! How the first lesson in the school of magic looked like? It's very simple. Delighted kids were transported to their classes and teachers have began explaining how truly important magic is. From multiple remote classes, where normal preache... teachers were, tiny streams of energy of faith started to flow in my direction. In the class where I was, sources of faith was only inside the teacher, Twilight Sparkle and strange unicorn filly, at the other end of the class. The rest of the foals, listening to the boring speech of the mare that would be teaching us, after ten minutes, lost all enthusiasm and started to do their own business. With a heavy sigh I started meditate again while trying not to close my eyes. Almost everything that has a beginning has an end. Mortals, The Stars, the boring lesson. And finally multicolored wave of foals rushed into the corridors of the ancient building, outside, to sun, to wind, to freedom! Not having the slightest desire, to push through the crowd of ponies, I picked up my saddlebags and just teleported (judging by a new portion of the faith, teacher noticed it and was very surprised) to the Park located near the school, where all the foals spend their breaks. Sitting under the tree I have fished out of saddlebags book about the Magic of Life authored by "Bloodweawer" (one of the disguises used by my older sister, known to the world as Chrysalis the Giver of Life). After that I started reading, with the corner of my eye watching how foals, were trying to destroy the Park. That is when I was found by Twilight Sparkle. Little one was obviously languishing from the lack of communication. Embarrassed pony timidly approached me (Oh, Eternal Light, cuteness of this filly has exceeded all my expectations! I want to take her home with me. Now!) and and politely asked whether it was possible to join me. Gently I closed the book, after memorizing the page where I stopped, put it in the bag, and then focused all of my attention to Twilight. "I don't mind," I replied.  "What would you like to do?" In the end, I had to think about possible games that can awake spark of interest in Twilight, because the whole day staring at a book that's not something I want to do (I have dona that for centuries, after all). As a result, me and Twilight played with the stones. Sounds boring? But in that way I learned to control magic in my foalhood. And look what I've become in the end! Anyway, it was one of the most popular exercises for the alicorn foals. The trick is that two alicorn (in this case unicorn and alicorn trying to lock like unicorn) raise a small stone with the help of their telekinesis. Each participant must encircle about half of the stone in his telekinetic field. At this point everything simple, telekinesis fields are not in conflict, and the stone still (or not) hanging in the air. And then each player try to control the movement of the stone. And here starts the funny thing, because in order to move the stone, you need to overpower the opponent's control over his magic, to repel his telekinetic field from a stone' and to envelop it with your own magic. The opponent does the same. This exercise is suitable for adults magicians too. What can I say, I practiced with stones (of which there were several dozens), even when I was in the rank of Archmage. Oh, it's a really funny, especially when players accidentally slip into the magical resonance. When horns start pleasantly warm and excitingly vibrate, something funny may happen (and certainly would happen if one of the participants is mare in heat). And if you create crystals that may explode, if you repel enemy magical field too fast... Or if you are competing with the demon-lord, who in the case of your loss will say that "Your soul is mine!"... Of course, as always when I competeing with mages, I wasn't serious with Twilight. And she, once managed to understand the trick, even managed to push my magic and win the game a few times. Amazing speed of learning! Foals looking at how two unicorn filly's, with the concentrated expressions on their muzzles, using their magic to fight for control over the stone, and began trying to do the same.  And then this craze has been noticed by the teacher, they asked a few probing questions, found that this idea came from me, passed the information to higher authorities with amazing speed, the gears of the universe began to spin and I earned the unflattering attention of Princess Celestia. Cool Shift! Keep going! > Chapter Three > --------------------------------------------------------------------------  After the end of classes (well, now I almost certain, that miserable levels of magical power among the modern unicorns can be caused by the quality of education, not only by the fact that magic is slowly fading from Equus), I was sitting near the principal's office and thinking about what awaits me. So, my actions accidentally caught Celestia's attention. If Celestia really was such tyrant and manipulator, which she seen by some ponies and I would have been in trouble (or, if she'd tried to escalate conflict, she would be in trouble as well). Fortunately for both of us, Celestia is demigoddess. Demigoddess, that had been brainwashed by public opinion long time ago. Of course in the old days Celestia bore the traces of a classical alicorn behavior with our lust for power prescribed at the genetic level, racism and general disdain for the lesser species. The fact that she has collected a lot of mortals, turned in stone in her garden (by the way there are, two statues of my past incarnations), or fact that in the past her favorite dish have been griffins roasted alive, speaks for itself. But, like all entities gifted with divinity, she is exactly what those what her worshipers think of her. In our case, she is fair and kind ruler. And this is good. Well, back to the meeting with our little Daybreakerr, and to the fact that from this meeting I can expect other troubles. The first problem, is also most important, and also is the only one. Celestia looks very similar to her mother, the mare, who was stripped of her name by my divine order, and, perhaps, the only pony that I ever loved in my life. No, I have nothing against our little Princess, but her appearance stir a very old memories... Yes, it would seem, that nothing so important... but those are not the memories that I want to stir. Because the pain, the hatred, and almost childish resentment, caused by what she did to me, was so strong that in a moment before my death, I Ascended, but nevertheless... "You offered me your heart? Well, I'm happy to accept this gift." This phrase, uttered in this kind, sincere caring tone, bright smile, full of joy, sparkling of hers magneta eyes, shimmering of her horn, and cracking of my ribs, mercilessly torn open by golden telekinetic field, and my heart, still beating, and still not willing to give up to the death, which was covered with magical patterns right in my chest... This scene were imprinted in my memory for centuries... I began to tremble, when I felt my chest start aching. Usually pain is a great pleasure to me, but not this one... Now imagine, that my worst nightmare would look at me, with her pink eyes, with that damned motherly smile, and speak to me in this kind voice. Instantly I was enraged, and my nose was hit by the smell of burning marble. Glancing back, where my front hooves were, I found two tiny hoofprints, filled with molten stone. Taking a deep breath, I cast repairing spell to the floor, returning marble slab its usual color and texture. And while I understand, that Celestia definitely not her mother, but... they are looks alike, and this is enough to sway my fragile mental balance. "We are quite able to avenge her daughter, for all that we have experienced. Turn her into a disembodied but omnipresent ghost, so she could enjoy the suffering of her subjects while we..."immediately Archmage proposed to me. "Spark, keep Archmage under control until our meeting with Celestia end. Do not let her hurt anypony. " I said to my Light Aspect. "We have already caused her enough grief, Archmage..." her voice rang in my subconscious. At the same time there was a clanking of chains, humming of magic, and they both are vanished in the depth of my mind. So now, when my mind is as free as the wind, I should wait for Celestia. What Celestia want from me, is a mystery hidden in darkness. But, just in case, I prepare some tricks, that will allow me to to distract Celestia. Rather a single, simple trick. My appearance. As I mentioned earlier, Luna is my niece. She and Celestia have one mother, but different fathers. Celestia's father turned in something disgusting, and now he imprisoned in the ugly statue of himself in the Royal Garden. Luna's father is actually my younger brother, Artemis, who has been killed in the battle with Discord. Now compare me to Luna, and then set the task to find the ten differences. In general, my snout is quite reminiscent of a similar part of of the Moon Princess, except that my skull shape now similar to that of the unicorn. In general, the differences we have, only the colors (Luna have dark blue coat, and mine is pitch black), haircut, my temporal lack of wings, and the fact, that I'm little more chubby than "Woona" in the equivalent age. And I even have this marks on my rump, although they are too dark and it not so easy to notice them. Now a little strain, to copy the motility of little Lulu, and all I have to do, is just wait for the Princess to saw me, pull a picture out of her perfect memory, compare two fillies and got totally distracted, from weirdness of my behavior. Realizing, that I have to wait a couple of hours, I decided to gather my knowledge about biomancy and Blood Magic. Somepony gasped preventing me from comparing data necessary for changing magical core of mere unicorn into apotheosis of spellweaving, that every alicorn possess. Mowing my attention to the source of the sound, I saw her. Celestia. Oh, she was so huge and oppressive. Like a ivory tower she stood over me, evoking a certain envy (I've never been so big and dominant, and, truth be told, I was smallest alicorn mare I ever seen). Her alabaster fur seemed to emit light, and a non-existent breeze flowed through her ethereal mane, causing the association with the northern lights. And her pink eyes, usually filled with warmth and confidence, which are transmitted to all around her, were now filled with astonishment, recognition and bitterness. And her usual smile, the one, that makes me, almost omnipotent Goddess of Magic, shivering in the immeasurable animal fear, or tremble because of boundless hatred, now are sliding from this perfect face. However, centuries in the company of aristocracy was not in vain, it took her only a moment to regain her usual composure, and there was that smile again, and now I had to restrain myself, from having to not rush. To the fight or flight, it's not important. Just stay still. Stand up! Bow! When my horn was aimed at the Princess, I barely managed to keep myself from the use of dark magic, to shatter her bright, powerful, and, I'm sure, very tasty, soul into hundreds of agonizing shards. "For me it's an honor to meet you, Princess." I said. My voice wasn't trembling, and it was good. "No need to bow down, my little pony." Huh? Is she trying to get herself in trouble? It's contemptuous phrase. "Little Pony". Wordplay that in the alicorn language, mean comparison with dirt. Of course, the Equish does not provide such opportunity, but... She did not seeking trouble. She does not even know, that her words offended me. "You're Shift?" I nodded, pretending that I'm embarrassed. "Come with me." And than the Princess, went to the principal's office. I trotted after her, trying to distract myself from dangerous thoughts. For example, let's focus on the delicious rump of young alicorn, that was directly in front of me. And I don't care what Celestia only two and a half thousand years old, for alicorn this age is still not much. One way or another, but the attempt to push my thoughts from a ritual dismemberment of my body by pony I loved, to my gutter succeed. Now I do not compare Celestia to her mother, and just staring on her flanks. I must say, very seductive, and perfectly shaped flanks. I cocentrated and looked through natural magic, that usually hide alicorn private parts from unwanted glances. Oh! She even have that cute pink birthmark in the same place as... Great... Once again I start thinking about Her gorgeous flanks... Next to the principal's office were located a small, cozy room, with a rather nice paintings depicting Equestrian landscapes, several cabinets, filled with all sort of small things, that you need for specialized magic exercise, bookshelves, a small, round tea table, and a certain amount of pillows, on which you can seat to have a little chat. Apparently, this room is often used by Princess, to communicate with her students, to train them, and to relax after that trainings. Not very logical, but alicorns of Seelie Court always do that, having a place to relax, near their worcspaces. Celestia lay down on a pile of pillows, enchanted with incombustibility (useless charms, fit only for the fabric, and in general I would prefer soft, fluffy cloud in its place) on one side of the table, pointing me to the other side. I nodded and climbed on a soft pillow, with my death aura cleansing it of dust mites living there. Princess smiled, and watched as I twirled in place, before lying down on the pillow, and her smile got a bit wistful and sad. And you know what? That smile is much better than her brand "mothernal" grin. No offense, Princess, just bad memories. There was an awkward silence. Princess clearly was deep in her thoughts, and I easily can not move for entire weeks and keep silence for years. ... Maybe she just waiting for some action from me? Because so far I've just stared at Celestia portraying admiration. Silence start becoming even more heavy and awkward. "Princess?" Finally, I decided to draw the mare's attention. "You wanted to talk with me about something, aren't you?" "Yes, my little pony." said demigoddess, finally focusing her gaze on me. And along the way I was offended again. What kind of rudeness it is? I'm, for example, in several centuries didn't call anypony "savage" or "little pony". It's just not polite! "It's about that game, that you showed to foals. Please, tell me, where did you get such an idea?" Obviously, all my attempts to teach pony the Great Art of Magic, always end badly, for me and for them. At least the previous time, when I taught them the basics of magic, and one mortal worm dare to get me drunk with love potion, take me to his bed and... And then I break the charm, I almost eradicated the tribe of earth ponies, and created the Sea of Woe (now named Celestial Sea), between modern Equestria and Griffin Kingdom... Or now, because of simple trick taught to unicorn foals, I have to deal with the mare, which I don't want to see in general. "It's my idea." Without batting an eye I lied. And continued under questioning look of Princess, who completely switched her thoughts on me. "Well, it's such a simple idea! Normal movement of the stones is simply, but to move the stone that moves somepony else, it's hard." And I made such an expression on my muzzle, if I voiced the Sympathetic Principle or the Teory of Harmonious Magic. "Well, you're right, Shift, it's definitely more difficult. And, maybe you can even come up with games like that?" Hmm? It's a great opportunity establish myself as a foal prodigy, show a talent in magic, or reveal some unusual magical feats... "Well, I know one game, but it's boring, and horn starts to hurt from that." I closed my eyes, tried to emulate more concentrated expression on my muzzle and lit my horn. After that, from the tip of my horn appeared the end of the blue thread, that hung in the air, while I set up another thread, and another. And then I started to intertvine them, but not allowing threads of magic to merge with each other. What I'm doing now is a very basics of magical weaving, very perverted magical style (although the "weavers" will say the same thing about formulaic magic I'm using) that does not operate on the basis of formulas, or, if you prefer simplier definition, mental images, like almost all types of the Equestrian magic, but on the magical constructs. Unicorns and alicorns are, by the way, almost incapable to use that type magic and what I'm doing right now, is a "wonders of magical control", ability that is impossible even for experienced magicians. Not to mention the foals. "Princess, see what I can do!" Princess saw. Princess appreciated. And the Princess's jaw dropped. "Incredible..." that's all she could say. Although, if I saw this trick performed by filly eight years old, I would have experienced... mixed feelings. Generally a mixture of admiration, wonder, and the feeling that I should surrender my godly mantle to my new Goddes. "Princess?" I asked "fearfully", allowing the weaving to collapse with a small blue flash. "It's amazing, Shift! How did you come to this ?!" During the three weeks I tortured human mage, who dared to visit Equus, demanded from alicorns to call their boss and then met the Archmage of Unseelie Court. But these details, I'll leave for me. "Well, I noticed that the strings are pretty hard to do. And yet in all the books written that subtle charms improve control. So I thought..." and trying to emulate shyness. "That's right, my little pony." Call me that again, in the next day, and, I swear by Eternal Light, I'll send you to the Moon vacation! Celestia for a moment lost her train of thoughts, clearly feeling my threat, and then continued. "The more you cast subtle spell, the easier you to control your magic." And suddenly she changed the subject. -"Oh, Shift, and who you want to be?" Somepony else, but not me. It sucks to be me. And be the Goddess sucks too. Especially the Dark Goddess. Generally, my decision to become a Goddess was the most questionable decision of my entire life. I pretended that I thought. And then I start to speak... "I want to be a magician like Starswirl the Bearded." Shure, being like a unicorn, which have earned his fame, by stealing achivements of other ponies, is the apotheosis of my dreams. "Learn magic, find patterns, create spells." Now I should use the option "manifestation of the Eidos". "I want to reveal how interconnected different aspects of this world, and learn how to put these links in the service of myself and others. This is what I want." And with these words I let my Eidos go, allowing two tattoos, to break through the magical seal, and reveal himself on my flank. Cutiemark. All life in equestrian society revolves around thise funny pictures on the pony rump. So it was with alicorn society, so it is now, so it will be in the future. Cutiemark is a visible display of talent pony possess, constant part of every one, manifestation of aspects of his soul, a visible, and indestructible spark of divinity, which can lead you to your own godhood. Once upon a time, long ago, long before the birth of the Royal Sisters, one little filly answered to the question about who she wants to be, suddenly given out a speech, about how she wants to subjugate the mechanisms of the Universe. She wasn't mocked, because in this same moment on her rump in a flash of white light, appeared cutiemark. Three gears. Three simple gear. And how pony would call this? Perhaps talent in mechanics? Nope. Links that connect everything in this world. Their understanding. Their ability to subdue, bind, seemingly incompatible. That filly, whose name was Trabea was the first in the world Magician of Links. As time went on, the filly grew and conceived plan, neither more nor less, to defeat destiny, throw off the shackles of death and become a Goddess of Magic. But, how if her talent hasn't connection with magic? That pony did what previously considered impossible. She changed her "destiny". She changed her cutiemark. Not steal or switched. No, actually changed. And world repaid her for this, making her something more than she was before, and three gears were joined by five magical sparks. And talent changed too. Now the power of the mare was in the connection of all things through magic. Since that, her cutiemark, her talent, remain unchanged. And in her innumerable incarnations, this pony has always carried the same symbol. Short white flash, a slight burning sensation on my flank, Celestia politely indicates to me, that I no longer Blankflank, and I jump in a sincere joy. Because, getting cutiemark is a Great Event! Even if you are experiencing it not in the first time! "Congratulations..." Celestia paused for a moment, apparently unconsciously fearing lunar holidays. Then she coughed, looked at me, bouncing around her, and continued. "Ahem! Congratulations, Shift. Getting you own cutiemark is a great event. I will no longer detain you, especially in such important day." At last. It will be possible to pull the leash on Archmage, and finally relax. "However, I certainly must talk to the parents of such a promising filly." Buck! > Chapter Four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Badlands... this inhospitable land, located to the South of Equestrian borders, fanned by the seabreeze, and torned apart by merciless sandstorms, that can rip the skin of a careless pony in a matter of minutes... Once upon a time, before my Ascension, the Badlands were green, prosperous and full of persistent life. The air was buzzing with tens of thousands of sounds, that were born by the lifeforms that inhabited it... This earth breathed, grew, rejoiced, mourned and died in the eternal melody of existence. In spite of everything, this place was full of Harmony. And in the heart of this blessed land, hiding its dark secrets from the rest of world, and luring lost souls wit the shining of the sun on the edges of flawless purple crystals, the Spire the home for the alicorns of the Unseelie Court, proudly rose to the heavens. Once upon a time, before my Ascension, I, still young, carefree and innocent, like a weightless shadow, glided under the canopy of ancient forests. I danced under the Stars, and I sang along with them, I watched the vanity of the world, noticing connections between parts of creation... and I was happy as never before, and never will be again. Then ... Then everything changed. From the thirst for power, from grievances and defeats, from the first sprouts of hatred it came. In a flash of blue light, piercing through the very core of the soul, which destroyed the majestic Spire, fire and death came. The earth no longer breathed, grow, rejoiced, or mourn. The earth died and with it tens of thousands of songs were replaced by the silence and echo of my demise. In a horrific cataclysm that nearly split the world in half, the last cry of mortal became the first cry of the Goddess. Since then, centuries have passed. The unquenchable flame, that enveloped that land, finally died out, and my Scream dulled, becoming quieter and quieter. And, as it was always, as it will be for eternity, a new life has come to the place of a bygone life. "Will the pony stare at her grave for all of eternity, or at last get down to business?" — I blinked, and looking from the crater, which, like in ancient times, sparkled with thousands of shades of violet, as soon as dense clouds let the sun's rays reach the ground, and turned my gaze to the north. Much further North and much later, among the black, barren cliffs there was erected a new Spire, which settled new inhabitants. Changeling swarm and its Queen, persecuted by the whole world and fleeing from the wrath of Discord, settled here, among the rocks and mournful memories. Although its pretty hard to distinguish Chrysalis Hive from other similar rocks... but there's something that makes it stand out. Chrysalis, no matter how cruel she may seem at times, loves life in all its manifestations. She simply can't imagine her life where nothing grows, where birds don't sing, where flowers don't blossom. And yet, Chrysalis was one of the few alicorns who had a magical specialization in "ecosystem creation" and "climate manipulation". There, where Chrysalis steps, life returns, the deserts soon turn into flood meadows, and bare cliffs into a lush jungle. And although the Badlands, which have been defiled by my Ascension for thousands of years, won't be filled with life soon, but Chrysalis remained true to herself, and in her house she created a tiny island of life, wich I can sense, and to which I can teleport. Without noise and without a flash, I emerged in the midst of a small clearing, protected from unwanted looks by walls of Changeling Hive, and covered with juicy grass, which reached to my neck. Birds happily sang their simple songs, not paying any attention to me, the insects scurried back and forth between bright flowers, the stupefying aroma of which caused the desire to taste them. Leaning to the ground, I did what I haven't done for a very long time, began to graze, because I won't find the same lush grass as here anywhere else on this world. When I had eaten, I stretched and looked around, looking for the mistress of this place. Chrysalis sat near a small streamlet, in which multi-colored small fishes frolicked. She sat, slightly hunched, and looked at the flow of water. Her green mane, like a waterfall, spread over her neck, and small sparks danced along its entire length. Her polished carapace shone under artificial light, and her translucent wings scattered thousands of glints, shaking from time to time. Even the ancient wounds on her limbs did not disturb the overall harmony of her appearance. And the only thing that spoiled the view was her uneven, melted horn, which, still was a very efficient weapon and magical conduit. I slowly approached her, and sat down beside her, catching a sidelong glance, and began to watch the fish that were scurrying in the pond. "You know..." Chrysalis began, peering at my reflection in the water. "When happened... what happened, and these snobs from the Seelie Court have confirmed that you died, along with everyone, I still knew one day you will return." She moved a little closer and suddenly I found out that Chrysalis's warm shell was rubbing against my cheek. "It's good to see you, sis." In response, I nuzzled her a little, then hugged her with my wing. "It's good to see you, too, Chrysalis." "Not even ask what happened to me?" - Chrysalis looked at me with interest. "Discord..." my face involuntarily twisted in a grimace of disgust. Yes, this miscreant, turned Chrysalis, the Giver of Life, one of the most pleasant and beautiful alicorn mares into a parasite, forced to feed on the emotions of mortals. "Discord..." Chrysalis nodded, and an identical expression appeared on her face, which made our family resemblance obvious, even though we belonged to different species. "So, what brings you to my humble abode? Well, besides the desire to finally meet your beloved older sister?" I fell chitinous hoof poke under my ribs. "There are infinitely many possible causes. But in general, I came to warn you that your ... " no matter what, we are still a family... well, we were once. And it's no good not to warn my sister that one of her daughters is plotting against her. "No, no, no! Don't say who it is!" and at my questioning look she explained. "Lately, I'm bored, so I let my daughter... have some liberties. And as for my usual entertainment, because I'm too old to fight with dragons or try to seduce Celestia once again, so I having fun by revealing my daughters plots. And how are you having fun?" "Well, I'm pretending to be a pony and..." "Oh? The proud Trabea condescended to live with the "lower beings"? Is the end of the world coming?" Suddenly she became more gloomy for a second and muttered something about the prognostications. Then, in her eyes, appeared cunning spark, and a smile returned to her lips. "Maybe you even found yourself a cute mare or a handsome stallion, eh?" At the thought of what Chrysalis was thinking, I had a vomiting urge. "I do not! I only have sex with alicorns!" I stated clearly. Pony. As a partner... How disgusting... "Yes, yes. In my youth I thought the same way. And then I met that cute dragon, and we..." "No need for details, Chryzzy! I just ate!"In response, Chrysalis just laughed. "Time goes by, you do not change." with a heavy sigh and under the heartbreaking creaking of the joints, Chysalis rose to her feet, after which she began to flutter her wings softly, and woven a cloud pillow on which she had settled herself. "Okay, we can chat later. And now I'll produce even more of these ungrateful bugs, who try to challenge every decision I make. Can you wait half an hour, until I get rid of the eggs?" "Are the drones sapient?" it seemed to me that most of the changeling's are just animals obedient to the will of their Royalty. "Only mine." Answered Chrysalis. "Well, if you can consider sapient the same creatures who constantly try to escape from me to Equestria." "And what was the reason? Well, I do not know, unhealthy food? Discord?" surely its Discord. I have no proof, but it is so convenient to blame him for all the troubles. "Old age. During the conception of drones, I can use only sequences of Monarch genes. And so happens... what happens. Some of my children even come up with names for themselves. And then what? Will they choose the King and start sharing love?" Crisalis shook her head. "They are dangerous, always hungry, and simply can't control their desires. Fortunately, I can keep them under control." "And why you don't lobotomize them?" "Huh?" "Why you just don't lobotomize them all?" "True, why not..." in her eyes dangerous lights start to dance. "Remember? All ingenious is simple." I rose to my feet, slightly pushing Chrysalis in the shoulder with the tip of my wing. "Exactly... You know, Trabea..." "Shift. Now this is my name." "Shift? Okay." Her left ear jerked, and in a minute a bunch of drones came out of shadows. After that, a green fire lit on the tip of her horn, and a green crystal needle appeared right in front of her. Chrysalis pointed its end to the skull of the nearest drone, clearly deciding to see what would come out of my idea. "Oh, don't move, "Thorax"." she uttered mockingly. "You won't even feel anything..." with a quiet crunch, the needle passed between the plates of the shell, which covered its head, and changeling became silent. " ...never again. So, if you need anything, ask away. But, within reasonable limits..." "Anything?" I looked at her greedily. Of course, there will be a little work to do, but she can become an excellent Herald. "Within reasonable limits." emphasized the Queen, giving me a no less hungry look. After that, we both laughed. "You know," I said more seriously. "I need to prepare a Star Focus ritual within a week." "When and where?" just asked Chrysalis, watching how the lobotomized drone helps his freedom-loving companion to become a part of the collective once again. Gently slipping off the passing stream of the southern wind, carrying a blizzard, I gently landed on the frozen ground. My hooves, now snow-white, dug up the snow when I skidded to a stop near a huge frozen lake, completely cleared of the fresh snow. On the ice was drawn very complex magical circle around which scurried Changeling drones with unusual wasplike coloring. They were commanded by two Princesses, one in one like Chrysalis (although they all look like her, but they usually have different coloration), one with a mane and tail of a rich golden color, and another smaller, slightly larger than a normal pony, and with a light purple mane. Yes, Chrysalis acted like a true Queen and instead of doing something herself, she make her subordinates do it. The princess with the golden mane, who watched after drones, noticed my landing. "Greetings, Princess." She politely bowed to me, while glancing stealthily at my wings, then at the horn, then at the cutiemark in the form of a sun on the rump, then on an unusual long pink mane. Yes, I appeared on the ritual site in the guise of princes Celestia as she was a thousand years ago. Smaller Princess repeated her movements. "I'm Aurora, the elder Princess of the Changelings, and I was delivering material for the ritual, and this is my sister, Kogitaria, she was drawing a ritual circle. Mother warned us that we must wait for the alicorn, but..." "But you didn't expect me, did you?" I asked, trying to imitate the facial expressions, intonation and fine motor skills of real Celestia, which will help me somewhat later. "Very good." I checked modified ritual circle, which was a complex ligature of runes, placed between two circles. Hm? So, this version of the circle should come out less costly for the caster by using the inner magic of the victims? "A very unusual decision. You did very well, little one." I turned to the little Princess, who slightly flushed with praise. "We put the victims in cocoons and buried them in the snow." Said the older Princess, nodding at a long row of snowdrifts. "Where did you get them?" "We "evacuated" several villages in the Gryphon Kingdom, when the "dragon raid" began there." Aurora singled out the last words, hinting that the dragon raid was as fake as Celestia before her. "Perfect. I hope you did not bring... inappropriate material?" I'll still check whether there are sick wounded and the like, among victims, but it's better to ask now. "We have weeded out the elderly, the children, the sick and the wounded, and then sent them to the Auroras Hive." - Cogitaria added her five bits. Ow, not good. Children are suitable for such rituals the best. Rituals come out ... more precisely. And the need to sacrifice children... When it bothered me, anyway? "Good. You can go your own way, or, if you want, stay and look at the ritual." Aurora immediately cleared the ritual site from the drones, then sat down on the sidelines, gazing at me intently. "I think I will go." Said Kogitaria, disappearing in the emerald flash of teleportation spell. "What about a special order?" I asked the Aurora. "Unicorn-mares?" I nodded. "Five individuals, Mother said that she wove in them all the necessary charms. They're over there." She pointed to the snowdrift with her hoof. "Good. And now you'll be out of here." I politely asked. Aurora and her drones dissapeared in the emerald flash. So, what is the Star Focus Ritual? This, if we speak in very simple language, is a method that allows us to use the power of stellar combinations even when the stars do not quite converge. For example, if Luna had access to the "material", she could use a stellar combination of four stars to escape from her lunar prison two centuries ago. The only downside of this ritual is that this is sacrifice, and the longer the period before the convergence of the stars, the more you should sacrifice. For the ritual which I doing now it is necessary to sacrifice nearly two hundred sapient creatures. Not that their lives worried me at all, I just do not like dirty rituals, and after this I will be covered in blood from head to hooves. And although this avatar will crumble into dust after the completion of my affairs here, but unlike my younger brother or niece I really do not like taking bloody baths. With a heavy sigh I walked over, to the center of the ritual circle, where through the thickness of the ice could be seen boiling darkness, and put tip of my horn to the ice. Like a swift stream, my magic rushed down, under the ice, to meet someone who was slumbering in the depths. King Sombra, one of the greatest unicorn magicians of this world, one who today would gain freedom and begin a new life. My magic touched the sleeping mind of the ancient unicorn, slowly awakening from the torpor into which he fell, bound with chains of Eternal Ice. Seeping through the ice, a black shadow that seemed to be a rift leading to the Abyss, rose from the icy depths. Then two eyes, burning with insane green fire, opened and, it seemed, looked into my soul itself. "Celes-s-stia-a-a!" groaned the unicorn, staring at me. "Why... did you returne-e-ed?" Now begins the most difficult part of the play. I have to outsmart Sombra by forcing him to say five simple words, while not succumbing to my own disgust and not burning his soul. And after that… "Tsh-sh-sh, calm down, my love!" And now I really want to spit. I am really calling worthless unicorn "my love"! If other alicorns can see me now... "Discord can see us rght now. And he laughs." "We will torment this worm later." Okay, we should start with the simplest approach to the fallen King. " I ... I do not care what other ponies think about your magic, I do not care what the Luna thinks about you! I just want to be with you! Sombra, come with me!" "Wi-i-ith you-u-u?" Sombra blinked, because he, and it was obvious, had expected Celestia at the meeting to be ... less understanding and more angry. So by the way it would be. Although this couple, Sombra and Celestia, sincerely love each other (the connection between them is very strong, it's not easy to break it, and even if I had to do something like that, I would not have dared. After all, even the Dark Gods have standards...), but Celestia was slightly offended by the fact that Sombra used a bit of domestic violence on her (well, yes, he broke her spine, and then broke all the ribs, and then raped her and almost impaled her, but after all, anything happens in life) and reconcile him with her will be... problematic. "Yeah, just come with me. No one will reproach you for your past, nobody would blame you! You will be able to start life with a clean slate!" oh, yes you will... "Next to me, you will be able to..." "Yes... I... will go with you ... I want to start a new ... life..." "That simple? This one disappointed in the Witch-King. Put him back in the lake, he degraded." My eye twitched. I mean, really, I was thinking over hundreds of variants for persuading Sombra, from what I started to do to the really complicated strategy, that was supposed to confuse him before he gave me his consent. And he just agreed?! My ears were pressed to my head, and after that a black and white wave ran across my mane, replacing the vile pink color with the noble black and white colors of my true form. The snow-white fur began to smolder, and when blackness began to appear through the whiteness. I grinned, showing Sombra my fangs, then, giving in to the triumph that literally radiated from Archmage, I started to laugh. Sombra who recognized me recoiled in fear, but the spells that kept his essence bound in ice did not allow him to escape. "Gotcha!" I managed to say through the maniacal laughter, which like thunder was echoing over the silent icy wastelands of the North. "After so many years! After you have managed to break our previous deal, preserving everything you asked for! After you tore out your own eidos! You! And so easy just like throwing a small coin to a beggar, and not selling your soul in eternal slavery! Just agree?! WE ARE DISAPPOINTED IN YOU, SOMBRA!!!" I walked around him, and he froze, crushed by the weight of my presence. "But you know? You have nevertheless already shown that you are worthy to serve me. Your experience. Your skills. Your talent. Your power. I will find use for all of this." in the eyes of Sombra, to which it came down that there was a flash of hope. "But, unfortunately, I can not find the application of one thing. Your personality. And since I prefer that my slaves do not have something as pernicious as it, I will eliminate this small defect." "No! NO!!! DON'T!!!" Sombra again tried to escape from the circle when he saw the darck glow that formed around my horn. I will apply one interesting spell, which will completely remove all his personal memories, without affecting the general information which he possesses. Well, at the same time, I will conduct an experiment on him to test my ability to shape life. Oh and I will give him the promised "life from a clean slate", transforming him into something more ... pleasant to the eye. "Its funny... But the mare who you sacrificed to summon us, asked for the same." Spark literally purred those words. "Perhaps you should have listened to her?" "But you're not doing something bad with me, are you? Will you pity me? Please!" "Scream. Pray. Cry. We will remain deaf to your pleas." Archmage rumbled. "Forget whom you were! From now you are our shadow." My horn approached the shadow trying to escape it. "If... if everything is already decided... then..." pathetic. "Celestia ... I do not want to forget about her." "It is acceptable." said Spark, completely removing me and other me from control over what is happening. "The memory of your lover will disappear. But the feelings... they will stay with you forever." "NO! NO!!! DO NOT DARE, TINWE!!!" Our horn shrouded in triumphant darkness touched the shadow. You'll pay for it, Spark! Ten thousand times!!! So, my Light Aspect, having spend all her power and met with the united fury of the other two parts of me, now could only groan in pain. Yes, unlike me or Archmage, Spark is not a masochist, and what we did to her, and what we are doing right now, doesn't give her any pleasure. But what is the crook, eh?! Destroy such a ritual, cementing the result with the help of divine power and thereby depriving me of the ability to change anything!!! On the other hoof, now Celestia and what left of Sombra really can say that their union was forged by divinity. And we can use that. I angrily slashed a ritual knife on the throat of another victim, a young griffin, maybe a little over nineteen, allowing her blood to pour into a pattern already already bathed in the sacrificial blood boiling and emanating menacing black haze. Still Spark spoiled such a moment! And because of this partypooper I do not getting any pleasure from the sacrifice. With movement honed to automatism, I opened the throat of another gryphon, which was slightly over forty. The victim jerked and several drops of blood fell on my nose, after which I eagerly licked the treat. Okay. I do not think that my Herald will be able to resist me after what I did with him. A a bit of freedom? Yes. But still his soul is mine, and nothing will change this! Glancing at the four stars that were arranged around the moon with an uneven quadrangle, I finished off another griffin. The last griffin. "The stars will help in her escape, right?" I asked, when a drop of my blood, shining with unbearable blue light and leaving behind a blue smoky trail, fell into another circle, drawn on the ice inside the double circle for Star Focus. "A very precise saying." Then I cried out in zebrican languadge, while lighting my horn. "Ashtar! Dagon! Sharrak! Nammar! I conjure you with My Name, with My Power! Bow before Me, O Spirits of the Dead Stars, and by My Will break the walls of this prison!!!" For a moment, the light of the four stars faded, and then once again become as bright as a second ago, after which a thin white ray of starlight dropped into the center of the magical circle. From the point of contact, cracks started to shatter surface of the lake, runnig to all sides, and darkness began to flow through them. I took a step back. Second, another, and than darkness was drawn back into the depths of the lake. And then, shattering the ice, towards the light of the moon and the Stars, a beautiful gray alicorn mare rushed, whose black mane wavered in the nonexistent wind, whose crimson eyes sparkled with green fire and exuded violet smoke... She began to slid, trying in vain to get out of her icy prison, then, finally jumping out, onto a flat surface. But then she tangled in her long legs, slipped and hit the ground with her nose. And than she made the most lame thing she could do. She burst into tears like a five-year-old filly. Well, the first step is always the hardest... Calming an unexpectedly whiny alicorn down with the help of the plush toy depicting princess Celestia, an eidos giving power over dark magic (a tiny spark of divinity immediately jumped into the alicorn, manifesting itself on her rump in the form of two images of the black sun) and naming (Now her name is Tenebra) , I started preparing for the next ritual. Shaking the five mares out from the cocoons (Tenebra, noticing them immediately forgot about her toy and began staring at them, finally convincing me that one particular stallion never changes and, if there are cute mares nearby, always thinks exclusively by his lower brain, even if he became mare himself) I began to cover their bodies with special magical ink. What do I do and why do I need these sacrificial mares at all? Well, I'll perform two rituals at the same time. The first ritual, which has no name, is based on the fact that accepting the offering of five pony magicians makes target more willing to oblige me. The second ritual is called the "Oath of Endless Magic", and its moves a mortal who has read the incantation in my Domain, where I can do with him or her... well, anything. And yes it turns a mortal into my faithful angel. Arranging the prepared unicorns in front of the surprised mare, who immediately stretched her hooves where they don't belong , I activated a simple spell, that make Tenebra to... accept her offering, and then took out a small piece of paper, one of my feathers, and began to write the text of the incantation on it, trying not to listen, especially to what the mares who sudennly, right on the snow, go into the heat and began... enjoying each others company. Waiting until the alicorn is finished, or, more accurately, until she tried to get under my tail, I kicked her in the nose, for an attempt on the property of Enigma, sent fainted mares back to their homes, and applied a memory spell to Tenebra (definitely, memories of how you mate with individuals of another species, this is not the experience with which you want to start your life). Then I gave her a piece of paper with an oath. "?" "Read this." I said. Yes, this ritual is simple as a telekinesis spell. Even easier. In order to fulfill it, you just need to be a strong magician and be able to read. "The marks of our destinies became one, the magic without end?" Uncertainly read the alicorn, before disappearing in a flash of white light. "So, what should I turn you into, eh, Tenebra?"