• Published 2nd Jul 2012
  • 5,007 Views, 202 Comments

You're All Alone, Sweetheart - TheApexSovereign

A terrible accident leaves a young filly abandoned and alone.

  • ...

No Gods, No Masters, No Lords, No Tyrants

We entered the spacious main lobby of the castle. The sides were lined with massive stained glass windows that led to the very end of the room, where a red carpet traveled up to Celestia's golden throne. Oddly enough, she wasn't here. What was here were at least two dozen royal guards standing in rows of four, all wearing identical enchanted armor.

The one up front, a burly unicorn with short cropped blue hair was Captain Shining Armor. He spoke in a commanding tone, "I'll give you one chance to surrender now."

He's been waiting his whole life to say that, hasn't he? I wonder how Twilight will react when I kill her older brother. Discord's combination of his menacing grin plastered and the sickening sound of his knuckles cracking put the guards on edge, readying the spears clamped to the armor's siding.

Shining Armor's horn illuminated a light blue. "Just give up, you cannot defeat the royal guard. We will stand by Celestia until the end, and Equestria will stand tall."

Very slowly, my chapped lips curled into a malicious grin. "Standing under the flag of the Sun? Hmph, Equestria's my utopia now, and you're not part of it."

As if he took that as an immediate threat, he cried out, "Charge!"

Wow, for a captain, he makes some pretty poor choices. And the way he said charge, I instantly sensed fear in his tone. He's actually afraid of me!

I closed my eyes concentrated, trying to drown out the thunderous hooves drawing ever so closer. Come on! Shield and sword! Shield and Sword! Knives! Spikes! Disembowelment! Beheading! I thought of everything that related to bladed weapons.

And soon enough, a blinding light encased my horn, growing almost as tall as the Princess herself. I spread my forelegs, shifting into a battle stance as the Holy Arms occasionally spurt a tiny ray of light.

The expressions on the stunned guards were a strange mix of fear and confusion. They still held their ground though, taking my stance and readying their spears in front of them.

My gaze shot to the left for a brief moment to catch Discord resting on a lawn chair, sipping a martini.

Shining Armor stood before my soon-to-be throne, his horn shot a blue energy blast through the air, arching over the crowd, and narrowly missed me.

He fired again. I ran towards the crowd of Royal Guards. They let out their childish battle cries and charged towards me, confidence gleaming in their dark brown eyes. It's like they always say: Overconfidence will be your downfall, and these thugs will be no different.

I swung my head to the left, cleaving through two pairs of forelegs with little effort or resistance. The two soldiers up front cried out as they fell on top of one another, writhing in pain as their bloody stubs of trenchant bone clawed at the glossy tiled floor. The other soldiers stood in shock until three tripped over eachother trying to carry the wounded behind the crowd.

Still concentrating on my spell, I slit the neck open of another soldier. He fell to the ground, choking on his last breath. The next row of mincemeat jabbed at me with their spears. I ducked and jumped over one, using the momentum to hop on another and behead the guard. His head landed with a rather comical thud.

Five surrounded me. I hopped on one hoof, dipping my head low to the ground, and spun, like a record. My horn sliced through all five pairs of legs, causing the limbless ponies to fall to the ground, screaming in agony as blood spurt across the carpet like a water fountain.

My pyro cutie mark was coated with blood, hooves caked with the raunchy goo, as well as some splotches along my stomach. I felt like vomiting at the putrid smell filling my nostrils. No matter what happens, I'll never get over the nauseating scent of blood. I soon snapped back into reality when a guard narrowly missed me with his spear.

I swung my head, cleanly slicing through his weapon and finally running under him, my Holy Arms dragged through his stomach. I stopped about a few feat behind my adversary and turned. He stood for a moment, twitched, and fell to the side, his entrails splayed across the dark red carpet.

Three more guards stood before me, their eyes glazed over with tears of fear. This is the royal guard that vows to protect Celestia? A bunch of crybabies? Disappointing, I must say. The one on the right leaped toward me and spun to the left, his weapon slicing through the air above my head. I jumped to his back, arched my head, and brought my horn down like an ax. Holy Arms cleaved through all three with little effort.

Their halves collapsed over each other with their innards sliding out in a rather sloppy manner. I reared my head. One last, horrified guard stood before me and the stone faced Shining Armor. The few remaining guards tried making a retreat for the door earlier in the battle, though from looking at the remains by the soapy gate, it seems Discord warped their minds into fighting eachother.

He floated above the dull gray and red diced corpses, laughing hysterically. With a devilish grin, I turned my attention to the last guard. He readied his spear. Even though I was several feet away from him, I swayed my head to the right. And from my Holy Arms, a wide arc of blinding energy emerged, singing the carpet beneath it and causing the abandoning guard to explode in a chili-like explosion on contact.

Shining Armor set his jaw. "You're not a real pony. There's somethin' else about you." He declared. Was this guy really that delusional?

From the doorway to my right, a vibrant pink alicorn ran to the captain's side. Princess Cadence? She actually lives here? Oh, right. They got married. Sorry for forgetting, but after the wedding, everything just kinda died down for me.

She nestled her head underneath her partner's chin and said, "My love will make you strong, sweetheart."

Oh brother, I think I'm gonna gag. Her horn illuminated a bright pink as Shining Armor's lit up a dark blue. Soon, the captain was surrounded by a pink overshield while Cadence shot a corresponding beam at him. "You're mine now!" He yelled.

Has this guy ever been in an actual fight? And does he really need his wife to help him? What a dork!

Well, I know how to fix this. Shining Armor barreled towards me. I jumped and ran towards no him, but Cadence. The whole time she kept her eyes shut, concentrating on the spell, unaware of the incoming threat. I closed my eyes on impact. The impalement made a satisfying hiss of evaporating blood and flesh releasing steam like a boiled lobster. A splash of warmth showered my face. I opened my eyes to find it was ricocheted blood. My Holy Arms was lodged through the Princess' neck, protruding from her back.

Her eyes froze open. Gasping breaths lasted only a few moments before she passed. Her body went limp. I violently removed my modified horn, royal blood soaring through the air like a common peasant's. Why couldn't that Chrysalis hag do this in the first place? It would've spared me that incredibly cheesy 'love conquers all' garbage at the wedding.

Shining Armor was beyond petrified. He just blankly stared at me with his mouth agape. Now vulnerable, I took the opportunity to make the kill. Since he wasn't wearing enchanted armor, just some royal attire, I wanted to try something different. I removed the Holy Arms spell, feeling like I just removed a dragon from my shoulders. My horn crackled with black electricity. Shining Armor made one last, tearful charge but it was far too late for that.

A dark shaded lightening bolt weaved through the muggy air towards my foolish adversary. Upon contact, the captain writhed and twitched as the electricity tore through his nervous system. Blackening his nerves, the dark magic rippled through his bones. The marrow within rippled. Finally, the ebony lightening detonated. Sloppy chunks of meat showered the room.

The puddle of blood where Shining Armor once stood kinda looked like......a pretty butterfly.

Discord applauded as he flew towards me. "Bravo child! Bravo!"

I furrowed my bottom lip. "You could've helped."

The demon rubbed the back of his neck, looking embarrassed. "Oh sorry, I didn't tell you. I can't really do offensive magic. Just that." He pointed at the diced up guards by the front gate. "That kind of magic just doesn't really interest me."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, whatever." And we made our way to the staircase that led up to the rest of the castle.

There she was, on the other side of the rooftop. Princess Celestia. The chocolate rain was somehow replaced by a normal overcasting sky. But how? In fact, where's all of the chaos Discord made?

The trip through the castle was surprisingly uneventful. Like, did she only have those twenty four guards? Where's Luna? And Trixie for that matter?

And here we were, face to face, standing on top of the tallest tower in the castle, appropriately Celestia's room. Discord slammed the door shut. "Princess Celestia...." He growled, "it's been far too long."

Celestia sprang open her massive feathered wings. Is that supposed to scare us. "Stand down, Discord. Release the child or I'll banish you farther than the moon itself."

He hovered beside me, flapping his contrasting wings. "Oh, like your sister?" He gave a short laugh. "Or are you gonna banish me?"

The Princess' eyes widened. "Don't you dare-"

The corners of his mouth stretched to his ears, literally. "What's wrong? You don't remember the rebellion five hundred years ago?"

She slammed her hoof. "The child doesn't need to know that." Her voice shook on the last word. And how the hay does she know what I do and don't need? Oh yeah, I forgot. She's a Princess, and if you don't obey, you get banished.

Discord continued his remark. "The ponies that wanted a new leader, you don't remember? A shame. I heard they were banished to the other side of Equestria. Five hundred years of disease, hate, and neglect transformed them into the hideous creatures you now refer to as 'Changelings' am I not correct?" He stroked his goatee. So the Changelings were really ponies? That's really a shame. And it's all because the Princess wanted to remain on top. A tyrant is what she is.

Celestia's eyes darted around. "You..You don't-don't try to warp the child's mind!"

I grimaced, "Shut up! Just shut the hay up! This is my choice! And I'm gonna make Equestria a better place, staring with you!"

The large alicorn gasped, "What did you do to her!?"

Discord patted me on the back, "Oh, I was just there for her. Remember that letter? Three years ago? The writing was illegible, so you threw it in a fireplace?"

I felt like screaming, but I forced the urge down. I remember writing to the princess in hope of gaining some morale. I never heard back.

She stuttered over her words. What? You don't have some snappy remark now?

Discord was on a roll, "And what about the Elements of Harmony? I sincerely doubt they just appear at random in any six ponies each generation and become the 'best of friends.'" He said the last part in a tone mocking Celestia's.

Celestia tried to collect her thoughts. "But...It's for the safety of Equestria!"

"At the cost of one's free will! And in this case, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, and the rest of those unbearable twerps! You predetermine the wielders of the Elements before they're born! You steer their lives into meeting eachother!"

"Silence!" The princess boomed, her voice echoing in the distance.

The demon of mischief continued, "That little 'sonic rainboom' come on! At least try and be a little less obvious! Rainbow Dash being banished from Cloudsdale, forcing her to live in Ponyville. Applejack's parents dying in that carriage accident, bringing Rarity and her parents to the funeral." He listed these horrible acts on each finger. "Fluttershy being born with a 'natural' flight weakness, forcing Rainbow to stick up for her. You're lucky they aren't here to see this! What'll happen if they discover their great leader is just another common Canterlot snob out for her own benefits."

The princess was at a loss for words, and so was I. How could she really do this? I actually looked up to her! Everypony did! She's like a mother to all ponies, but really, she a liar and a cheat. Just like Rarity.

I took a step forward. "You ruined everypony's life!" She stood her ground.

"Don't do this, my child." She asked in a gentle tone.

I flared my nostrils, "I'm not your child! Not anymore!" My voice cracked. "Equestria's gonna be a whole lot better without you!"

"Princess Celestia! We got here as soon as-" Twilight cut off into a gasp when she and her friends, wearing the Elements, apparated in a pink flash on the right side of the rooftop. "Discord! Sweetie Belle!" She exclaimed.

Discord bowed, "The one and only."

What seemed like a meteor crashed to the left of the circular rooftop. A scarred Trixie, pounding Luna with her hooves, was blasted in the chest by an energy blast from the Princess' horn. She skidded to a stop to my right and got up. She looked exactly the same from when I last saw her, same curled silver hair, same blue coat. The only difference was her violet magician outfit was a darker shade of blue, the same as Luna. I suppose she wore a hat too, but was supposedly knocked off during her fight.

Everypony stood still, exchanging glances with one another. "Looks like we got a little stand-off here." Discord remarked.

At a spur of the moment, he slithered through the air towards the Elements like a snake in the grass, cackling like a maniac. Trixie, growling like a manticore, fired an icy blue laser at Luna, who in turn fired a black one. The two were caught in a laser duel. That just left me and Celestia.

I charged towards her. She took a stance, her horn illuminated a bright yellow. I tackled her with both hooves in front, knocking her off the side of the castle.

A/N: The next chapters gonna be one big fight scene between Trixie and Luna, the Mane 6 and Discord, and of course, Celestia and Sweetie Belle.